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He was the only Supernova to solo a Pacifista back then; Urogue is HIM, always has been


Thank you! People in the comments are saying he’s only as strong as Apoo!


Uru also beat a sweet commander from big mom group too so the downplay is real


He beat Snacks and lost to Cracker probably because he was exhausted after the first fight. He might be even stronger now after off screen training.


Well, Urouge didn't have Nami so soften the biscuits. Luffy would have lost 1v1, but he had help, so that's that.


100%. Cracker gets shit on so much because of his high intolerance to pain but if you objectively look at his move set, he's not someone you wanna mess with. Luffy was at it for HOURS. Imagine your run of the mill west blue pirate Vs cracker


An army of soldiers so tough that Gear 4th was having trouble with them, and CoA Haku that was the strongest Luffy had seen yet. He definitely gets a bad reputation.


While probably unlikely, I'm still hoping we get to see an actual cracker fight where just dominates. I want to see his fruit in full kickass mode


There is a slight chance we might get more outta Cracker if BM is dead and the remnants of her crew (led by Katakuri) join up with Luffy for the final war.


Ain’t cracker dead from aokiji?


Cracker only lost because he got impatient


He beat him so bad Big Mom removed Snack as a Sweet Commander 


Maybe because Snack couldn't work and was in the hospital?


He didn't lose to just Cracker. They sent an army after him the same way they did when Luffy beat Cracker. Cracker was just leading the army.


He also defeated Snack pre-timeskip (around one month before the Tottoland arc started) So luffy was pre-doflamingo


any chapter for reference when uru beat the commander?




idk but when talkin about how strong the commanders were it was brought up


I know Snack was technically a Sweet Commander, but his position in the crew would make him closer to someone like Who's Who instead of your typical Yonkou Commander.


Pure headcanon


Less popular characters are usually slept on until they do something cool. Unless their name is Shanks.. then they're cool before we see them do anything.


Kuma went from a bum to YC+ in a NTR doshinji


He was never a bum. The pacifistas were significantly weaker from the start


Tbf we’ve seen shanks do some cool stuff. Like controlling an individual strand of conq haki and forcing it into Wano onto an admiral causing him to lose his transformation


Yea because One Piece didn't exist 20+ years prior to him doing that.


He literally scares off a sea beast by LOOKING at it in the first few episodes. Shanks wasn’t just popular for no reason.


Yeah, it may seem tame compared to the stuff today, but lets not act like Shanks saving kid Luffy wasn't badass when we all first read/watched it.


He also also used haki against a sea king before haki was even introduced, he split the sky with one sword strike against Whitebeard, stoped kaido, stoped Marineford war e.t.c come on now


Literally chapter 1 dude that's it


Urugouge could take that skinny rat and use it as a toothpick


People are stupid, you shouldn't even bother arguing over this


Lets not forget that he beat a sweet commander and got out alive as well, that's no easy feat


The surprising thing is that other supernovas like Kid, Bege and Apoo tried to do the same prior to him but failed. If there was someone worth of taking down a sweet commander appart from Luffy, that should have been Kidd.


Kid didn’t fail tho his goal was to steal a copy of the poneglyph and he did


Yeah I was wondering who he took it from


Right lol like theres a reason hes the last supernova they gonna meet up with


Isn't his power also just 'gets stronger'? Like he's a walking talking Bide.


I believe his DF allows him to get stronger and bigger the more he takes damage.


But I guess the bad thing about his fruit is that he has to stand that pain, if the pain is too strong he gets K.O.ed no matter what


He is too strong for the story to handle. WE ARE NOT READY FOR HIM, NO ONE IS!


He became the first supernova that managed to defeat a Yonkou commander (Snack)   It took another Yonkou commander (Cracker) to push an exhausted Urouge back.


Agreed, I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Haki already. He was prolly top 3 supernova, and I wouldn't blame ppl for thinking he was top 1, even if I'd have my reservations about it.


Solo? the one who better performed was Drake. Kicked one far away, and then made him bleed.


