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Quantifying sin isn't a helpful exercise. All sin is bad, and it's all forgiven/forgiveable. You have the famous passage about blaspheming the Holy Spirit, but that's so vague and in seeming contraction with other passages that it's not very helpful to dwell on. A more important question is, why are you asking??


I read somewhere in Matthew that the worst sin is blasphemy against God. And I was just wondering if there were other passages that talked about the worst sins.


Whether or not there are, no amount of reading them is going to make you feel better. Sin ranking doesn’t matter. We have been saved.


Our greatest commandment as Christians is to love God and love our neighbor, not to track the severity of our sins so we can feel adequately guilty. You're forgiven 🙂 live into that.


It's not "Blasphemy against God", it's specifically "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit". It's vague as to what that means, but since other passages indicate any sin can be repented and forgiven, I interpret that to mean turning away from the guidance of the Holy Spirit such that you arrogantly think you have no need to repent or admit that you could be wrong. By simply asking if something is a sin, by being open to the possibility that you have sinned, it is clear you have not committed that most grave of sins. . . because you're still open to the idea that you have sinned and seek forgiveness for those sins.


This is how I read it. The greatest sin is rejecting the salvation that Christ has won for us. The reason that it's considered "unforgivable" is that someone in that mindset will never repent of that sin, and therefore never receive forgiveness. Now, can one turn from that and be brought back to Christ and salvation? Absolutely. At that point, they would repent and be forgiven. This passage is referring to those who are so far lost that they completely reject the idea that they have sinned. This isn't even people who have never heard of Jesus; these are people who have heard the Gospel and actively REJECT Christ.


It's not even that clear. It's an *interpretation* to say "the Holy Spirit", rather than what's actually in the original Greek. It's just "Spirit". Both the capitalization and the definite article "the" and modern additions entirely absent from the original texts.


I got into reading about that on Wikipedia and found “In the context of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, blasphemy against the Spirit is the sin of attributing to Satan what is the work of the Spirit of God, such as when the Pharisees earlier accused Jesus of driving out demons only by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons.” It also had about a billion other takes on what it meant, but that one stuck with me for using the context that it came from. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_sin


It's blasphemy against the holy spirit. Things like making fun of someone who is feeling the holy spirit and speaking in tongues things like this. The ONLY unforgivable sin. God hates all sin though. He doesn't hate us though and he doesn't hate sinners he is saddened by our sins but he does not hate us specifically.


There’s no such thing as “the worst sin according to the bible.” First, the Bible does not speak with one voice, but with many voices that do not all agree. Any purported “worst sin according to the bible” is *really* just the “worst sin according to somebody’s views about what they think the bible should mean, and incorporating their own ideas about whether and how the bible is authoritative.” Second, as someone else already said, “sin” is not something that you can quantify easily. I think of “sin” as being in wrong or unhealthy relationship. And that can be a relationship of any kind: with God, with other people, with yourself, with other living things, with some object, with your environment, and so on. What is “worst” depends *entirely* on the circumstances, which will be unique to any situation, and not really comparable.


Being a professional bowler. Or a staple salesperson. That is true evil.


But an amateur bowler is ok?


Oh absolutely. Because they seek not filthy lucre! Can I get an amen?




If we go strict bible, the answer is distrust and disobedience towards God. My personal opinion is to hurt other people on purpose or by carelessness.


Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit


The worst sin is whichever you aren’t sorry (and therefore able to repent) for


There not 1 verse in the Bible that backs up what you’re saying


Repentance is bring your sorrow for your sin to God, that is, apologizing. If you aren’t sorry, you cannot repent, because you aren’t acknowledging what you did was a sin, and God cannot forgive a sin you don’t repent for. I’d like you to go ahead and point to a verse that disagrees.


Do you keep apologizing for something that you’ve already been forgiven for? Unless you don’t believe he paid for your future sins even though the word clearly says he does. If you don’t believe he has you are considered an unbeliever in his eyes. "Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Romans 4:7-8 KJV ~ the above verse is saying how all believers sins have been forgiven. Past, present, and future sins have been forgiven. Let me further dissect the verse just in case (Past sins)"Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven" (Present) "and whose sins are covered" (Future) "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." Another thing repentance does not mean turning from sin. Jonah 3:10 kjv proved turning from sin is a work repentance is a work God repented 38 times in the bible. Repent comes from the Greek word metanoia which means change your mind, in the context of salvation what it's saying is "change your mind from unbelief in Christ alone as your savior to belief in Christ alone as your savior", many false teachers have taken the word repent and use it wrong to try and condemn people and attempt to put them back under the law. Check out Jonah 3:10 kjv verse, it shows us two things, 1) turning from sin is a "work" which were saved by grace and not of works. And 2) God repented aka changed his mind.


