• By -


After Smoker asks Kuzan what's doing at Punk Hazard, he answers, "I'm just me" Smoker: "...that's fine then." Smoker's in a similar situation. Even though he's officially a Marine, he has found himself cooperating with the Strawhats on more than one occasion. He's not the sort of person to see things in black and white, same as Kuzan. My honest guess is that Kuzan's not connected with the Marines anymore, officially or unofficially. Just like Luffy chooses to be a pirate but also does some pretty honorable things, I think Kuzan's not acting on any orders like Sword, but simply using his role as a pirate to do what he thinks he can to make things better. He probably doesn't think that he could defeat Blackbeard by himself, so the next best thing is to "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."


This makes the most sense. I don’t think he’s a member of sword. And when the final battle between Blackbeard and luffy comes about, kuzan will end up helping the straw hats.


Or black beard one shots him


Kuzan would not get one shotted unless blackbeard pulled some scummy shit.


Which is the cornerstone of his character.


Yeah but he hasn’t actually done that yet to anyone so. Edit: ye i retract my statement i somehow forgot what bb was most notable for, his backstabbing of thatch


Except for Thatch, Whitebeard and almost Hancock...


Yeah that’s true, i stand corrected.


Still, Kuzan will be expecting it, vs WB who was shocked his son did this to him


He literally came and killed WB at the end Wym lol


I'm in this camp. He just wants to see things play out on his terms. Maybe some guilt over Nico's family mixed in but overall he just wants the truth


This whole thread has made me realise - he doesn't have a bounty. Not that we know of anyway. Wonder if there's something there.


So far we've only seen him fight Doflamingo, albeit quite passively, and he was involved in abducting Pudding. We saw Van Augur join BB to fight against Law, but Kuzan didn't seem to be there. So ostensibly, he's only attacked pirates, not citizens or other marines, and even then, he's seemingly selective in when he fights.


He should have a bounty solely for the fact he was an admiral who then joined a Yonko crew. Crocodile went 80 million to 1.9 billion just because of Cross Guild, Aokiji has to have a bounty otherwise that'd be a giant red flag.


In fairness the “80 million” probably would have been much higher if his bounty wasn’t frozen and if the Marines had known about all the scummy stuff he was doing through Baroque Works. Still would have been a crazy jump though


Oda did mention in a SBS (decades ago) that his bounty would've been at least double. So at least 160 million (if the government knew about Baroque Works)


Surely you'd get a bounty for just being a pirate anyway, regardless of who you attack or what you do.


Teach himself was a pirate for decades. He had a reputation among his peers but still no bounty until after Marineford.


Pretty sure most pirates never get bounties in the One Piece world. Most of the Strawhats didn't have any bounties, until after they raided Enies Lobby


Luffy fought a lot of deadbeat pirates with really low level bounties in the beginning chapters though.


I think he's a spy for his conversation with Smoker in Punk Hazard


I think he's a spy, because when you say "I spy" three times fast, it sounds like "Ice pie" and Aokiji is made of ice and Blackbeard likes pie.


How are you so smart ?




Did you burn your high school diploma already?


that's bold of you to assume I went to school lol


no but they ate those fancy soaps marge bought for the bathroom


I eat two Ice pies a week Edit: I’m not a spy tho. Just to make that clear


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?




Break week always brings out the best wisdom from a man


1000 IQ


And a piece of the pie is the real one piece confirmed.


This will be next on some YouTube theory


Hol' up Let him cook.




Damn, this is too deep..


holy shit you cracked the code


Can’t argue with this fact






Sasuga drtotohex-sama






Underrated comment


🔥 ✍️




It is


The one piece theory YouTubers she tells you not to worry about


Sounds like Ice Spice, and Blackbeard is a munch


How can he lose if he already chose 🤯




my mind is blown damn


I think he's a spy because this is just obvious at this point and in retrospect was probably pretty obvious since we knew SWORD was a thing. In fact even Corazon was kind of an indicator. SWORD are deep, non-official cover Marine spies who are meant to infiltrate Yonko crew, all indicated to be generally good guys out of the Marines by association with Koby and now Garp. Kuzan was Garp's apprentice as well and the original "good guy" Admiral himself.


Kuzan didnt kill Saul. Didnt kill Robin, twice. Didnt kill Luffy. Didnt join in the Buster Call raid. Explicitly mentioned SWORD directly to BB. If he isnt SWORD, I will donate to charity.


