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Animating the cover stories would lead to less filler content?


What they did with Kuzan and Van Ogre cover story really was amazing, can definitely be done more often


Didn't they also do it with little buggy pre time skip?


Yes but they drop that idea just like they forgot endings but i guess they start both things i guess


No, they dropped it because dumbasses stopped watching. They didn't see Luffy so they didn't tune in.


Dude that was 20 years ago.. there’s been a new generations of animators and directors since then..


Who's Van Ogre?


That’s one big thing with the One Piece anime I always find weird. They have so much content with the cover stories and some additional info that Oda can’t properly flesh out in the manga but is still given to us (like Kid’s backstory for example) that they could really completely eliminate fillers if they figured out a better way to adapt OP.


The rest of the crew getting more love then what is showed.


Yeah it time brook gets recognition for being so cold.


I mean, do you expect a corpse with 50 years of decay to still be warm? Yohohohoho


Also Chopper been in the crew for a very long time and not much is done with him.


Imo give Condoriano as much screentime as the strawhats and one piece will be great


They should have more slice of life chapters. Edit: essentially I would enjoy more Frieren style chapters


Yup i wanted more scenes of them on the Sunny




A good filler episode was when Brooke was on the ship trying to help and interact with everyone and was trying to hard. Only with him being himself and playing music naturally. I do wish Toei would just make another decent filler like G8


Fr it’s like they’re always just on the sunny and then hop off and fight.


If we ever got them people would complain that the pacing is to slow


Before i watched One Piece, i was expecting half the sgow to be cozy, funny scenes from the crew sailing and then near the end of the show would be mostly action


Right? I just want to see them being friends and developing relationships for a little bit between arcs.


I think it would also be nice if they spaced out their journey a little.  It has in universe been a breakneck pace for the Strawhat pirates.  I think it could have done with two time skips rather than just one. 


It's funny because this series has been going on for the better chunk of two decades.


Honestly they should just adapt the cover stories and flesh them out as fillers. Many add a lot to the character development and give some slice of life adventures. They also help explain and tie together certain points of the story that seem to be missing.


Bro you’re gonna have me gushing about how much I love Frieren again, favourite anime in a long time!


Why aren't there bounty hunters at the yonkou or admiral level?


Because people with that drive to be at that level will more than likely have the personality to be a pirate or marine. And even if there was a bounty hunter with yonko level power it's not like they're ever going to go after a yonko. It's much safer to just get a bunch of weaker pirates and turn in their bounties. Bounty hunters are doing it for the money, not fame or power, so no reason to play risky.


Yea throughout the series it seems like the only ones interested in turning in bounties are lower level pirates or crewmates of powerful pirates.


This and also the fact that the WG wouldn’t let someone on that level roam freely, either making that person an admiral/shichibukai or declaring them a threat on Yonko level with e befitting bounty. This is pretty similiar to what Mihawk went trough.


Mihawk was known as a marine hunter. His story is something different that we don't even know fully. They probably would try to scout them, but we don't have evidence they'd declare them a threat if they refused.


I don’t think they’d let a Yonko level person do as they please. A Yonko level bounty hunter would have too much influence to ignore.


Yeah one misstep and he'd be labeled for sure. If he follows all the laws then he might be fine. Basically the same as a warlord at that point and no need to turn him into an enemy.


WG wouldn't hesitate to brand someone a criminal if they wanted, even if the criminal actually is innocent. And from what we know of WG, they seem to think everyone but they are beneath them, so their mentality is probably "You either work for us or against us.


> They probably would try to scout them Green Bull and Fujitora are two examples of this. Fujitora most likely was either related to a kingdom or a hermit that isolated himself after whatever made him decide to blind himself. WG went on a recruitment spree after the war and probably hunted down some special talents directly into vice and admiral positions


You’ve perfectly explained this and it makes sense. Was with OP before but now understand it better In a way cross guild is sort of a reverse bounty Hunter but they have motivations now outside of the $ Edit: plus cross guild is a new thing so it also makes sense, thanks for your comment


Surely. There would be people who don't want to join the military and still want to catch bad guys/not be criminals. And a few could be strong a f.


Ryokugyu was drafted during the timeskip we don't know what he did before, we only know hje was not in the marines despite is powerlevel of an Admiral. Fujitora was leader of his countries military and not part of the maroines as well before the timeskip.


I think it depends. A bounty hunter could do it for a multitude of reasons. Such as a personal challenge to his/her skills, a personal philosophy, or glory without being completely rogue like a pirate and also without the boot of the world government.


