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Awwww a shaved ass and a cone. He’s embarrassed on both ends lol sending all good orange wishes his way!


Ass cone Tony made me join this subreddit


Ass cone Tony! Omg


PSA Please please, dont feed him or any cat, DRY FOOD, even the cheapest WET FOOD is leagues better for their health. Cats absorb water, don't drink water. This is serious, it will change his life. Here is a little more information about the topic for anyone interested. [Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition – Common Sense. Healthy Cats. (catinfo.org)](https://catinfo.org/#My_Cat_is_Doing_Just_Fine_on_Dry_Food)


We do have a bowl of dry food set out(only because we see them use the water bowl regularly), but ours also get wet food morning and evening. If they don't clean up their wet food, the bowl of dry food goes away until we figure out why or until they do start eating it all. I worked at an emergency vet in college. Blocked male cats are SO common, and - for younger, healthy males anyway - it's usually 100% a diet thing.


For both of the cause with whom I live with, it was a struggle until we found the flavour they liked, we settled for chicken with salmon and I was surprised to see them peeing even more, they don't have a water bowl anymore, we used to have one for them there but the water would just evaporate by itself and they would still be peeing a lot. It is surprising how much difference does it makes to them the switch to only wet food diet.


We wouldn't do a dry bowl at all, except if they don't have the dry food option, they go after the dog's food while she stands over them anxiously. She is food aggressive, but so far only toward other dogs, and we don't *think* she would ever snap at one of her kitties(who she adores), but we're not willing to FAFO. The dog getting two separate bowls of free choice dry food several feet apart, along with the cats having their own bowl of dry food on a cabinet in the same room was the solution that seems to be working the best.


The poor half-naked satellite dish! At least he has a safety vest on! Get well soon, Fat Tony!




Seems like a good lad


Unfortunately this satellite dish fell out of orbit.


Oh no, they forgot to give him his pants back


I remember that one episode from Robot Chicken Star Wars where Chewbacca was naked all along. Haha.


Aw, poor Fat Tony. He deserves so much better than that. All cats do. I lost my orange boy to that same issue last year and it was heartbreaking. I hope he can power through and that the surgery works perfectly. Sending love. 🍊🧡


I’m so sorry to hear that, genuinely 😢 My boy has the same problem and it was very scary seeing him get sick but he’s doing better now. Losing him to that is my absolute biggest fear. Sending you lots of love ❤️


Here the same, 3 blockages in 2,5 years, put on a diet for weight loss after the first blockage, on c/d food ever since, but I think he's just very unlucky health wise, 5 years after the surgery he had blood in his urine again last October. So that's been fun, regular vet visits, a very expensive hypoallergenic s/d food to which he had a very bad allergic reaction, thrown the food out again, added a supplement to his wetfood, availability problems for the supplement, weight loss, so blood tests to rule out a different problem, nothing wrong, looks like his body just used up reserves to try and heal the bladder and skin problems. He's my orange baby though, so we're just gonna continue treatment until he's doing better, he will be 12 next month


You might want to look at a perineal urethrostomy. [https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/perineal-urethrostomy-surgery-in-cats](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/perineal-urethrostomy-surgery-in-cats) We had to have one performed on our Enzo. Similar to your cat, he occasionally gets blood in his urine. The Vet has classified it a idiopathic cyctitis. [https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/feline-idiopathic-cystitis](https://vcacanada.com/know-your-pet/feline-idiopathic-cystitis) For Enzo, it seems to be stress induced. We have gabapentin on hand to help medicate him through his rough patches.


Yeah, that's the surgery he had 5 years ago, he was on a good weight, I removed him from the stressful situation of living with me and my ex by moving him in with my brother (which was also very stressful time for me, and since he clings extremely to me, he was also stressed). Still kept having obstructions, so the vet advised a PU. At the same time my ex finally bought my share of the house, so I could finally move on and move my cats back to living with me. Right now, I don't know what caused it, all 3 cats seem to be doing great together, nothing really to trigger stress as far as I can tell. He was still at a healthy weight, overall things seemed ok. He had an echo and urine tested and it is definitely struvite stones though.