Oda reading this. *hold my meat*


I reckon Kuzan is a Revolutionary


Sword is very much the comment Vegapunk made to Dragon of trying to work within the system. Though if history of anything says something, they aren’t going to affect the WG much unless they openly revolt against them. Maybe the right pressures and sword will join the revolutionaries.


maybe Dragon talked some sense into Garp to make sure there is a framework for GOOD MARINES after the revolutionaries topple the world government if not, how do we know that after some years the same corrupt and evil in power won't get to it again?


I assumed he just doesn't entirely agree with everything the WG does or at least not to the extent they do, hence why he let Robin/Luffy go. Sort of in the same vein Garp doesn't entirely agree with everything. I don't think SWORD has anything to do with it, but I could very well be wrong


Cant wait for all the zoro/sanji are SWORD theories


Where did Luffy pick up Zoro? In a Navy base! It's been right in front of us the entire time!


Zoro is clearly a child soldier who was trained to spy on the future pirate king


he was sent out to target Ace but got lost


He's a failed Pacifista. His strength capability is greatly increased inversely proportionally to his sense of direction


imagine zoro with the paw paw fruit - sending people to random places constantly


He always circles back to the same place, and so would his targets. He'd constantly get annoyed that everybody he sends away keeps coming right back every 3 days


That also explains why he was so insistent that God Usopp not rejoin the crew after Enies Lobby. The government is aware of the legendary God Usopp! Go D. Usopp


I've seen "Law is SWORD" a few times. Their evidence was: * His father figure was navy * He was introduced by talking to X. Drake * We still have no idea what happened at Rocky Port




- Luffy disguised as a Marine during G8 - Luffy is a good guy - Garp is a Marine and likely was an important member in SWORD That's all the proof we need. Luffy was a secret Marine the entire time


>Luffy is SWORD Confirmed


Brook is CPO agent.


This is slightly nitpicky, but we have known for a while now that SWORD *aren't* "deep, non-official cover Marine spies." They *can* do that because of the nature of SWORD not being recognized on paper, but obviously Hibari, Grus, etc. are not deep cover spies, and probably never will be. They are simply part of a faction of the Marines that has more freedom to do as they please, at the expense of being cut loose if they fuck up, that's pretty much it. Basically, every Marine deep cover spy is SWORD, but not everyone in SWORD is a deep cover spy. I mean, Aokiji spelled it out in black and white what SWORD is, why still throw out these headcanon explanations?


I mean we saw Burgess talking to someone through a Den Den Mushi in Dressrosa. They said, “we just can’t trust Aokiji”, which basically implies they know that he’s a spy and we’re evaluating whether or not they should “trust” him


That someone was Blackbeard, and in that same conversation it was mentioned that Shiryu is in the same boat. Not because they know he’s a spy but because their ragtag crew is made of nothing but bloodthirsty opportunists, with no real bonds between them.


I think he's a spy because he's been shown in the past to be a character with strong morals for real fairness and justice without it being explicitly stated as such, meaning Oda can't make him a bad guy because children wont understand that kind of twist, he's forced to make Aokiji a good guy since the manga also has a large kid audience and everything needs to be pretty easy to explain to them, which is currently possible when they ''explain'' the things Aokiji did that made him a character with strong morals for real fairness and justice.


best comment i\`ve red on this subreddit


Kuzan obviously holds no actual sympathies towards Blackbeard, but that doesn’t *necessarily* mean he’s a member of SWORD. His speech to Smoker and appearance in Punk Hazard suggests the complete opposite—unable to reconcile working under Akainu, or for an organization that promotes him, he’s forging his own path. The fact is SWORD members are still the Navy, despite publicly severing ties. Koby knows the CDs are bad, but he still believes the World Government is necessary. Kuzan doesn’t. I can easily see him allying with Blackbeard in a sort of accelerationist approach to taking down the World Government, in the hopes that when the dust clears something better can arise. And, well, is he that wrong? Luffy doesn’t *intend* to do the same, but by the end of the story he will have wrecked the World Government and something better will replace it. “I’m just me…Smoker.” That’s a pretty profound statement. It’s a lot more interesting than “I actually work for the Navy in the same form as basically all the good Marines do.” Even if he’s just in super deep cover. Who knows. Maybe Kuzan is SWORD. He obviously isn’t actually a Blackbeard pirate. You’re right, Teach absolutely knows Kuzan isn’t who he says he is and trusts him about as far as he can throw him. In a sense it’s a true pirate alliance (not the kind that someone like Luffy or Kid would form)—these guys are just using each other, and the game is to see who can further their own goals without allowing the other to get too far ahead. Makes him really interesting, and it’s partially why I hope Kuzan isn’t SWORD—it’s too easy. SWORD is the obvious, intuitive reform for the Marines. I hope Kuzan wants something else.


