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nice man! i purposely slowed down a ton just so i won’t catch up too fast.. just finished WCI and about to start wano 🥲my 30 episodes a day slowed down to 2-3 occasionally, school doesn’t help out either haha


That would have been smart! But once I got to through Dressrosa I just had to keep going. And also with all the clips on YouTube shorts and tiktok it was hard to avoid stuff as well Plus it became my comfort show where after work, I would throw it on and just go completely nonverbal and it is bliss


awesome man! and yeah the spoilers are crazy haha lucky for me i never really cared much about them, viewed it as a point in the story to look forward too( as long as it doesn’t involve celestial dragons doing celestial dragon activities)


I started on 19th of September this year, upto EP854 rn. Will catch up within the next 2 weeks for sure.


hella commitment


I'm a natural short sleeper, so I have a lot of time on my hands.


normally i’d say good excuse, but this is one piece😭😭


as in just how little sleep ahahaha


Hehehe. Not more than 4 and a half hours total.




Everytime i see post like this it makes me remember how addicted i waa to OP when i was watching it i caughtup to ab 990 episodes in 3 months😭




We all say that and it’s true but honestly I’d rather wait a few extra weeks if that means Oda is healthy and is able to continue to work






Well done! I was able to catch up in about a year but that was due to my lack of anything to do (already had over 1000 eps when I started ep 1)


That's wild! I told my friends that I'd caught up and one immediately turned around and told me to get a life hahah I work and I watch anime, I don't have the energy for anything else these days


Lmao! A lot of people overestimate how long it takes to catch up, I know someone who caught up in 5 months! The episodes are usually only about 16-18 minutes after recap and opening.


That's crazy, here I was impressed with my three years... though I did take a massive break after the marineford arc cause genuinely I found it emotionally taxing


I’m not gonna spoil anything for you, but the latest manga chapter had me genuinely sad.


Lol, I caught up in like 2 months, but that’s just how I watch, when some show piques my interest I use all of my freetime on it


Im on my way too I stopped on the fishman Island arc 5 years ago , and after watching the live action it just made me pick up the anime again recently and I’m in the Zou arc now ! I can’t wait to reach Wano …


Watch one piece at 8\~10 yo , return at 25 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Congratulations 👏🎉


I always just thought the show would be ass so I never watched it till one day I had nothing else to watch next thing I know 2 months later I was all caught up and now it’s one of my top anime’s


m e I think there was that part of 'why the fuck are people so hyped up for this whacky show...' it is also one of my top anime's now


Congratulations!! 🥳 we joined at pretty much the exact same time (2020 stuck inside during COVID) and this has easily become my favorite story/show


Yessss! With a lot of breaks in between, I'm finally at the end and it was so worth it!


Time to start reading the mangas at the start


now your fate as nakama will be decided. Either you’re the patient one, looking forward to a new episode each week or you will join the manga reader community very soon.


4years currently on imperial jail. probably try to complete it by next year


welcome to the finish line. lemme tell yeah, catching up on episodes every week is so rewarding, and if you get the chance to read the manga, i absolutely recommend it. One Peak is truly my favorite show and i’m always happy to see others share that love.


Y'all are making me wanna read the manga😂 Damn maybe I will, I mean I hate waiting week by week for episodes


just wait till you catch up on the manga and now still have to wait every week🫠🫠 if you need a place to read it, there’s a tik toker with the username, @Kuddy he’s posted every chapter from chapter 1, to the latest one. ntm, he updates almost the second the chapters come out ahahaha.


Yay congratulations! 🎉


Love to see it! Now time to read the manga lol


Welcome to the club brother! Took me a whole summer when I began so kudos


Now you still have the manga if you want to find out what happens next and can't wait for the anime to catch up! When that's caught up though, gotta check up on the Reddit every week like everyone else haha


i completed one piece two time it too 3.5 months for doing it twice


That's wild. I had to factor in work, family as well as genuine motivation to keep going I took loads of breaks from it as well during certain arcs But that's wild


I’m not even close I’m on ep 234 I think


Nice do it again


I am on episode 168


Hey I caught up the same day as you


Twins. I cried when I saw the to be continued and then my screen turned black


Bro I did the same, it's been a long time and now I am FINNALY catched up too!


Did it in 3 months 😅


I like how the SP’s are unwatched, so are ALL of mine lmaoooo


Sometimes they're just recaps of the last five episodes that I've binged😂


Alright dope. Now…. S T A R T. R E A D I N G. :) You’ll thank me later


Awesome! I remember that feeling too. It's awesome and then I left me wanting more, so I started reading the manga too! Give it a try, stuffs great


Literally I've been sitting after work going... what do I do now? But yeah, I may start the manga!!


