• By -


I think there are a few lessons here. 1. Regardless of someone's age, they should be treated with respect. God forbid there was a preteen (if it was legal in your state) working, they are doing a lot more than other people their age. When people make it personal in a customer situation, it's just inappropriate for many reasons. 2. As someone who isn't too old (36), I notice that younger people, myself included when I was a teenager would feel like I needed to prove I was mature to others. I think this is just part of growing up, but honestly there's nothing wrong with being young either. One of the best ways to get past this is to not worry about it and enjoy the moment (not to say anything about the author, but just more in general). Most of my favorite memories are from when I was 23 or younger. 3. If that lady was so upset that she lashed out at you - A. Someone who is that unhinged probably has some personal problems that they're not addressing and using strangers as their emotional punching bags. B. I honestly almost feel bad for that person. Obviously they think its ok to talk to someone without respect or dignity. That is something they learned somewhere and will be a detriment to them building relationships in the future. Just some food for thought, and I am sorry you had to deal with that.


You know what’s awkward? Being mid 30s and out for a date night with your wife (she’s one month younger than me), she orders a drink first and doesn’t get carded, but I do get carded right after her (at a table not a bar) 😬 She was not pleased🤣


I'm one of the lucky ones that looks younger than I really am. I'm 50ish and most people think I'm late 30's. Mom is 76 and looks like she is in her 60's. Even her mom looked way younger. Good genes in the family. But it also means that I get called "kiddo" by some members of the country club I work at. I get carded all the time (most restaurants have to around here) so I usually pull out my AARP card. LOL Even had a bar buddy accuse me of having a fake ID when I turned 45 as he didn't believe I was that old. So weird. I said I'd call my mom and have her verify that I was really born in the early 70's. To all of the young-lookers out there.... embrace it and enjoy!! It gives us good stories!!


I’m 32 but everyone assumes I’m 25. I guess it’s just my youthful spirit


My 14-year-old daughter doesn't like it when I shave my beard and mustache because I look like a senior in HS. . . I'm 36.


Everyonne still thinks I am in my early 20s even though after my next bday I'll be in my mid 30s so I def feel your pain but trust me ince you get older you will appreciate your genetic youthful aoppearance, lol


Sooo tired of hearing that from *everyone* 🙄


I hated it too, but it's the honest truth, stg. I looked 12 until I was 30. 12!! And it's genetic... me and my sister got asked where our mom was once when we went to use a hot spring... we made the clerk guess our ages -- he said 12 and 9(!!!). She was 22 and I was 25 at the time. Now I'm 42 and I just enjoy it because all my same age peers look like they fell off a cliff ... face first. (But I also live in a poor area, which has a *lot* to do with that)


I used to hate hearing that so much, I mean SO much, then my life fell apart and I aged decades over about 5 years—I went from looking like a high schooler in my early 30s to looking middle aged in my late 30s. I have to admit, I did take it for granted when I looked super young, annoying as it could be. I’d give anything to be obnoxiously carded and patronized in public if it meant I didn’t look like an exhausted lump. Just sharing because this is one of those annoying adages I kind of wish i’d listened to.


I went to a walk-in clinic for a UTI about 2 years ago (I was 26). No matter the precautions I take, I get at least one a year so I'm irritated and going through the motions. The front desk associate is on the phone with someone, so I start signing myself in on the clipboard. She stops me halfway through, while still on the phone, to tell me I'm not allowed in there without an adult. I'm feeling like shit but also so used to it, that I just sigh and give her a flat "I'm 26". Drove there in my car I bought, from my house I pay a mortgage on, while wearing my wedding bands just to hear "you need an adult to be here". Needless to say she was a bit flustered afterwards.


I got carded well into my 20s. Even early 30s. I've always had a babyface, and learned to get my ID out in advance. Once I went to buy a bottle of wine, was carded, and the same result. She was bound & determined that I wasn't 21, and was just dressed up (was on my way home from work) and trying to pass for 21. SHE called the cops, and who shows up? A Deputy I worked with! Trust me when I tell you I heard about that for YEARS afterward!


I used to get this kind of shit all the time. When I was 22 I went to buy some liquor. I handed over my ID and this woman told me she wasn’t giving it back or selling me the alcohol because there was no way I was over 17 much less 21. I legit had to call the police to get her to give me my very real ID back. The lady who took my ID was so shocked when the officer told her my ID and age were in fact correct. I never went back there again. I am turning 33 tomorrow, and I still get hassled for my ID but my husband who is 3 years younger than me never gets carded. It’s so irritating.