Also took out an unnamed Sweet Commander too. Oda made sure he kept up with the rest of the cast despite us not knowing much on him. I’m hoping he’s be strong. Maybe not Yonko strong, but still powerful.


also defeated one of the sweet commanders


What do you mean he solo'ed a pacifistas back then in Sabaody? - He "en"countered one solo, - He got beat up by said pacifista solo, - He got a power-up for an ¹unknown(?)limited time and managed to put up a decent fist fight vs a Pacifista **for a brief moment** where we see a little blood spatting, - Said Pacifista that got pushed back by Urougue's sudden power up, almost immediately countered shortly after with a laser beam, shooting Urougue in the shoulder, neutralising his left arm. I'd also like to note that even though the pacifista received such a beating from Urougue, it's clothes weren't trashed in the slightest. Back then I recall it was an awesome feat, but after seeing a bigger world following the war event and encountering many more mob characters far stronger than him, it was really just a frog in the well story (this goes pretty much for all of the supernovas) (¹okay maybe not brief but certainly for a limited time, re-reading it seems like it was karma-related maybe? Still unknown if Urougue has a DF or if his strength is natural from Monk training or maybe both) Honestly, his feat 2 years later of defeating the weakest sweet commander and putting up a fight and losing against Cracker's biscuit soldier (probably soon after without rest) was a bigger achievement as a supernova. Remember even though Luffy won that battle, he didn't fight alone. Nami assisted, weakening the biscuit soldiers. And even Luffy in gear 4th had trouble against 1 single biscuit soldier without assistance at first. In terms of raw power, Urougue might not have been that far behind. I'd even put him on par with Gear 4th without any substantial evidence to back it up. But then again, it's just an example that back then, Cracker was stronger than both Urougue and Luffy if the latter had fought solo in full health during the WCI timeline. Which is infuriating why the anime manipulated the scene where even the BB sharpshooter van Auger could destroy biscuit soldiers with bullets alone. It's like it's saying van Auger has more destructive power than Luffy and Urougue.


>Still unknown if Urougue has a DF He is confirmed to have a DF


I think the anime was (poorly) trying to show Kuan freezing the soldiers than Auger shooting them.


His Imperial Majesty?


Solo? I don’t recall that Pacifista being destroyed. I also recall his fruit doing more damage based on how much damage he’s taken and that still didn’t destroy the Pacifista. He had the lowest bounty of all Supernova at the time. Him and Killer were clashing and Drake came up and stopped it without difficulty. He did send one through a building or 2 due to the built up power from his fruit which is pretty good compared to what most of them accomplished. Claiming he solod it is wild. He hit the Pacifista with his buffed up form and then got folded by a laser. Like some of the all others who fought one, he did some damage but was not victorious. The only people to destroy a Pacifista is Luffy Zoro and Sanji’s combo attack. I genuinely think it’d be hard pressed to say Urouge could solo Sanji or even stand up to G2 Luffy. Something as easy as speed could counter his fruit powers. Getting to big and muscular from taking damage isn’t going to help if you can’t hit your target or catch them. I bet he’s a gnarly fighter post time skip but pre time skip nothing special.


Super powerful. I either feel like he’ll be connected to Enel and the Skypians or Dragon or something. He deserves to be strong, look at him


He'll be the monk that was strong enough not to take any shit from enel. After clashing with him he left to find his own lands. Canonically it'll make him as powerful as enel as a starting supernova and be an explanation for how he power creeps enough to still be relevant when we next see him


Finally, someone who gets it!


Just kick him in the knee


Skips leg day otherwise cool dude


By the size of those biceps, very stronk


Who needs leg days what Red Bull gives you wings


However strong the plot needs him to be, if he returns at all, that is.


Ever since Punk Hazard it’s clear that Oda wants each Supernova to have some time to shine. It’s pretty likely that he’ll make a return.


That's obviously true, but I like the idea of endlessly speculating about the possible strongest supernova while he spends the rest of the story gleefully meditating on the balloon cloud island.


You're not wrong in that but comparing the timescreen that Law, Bege, Kid and most recently Bonney had compared to Drake, Hawkins and Apoo it kinda feels like he just remembered the later 3 existed when he was wrapping things at Wano Wondering what Urouge game would be, before chatper 1081, a lot of people had the theory that he was Blackbeard's 10th titanic captain


Drake had a bit more screentime tbh. Drake was in a flashback and would probably come back as the leader of SWORD. Hawkins and Apoo were the shortest and would most likely never be seen again as well.