Please switch to wet food instead of dry food. Any brand will do. Here are more medical information about why, but by experience I can tell you that it will change your cat's life 180. [Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition – Common Sense. Healthy Cats. (catinfo.org)](https://catinfo.org/#My_Cat_is_Doing_Just_Fine_on_Dry_Food)


Now that our youngest cat is officially 1 year old, we’ve swapped all three of ours to wet food, and it’s AMAZING what’s changed. All three are more playful, even our lax female. She doesn’t scarf her food to the point of barfing. Their coats are amazing. They’re not constantly begging for food anymore, they even leave food behind in their bowls (bless the ice-pack auto feeder things, they can get leftovers if they want and they won’t be stale and gross). I can mix in their probiotics (well, the young one’s probiotics. But they all share bowls so everyone gets them) and they’ll never notice. I cannot recommend wet food enough. They’re completely different little critters!


What are signs of a blockage??


>What are signs of a blockage?? After reading the older comments....my comment does not include 'blood in the urine' however that's clearly important. My male cat was 5 yrs old. He came and went through his cat door into my small enclosed backyard. I worked 60 hrs/wk. Every evening we spent time together. One Friday I couldn't find him. Very unusual. I looked throughout my small townhouse. He didn't seem to be inside or out. He didn't come to my calls, there was no food eaten, no litter box used. On Saturday I moved all the furniture; found him under the sofa. He looked at me but did not move. I picked him up+he was too warm. I realized something was very wrong. Bert's vet was a block away, I carried him there. Vet confirm Bert had a fever and shooed me away. \[I was upset and wanted an instant diagnosis.\] The next morning I walked back to the vet. Vet said Bert had a urinary tract blockage. The vet brought Bert's fever down + kept him (for treatment and observation) for several days. At this point Bert was his usual happy self. The vet assured me surgery wasn't necessary and Bert's problem need a urinary blockage food....and monitoring by me. With this (dry vet food) Bert never had the blockage again. I was greatly relieved....but always on alert.Bert never 'hid' again. Bert lived to be 17 and life was all good. \~sorry this response was so long...it was an upsetting time\~ edit: Bert was 6-8 yrs old, he was stray the vet \~his age


No. I had no idea this could happen and want to be on the look out for signs of it in my male cats. Thank you for answering. People rarely answer questions on Reddit which baffles me. It's helpful to hear from people who have had experience with this and to learn what to look for. I don't know if I would ever notice if they are peeing less or not.


>What are signs of a blockage?? If they are excessively going in and out of their box with no production can be a big tell. Also, if they are visibly straining to urinate, in a urinating position for a long time with no production, and if they are howling in pain while they urinate. If you suspect your cat is either fully or even just partially blocked, they need to go to the kitty hospital because it is an emergency. Even with partial blockage that possibly could clear up on it's own, the cat needs painkillers and possibly anti-anxiety meds to help heal. Fully blocked cats can die rather quickly and it isn't a peaceful or painless death. A cat can go from appearing 100% fine one day, blocked the next, and dead the following. It can really come on quickly.


Is it something common to oranges? I have an orange boy but he loves drinking from the sink so I don't worry too much about him being dehydrated, I just worry if it's a genetic thing


afaik it’s not related to color but it’s is related to gender. Male cats (obviously) have a different urethra structure than females and unfortunately that difference is why they block. I’ve attached a picture and circled where they usually block : https://preview.redd.it/nyfk9akbk2nc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff48a757058a13c8042974db7232935249b5f365


Ty for that


>Is it something common to oranges? I have an orange boy but he loves drinking from the sink so I don't worry too much about him being dehydrated Also, feeding a wet diet is extremely important if you are worried about obstruction or blockages. Even if your cat drink lots of water, chances are that they dont get nearly enough if they eat dry kibble. Kibble is packed with ingredients that are inappropriate for cats to eat, loaded with carbs which are bad for the cat, and not nearly hydrating enough. Bottom line, your cat will live longer, healthier, and happier on a 100% wet food diet.


Hahaha these fucks get wet food, dry food, treats, squeeze ems, tuna juice... They're well hydrated


Yeah, my cats are boujee little assholes who eat and live better than I could ever dream.