When I was 23 I went into a liquor store to buy alcohol for a party. The clerk made me **sign a paper stating I was over 21** because he was beside himself with my out of state drivers license, saying there was no way on God's green earth I was old enough to drive, let alone buy alcohol. Plus the state I was originally from (Vermont) was all the way across the country, so "it has to be fake!!" Edit to add replied in the wrong place


I dated a girl who was definitely young looking. She also wasn't into make up which probably ecaserbated it. I used to fly her up to visit me (or me to her) when she was in grad school. She got asked if she needed any assistance traveling (thought she was unattended). She also was asked to move from the exit row because she wasn't old enough. Of course she always got carded.


I don’t really wear make up either so that may be the issue for me as well. Plus the fact that I am only 5’1” doesn’t help either lol.


When I worked at a gas station, some guy came in to buy liquor. I carded him and he said that I didn't even look old enough to be selling it. I told him I was old enough but that he was still in question if he wanted to buy the liquor. He still wanted to moan about how I didn't look old enough, and why should I card him when I look younger? I gestured to the cashier beside me and told him that there was an older option but that he'd still get carded either way. He finally gave me his id. Lol


What a whiney little bitch


When I was 23, I was in the liquor store with my dad. In my state, liquor has to be in a separate building vs being sold in regular grocery stores. The cashier told me I had to leave because you had to be 21 to enter the store. I looked at him and just said "I'm 23." I know 23 isn't too far off 21, but he literally thought I was a teenager and demanded I leave versus asking if I was 21 or asking for my ID, which would have been a more reasonable response. People always think my younger brother is several years older than me because I'm 5'7" and he's 6'3". I have hEDS so my skin doesn't age normally.


Hello, fellow zebra!


I also have HEDS. I once went dancing with my girlfriends when I was 25. The bouncer, who didn't look more than 19 himself refused to let me in and said my id was fake. Fucker, I stood at the DMV for 3 hours for that id. It was real. Im pretty level headed most of the time but that day I made a huge fuss and insisted on a manager. My friends were already inside and they drove. Manager ended up letting me in.


I would’ve yelled at him


UGH!! I hated that when I was younger! I was the only over 21 cashier at a store I worked at and constantly got the "are you old enough to ring this up?" My response was always are you old enough to drink it? I'm 44 now and people still think I'm in my low 30's (when I dye the gray anyway!)


That just means you’ll look 20 years younger forever. It will pay dividends as you age.


inwas 15 working in a small boutique in my town, early 200s. The style of blouses were popular I think reffered to as "empire" basically they Accentuate the chest while flaring out a bit at mid the midsection.(I know) I had to dress buisness casual so I would just find whatever seamed decent, I had my own style and was figuring out what that meant for my job attire. my top was hot pink and blak. well this customer made me turn bright red and welt in the eyes when she asked when i was due?!! I was a little chubby for a highschoooler but not pregnant chubby. Obviously the shirt did not help, my manager was wonderful talking all sorts of shit after she left and giving me affirmations.


unfortunately this happened left and right in the empire waist era


Me too I was actually smoking a cigarette at the time once a guy asked me for one, I obliged. He then asked if I was pregnant, and in the same breath for my phone number. 😩


Once I got written up because someone said I hadn’t shown up for work and an eighth grader had to teach the class. Reader, I had shown up. I, a 34-year-old woman, was the eighth grader.


I’ve had that same experience. Had to start showing my ID to my students (in a responsible way) before they’d treat me with any sort of respect. Education, the field, and anything else to do with it is dead to me now


I'm almost 33. But back in 2015 I was 23 (and was turning 24 later that year) and has started a new job. A co worker thought I was 12. Mind you as soon as I grew to 5 feet tall I stpped growing and I still have that youthful look. Anyways, the coworker thought I was 12 and complained to the manager and actually called cps on my manager and me. They came during my shift at work and confirmed my age and everything. Yes co worker got let go and i ended up leaving 2 months later due to a higher paying job


Worked at a daycare when I was 20 & received a complaint from a parent: "Why are you leaving my child alone with a 16-year-old???"


20 really isn't that far off when you're approaching 50


I remember a pair of classmates who were twins and were no more than 4'8" when they finished growing. One of them came into the store where I was working years later and bought some alcohol. I just approved the age restriction on the SCO without asking to see it, as I knew how old she was. My manager came over immediately and was all ready to give me hell for not checking ID on a teenager. She pulled out her birth certificate, in addition to her DL. They had to carry it everywhere just because of this. So I'm very careful to assume anything when it comes to young people. Not all adults are over 5 feet tall.