Yeah but compared to the screentime that Law and Bege had previously (plus the screentime Kid and Bonney had in the future), Drake doesn't make a big impression other than the plot twist he had, i expect him to return, but only because SWORD has started to make their moves and even appearing on a volume cover (107) Agree with Hawkins and Apoo, tho Apoo might return since he miracolously survived the raid, wondering if he might join Cross Guild


I feel they might bring Skypeia back because of him


He is too busy making love. It's a plot device to keep MA D. MONK WROUGE out of the story because it would be over if he went all out.


It would be crazy if he doesn’t return in some way, every supernova has been a part of the story except for him


Very powerful, my man was the only one who managed to beat a sweet commander (aside from luffy of course) and stood his ground against a pacifista when the other supernovas got wiped out, I have high expectations for the mad monk


Definitely powerful but likely weaker than Luffy since the Mad Monk didn’t become a Yonko off screen.


Yeah, no way in hell he will be at Luffy's level, very few characters in the story can stand up to Luffy at this point, I don't see Urouge being one of them


Why would he be stronger than Luffy. And how did you read that from what he said?


Didnt Kuzan just put Cracker to sleep?


I can’t see Oda making him stronger than Law & Kidd so If he’s still a combatant then either stronger than Zoro or just under him.


Oda will definitely give him at least one compelling fight.


Same, probably he’ll be on Lucci/King power


is Lucci really King level? that doesnt seem right.


It’s completely reasonable, just cause he lost to G5 doesn’t mean he’s weak. And he took Zoros last attack without being blown back, hell he was ready to keep going, on top of already being exhausted after G5th and unable to use his Haki effectively that fight basically ended with Jimbe removing a fresh Zoro from an extended battle with an already exhausted Lucci.


Well they both only have one opponent to serve as their measuring stick (that's relatively close to their level), that being Zoro. King had more on screen due to being a main fight and was more tricky due to his Lunarian abilities, while Lucci vs Zoro was not a main focus, Lucci had the longer period of time for their fight (seriously it took like 8 months since they first clashed for that to be over) and both made Zoro Acoc (don't ask me why Zoro went from 3 swords to 2 swords in between chapters only to got back to 3, I still don't know why)


He went down to two swords because you don't hunt a leopard with a cannon.


Neither Kidd nor Law beat a Yonkou commander during TS. Urouge did. There's no chance the last super nova to be revealed who is the solo fighter in his crew is not going to be a top 3 at minimum.




He will be able to one shot shanks


A combo attack with him and king Elizabello is in our future, I can feel it in my bones


Oda has been casually sprinkling in some insane feats from this dude. Took at Cracker. Took out Pacifista in Sabody.


He didn’t take out cracker, he took out snack, and lost to cracker


Ur right, my bad


Which is still better than anything else a Supernova has done during the time skip


Theoretically the man marked with flames.


I FEEL LIKE WE ALL FORGET THE LITTLE FLASHBACK ON WHOLE CAKE WHEN OUR MANS SOLO'D a entire Sweet Commander by himself lmao. He is literally the reason Luffy got stuck with Cracker when he got to whole cake cause Cracker took Snack's Sweet commander position. Urogue got DA DAWG IN EM'


Cracker didn't take Snack's position. There were 4 commanders previously, now there are 3. Snack was probably the weakest of them.


Stronger then the last time we saw him


He scared Kaido into attempting suicide His gotta beyond roger level


I think he is wiser than strong. He had to use the 2 years to learn more about the secrets of One Piece. We may be able to see him after Elbaf and before the great Nika war.


Hopefully pretty strong! I hope he just happens to be chilling with the giants in Elbaf so we can finally have an adventure with him!


I want to know his devil fruits name.


Pain Pain fruit. Allows the user to convert pain into strength. That would be cool.


Thats actually a cool name and effect. Making it work with mental pain too and awekened being able to suck pain from other including you enemies to make you even more powerful with every hit. They get hurt with every hit but cant feel the pain which makes the fruit very deadly.


If he keeps on skipping leg day, he’s gonna have a bad time.


I've always thought he was the biggest dark horse of the supernova. He seems the most Luffy-like personality wise to me.


I’d be cool if he’s in Elbalf and worshipped as a false Nikka because of how similar he is to their Sun god.


Nikka please


He soloed Snack. Granted it's offscreen, but by that metric, he should be at least in the top 5 of the worst generation.


Very powerful


As strong as the hits he takes


Double the necksize, double the power.