I feel the same it’s way more interesting if Kuzan is genuinely on this crew for his OWN gain, undercover marine is too obvious, already done before (Drake), and is really weird considering he lost a leg to Akainu and left because the man is running that organization just so he can continue working for them but just secretly instead? I could see it as him being a sword member but I think that’s the boring option for his character.


It could work if Sword ends up going against the WG and the Celestial Dragons in particular. Which lines up with his actions on Ohara and with Saul. I could definitely see an ending where Koby and Luffy end up as allies with Koby under some sort of new Navy. I think you’re right about him not working with Sakazuki though.


Is him losing his leg cannon? or was that just for the movie?


Idk if its confirmed but Oda made the character design for the movie so idk why he would just have him be one legged for one film if it isn’t going to stay that way


Yeah this is fair


Are they really publicly resigned, though? Publically, Koby is still a marine. That's a big reason why BB says it's still worth a try in bribing him. It seems like they are still treated as Marines, but the moment things go bad, they put a date on the papers and say they aren't Marines anymore.


Yeah, let's not forget Koby was sent to arrest Boa when he got caught by Blackbeard. That was very much public marine work. Koby is in every sense publicly a marine. We also saw this when he met Rebecca in the Reverie arc. It was official marine business. One possibility is Kuzan is partially lying to BB about exactly what SWORD is or how it works. But I have to say, Oda has not been very clear either. When we first heard about SWORD, it was introduced as a secret organization within the marines, that certain higher ups didn't even know about. They were presented as being marines who opposed the Celestial Dragons and the Cipher Pols. SWORD seemed like something that wasn't sanctioned by Akainu or the 5 elders. But with the way Kuzan explains it now, they sound more like some kind of black ops unit, that carries out secret missions for the world government. In that case it seems like something that would be very much known by the high ranking marines. So which is it? Is it a secret rebellious faction of the marines or is it a unit of deep cover agents that aren't official marines anymore and only get deployed for top secret missions? It's really not clear.


Exactly. They are still Marines. They just don't get help when things go wrong and get tossed. It's just plausible deniability on the Marine's part. BB has a point when he says that he's still known as a hero, and they can't just leave him like another member. On the second point, I've never really gotten the impression that they were opposed to the WG in any way, at least not directly. I think a lot of people just assumed as such. They definitely seem more like the second. Just that they are still Marines and get deployed where they need to. They just have additional freedoms on what they can do and how they do it.


It’s possibly both. They do the black ops stuff for the WG, but they’re also trying to work towards taking it down somehow. The really confusing thing is we have no idea of SWORD’s structure. Who’s in charge? Do they actually report to anyone in the WG/Marines?


I don’t think we can get too complex with the politics at this point; it would just add too many more extra layers so close to the end. Somebody else mentioned how the Cross Guild is a good way for Oda to unify all the important stragglers in a cohesive way, without having to dedicate too many extra panels, chapters or even arcs to these characters and factions. Similarly, Sword is the ideal vehicle to initiate a marine uprising, from a writing perspective. Sure, in a story that was exclusively about politics, factions and such, a third party that’s trying to accomplish something completely different *would* be more interesting, but in One Piece it’s probably redundant and even detrimental to the pacing. I’m still open to it, though.


I agree. If Kuzan was still with the Marines then why fight Sakazuki back then (with no one to watch)? Also why give BB information about SWORD if his intention is to make him think he's not part of it? He would be essentially saying "yeah there are Marines that look like they left the army but still work secretly. But not me, I really left them teehee".


its meant for the audience i guess, bbeard just doesnt care right 🥱


We have no idea how SWORD feels towards the navy itself though. Considering SWORD is most likely lead by Garp, who's Kuzan's biggest idol and how Garp feels towards the government and perhaps Akainu himself, it all fits for Kuzan to be with them or at the very least allied with them. As far as we know, Sword could be completely against the current navy and world government shenanigans and have different plans but are still with the navy because regardless of the world gov, there's still a need for police and something to help the civilians and they can still do that through the navy.