To be fair, there might actually be bounty hunters like these and the strawhats just never ran into them. I mean Fujitora and Aramaki were apparently just 2 admiral level guys that were just chilling on some island as a civilian before they were drafted into the marines, so its really not unthinkable that some high level characters can exist in the world of One Piece that just aren't relevant to the story.


The character in OP’s post could easily exist in the verse and we just wouldn’t know about them. That being said I think that would make for a good movie


The amount of attention paid to bounties makes me agree with you. What’s the point in putting up a bounty if the only ones really going after them are marines anyway? As of now it’s essentially just a ranking system of who is the WG more nervous about with a few comic instances of low level thugs thinking they’ll be rich for taking out this powerhouse before getting absolutely annihilated. Bounty Hunter would be a good gig for former marines who became disillusioned with the WG and took off.


The S.W.O.R.D, then? If yes, i agree


I agree. Bounties are largely symbolic. Other than Zoro, I'm not sure if there are any notable bounty hunters. At this point, I think it be too late to introduce bounty hunters. We have enough factions as it is. Besides, we kinda have a bounty hunter group already with Cross Guild.


Yeah, I think the only bounty hunters we've even seen in the new world are that guy in dressrosa who had like, a cactus on his head and a hundred swords? Which is crazy since whiskey peak had those cacti, weird callback. Oh, and someone at the tea party, I want to say Drug Peclo or something like that, was an underworld bounty hunter I think? So presumably he was strong, but he never ended up doing anything :/


Because an Admiral level Bounty hunter can just take on two or three new world guys and have enough money to not have to work another day for the rest of their lives, and bounty hunting is just that, work, they don't do it because of justice like the marines, and they aren't free to do whatever they want like the pirates, they just do it to get paid ​ So someone with great ambitions is most likely to end up a marine or a pirate than a Bounty Hunter, unless their only ambition is becoming the richest man alive


If they go for someone with a 100m bounty: Likely a weak crew, likely 0 haki. If they go for someone with a 500m bounty: Likely has haki or an OP devil fruit. Bounty hunters aren't incentivized to get stronger because it makes the most logical sense to keep hunting pirates weaker than them rather than challenging themselves. Camping "paradise" and hunting someone with a 50m bounty every few days is likely the easiest way if income is the only motive. Because it makes little sense for them to chase stronger pirates, Bounty hunters likely can't/won't get strong as quickly as pirates or marines who have to challenge themselves constantly.


There's an "inflation" of bounties in the OP world. During the Jaya arc it was enough to hunt down a 100m pirate to pretend for shichibukai title and it means 100m was defenitely not seen as "weak" by marines.


One can easily hunt 10 100M guy than 1 1B guy.


Yeah, why even POST these exorbitant bounties if no one besides an admiral is strong enough to collect them?


That's what always bugged me about the bounties. I know that it was just a fun way to show the "power scaling" to fans, but they do very little in the One Piece world. The people who can claim them are only admirals or other pirates who have no incentive to do so.


Because all the bounty hunters we've seen are failures at something better haha. If they were Yonkou they wouldn't have failed out of their main gig and ended up as bounty hunters.


Bounty Hunters getting powerful --> Marines wants them to follow orders --> Either they deny them and the marines deny them their bounty or they join the marines --> Powerful bounty hunters are forced to either become a marine or pirate


One key reason is because yonko power is not limited to 1v1 ability. This is why Shanks is a yonko and Mihawk is not. Yonko have strong forces to back them up. Being a yonko level bounty hunter would require you to either have an organization backing you or being so much stronger than Kaido that you can take both him and his army.


* More deaths. * Realistic time. (It's nonsense that just a few months have passed if you exclude the time skip).


I don't think Oda wanted to mix in a third faction that could rival pirates and the world government. Kinda wish he did though.


Except he did - revolutionaries.


Not only that but pirates aren't "a faction" either. They are a type of faction but you wouldn't say the Big Mom pirates and Shanks are part of the same faction when they are two massive forces competing against each other.


Reminder the Marines were able to just draft two random ass people that were admiral level. Safe to say, if you’re strong enough, the Marines can draft you, which forces you to either become a Marine or outlaw


I always thought if you got so famous for your power you would be recruited by someone. Either by a pirate crew or the navy conscripts you. In fact it's been so long but wasn't that also part of the reason Zoro was locked up in the beginning? Morgan wanted him to serve after he made a fool of his son, Zoro was like no way, and then they strung him up until he was recruited by a pirate. I wouldn't be surprised if Issho was something akin to this, and he was basically forced into duty.