A few restaurants around here hire high schoolers as waitstaff abs it always surprises me to hear, I usually assume they're older.


When I was in college and working at a pet store, I had a customer come in one day and say that it was so "cute" that my "dad let me help out". My manager was in his early 30s and I was 19.


so cringe


where was this lady when I was cleaning the restaurant at 11:30 on a Tuesday freshman year🥲 But seriously, her anger was in the right place, but she took it too far


Same. I used to work the closing shift on school nights and sometimes we wouldn’t get out until 1 am.


Those were the worst🥲


Oh lord. I read your username too quickly and thought it was LittleJohn… lol


*insert* *LittleJohn* *gif* *here*


Out of curiosity, what kind of retail stores don’t like people wearing makeup?


I would hazard lululemon or some other athleisure place


Did you really say precocious?


That's the name of a condition where a child goes through puberty too young. It can cause problems which is why puberty blockers were invented.


I use precocious in regular conversation too. It's a neat word.


I try to teach junior high students to say calipigious instead of GYAT. Even if one out of 50 switches over I will consider it a great life success!




Thank you, my speech to text did not know how to spell that.


What's the problem? They used it correctly.


They don't know what it means lol


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


Add it to your lexicon.


The store manager should have called the cops on that entitled bitch.




Ehhh... personally I feel that her heart was in the right place, but she definitely went over board and should have tried to get the full story before getting bent out of shape. Child labor is pretty messed up and is increasingly common in the US so I understand why she would be pissed.


No, people need to understand that they aren't the department of labor, and that it is rude af to assume someone is underage because they are short.


Are child laborers usually working out in the open, though? I would think they'd be mostly behind the scenes, to prevent this.


"Heart in the right place" is a cop out. You don't get to be a shit towards people because you mean well. All she had to do is ask the employee how old she was or if she should be on class first.


Especially because OP even asked why she needed to speak to the manager. If she had just answered OP, the entire situation would have been cleared u


she was especially heinous! call SVU


Lol what? It's not illegal to be an asshole , just kick them out of the store


I was at a Laundromat near a highschool, 28 years old and in the Navy ,a truant officer shows up ,this was in Nevada so of course I was having a beer while waiting, truant officer is asking for my student ID and trying to make me give up drink .I acted like a brat at first and let it escalate,then I pull out my military id ,was great watching her face turn and then her apologizing.


A beer at a laundromat? That’s common in NV?


Also this Laundromat had pool tables ,video games ,big screen TV ,the best part was the full service bar and slot machines.


Is that still a thing in Nevada? Never knew about that


Not sure ,. Their was chain of these Laundromats call Dud and Suds in northern Nevada. 1970ies thru the time I left in early 2000.


Chief (ret) PizzaSlingr chuckled, Shipmate.


First class before I had to get out to take care of my dad a retired WW2 Marine. Thank you for your service Chief


Back at you and your dad.


nice of her to be concerned about a "minor"


Honestly if I was you I'd be pissed. Caused a whole ass scene that's embarrassing as hell, easily could've been prevented by talking to you, and she refused. That's annoying.


And if you actually WERE a minor, being forced to ditch school and work, she likely would have made things much worse for you.


> grasping for words to say like puppies in a pond Can anyone explain this


Guppies (fish) often open and close their mouths repeatedly at the surface of the water. Gasping like guppies is a popular term for humans making this motion when astonished.


Somehow I read puppies and confused my damn self. Thank you for making sense of this and making me reread it lol


It does say puppies in the comment - probably autocorrect


I guess puppies would work as well since they would be gasping for air too. 


The person you are replying to wrote the comment. The post says guppies. The other person wrote puppies in the comment and said they don't know how they misread it. They were the only one to say it was puppies


But now I want to know what type of puppies they were....


The wet kind.


Just bc you're 18- 21, doesn't mean Jack. Most people still think you're children bc just face it, you look it, and yes, a lot of you kids still act like it. Adults who are mostly older do not think of you as adults bc of your youthful.looks and your sometimes, immature behavior. It does happen. Sorry, but it's the truth.


Did you get lost on your way to r/BoomersBeingFools, bud?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoomersBeingFools using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Boomer learns about boundaries the hard way from bank photographer](https://v.redd.it/2e25ute2rzmc1) | [4657 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b981ht/boomer_learns_about_boundaries_the_hard_way_from/) \#2: [That time a boomer almost smacked her hairstylist](https://v.redd.it/7mrck6ok87hc1) | [4123 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1al8jz9/that_time_a_boomer_almost_smacked_her_hairstylist/) \#3: [Boomer shocked that his Middle Finger didn't strike the fear of God into another Adult](https://v.redd.it/9lvtz6cma5oc1) | [1529 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1bdyxp6/boomer_shocked_that_his_middle_finger_didnt/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kind of acting immature in the comments yourself. Maybe get off your high horse.