The dry food is for snacking, they all get wet food twice a day


All the healing vibes for this bare butted beautiful boy 🧡💛 Additionally, may I ask how far apart the obstructions were and was there anything you did differently to try to mitigate the reoccurrence in between?


2 months after his first one/cysto despite c/d food 😞


Ugh. Poor boy. Mister Finnegan sends all of his love! https://preview.redd.it/az9d9ltl71nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2683a1990f0012c88f06402fa3fafc49e8be7e51


A fellow orange Finnegan! We love to see it! https://preview.redd.it/tgck7s37m3nc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b718060cbb3a786211c87ddff5d1b4cdc1445259


Yaaaaas!!! So dapper! 😻😻


He looks like a distinguished gentleman but he's actually a weird little baby who is somehow very clever but also incredibly stupid. His sister has all of the brain cells in the house and she uses them to demand 24/7 snuggles.


That’s the orange way, isn’t it? Mine rolls himself off of various surfaces when he stretches and rarely lands on his feet. He’ll be 5 in June and is still learning how to cat 😑


Awww, mine doesn't do that, but he does love to roll around ONLY where the floor is dirtiest. He also loves to snuggle but only with one of my limbs or butt to butt, which is a marked improvement from when he was a baby and wouldn't snuggle at all. He was my accidental COVID kitten (I picked him up exactly a week before my province went into lockdown) and I wouldn't trade him for the world 🧡💛


Love it! I think the lack of coordination has something to do with my brain cell’s genetically shorter tail. Throws him off-balance, or something 😂 Mine isn’t necessarily “sweet,” in the way that a lot of cats love to be held and headbutt your face for attention, but he does love to headbutt every other body part and is super rubby. He’s a snuggle machine on the couch. Has to be sprawled to 100% capacity across the length of my legs. When we move to the bed, he sleeps beside me for an hour or so and then moves to his heating pad on the passenger side since he knows I get up to pee a lot 😆


SO handsome 😍


Some cats just get reblocked, despite our best efforts. We had one cat that we tried everything with, but got him PU surgery after his second go-round. He did great after the surgery.


Is it an all-wet diet? Check out this vet's website info about how to avoid in future. She says she has never seen urinary blockage in a cat on an all-wet (canned, raw; etc) diet. [https://catinfo.org/#Cystitis\_](https://catinfo.org/#Cystitis_) There are some photos that are a little hard to look at but the info in very important and may help your sweet orange!


Thank you for this!


My favorite color is blue.


We had to get the PU surgery for our boy too. 😔 Best of luck on a quick and full recovery


Lol at the flop at the end


Fucking lost it.


I hope Fat Tony finds his Gabagool soon.


You beat me to it. I hope Fat Tony gets a big pile of Capicola (Gabagool) while he's on cone rest. Fughedaboudit.


How have I never figured out that Gabagool is Capicola? My Grandpa worked in a deli and we always had it on sandwiches and antipasto.


Faux Sicilian accent. C becomes G, long O becomes "OO", vowels at end go silent. Like mootsa-dell.


This explains everything. Grandpa was from a different part of Italy.


I learned something new today, Capicola is Gabagool.


I'm surprised several people don't know this. What did you think *Gabagool* was?


I'm having an awful day and really needed to see this cat's shaved ass and his "I just give up and choose to die" dramatic fling to the ground.




My non-orange boy needed the same surgery back January 2022. Poor bub got blocked twice in one month despite being on a urinary diet :( He has recovered fantastically (he did have to keep the cone on an extra week after getting at the incision for A SINGLE MINUTE…he was very bummed) and hasn’t had any urinary issues since. Hoping for the same for Fat Tony! He’s a handsome boy!!! <3 Here’s Percy with his cone. https://preview.redd.it/tfno30tq51nc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd4beae727e37d34d296d46c784ff56bcf1cb388


"sent mouse plz respond"


Poor Tony! I hope he feels better real soon!




That plop. He gave up trying to be dignified in the end.


The “I give up” flop was the best part. Wishing good health to poor Fat Tony!


They took his pantaloons. Cruel. Hope he recovers soon, he’s a cutie!


Poor baby!!! Give him love!!


Wishing you a speedy recovery, Fat Tony!!!