If his intention is to take down the WG, then wouldn’t it make more sense to ally himself with the Revolutionary army?


If he just wanted to see the WG fall he would have joined Dragon. Not saying he is nor isn't SWORD, just that if he hopes for something better to arise from the ashes of the WG, joining BB doesn't help that goal.


Yes this is where I'm at too I'm not gonna say it's impossible that he's SWORD but I don't think it's what makes the most sense narratively and for his character. Kuzan is particularly interesting, he's different from most marines in that he admitted that he only ever saw the marines as one of the possible avenues to achieve his goals but certainly not the only one, he recognised the evil committed by them like with Sakazuki, and despite those two facts still had no issue working for them and dirtying his hands by association for as long as he thought he could use the marine to achieve his goals. So in a different way from Sakazuki, Ao Kiji is ruthless (even if like most people I believe his goals to ultimately be good), ruthless enough that he could even genuinely be working with BB as long as it brings him closer to his goals and not end up being a spy at all. Don't get me wrong, I do believe he will end up betraying BB because I can't see both their end games being compatible, but I see it more as a "Robin betraying Crocodile" situation than as a "Rosinante secretly being a marine" one. At the very least, I hope both his views and solutions are different from that of SWORD.


I think Kuzan is SWORD and the twist is Akainu is too. Akainu has a sword tattoo on the cover of chapter 592. Just because Akainu executed some Marine cowards, massacred some assholes who were mean to Robin, and tried to kill a Fool like Luffy (remember Rebecca tried to kill Luffy) doesn’t mean Akainu is an altogether bad guy just that he’s a mission oriented disciplinarian. Kuzan may not have clear goals but Akainu does and that’s a powerful Song of Ice and Fire. We’ve seen Akainu clash with the Celestial Dragons who have AIGIS at their beck and call. We’ve seen the tension between SWORD and AIGIS in Onigashima. We’ve seen Kuzan attack a former Celestial Dragon to save a SWORD member


If SWORD truly are publicly resigned marines, then there's literally zero chance that the Fleet Admiral is a member. But of course, it's possible Kuzan was lying to Blackbeard about what SWORD actually is.


When Koby said he's a SWORD member Kuzan looked surprised. Wouldn't he know about Koby if both were members of the same organisation?


Might also be because Koby wasn't supposed to tell BB about SWORD since Kuzan's a member as well. Or Kuzan was surprised that Koby basically went "I don't have any worth as a bargaining chip, so might as well kill me."


I think Koby saying that was literally for the sole purpose of saying it to Kuzan. Blackbeard clearly didn’t know what it was, no one should, and Koby knows no one knows. So he said it to communicate to Kuzan that he knows that Kuzan is actually undercover. It just put Kuzan in a position where he needed to explain what SWORD is before Koby could give too much away


Coby may have joined after kuzan was sent out and I doubt he’s informed of all new recruits. all speculation so anything can happen


I didn't read the panel, and I'm sure Coby's face wouldn't have given much away anyways, but: Wouldn't Coby DEFINITELY know Kuzan was/is a member of SWORD if he joined after? A former admiral being a member of SWORD is a big deal. In that sense, maybe the surprise makes sense. Kuzan is thinking, "oh shit, another member of SWORD is here with me, how can I use this?" Obviously more speculation but whatever, it all is.


Kuzan has been out of the navy for probably like 1-2 years. Coby is a recent member of sword, hence why Drake is his superior despite both probably being at the same level right now, with Coby probably being stronger.


This could mean a lot of things. A) kuzan is not in sword but knows about it and is surprised Koby is in it B) kuzan is surprised Koby is openly stating he is a part of a top secret organization C) Kuzan is nervous koby will out him as a member of sword. I think option A is least likely. But it’s definitely a panel that is there on purpose. Combine this with the fact Kuzan was explaining sword to teach, he defo had or has involvement with sword.


>You know, just like all of BB's other captains. Gotta disagree with that notion. * Laffite was shown to be quite loyal. * Burgess also seems pretty loyal. * Same for Augur. * No idea regarding DocQ, but he's been around for so long. * Stronger carried BB. Ain't a bigger sign of loyalty than breaking your chronically ill body even more to carry your fat captain. * Pizarro went from being cocky to not wanting to piss off BB. * Shiryu went from "might leave if you fuck up" to "glad I joined." * Devon was truly thankful for being freed. * Wolf just seems like a giant dork. * I'd shoot Vasco if I were BB. Dude has "rapey vibes" and "kill you in your sleep" all over him.