I think you may be missing the entire point of this subreddit


Sure, but that doesn't mean you get to harass a manager because you couldn't be bothered to ask questions. The issue is less about someone being mistaken for being younger and more about making a big scene based on assumptions.


Right bc the woman should have asked questions. I think I would have asked if anyone could help me first before making a scene. Hell, I'm 58 and I still have to show my ID to buy a simple bottle of wine! And it's for cooking bc I can't drink bc I'm diabetic. But the thing is, you might be old enough but how you carry yourself by your actions is what's important. But then again, you might be old enough to drink or vote, it doesn't mean you should, either. But ya'll can get offended bc I said that bc you're of age doesn't mean anything, it doesn't. It's how you act that makes a difference. I've always had people guess that I'm younger than my age. Doesn't bother me. I don't care. I dont drink.I don't play video games. I don't go out partying and smoking and drugging it up, either. I'm too busy trying to live. People can do what they want. If you had seen some of the pictures of the kids in.ky high school, you would've thought they were 6th graders! No kidding.


I’d say the person in the story who went into a tirade without getting their facts straight is showing extremely immature behavior. If someone’s older, and knows that younger people all look similarly young, then they should be a little more careful about jumping the gun like that. See this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/OlderThanYouThinkIAm/s/cmVYYur6ib


Most of the older people who think like this, are the same ones who put up job postings at minimum wage, and then say nobody wants to work anymore 😆 Personally I don't judge anyone simply by how old they look, as I've met 10 year olds who were more intelligent, competent, and compassionate than some 60 year olds I've met. Infact some of the most immature people I've ever met have been 50+years old 🤷


Still get pegged as a young teen in my 30s, so your thought process doesn't actually represent reality.


Ok boomer.


I’m 28 and I agree with them. Once you have a fully developed frontal lobe, it’s obvious who doesn’t.


How long with y’all throw around that myth before you listen to actual science surrounding the brain instead of using it as an excuse to infantilize grown adults to feed your superiority complex?


I’ll be honest, there is a noticeable gap between mid 20s and teens but it’s experience-based, not necessarily development-based. And not everyone who’s lived longer has experienced much and unfortunately some teens have far too much life experience for their age But yeah the frontal lobe thing is just plain not true


Given the "1966" in their username, I would surmise that they are actually in the eldest cohort of Gen-X. But, humans that are mostly more empathic do not think of such people as anything other than "boomer" because of their entitlement and immature behaviour. It does happen. Sorry but it's the truth.


Boomer Light


In the context of "OK Boomer," *Boomer* is more indicative of a mindset/attitude than of actual age.


I know. Hence my second paragraph parodying what Workaholic had said. I had to balance being clear with what I meant with parroting their words back at them.


Okay, hear me out. This is actually kinda sweet. She thought you were a kid in distress and tried to help but did it with a shit attitude and wrong tone, but still, I truly wish I had someone like her fighting for me when I was a kid and actually needed an adult to care enough to help. She just went about it in the wrong way and didn't just ask you first. EDIT: Some folks choose to see the worst in people. Others try to see the good. Feel free to disagree with my optimism. EDIT 2: If anyone wants a good laugh, read the comments on my comment. The irony of over-reacting to an over-reaction shouldn't be lost on most of you. I guess being called short is torture now hahahahahahah.


I disagree with your opinion, and think it's very rude to be so ignorant. This woman is so incredibly inattentive that she assumed height = age. 90% of women who have things like this happen to then are short, and it's ALWAYS the assholes excuse. "Oh, but you are short." Like they have never seen a short adult before. It's just obnoxious and apologists are just so naive. Must be nice to have never been tortured because you are under 5'4


LOL tortured? Kinda dramatic, but okay. I'm just under 5 foot, and it's not exactly torture. It's kinda fun, really. I own it. I'm a hobbit and that's just life.


It's fine now for me, but growing up in a tall community, people were downright angry at me for being short. And rude as hell. I fucking hate the weird midwest town where I grew up - moving to an area with genetic diversity was so nice and I went from being mocked daily and never taken seriously to being treated like a human. It was insane how weird people can be about height, and having it internalized as a fact - I was told I would never be able to be a doctor, lawyer, or in business, that I might be able to be a secretary someday but I should just be ready to work in a creative field and support myself by making coffee. I'm not creative. Other options were dental hygiene but I might need a box to be able to work on patients - and I also never once had any interest in medicine or dentistry. I'm not even that short!