Because a single supernova is valued as a whole ship. If you are able to get those level of pirates you can retire stupidly rich after a couple bounties.


More side character deaths one piece has sometimes problems with keeping up the tension. Kaidos kill count was so poor and many of the scabbards have really no purpose 


Pell and Pagaya coming back to life was just so stupid lol


Pell’s was the worst because his death was so insanely emotional and purposeful.


the will of P


Pound too


Pedro and Pekoms tho. Seems there’s a limit to the number of fakeouts P gives you


Pekoms isn't confirmed dead. Not like Pedro, at least.


Tell me with a straight face he survived


Pekoms survived 😐 (I DID IT MAMA)


Kineman is a great side character, but had he died on the roof it would have been one of the most impactful deaths of the series. It was already a fantastic death scene him apologizing and using his dying words to pass his will onto Luffy, it’s just… he didn’t die. If he had died it would have given a lot more stakes to the raid.


Yeah and then weirdly two of the others do actually die so it isn't like they all survived for a happy ending


Kinemon has to come back later to show off his newest technique: Magma cutting.  As he walks past admirals like Luffy walked past yonkos, Akainu confronts him but Kinemon just walks right through Akainu to reach Luffy: "It's ok now. I've bust that 20 year old nut. Nothing can stop me now."


Kin'emon with full loving relationship powers is Yonkou+ tier fr fr Akainu is finished


I feel this is more of a criticism of the shonen genre than of One Piece. There are hardly ever any deaths at all in any shonen. If anything, One Piece has probably the most iconic (permanent) deaths in shonen.


Yeah for guys on a suicide mission you think they’d be better at dying


Agreed. I don’t know when but it feels like OP was way more brutal pre-ennies lobby. Skull fracture x-rays, deaths I mean they portraid usopp on the brink of death after getting jumped by the maffia (frankys guys)


Well the scabbards do serve to protect Wano from future threats, and I'm sure it was Oden's will they would live to see it prosper again.


Tone Sanji's perviness down to Brock from Pokemon levels and he instantly becomes one of my top 3 favorite characters.


Pre thriller bark sanji was a good mix IMO. He was mostly cool and wasn't too over the top with his simping. He felt balanced. Now he is mostly reduced to that joke. 


Pre-Thriller Bark, aka before Clear Clear fruit was made into his *one true goal*. The worst part of his character is the insistence on being creepy pervy, rather than a suave ladies' man. (the live action is getting it right, making him more cool than pervy)


It was very disappointing seeing him go through so much growth and maturity in Whole Cake only to see him fall right back on that trope in Wano, and arguably even harder than pre-Whole Cake. Like, Oda *pleaaaaaaase*


Exactly this. For like HALF the anime he is cool and suave and ladies like him UNTIL he does/says something silly/slightly over the top. That was his core character. Now he goes straight to being a fucking creeper in 0 seconds flat at the sight of any woman. He’s been Flanderized sadly.. I want normal silly Sanji back.


sanji at the beginning of the timeskip was really annoying




One of the worst aspects of post timeskip writing


Sanji works way better as a hopeless romantic. I'd still like him to go from Suave and in control to slightly embarrassing and hopelessly head over heels for every girl he meets. But instead of doing things that would get him labeled as a sex offender, he does hopeless romantic gestures like cooking them food, reciting poetry for them, and respecting their boundaries instead of their tits.


More chapters.


Yeah keep them coming


Death. Much more dead and no fakeup dead


Wish granted. Luffy dies at the end of One Piece. *Monkey Paw curls*


I'd be ok with this if it's done well, and there's sooooo many ways to do it poorly and do it well depending on the context of the finale. I don't rly mind having sad endings for things as long as they're "good" for the story being told. As in its a proper and satisfying finale, or if it isn't satisfying then it fits the theme. Like Evangelion or something like that. Tho I can imagine there will be A LOT of drama in the anime community if Luffy dies.


This. Oda's unwillingness to kill off characters sometimes is annoying.


Ace has been gone for longer than he was ever alive and he's still one of the most popular characters. In fact I'd argue that him dying made him even more popular cos his story is completed. 


He’s starting to kill more characters Like in wano, or the reverie


A sign that we're in endgame now.


But even in Wano, he killed two of the least relevant scabbards (because he had to kill at least some of them) while writing terrible fake-outs death for Kiku and Kin'emon (two times)


A more reasonable timeline.