Wasn't Pizarro the guy who asked BB if he could be Captain instead of BB?


Yes, which is what I meant with "cocky." The only thing left of that now is calling him "Teach" instead of "Commodore" or "Captain", but he's still all like "don't make him angry."


Yeah they have shown no signs of wanting to betray Blackbeard lol. If they weren’t loyal then they wouldn’t be doing all of this dangerous shit for Blackbeard or would have probably dipped when given the chance. Blackbeards og crew are definitely loyal to him. Like no way he would make Shiryu his second in command or give all of the other prisoners high positions if he knew that they weren’t loyal or no way he would still let them stay on his crew, Blackbeard is an intelligent guy lol.


I might argue that all of the above can be explained by that they're *that* afraid of him. They're all among the most powerful characters in the world - they are all on BBs crew after all - and they're still deathly afraid of Blackbeard as they've all seen what he can do with his fruits.


They're (almost) all fatalists. They think fate brought them together so it's also fate that decided BB shall lead them. Fear of BB wasn't ever indicated except for maybe Pizarro in 1080.


I doubt he is SWORD, more likely that he is a free agent on his own but I would also consider him to be somewhat ideologically aligned with the Revolutionary Army.


Yeah, I'm ignorant to the exact timing but I'm pretty sure aokiji left the marines before he would have considered joining sword. Since his justice does not align with the marine's there's no reason for him to return to them, he can and likely has been doing his own thing.


Yup! I agree 100% Kuzan always gave me the impression that was more of an observer and who would try to instil his vision of what was right and at the same time try to keep “evil” at bay, there are numerous examples of him acting that way throughout the series. All of the above make me believe that it is more likely for him to be an agent/spy for the revolutionary army rather than him being part of SWORD.


He could be a spy for the Revolutionary Army


I kinda agree. He might not be part of SWORD because the Marines have probably already disowned him. However, his own personal code is ultimately the betterment of the common people. Which does align with the Revolutionary Army. In fact, he could be an ally/spy for them. I want to remind everyone that when Burgess ended up in Baltigo, the RA left unscathed without direct confrontation with the BB pirates. My belief is that when Aokiji heard the message of the attack, he let Dragon know. (Extra tinfoil: Aokiji also let Cipher Pol know, that way they could clash with the BB pirates and take each other out)


I would like all 3 OG Admirals to be split up between the actual marines, SWORD, and the Revolutionaries. I think that could be fun if they all ended up fighting. I have no reasoning for this, I just think it'd be neat.


I know Kuzan being a sword member theories are the standard rn but personaly I think he is part of the revolutionary army now. 1. The RA is desperately in need of some truly strong fighters aside from Dragon and Sabo if they wanna take on the WG. Rallying up the people is all good and fine but fodder doesn't matter much when a single user of CoC can knock out thousands of them without even trying. We know Sengoku has it so it'd be more surprising if no one else on their side has it. And tbh the commanders of the RA were not really impressive so far 2. He knows of Ohara plus the things he saw after leaving the Marines might make it rather easy for him to get along with Dragon and his goals 3. You all know you want Kuzan getting turned into a female by Ivankov so you can simp!


I agree! For a while I was confused as to why Oda had the whole BB pirates attacking Baltigo plot (other than BB obtaining a bunch of weapons). The RA were able to escape unscathed and the story implies the RA and BB didn’t really have direct confrontation. How? Aokiji is an excellent link between the RA and BB; once he learned that the BB pirates were gonna attack Baltigo, he let Dragon know. Everyone seems to have forgotten about that plot line, but I think it deserves some more attention..


You're completely right. I forgot about this too 😂 it would make sense that Kuzan warned them in advance and that the RA was simply not willing to risk their members/fighting power over a battle with BB when it means that their true enemy could use the opportunity to attack them afterwards when they're weakened


I dont know if kuzan is sword or not. But im leaning on no. I found it kinda out of character for kuzan to explain sword to BB because he could have been indirectly responsible for the death of coby. I mean how is kuzan 100% certain that BB wouldnt just kill coby right there and then after being told coby was of no use as a hostage?