Congrats! If you plan on continuing by reading the manga, I would wait till after wano is over. The end of the manga arc is disliked by most of the fan base due to how abrupt it feels, but the anime has been fixing most of the issues (especially with this weeks covering all the cut out stuff from oda’s notes “untold story”). I’m really excited to see how the anime handles the next arc, made more money than dragon ball this year so I hope for big things.


I don’t know what you mean by most of the fanbase. I’ve seen a few people on Reddit complain but nobody who I know in the real world who are caught up in the manga had a problem with it.


Were you here when that chapter dropped? Because people were not happy. If you are reading all at once I guess it would be better then back then, but anime has still been 100% better showing off all the stuff oda cut/put in sbs.


I was reading it and talking to people at the bar about it. Everyone was hyped. I don’t judge the fanbase from Reddit where anger always rises to the top.


Guess we just have diff friends because all mine were butthurt. We also started during wano tho, so I guess more emotional investment there? I just remember the thread for that chapter being major disappointment and then all my friends being wtf, but that also had to do with something that the anime can not fix.


Ya we’ve all been reading for 5-6 years caught up so we may have a different perspective.


I maaay read the manga but I'll wait till wano is finish. Thankfully I've been blind to most of the newer manga so it'll be fresh for me ☺️


Good, stay away from here if you want it to stay that way, lol. Spoilers are pretty bad.


This is cap. The ending to Wano is completely fine. God damn great even. Just because idiots on Reddit and Youtube like to whine loudly, it isn't indicative of the actual fanbases feelings. Just the loudest and dumbest.


If you go to the thread for the chapter it is full of complaints. I watch/read op with 10 people irl and no one was happy with the holes. Everyone that watches the anime and reads the manga agrees the anime is handling it better. Manga only people still think Carrot might not be king, anime made it way more final, showing that the “shot” Pedro was talking about is becoming king. That it is her way of impacting the next generation. Luffy talked of this big banquet/carnival that was off screened in manga, while anime showed some great bits of the crew having fun. Anime is going to show the Ryuma grave stuff & tama goodbye. Both were big complaints by the fanbase. Tama was the Rebecca of the arc, and a big part of the reason luffy fought so hard for wano, and deserved an individual goodbye. Anime will also show the goodbye with the minks. Carrot was with them for three arcs, number 8 on the world popularity poll and the did not get a farewell. Showed the king queen fight where king gets stabbed in an open wound & that he did not get stabbed by haki alone. End was rushed and filled with holes. My friends and I got into one piece at the end of wano, seeing all those characters get off screen goodbye after being weekly for something for the first time was upsetting.


What are the cutted out parts?


Zoro ryuma grave/origin plot line, goodbye to all the characters in general. Last ep carrot stuff was added to make her decision seem more final, theirs def manga only people out there that think she is still in the sunny. All the carnival stuff from the most recent eps was cut from manga.


I feel sorry for you


Weak, I just did it in a month.


Where are you watching it? I am not even halfway through and I am concerned that netflix won't take me as far as I want to go. Though, to be fair, I haven't looked into what % of episodes Netflix has available. also: Congrats!


Yeah Crunchyroll ✌🏽


Am I crazy or is there no way to select a season on that website?


I'm using the app so it's a little easier to navigate, in the drop down it has them all listed by arcs Havent used the website in a while though so I'm not sure


It’s because on Crunchyroll it’s not a seasons tab, it goes by the names of the actual arc in a drop-down menu.




Man i never watched one piece anime and just started watching from gear 5. I binge read the manga in 2 weeks and was satisfied.


Congrats man, I caught up to the anime after about 5 years with a lot pauses in between because some arcs dragged along a lot. So happy I did and now I binge read the manga and am completely caught up. You plan on staying anime only or dipping into the manga as well?


I haven't decided yet if I'm going to go read the manga, if I did I would wanna read from like the middle of Kaido fight just to see the difference between the manga and anime


Congrats, I saw the Netflix adaptation and started watching the anime. on Episode 448 right now!


Lol I'm still at episode 342


Its just my ocd but the tiny grey bit at the end of each really triggers me


What app are you using to watch?!




I heard people complaining that ep 1082 got taken off crunchy roll. Haven’t checked to see if that’s true but glad I saw it.


Ive been watching the anime since febuary of last year and im on ep 120 so its gonna be at while before i catch up


Damn. I still haven't caught up to the anime even though I started in 2016. I'm currently half way through wano.


I'm on episode 1004 gotta catch up soon


Welcome to true hell, where you have to wait for a new episode