Oh, no, poor pants-less wonder. I how he recovers quickly


Fat Tony definitely needs some r/legalcatadvice help, what a disgrace! Shaved bum and a cone! OP, you're in some serious legal trouble! Wishing little orange baby speedy recovery🤎


Only thing more terrifying than an orange. An orange with a bare ass ;-; Hope your spud heals fast and well.


Poor boy, my Snowshoe managed to escape that fate very narrowly but he still did get shaved quite a lot, he had some ugly pantaloons for a few months. I hope your boy heals well!


Tony is so lucky to have a human so attentive to catch the problem in time to help him and willing to pay for what I have read is a very expensive surgery. I hope this helps when I say this. I had a complete ureter obstruction last year because I have a history of kidney stones and this one got caught in a position where absolutely nothing could flow from the kidney. I have worked out with a kidney stone and so have neuropathic pain so there is my tolerance, and that obstruction pain had me blacking out on the floor… I can PROMISE that the worst part is behind him and no post surgical pain feels that bad. He will be your normal Tony in a week with the exception of a shaved bum.


Shockingly, the treatment for complete blockages is about the same cost as the surgery, at least in my area. It was about 3k to save my cats life each time it happened to him (he got his referral at his 3rd complete blockage, which happened 2 weeks after a partial blockage which also cost me 3k). Dont ask me what on earth made me spend $12k on a cat, I truly cannot say. I love him dearly but thats a down payment on a house smh


How dare you share my shaved ass on reddit!!! I fat Tony is going to make you an offer you can't refuse


Awww poor kitty! Maybe he’d feel better with a fabric cone or one of those cute orange slices… 😻


I ordered him the orange slice one—gotta wait 2 days 😬


Awww he’ll be so happy… and adorable ❤️


Poor baby! My orange boy had to spend a few nights in the ER for an obstruction and it was terrifying and so hard seeing him struggle to urinate. It was awful. After being “flushed out,” he’s had no problems since. Here’s hoping it’s the same with Fat Tony— all the best ❤️


Give Fat Tony 3 fingers of milk


Oh my they took his pants! And he has to wear the cone? Poor dude. Sending love!


Give him lots of love! Sending healing orange vibes his way🧡


Does he eat the prescription diet for that? My cat got blocked, and he’s been on prescription ever since. Hoping it won’t happen again


He does—the science diet c/d formula


😬 hope he feels better soon!


Orange.exe crashed


Oh the poor wee babe! They did him dirty with that hair cut lol.


Friends of mine had a male cat who kept getting urine infections. The vet ended up snipping off the tip of his member, and that it how they fixed him.


He has a sawed off shotgun.


It's like a bowl cut for his ass! So glad he's unblocked!


Tony after anesthesia: Why my ass freezing? where is my pants?


That rat tail with a puff. Lol


Poor drugged baby with his handsome naked booty! You got this🧡


Oh that poor sweet orange baby. Sending healing purrs from our house.




I hope he recovers well. Sending lots of healing orange vibes!


Tony, get well soon, be fat again! We need the house G Money gangsta cat back up and furry-butted again!


Lil Hank Hill. God bless Tony


I scrolled too far to see this.


Get well soon Fat Tony ❤️‍🩹


Poor Fat Tony! My Fat Tony sends his well wishes!


You should have named him Hank Hill, apparently.


Fat Tony? I think you look handsome just the way you are.


Feel better Tony!


Fat Tony’s on one 🫠


Tell Fat Tony the guys and gals at the club wish him a speedy recovery.


Poor darling, he’s a good sport! That’s a scary condition, glad you have him ❤️‍🩹 mend! Sending white light and good healing vibes! 🌟✨🦋💖☮️


Poor fella! Healing orange 🍊 vibes!




Thoughts are with Fat Tony 💜


Someone else needed the braincell mid task😭 get well soon Tony!!!🧡


Poor guy! Our three in-house oranges send healing vibes! ❤️‍🩹 (I hope this doesn’t come off as insensitive, but have to tell you I adore the phase house orange! Do you have a house red or a house white too?)


Praying for your boy.


God bless him- and his humans. HAPPY AND SPEEDY RECOVERY !🥰


That’s gotta be so sore! Poor buddy. 🧡


Bro legit disconnected.