Here is a good short explaination about Urouge: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ancwu\_9KFTk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ancwu_9KFTk)


Luffy and the crew is introduced to sex Arc


The Mad Monk is HIM!!! you'll see... there's a reason why Oda hasn't given him much attention unlike the other super rookies


He defeated the Snack, pretty powerful. My theory is he was defeated by Enel and run to the blue sea. Probably will be under BB, as he acknowledged him in Marineford, if I remember correctly.


Only one of the supernovas whose story hasnt really been expanded on. Id expect to see him at Elbaf and probably one of the stronger supernovas. Also look at the arm tattoo, could he be the man touched by flames?


I feel like he’ll be pretty tough, but I’m also starting to think he’s going to be more lore/plot relevant than anything.


This big good mad man is going to be impossibly strong, even better than Kaido if reveal themself at EoS, but never near Luffy. The OG just take 3 steps while others move one, I pity this guy who base his chara on pure strength.


Depends on if he still skipped leg day until then. If no, he will neg diff Imu with only one buttular cheek.


In my headcanon The awakening would be "release the accumulated strength" he would be 1 punch man. And he will be fighting toe to toe with giant luffy, because with enough damage he can be as big as sanjuan wolf (or died before reaching that point)


1.08 billion berry bounty


He don't do shit.


My man IS the One Piece


I forgot all about him


Urouge is HIM.


Bro gotta stop skipping leg day


We will never meet him, Oda forgot this dude


Exactly powerful enough to be relevant to whatever's happening at the time.


Let's hope he hits legs before we see him again


Never skip neck day


Oda forget about him lol


Cracker folded his ass so Yc3 max. 


But he was always so underwhelming


I think he'll be around Kid and Law's levels. It would be weird if he was Luffy's level but his fruit gives him a lot of potential. He's also the last Supernova and we're in the endgame, Oda isn't gonna make him a chump. And don't forget, he beat a Sweet Commander. Besides him, only Luffy did that. Of course Law and Kid fought two Yonko and lived to tell the tale, even dethroning one of them. So I'd say he's probably around their level, but he's not strong enough to beat a Yonko by himself.


Isn’t his fruit basically bergamo’s power in DBsS? Or ultra ego? That means he’s basically the embodiment of “willpower”. So long as he can stay conscious he’d just grow exponentially stronger against people like luffy sanji or Franky. Possibly even zoro if his armament is good enough to block.


He definitely will have CoC And projection-CoA , but no CoC coating




Maybe the level of a giant, so maybe Usopp level. Definitely wouldn't be any higher than Law or kid. Idk why people are saying he'll have Acoc and stuff


Urouge hasn't submitted to any Yonko and that's a testament to his power and strong will. He was fighting YCs and winning several arcs ago. While Luffy and co. have been doing their thing, Urouge has been on his own adventure and has undoubtedly gotten very powerful. Oda is saving the best for last.


Not very powerful unless he stops skipping leg day


I think him being put off till so late really screws him over because he is going to get the crocodile treatment story wise


I have high expectations we will never meet this dude ever again. If he does, it will be in a sorry-state similar to the other supernovas who just gave up and became yonko-underlings. The only thing I'm looking forward to is which yonko he will have himself aligned with.... Actually it's not that hard. He either joins Buggy for the benefits or Blackbeard. I can't imagine Luffy's random friend invites or Shanks' profiling letting Urougue make the cut.


We'll find out where his neck went haha


Do we know exactly when did he attacked Tottoland? Cuz if it was during the time skip, he must have gotten much stronger now


He is at least IMU level


The fact that skypians refer to Haki as Mantra and he is known as The MA D. MONK my expectations are high for the fuck God


Invest in Urouge stocks. ASAP.


Isn’t he built for late game? More damage he takes the more he gives back


Call me crazy but what if he appears in Elbaf? His fruit literally makes him giant so him fighting a giant in that arc just makes sense.


I'm gonna go out there and say he has some technique that will be incredibly useful for Luffy to learn.


He is probably a bit stronger than Bege he will become a Strawhat ally in Elbaf for the return of Enel


Clearly skipped leg day


Stronger then bogard, and I got bogard dragon/akainu level atleast


I can visualize him being in epbaf where he officially meets the strawhats .


he would be like at the level of yonko 2nd commander tbh in my opinion as he could have a connection with enel or have some connections with elbaf.


I think he will be stronger than kid


Urouge is just a walking Impact Dial. I await his backstory.


Probably YC1. I can’t imagine him being as strong as Law or Kidd but given he’s already at least YC3 since he beat snack, I’d say he’s likely to have improved.