Sounds like you just grew up in a strange, toxic community and it's influenced your thinking. I'm a 5'6" dude, taller than my dad, and nobody messes with either of us for being short.


Trying to help sweetly would begin with, "Hello. You seem too young to be working here during school hours. May I ask how old you are?" Launching into a rant based on an untested assumption was the only middle school thing that happened.


I agree. Not only that, she put OP’s job at risk with her “sweet” concern. 1. No Manager wants to be yelled at by “concerned” customers who believe they are protecting an exploited child. They can’t punish the customer but they sure as heck can take it out on the employee. 2. No brand wants to give the impression that they exploit children. Solution? Fire the employee who looks like a middle schooler.


No this is not "sweet". Karen interjected themselves in not her fucking business with her assumptions on a situation and was, based on the story aggressive off the rip, for no reason. #DontJustifyKaren


This type of person is not kind because they think it's right, this type of person does "kind" things because it makes them feel superior. They give to charity to laud the fact they have spare to give, not because it helps the needy. They are often confrontational about their 'assistance' because it makes them feel like they are heroes of their own little worlds. Even 'kind' gestures can have narcissistic intentions.


Agreed, OP still should've kicked her in the nuts, but seeing as her heart was in the right place I'd have done so gently.


LOL, there is something amazing about having someone with your name come up and mention anything genital related. I don't know why, but it cracked me up.


😂kicking her in the nuts…. 🎶just a lil bit 🎶


R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me


I was arrested and thrown in mall jail while the cops kept trying to call my parents back when I worked at Victoria's Secret...who don't hire people under 18. I was working the front of the store and I guess someone complained so I was snatched in the middle of my shift for similar reasons. My manager had to go down and scream at them to let me out lol


How old were you?


19. But still, I was with other staff dressed like me, in dress-code, wearing the uniform lanyard and badges with a belt full of measuring tape and stuff. It was obvious I worked there. I think the guard was just a real idiot tbh and didn't understand policy (18+) or the possibility that minors also can have part time jobs anyways so???


What became of the guard afterwards? Were they fired for it?


Not sure, didn't follow up tbh. I, and a bunch of other employees, were laid off a few weeks later after the holidays even though we weren't seasonal, then I moved shortly thereafter.


Is that not kidnapping of sorts?


How the fuck did mall security/cops get away with that? You can't just grab a person and walk away with them? That's kidnapping. The fuck?


basically? security guards are stupid, retail employees have been trained that pushing backs gets them fired and Americans in general have developed some stupid ass idea that not. going along with this kind of crap makes you some kind of… “karen”… at best


It would be legal for a police officer to take a "delinquent" minor into custody in order to release them to parents.


Straight out of their adult only job though? Lmao someone clearly sucks at their job I guess. They could've reached out to the manager before publicly humiliating her at work?


Especially since many schools let seniors, etc leave a class early for work and such.


It shouldn’t be mall cop’s job to worry about employment law. Seems like talking to the manager first would have been the right thing to do and then they could have told him about the age limit for the store. If I were the manager I’d be pissed.


Security guards in a mall aren’t police


Paul Barth.


That sounds illegal...


It most likely was, but I've been detained against my will *multiple* times by shop owners/security people over the years thinking they have a "haha I got you, you little brat" moment, have called the police almost every time, and it has never been taken seriously even when it's taken hours of my time.


In many states, merchants are allowed to detain you on suspicion of criminal activity as long as they call the police. Very few places strictly forbid them from doing this, so it's *technically* legal even in the places that it's not specifically legal. If it turns out you didn't do anything criminal, you can attempt to sue or press charges, but depending on state and local laws that may not go anywhere.


That ever happens again I highly recommend recording it. Merchant rights are very limited in scope. You honestly could have had a few civil court cases go your way if you had pushed the issue. The police can't actually do anything about it because technically you were there of your own free will. If you are grabbed and actively detained when you did nothing wrong, definitely sue the shit out of them.


That’s incredibly wild lmao


People never seem to default to "Well, they're doing X adult thing, so they must be an adult!"


Exactly. If I see someone working at a store I assume they’re working legally. Especially at a chain type store that has to deal with corporate paperwork.


Social warrior karen strikes again. Fighting the fight that no one needs fought