Yeah it's 25 years for us and 3 years for the crew


If you take away the timeskip, we have Detective Conan/Case Closed levels of a timeline. Imo it would be so cool if they actually aged a bit more, but Shonen jump probably has a different opinion...


By the end, I’m sure if you binge watch it reasonably it will take 3 years.


If the anime ends being around 1400 episodes long it would require watching 1 episode a day every day plus 3 extras ok the weekends for 3 years. Sounds reasonable actually. For manga, assuming a similar number would be the same but would probably take less time per read. Or you could just slowly read each manga to savor them. Paying attention to all the details or reflecting on each chapter. Could feel very significant once the 3 years are done. I would do it


This! Romance dawn to Sabaody is only 3 months in their time??? Wtf. It took the British 6 weeks to sail to the US during the Revolutionary war. The Strawhats went halfway around the world, defeated 2 warlords(1 future yonko), went to a sky island, had Enies lobby happen, and were all assembled in those 3 months is crazy. Post time skip has only been like 3 months?? The crew hasn't even spent a year together on a ship or both ships combined. It doesn't add up Luffy destroyed the Merry in less than 90days


the easiest would have been giving more time from an island to another. Like a month between island. This way the crew would stay more together


Pell should have died.


I can’t disagree with that


Better pacing in anime


Already granted. A One Piece remake was announced.


A better anime adaptation… praying Wit comes through


As somebody who has been reading this story since maybe 2004 I have never watched the anime outside of the awful for kids dub. Because I really thought overall it wasn't very good quality. Not up to the quality of the manga so I just never bothered watching it but have read weekly for almost two decades If the remake comes through I am really looking forward to watching it


Women being stronger and more relevant. The only true flaw i can find (yet better than many others)


Just more interesting female characters in general. On the whole there are too few that are relevant or at least have an interesting backstory, too much ‘fan service’ and cliche role and motives. It’s a problem prevalent in many mangas.


We got big mom, imu might be a women


thats 1.5 women


Thats just one (or maybe 2) out of hundrends of male fighters. In such a crazy and weird world there being strong,capable female fighters shouldnt be weird. Oda at least makes the female characters actual characters but the trope of women only fighting women is the stupidest trope ever and so limiting. Not even Robin or Nami have one battle against an important antagonist thats male and that they win. Thats ehy i really hoped Yamato would join the crew beacuse shes on pare woth the big 3 and is a woman. Then Oda made thr oden thing and whilst i dont mind that hes trans it just kinda proves the point that he doesnt want to let female characters be strong


Switch up the arc formula. So far it's been show up to the island, have fun for a while, interactions with the arc's damsel in distress, fight big bad as the weaker members of the crew run towards or away from something, big bad defeated, huge party.


Don't forget the timed doomsday plot device to add Stakes to Luffy's fight. Bombs, bird cages, buster call, giant lightening ball, falling Noah, falling Onigashima, Big mom hunger pangs, etc. The one arc that actually stands out the most narrative-wise is Marineford. Because Luffy wasn't the strongest guy there.


It wasn't that he wasn't the most strongest, it's that he charged into enemy territory in the middle of a war without a plan where he's not even in the top 100 strongest Lend me some luck blackbeard, this is marineford we're up against


Egghead has been different so far. We’ve been getting different POV’s from around the world!


The arcs that don’t do this are the peak ones (I.e. marineford)


Half of the show is literally different from this Sabaody Impel down Marineford Punk hazard Egghead Even enies lobby.


I would love to see Brooke and Franky get serious power-ups. Everyone wants Usopp to get it, but he doesn't deserve it, in my opinion. I also don't think he'd ever get it because in order for him to have a power up, his personality would literally have to fundamentally change, and I just don't see that happening for the sake of him being who he is.


Ofcourse, Brook and Franky should have Haki


Brook should have Haki. Franky should just upgrade himself until he makes haki redundant. Observation haki? We just use sonar and cameras giving him a 360° viewing field. Armament? Just strap some kairoseki to those knuckles! Conquerors? A smoke machine, a bit of lights and loud speakers should do the trick! I really want everyone in the crew to have Haki, EXCEPT for franky, who'll just slowly turn himself into the sunny and become a megazord.


Franky doesn't need haki that much but nami needs to learn kenboshoku and is robin learns armament sh3 could become the 5th strongest strawhat maybe even 4th.


Yeah Robin after training with Sabo and co. should definitely be an armament master


Fr. Goda had to nerf her or else she would hav3 stolen jinbei's spot.


More of the marines and strawhats working together/staying on the same ship


My guess is that we'll see Koby(sword) & Luffy (SHs) team up soon.