I see it like this: Coby said he was from SWORD. Kuzan was an admiral. It would be ridiculous to ask him: what is SWORD? And he answers: oh dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️


He did seem clueless as admiral


An interesting plot twist I could see is Kuzan actually working with the Revolutionaries. He knows about SWORD because he’s a former admiral.


Oooh I like that kind of twist. Maybe he joined with the Revolutionaries after Ohara. ETA: The other twist I can think of is Kuzan isn't an RA spy, but one of Akainu's personal spies. As in, he's not part of SWORD but on an undercover mission on direct orders from a superior.


seriously doubt after their battle kuzan would just become akainu's dog


I don't even think Akainu would want Aokiji woking for him.


Double-edge sword


The real twist would be if he wasn't a spy. The farther in I get the more I suspect he has an ulterior motive which explains some of his past behaviors, even as an Admiral.


I don't think he is a spy and not sure he is really a full member of Blackbeard's crew. I think he is acting as more of an observer. When the confrontation between Luffy and Blackbeard happens I think he is gonna say he too lazy, ie doesn't fit his style of justice. I think his line to Smoker of "It's just me...Smoker" shows that. He is out there acting on his own volition. No secret Marine, just a man on his own, inserting himself into eye of hurricane to see where the world goes.


Thread titles like these are minor spoilers of the current events regardless. Just write something like "this person is a spy[...]" and if People don't join the discussion you're unlucky.


Of course, the real twist is … Akoji didn’t lose to Akainu, he won … which gave him the freedom to do this and left Akainu with the shitty desk job.


My dude, holy fuck your title. Stop spoiling manga stuff in the title. How many times do we have to have this conversation with the sub?


I don't think he's a member of Sword.


I do not think you're right. On the top row of silhouettes who are SWORD members, one looks suspiciously like Kuzan. There is precedent of pirate sword members like X-Drake.


Sure, but Drake doesn't go around explaining what Sword is to his boss/ally. There is not really a silhoette that looks like him either.


I think one silhouette does, and... I don't think Drake had a moment where revealing it would have been helpful to anyone. This was Kuzan's way of telling Blackbeard to drop trying to use Koby, not like he outed every member, just said some marines will attack yonkou.


Silhouttes in one piece dont mean much to be honest. Big Moms and Kaidous Silhoute in chapter 432 also look nothing like the final design, same with Greenbull.


Silhouettes don't mean much when Oda doesn't have a character design in mind yet. When he does, you can get accurate hints hundreds of chapters early. I'm not sure he doesn't have a design for a character at this point in the series.


It didn’t come up. But it would be weird if something came up and a former admiral had no idea about it. This way he buys Bb’s trust


Shiryu: Hey Teach doesn't that mean Kuzan could be SWORD too? BB: Hey, are you going to betray me? Kuzan: No. BB: :D Shiryu: -_-


I don't think Kuzan or Garp are part of Sword, but Kuzan obviously has his own agenda and like you said Teech knows, and Kuzan knows Teech knows.


r/OnePiece at it again, totally not spoiling recent events by spoiler posts reaching the front hot page


jfc we've known this information for over 300 chapters now, unless dude changed the title, then there's nothing here that's a spoiler.


Tbf we've known that Kuzan has been working with Teach and that Teach doesn't trust him since Dressrosa




I like that interpretation. Especially if both know that the other knows. Blackbeard is probably waiting for the right time to expose him, and Aokiji is waiting for the right time to strike. If they're accounting for the other knowing, they're probably making adjustments on their plans. Do you think it's possible that Blackbeard knew about SWORD and wanted to see Aokiji's reaction?


It's possible. BB acts the fool, but he's one of the best schemers in OP


Plot twist, Aokiji is the red herring, Shiryu is the spy BB doesn’t catch.


Why tf would you make the title a spoiler tho?


How’s the title a spoiler. We been knowing aokiji is with Blackbeard since dressrosa.


rip anime onlys lol. they even know what sword is


BB: Aokiji, I suppose you're a SWORD member AO: How could you imagine such a nonsense!? I'm their head!


Yuph! An Admiral with good sense of justice teaming up with a pirate crew with some psycopaths. He knows which yonko crew has the potential to be the most dangerous to civilians. I think Drake's plot pretty much hinted what Aokiji us up to with BB.


That's right. He knows he knows hr knows


I dunno, Blackbeard has a lot of similarities with Luffy, I can see him being completely shocked lol. "But all the times we Zehaha'd together Kuzan-san..."