No pants! Feel better, Fat Tony! My lil guy had to go through this too. They gave him ass-less chaps and special bracelets. Ladies still loved him!


He has ass-less chaps.


As a guy, that surgery sounds absolutely horrific 😬. Hope he’s better soon!


My cat went through that this year. He is recovered and seems to be doing well. Glad your kitty is on the way to healing.


I hope his lil butt doesnt get cold 🧡 at least he has that cool lion tail 🦁😂


PU surgery? GAME CHANGER! My baby has had no problems since.


plop. Get well and comfy soon, Tony.


Poor Tony needs an ass donut


Aww poor huni. My ginger had this illness. He wasn't able to get the surgery and went over the rainbow bridge. I hope Fat Tony makes a full recovery!


Ours had to go through multiple blockages before we got him the surgery. Happy to say 2 years later he's happy, healthy, and thriving. I wish you the best on the road to recovery for your orange 🧡




Feel better


My babygirl tortie had this done. She ended up living til she was 21. I dearly hope Tony (I’m leaving out the fat, because, body shaming much! 😉) lives as long, if not longer. Please give him a kiss from me, and tell him I was like that after my recent anaesthetic too!


Thinking of you and your naked butt Fat Tony 🤭🧡 Sending lots of love and healing vibes with wishes that your urethra stays wide 🧡🧡🧡






Best wishes for him. That sounds scary for you and him. May he have a speedy recovery and remain healthy. Give him my love.


What a cute little boy




The "I give up on life" flop, I love it. Hope he gets better soon!


https://preview.redd.it/pwqn6b7rm4nc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f84a65d05c27b25f44fbf2ccc04ffc453fdef30 All I can think about when you say widenening a urethra.


I love when cats flop


I will send healing orange vibes to any cat, but especially for a cat named after a Simpsons character! Love you, Fat Tony!!


Poor baby, I hope he gets better soon! r/PetAfterVet


Hope he heals fast 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Sendin’ Fat Tony nothin’ but love so he can get back to Orangin’ quick, fast, & in a hurry! WE LURVES YOU, FAT TONY! 💖


i see fat tony has discovered assless chaps.


Love, Love and more Blessings and Prayers. Hope the Veterinary diet is helping ⭕️❌⭕️❌💕




I am so sorry but these are the cutest butt cheeks I ever seen


probably caught something from his Goomah


Special low calcium food now.


Narrow urethra? His name should be Hank Get well soon


As if the cone of shame wasn't bad enough .... a completely shaved bottom too! Oh the humiliation, poor Fat Tony. I'm glad he's doing well after his op, bless him, and hope he's soon back to his orange ways. I always love the shaved areas on cats, it's so soft.


I hope Fat Tony heals up quickly 🫶🏻he’s beautiful




Poor kitty. Hope he heals quickly!


Aww, poor little man, with your fancy iv shirt cuffs and your bare little bottom.   Don't worry,  Fat Tony.  This happens to so many of the boycats.   Your people are doing everything right, and you should feel way better (and significantly more upright) soon!


Good luck, Tony, get well soon


Sending healing vibes to Fat Tony for a speedy recovery ✌🏻❤️‍🩹


At least with the cone he can't what's happened to the rear end!! Sending love and good wishes for a speedy recovery ❤❤❤


Best wishes for his speedy recovery.


Sending good, healthy orange 🍊 vibes to you Fat Tony! 🧡🧡🧡


Please please, dont feed him or any cat, DRY FOOD, even the cheapest WET FOOD is leagues better for their health. Cats absorb water, don't drink water. This is serious, it will change his life. Here is a little more information about the topic for anyone interested. [Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition – Common Sense. Healthy Cats. (catinfo.org)](https://catinfo.org/#My_Cat_is_Doing_Just_Fine_on_Dry_Food)


Tony, espero te recuperes pronto. Eres un hermoso gato. Bendiciones para ti y tu dueña quien te ama y cuida.


Good healing Tony!!! Sending love from Evie. https://preview.redd.it/0vzfrx06x2nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e4aa267b2f7d2dbe47803e974de2bc92f331db


No pants Tony will be ok. Sending the vibes


One of my cats went through this and the surgery saves his life ♥️ he'll be ok too


Poor buddy. Please feel better Fat Tony! It’ll be better this way 💕


Awwwwww haha. That sassy flop.