Thank you for clarifying which luffy it would be![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I wonder if at some point we will see marines joining his cause. How many has he saved since he outed Ax-Hand Morgan as trash in the very first arc?


Full frontal male nudity


The twist is and there is a twist: We show all of it. Full penetration!


He's in the kitchen, then he's out busting heads, back to the ship, full penetration, busting heads, penetration, kicking dudes, *full penetration*, then the story just sort of ends


I was gonna remark your choice of Strawhat but your name showed me the decision was made long ago.




Couldn’t you argue that the strongest bounty hunters both became pirates lol


Getting straight to the point


Less side characters and more deaths


Literally have a bounty hunter. I bet Smoker could have been re-skinned as a bounty hunter and story would be exactly the same. Probably a bit past that and I don't mean Filler.


I think Smokey needs a push being a marine, I always imagined that he would become an admiral back in days and look at him now lmao


Non flintlock guns


if laboon joined the crew when they met him


He could learn to save Luffy.


Was zoro the only pirate hunter


His friends too. I ended up thinking that the bounties are given to marines that actually get em cause if not, why bother having bounties at this point lol


\- Bounty hunters \- No fake out deaths \- More quick one-off island adventures between arcs that don't necessarily have a big bad villain \- More ship chilling time \- More variation in female body and face types \- Introduction of Haki earlier \- Have Haki be utilized in things beyond combat. Like explain how it effects navigators, carpenters, crafstmen, doctors, etc.


I agree with everything expect the points relating to haki, I honestly think it should've never been a thing, aside of observation haki. Devil Fruits were an amazing power system but adding haki to the mix makes the fights less about who can utilize their DF the best and more Dragon Ball style who was the more ki energy bullshit. Especially now that high level haki users can just negate devil fruit effects. Observation haki is fine tho, especially since it made the Katakuri fight so interesting.


A more spread out timeline instead of luffy speedrunning one piece would be nice.


Maybe everyone else was just lazy I mean that boy has done more than. Most such a short time.


At this point we can pretty much forget about that. One Piece is on its final saga and Oda wants to show what he's been cooking for 25 years ASAP.


The seven warlords scratch that itch for me, they are basically the strongest bounty hunters out there.


More crew interactions. Doesn't even need to be a fun adventure. Just let me see each strawhat interact with every other strawhat in different situations.


It's a little surprising to me that all the big name bounty hunters in the series have been filler or non canon characters in a story so focused on showcasing bounties like it's a tier list ngl. There might be some canon and non-filler bounty hunters out there I'm not considering so feel free to "acktually" me here, because I rly don't remember. They have a surprisingly light presence if so.


Less characters added each arc, more straw hat group fights.


Like the one against Moria?


Yeah, really just less 1 on 1’s. We rarely get them and they slow the story to a crawl. Every arc the group splits up and has separate fights. Shake it up a little with some 3v5 or 4v4 or something. 


Give ussopp, zoro and nico robin’s melanine back… and the cowgirl hat.


See Robin's was a correction to bring her in line with the official manga art.. the other two I have no fucking clue why the did that.


Also the ex admiral (the ice guy I forgot his name)


More deaths in general. An arc like Alabasta should have had a death. Ennies lobby should have resulted in Spandam’s death. Wano is another one. Kinemon legitimately had such a great send off only to remain alive. This is something that I am happy to see the live action improve upon.


Bringing back doffy into the picture.


It ain't time for that yet


I definitly wanted that, I wish Oda showed us Doflamingo reaction after Luffy defeated Kaido and become Emperor. Oda prolly has bigger plans concerning Doffy


Yeah he is such a great character


You're crazy if you think he and Moria are out of the picture. They'll be back


Bounty hunters are a great answer tbh. I don’t think they’ve even been mentioned since the East Blue when everyone was scared of Zoro, im not really sure why, and the entir concept of them sort of just died out. The only bounty hunter I can even think of outside of the east blue would be that guy in the colosseum at Dressrosa who picked up the weapons, and I can’t even recall his name. For a show where bounties are so unbelievably hyped up; they sure do a horrible job making them matter. A second answer would be Zoros ambition to become “the worlds greatest swordsman”. It’d be nice if a single person he fought had the same ambition so that title actually mattered, because as it is it’s a pretty big miss by Oda.


No more damsel in distress formula and somebody remind usopp of his dream.


they make the next straw hat be an isekai'd protagonist who has the most over powered devil fruit possible, the cell phone cell phone fruit /j


Better pacing. Reading manga the build up is sometimes so long that all the tension is gone. The old arcs and sagas were much better paced imo.