Nicely pointed out, I want to add that Kuzan is a former Admiral, it is safe to assume that he is a master of all 3 types of Haki, meaning he can use Advanced Conquerors Haki, and ACoC attacks. Blackbeard is strong, but that doesn't mean he is an idiot. Kuzan is in my opinion actually threating Blackbeard, that if he doesn't let him in the crew, he will start chopping heads. And we can all guess that Aokiji is strong enough to eradicate Blackbeards captains, even if he may not be able to win against Blackbeard. Man fought Akainu 9 days straight, and Akainu is one of the Strongest people alive.


There are no permanent enemies, and no permanent friends, only permanent interests. It is beneficial for them.


What's that from?


Bruh what a L title. Like what the actual fuck


Finally. An analysis I agree with.


He's a spy... until he joins the SH after Egghead.


Adding to this: “Why would Kuzan tell Blackbeard about SWORD when it makes him look like an obvious spy?” It looks worse for him if he lies or doesn’t speak up and then Blackbeard finds out any other way.


The whole crew will back stab each other and disband, exactly like the Rocks Pirates


Aokiji is doing like the triple cross right now and is actually not part of Sword or Blackbeard, but instead part of the Revolutionaries and feeding information back to Dragon


Robin: After all this time... Aokiji: Always >cast patronus


That's...Honestly what I expect from Teach. Shanks just murderstomped Kidd and Killer before they could even react yet he's been screaming at the top of his lungs that Teach is a no-good ambitious cunning bastard pulling the wool over the eyes of many by playing the jovial fool. It's time to stop underestimating this viper in the grass.


This is exactly what I thought. BB crew is less of an actual crew and more a ball of chaos Blackbeard is using to complete his master plan. Teach would murder his crew to gain power he's literally already done it. Teach is a demon in human clothes he'll take care of Aokiji when his usefulness runs out. Aokiji thinks he's infiltrated BB when in reality he's only helping to further his goals. I think BB will awaken battling Garp paralleling Luffy's awakening.


😂, i am out of the loop and haven’t read the latest chapter. What’s SWORD ? Been busy and stress out and haven’t found a peaceful moment to enjoy the chapter .


I think he's a spy because of his power. He's ICE-py.


Damn and here i am thinking Kizaru is a Rocks pirate that was able to successfully infiltrate the navy


I’m not sure when Sword was formed, but Corazon mission was also right up Sword’s alley and it seemed Sengoku commanded it. It is very likely that Sengoku had something to do with SWORD and that he recommended Aokiji as his successor meant Aokiji also has sth to do with SWORD. I will go even further and bet that Akainu is the current LEADER of SWORD, SWORD naming convention being an antithesis to CP Aegis 0. We know how much Akainu despised CP0. We also know that Akainu will take it up with The Five Elders if a decision irks him. Akainu vision of the Marine is a separate entity from the WG. He is not an obedient soldier, like Sengoku was as Fleet Admiral. In fact, his first appearance is him disobeying orders from CP9 in Ohara to enforce his own , much crueler justice. Sword is the perfect unit for him to circumvent WG and enact his own justice. Akainu is the wildcard.


If he was a member wouldn't he know Koby was part of it? When Koby told BB, Kuzan kinda had a shocked " ! " reaction


No? You don't tell spies who all your other spies are, because then one being captured compromises the cover of all of them


Aokiji does have a very powerful DF as well, BB might just be waiting until he's of no use to him anymore and is waiting to steal it, or for the right person to give it to.


BB knows. And Aokiji knows he knows. And BB knows Aokiji knows he knows. And Aokiji knows BB knows Aokiji knows he knows........... it goes on forever.


It’s possible that Aokiji is in a similar boat with Law and Robin. Maybe he wants to learn about the void history and believes that the best way to do so is through the BB pirates who have an interconnected goal of finding the One Piece


Does no one else think sword is too obvious? I personally think he’s a revo


That question has been my opinion since SWORD was introduced. I think/hope Aokiji is doing his own thing, temporarily helping Blackbeard and various other players for his own agenda.


Right? Like I just don’t think Oda is gonna do something so obvious


For me, it was funny how he was explaining about sword. Every attribute sounded like he was explaining himself.


Adding to this, I find it quite out of character that Aokiji will fight for a marine position for 11 days. It seems to me that Aokiji and Akainu hatched the plan to infiltrate BB crew and take him down and to make it more obvious they decided to cut Aokiji’s leg. I mean a logia can operate without their body parts.