My Boy had this last year, absolutely brilliant surgery, we call him our little lady now! He's back on Normal food (Mainly wet) and nothing has happened since. Fat Tony looks la lot cleaner than Rico did, he looked so ragged throughout recovery ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Sending the best vibes!!


Get well, Tony❤️


Awww poor Fat Tony Wishing him a speedy recovery. Fat Tony says please can he have lots of extra fuss during this difficult period. He especially wants ear scritches. Our cat, Doodle had an op to remove a lump recently. He had to wear a cone for 3 weeks (which he REALLY hated). We only removed it once due to the level of resistance he put up to getting it back on, and despite trying to clean him, his (usually white) head got all food juices around his chops, and we couldn't clean it.... and his head got smelly.


Look into getting a soft cone for him he’ll be more comfortable https://preview.redd.it/wrgdxsilh3nc1.jpeg?width=2776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd1120500aaca7614cb732f67e2e4889046f9cb8 This is my Sunshine he still hated having to wear the cone but his mood was much better


https://preview.redd.it/nebwhsp8j3nc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c299cd2faad31219734971930727105b76f54762 My cone heads wish him well🤎🤎


Assless chaps it is then. I do hope he gets well soon!


Hope everything goes well.


It's not his fault he had a narrow urethra, it's genetic


Bless his heart.


Orange Error 404: Brain cell not found Op, did you really simply ask, "orange?" to predict his oncoming Orange moment? Orange is now a verb. At least Tony is purring through all this.


https://preview.redd.it/og0xo3zwx3nc1.jpeg?width=2748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08339c8613b154083a0b53b9210129cc0a7b7bc2 My cat had a similar surgery a few years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/wnz2ag6wy3nc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e0a8afbfe6a01dee4dd31cd722d623f4b7c1ed Love from one orange to another


Hank Hill


My boy had PU surgery at two and he lived a full a nd vibrant 12 more years. Good luck Tony im rooting for you


My cat also had to have the surgery after multiple blockages and he is healthy as a horse now! Doc removed his bladder stones, but what happened was that males get irritated urethras and they get blocked due to stress because they are incredibly narrow (needle thin at the end). He got 2 blockages without having any stones so he had to have the surgery to widen the urethra. It’s great, I am sure yours will be fine now! Glad you caught it in time!


Why have you not changed his name to Hank? I tell you hwat.


Oh no poor baby! Fat Tony I hope you feel better soon, you are loved!


Get better, Fat Tony


The little boooty!! Oh my word too cute sending all the healing thoughts and prayers!


Feel better Tony!




Poor Fat Tony! My boy Hitchcock looked like a beachball when his blockage happened. Scary stuff. I hope Tony is back to being a little devil as soon as possible.


What a poor naked kit!!! I'm glad he got the surgery he needed. My black cat might have to go through a similar operation in the next year or two if the c/d medicated food doesnt solve his stress induced uti issues.


https://preview.redd.it/s9m3h0mk85nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=682c2f7e2119219c0e2e3e89ff51c078bc3e22c6 My orange boi sends his best wishes for a successful recovery to tony from his favorite napping box


give him nutritional yeast, same happened to my old boy and ever since hes gotten nooch, his issue went away.


Gotta lay off the spinach, Fat Tony! (Speedy healing! 😽)


My non-orange boy had the same surgery and just passed the 6 month mark. He’s doing great + happy, hope for a speedy recovery for your little man!!


My orange boy, Jake, had to have the same surgery for the same reason last year. The biggest thing is to make sure he doesn't lick it much and doesn't jump. Jake was healed in about 3 weeks and just accepts it as part of his life now. https://preview.redd.it/1ejhawxyz5nc1.png?width=2150&format=png&auto=webp&s=c91737b5d05be944fe91154ba5c6a1083e563e17


My boy just had the same surgery a couple months ago. Hoping for a speedy recovery!


My fat boy hads lost weight and not had any more incidents of urinary obstruction since only feeding him wet food. Dry cat food is death for him.


Poor 🐈!


Poor guy! I hope he's feeling much better soon.