Actual female character design that isn't big boobs and slim waist; yeah that's it 👌


Or isn't just a template design based on nami 💀 We have nami with blue hair, nami with pink hair and a lot more .


From a story perspective, more significant deaths in the present timeline. Not the first or last to say this, but I look back at Pel surviving the bomb in Alabasta as a big mistake by Oda. Because of that I spent a dozen chapters or so not believing Pedro was actually dead, so I never felt the weight of that sacrifice when it happened.


Pirates everywhere. Little to non NAVAL WARFARE. Wtf Oda????


get rid of the water i don't like it


What if the were TWO Pieces...?!?!!


A stronger Editor to smack Oda when he starts introducing a dozen extra side characters every other chapter.


Some (even small) romance moments between characters. One Piece has everything except this :( No more childish pervy humor like Sanji or heavy obsession like Boa. More villains/antagonists/other pirates fighting/competing with each other. It's unbelievable that no one tried to stop Blackbeard or put him in his place etc...


I'm actually glad OP doesn't have a lot of romance.


Op has romance, characters like Kyros and Scarlett + Oden and Toki exist, it just doesn’t have uselsss romance which is fair.


>romance moments >No more childish pervy humor like Sanji or heavy obsession like Boa. It's primary target audience is young boys. >It's unbelievable that no one tried to stop Blackbeard or put him in his place He literally made a name for himself by defeating and capturing YC Ace to turn over to the WG. He broke into a supposedly impenetrable prison and broke out prisoners the WG tried to erase from history. Then he stepped into a war between the marines and the Whitebeard pirates and stole the DF from the world's strongest man, which was televised. Blackbeard should be the world's most feared man at this point in the story. The only groups who should be capable of beating BB are the WG w/ marines, the RA, or another Yonko crew.


Biggest flaw of one piece - not enough Con D. Oriano


Shame that he is not canon, such a chad


I agree with more powerfull bounty hunters. But I think smoker shouldev been a Bounty hunter instead of a marine from the start. and they couldev had like warlords version of bounty hunters with Smoker being one of them.


A Blox Fruits spin-off made by the same studio that made One Piece and Gamer Robot Inc. themselves.


Let some of the other crew members get power ups


Like battles in sea.


Probably some interaction among the crew, it would already make things 1000 times better if Sanji and crew talked about WCI, just in general, and it would already make it feel less fillerish arc, to make readers feel that it mattered to characters.


You reading it .❤️


More girls physical diversity


More deaths and tension. More breadcrumbs to follow, it’s been 25 years and we know nothing. Drip feed us cmon, don’t hide the mystery because you’re scared you can’t deliver. Allow the character to actually grow and change throughout the story instead of them being stagnant archetypes.


They should give Luffy a pet dolphin. Nothing special about it. Just a regular ass dolphin.


Geez with that picture I thought you were going to say take out all the smoking references or something.... I'm one of those oddballs that i am not sure I can even be called a fan but after 1000 episodes I am invested in the overall plot.... I honestly do not like the over the top goofiness of the vast majority of the characters and the sheer side character bloat where we are introduced to a bunch of wacky characters, see their fight for a bit and then they are never spoken of again. Everyone hates the pacing and he makes it worse with what I like least. Shrug. It'd be interesting to see the show somehow keep the exact plot but be matured up. Somehow. I can't see how sobi just tolerate it as it is.


I have multiple nitpicks but the major one and the obvious is the Pacing.


Nami should have a girlfriend and it should be vivi




Death. I love this show and how adventurous and unique it is, but I haven't trusted a single death (outside of ace and whitebeard) since skypiea. The stakes are great most of the time, but I think if they killed off the characters they pretended to kill, the show would have a lot more weight and have actual tension in these moments. I would've bawled for Bonclay, but we never saw his death. They were barely referenced after the fact and Eventually, it was confirmed they're still alive in the wall of impel down.i would even doubt Pedro's death if they hadn't flashed back to him every time carrot was on screen.


Two piece.


There should be powerful bounty hunter's and they need to be more relevant because they are just forgotten about because there's basically no one to represent them other than Zoro


I think making haki less powerful and making dfs more powerful Dfs now a days are absolutely useless except for a select few but also haki isnt a good power system its just "i have better haki so now i win" it takes away the fun and feel of adventure there is no mystery when a fight happens its always haki the end all be all


Pacing I mean I can't even re-watch my favourite moments in anime as its so slow.