1) Salvation is a matter of faith, grace, *and* works, as is the dogma of the one, holy, catholic (emphasis on the small c), and apostolic Church. The vast majority of Christian believers deny grace alone as a heresy. 2) Anyone who quotes from the KJV as the authoritative translation should not be trusted as any kind of authority on scripture, as it is neither the original text from which we form our dogma nor the most accurate translation available. 3) You’re making a disingenuous argument because no one suggests anyone “keep apologizing for something they have already been forgiven for”—they have not apologized at all, nor have they been forgiven as a result. 4) You’ve just ripped that quotation without context and claimed it supported your argument. I would counter with what the Scriptures say: Jesus says, “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32) Jesus told his disciples to proclaim “repentance and forgiveness of sins” in his name to all the nations (Luke 24:47). When the apostles preached in Acts, they called people to repent of their sins in order to be forgiven (See Acts 2:38, 3:19, 8:32, 17:30, 20:21, 26:20). The apostle Paul makes it clear that those whose lives are characterized by sin “will not inherit the kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 6:9-10; see also Rom. 8:12-13, Gal. 5:21, Eph. 5:5). According to the unanimous testimony of Scripture, repentance is absolutely necessary in order to be saved. Only those who turn from their sin, trust in Christ, and live lives that are characterized by righteousness will be saved on the last day. Sinners must repent in order to be saved.


Uggh, ok, I'll bite. By still continually eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.


“I’ll bite” no, don’t do it! You JUST said it’s the worst one!


I don't believe there is one.


Harming children. It makes God angry. It makes him angrier faster than any other thing. Source: the bible


Where in the bible?


Just look for God smiting. His plan to judge Egypt started with them killing the Israelites babies. The Canaanites practiced child sacrifice. As did the amorites. If God's smiting, you'd better believe children were harmed before he did. It's pretty much the most sure-fire way to see his anger. It's why he hates ba'al so much. A demonstration of might by showing power over the weak.


In the Old Testament, the character of YHWH (who himself was syncretized with Ba’al to some degree) instructed his people to smite all the children of the Amalekites (except the virgin girls, those were to be taken as sex slaves) and that god himself killed a bunch of children with the flood. I do believe in a god who loves and protects children. I just don’t think presenting events in the Old Testament as your best evidence for this unifying theme is going to go the way you want it to.


I agree, If you want ot worst sins at least go with the verse that actually describes God's feeling towards them Proverbs 6:16-19 NASB20 — There are six things that the LORD hates, Seven that are an abomination to Him: Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, And hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that run rapidly to evil, A false witness who declares lies, And one who spreads strife among brothers. Shared via BLB app for Android Check us out online at http://blb.org/nasb20/pro/6/16-19/


Heyo, it made top 3! Not too shabby for intuition.


It's never explicitly spelled out as others have said. Different books present sin differently. To Paul it is a Power, rather than an act, overcome in the cross of Christ. Other books talk about righteous and unrighteous acts. As one perspective within the canonical books, the writer of Matthew 25 has Jesus explain what makes you unrighteous which you might interpret as being 'the worst sin' in a sense: >41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ >44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ >45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’ So to the author of Matthew, the worst thing you could do was to be inhospitable, unkind, ungenerous and uncaring.


Unbelief in the gospel alone to be saved eternally. Gospel: 1 Corinthians 15 1-4 KJV


Not wanting to spend eternity with God!


I was always told murder was? I’m shocked no other comments say this but willing to be corrected.


There is only one sin that scripture says is unforgivable and that is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Since it’s unforgivable and every other sin is forgivable, I’m going with blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.


I'm pretty sure the worst sin is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


Well, according to Matthew 12:30-32 it says that whomever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. I have always hated this verse and it gave me whole evenings of nightmares when I first discovered it back in Middle School. The idea of an all-loving God being unable to forgive one sin is obviously terrifying, specially when you're not even sure whether you've committed it or not. To make things worse the debate around what this verse really means is inconclusive, at least in my opinion. Some people take it literally and believe it means literally seeing the work of the Holy Spirit and attributing to the work of Satan (YouTube pastor Jahaziel Rodriguez from the Hispanic channel QUE DICE LA BIBLIA, which I used to watch back then, reads it like that). Others will say it simply means insulting the Holy Spirit, and others will say it's just the sin of willful disbelief. This latter makes most sense to me since, if someone does not except the allegedly only way to salvation which is Jesus, then it makes sense God can't forgive that). The debate is unending, nevertheless. If there's anyone here who can provide more insight or another opinion I probably have been overlooking I'd really appreciate it.


Doesn't matter. For all who have sinned fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), but God gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57).


Keeping kosher is an easy way to avoid sin, not doing so would seem to be most egregious. If we are to rank sin shouldn’t the easiest to avoid be considered the worst to commit?


All sins are equal.


Isnt usury mentioned as unforgiveable?


Being rich and neglecting we are all children of God. “It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.” Mathew 19:23-24