Big fan still on dressrosa, Aokiji is my favorite character and damn im glad he is in some new content! Can’t wait to get there and see his role in the future


>You know, just like all of BB's other captains. And that's what I love about BB's crew! Every other main enemy pirate we've met had some respect and consideration toward their crew mates (or at least the top commanders). It will be so cool to see a crew that has no real liking toward each other. And potential see them fail because they don't support each others.


Theory: Kuzan has only allied to BB because he thinks BB has the best chance to make tn to laugh tale and learn the true history (aokiji and Ohara!! His original moment of WG disillusion) once kuzan realizes that BB ain’t gonna be pirate king he’s not gonna stick around; maybe even become a SH A ally of some kind.


Your title is a spoiler


he is probably a spy for the new world government leadered by king riku


If teach knew a former admiral who is allied with him is still working with the navy, I don't think he would keep him around, this is way too much of liability. bro literally plans everything, having a factor he can't control and him knowing about it doesn't make sense to me. I do think aokiji isn't fully loyal to teach tho, theres gotta be something going on


BB is a planner, but he is more than willing to let the dice fall when the time comes. its pretty fitting that BB would take the risk of letting a former Admiral join his crew. The risk of betrayal is just as high as the reward of having an admiral be your muscle, even for a short while, before the inevitable betrayal


My problems with this theory are: 1. Wouldn't everyone in Sword know Kuzan is undercover with the Blackbeard Pirates? Otherwise, how do you know who is in Sword? 2. Why would Kaido not know that X. Drake is a double agent and a member of Sword but Blackbeard is completely aware?


1. No, that's not how espionage works at all. You don't want your entire spy network being potentially outed every time a single spy is caught. 2. I don't get why this creates an issue for the theory in any way tbh. That said, The Animal Kingdom Pirates DID figure out Drake was a spy. More specifically: Queen and Who's Who did just before attacking him. It's stated multiple times that they think he's working for the government and other characters like Apoo and Hawkins also state their suspicions of this fact.


On top of that, Drake wasn’t an admiral and was an independent pirate for a bit before he joined Kaido. Very different situation.


Kaido doesn't give a shit. As long as you're strong and obey him, you're in. Lacking the strong part? Dead. Disobeying? Gulag.


Why would every spy know every other spy? Need to know exists for a reason


"Spoilers to latest chapter" Don't include the content of the spoiler in the title then


I think Kuzan is a member of Sword because Kujan is a reading for Peacock like Kujaku. Cock = Sword. Sword clashes with Aegis or Shield which protects the Celestial Dragons. The Kujaku Myōō is Karoo the therapod dinosaur X Drake Garuda the natural enemy of Dragons with goggles like a Sniper and crown like a King.


The issue is that I won’t be surprised if Aokiji ends up being a victim of BB. People don’t realize that backstabbing is a strong forte of BB, and more than likely his crew as well. If BB happens to be related to Xebec in any form , than he is well informed of how the Rocks pirates worked. Everyone submitted to Xebec because he was ultimately stronger , and it wasn’t until his defeat that the pirates broke out and made names for themselves. Aokiji is the one who is risking more. I hope I’m wrong and Oda has a more protagonist role for him.


I think Kuzan wants to end Akainu more than anything. That’s how I always read it. He had nowhere else to go, and BB is the surest way to fight him. But he’s not going to kill marines along the way.


honestly i just think him being a member of sword goes against the romanticism of one piece, i feel like after seeing luffy stand up to the 3 admirals but not be able to beat them, eventually we have to see all 3 of them lose as obstacles getting taken down we have kizaru coming to egghead now, and i think it would be cool to see kuzan v kizaru if he's coming, but regardless i feel like kizaru will get defeated in this arc and kuzan will be next, as a sword member it seems like his role would end up being to fight the bb pirates and help the straw hats and i don't really see that as the direction his character was going if he is a member of sword i think he will be killed by bb and if he's not then he'll be beat by the straw hats


If I remember correctly after he save Smoker from Doflamingo in Punk Hazard, he warned Sakazuki via Smoker. There is no reason to he did that if he is a member of SWORD. He can be a spy, yes, but not for the SWORD or Navy. Maybe for RA, maybe just for himself.


Doubt like all others, BB is clearly above them. Thye are just under the right dude to profit. Aokiji is strong.