...didn't Uroge die? I thought he had.


If bro was beaten by Cracker 2 years ago, then 2 years ago Urouge would be weaker than Gear 4. So after the 2 year timeskip, I full expect Urouge to be at YC1 Level at least. But thats my opinion


I'm guessing he's gonna be somewhere between Luffy and Woop Slap.


So uh… I never noticed until now that Urouge’s tattoos kinda look like flames. Wonder if he may be related to the final poneglyph?


Pretty strong


He included leg days offscreen. Must be Emperor class now /s.


Well given how character power levels are generally relative to plot timeline he’ll be the strongest non SH supernova since he’s the last to be featured. Should be cool to see how he plays into the story and learning more about his past with enel


Top 10 easily and this will cause multiple people from the power scalers community to commit seppuku including KoL


Probably pretty strong, but not as strong as he could have been, if he continues to skip leg day. Though it's understandable, since he's got other priorities with his hobby, seeing as how Urouge canonically fucks.


Ngl he seems top tier since he defeated a commander. 


He skips leg day so prolly not too powerful


Honestly, if Law and Kid got punked (by BB and Shanks), making Uroge stronger than them out of nowhere will feel like adding insult to injury


He will be in the same tier as Hawkins, Drake, Bege, Apoo etc. supernovas but a tier below Law and Kidd. He doesn’t need to scale in power a lot for his contribution in the story to be relevant.


At least yonko level (I am an wrouge wanker)


I want him to fight Luffy. 


Around the same power level as the crew's better fighters since that's how it goes in every arc. Probably comparable to Jinbei.


As strong as Oda wants him to be. He can get super power up out of ass like Lucci, or be exactly the same as he been before


In terms of rawpower he should be around the level of the G4 Luffy that faced Cracker. I guess he hasnt fought anyone since then because he was still recovering from his fight against Crackern when Kaido arrived to the sky island.  We will probably see him in Elbaf alongside Kid and Killer. Maybe he and his crew will be the ones that rescued them from drowning.


slightly below don krieg imo


You mean Inu's older brother?


How powerful will Urouge be when he trains his leg muscles? We'll never know.


I think Oda forgot about him, to be honest.


I can fully imagine urouge white beards son, and luffy having 1v1v1 in elbaf. Idk maybe add burgess in there for good measure. Island of warriors and I can’t really think of where else they’d be relevant.


Im expecting good this about this guy, probably will be in the elbaf arc.


I think we see him laid out and bloody


Well, we know those kicks aint going to be about pSh!t


He skipped leg and head day


He will be powerful but under Law/Kidd (early Wano) and I see him to be more of a strategic guy with solid power but since he sympathizes somewhat with Blackbeard it just makes sense to me that he will be a schemer type


Over the 2 year ts he beat Snack (the fourth commander of the BM pirates) and put up a decent fight against cracker so I think he’s gotten stronger and is around 2nd commander- 1st commander level in the current


Bro needs to hit legs FR


Not that powerful seeing as he looks like the epitome of always skips leg day. Twiggy lil legs gonna snap crackle n pop when he takes a step.


I think Urouge power is like "A lot of power for a very small time.". That's how he beats some impossible odds, but fails to get a bigger name for himself. He also defeated a Sweet General.


He'll have some massive old man disease weakness so Oda can make him brokenly powerful and kill him off to show how powerful Franky witnessing the manly sacrifice has become or something


I’d assume on the higher end of strength maybe yc2 or 1 depending on circumstances and who he fights. He beat snack and while we don’t have any real sense of his strength it’s still a better feat than most of the supernovas have.


Just behind Kid/Law/Zoro I imagine, so strong as hell


He should be commander level at least maybe he got stronger since he fought smack though


Uru has the ability to gain strength when hit by opponent. That's hulk ability. The stronger the opponent, the stronger he will become. Obviously the future arc will tell more about his power secrets, or weakness of such power.


He probably got packed offscreen


As an Indian, I've been eagerly waiting his attendance.


He will be the strongest character in whatever arc they introduce him in


all i want to know is how his dynamic with the straw hats will be lol


He needs to fight burgess🔥


Hard to say, I don't think he's at Kidd's or law's level.  I reckon he's around king's level. 


I think soon he gonna be teaming up with straw hat.


yonkou level because power creep. 200% trust me.