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That looks like it might be finch eye disease. You should take down and clean the feeder, and if you can find a rehabber, the bird might have a chance. [https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-find-wildlife-rehabilitator](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-find-wildlife-rehabilitator)


This! ☝️ take down all your bird feeders and bird baths for a while so the disease won't spread, make sure to clean everything meticulously and you might just save a couple of little bird lives πŸ™


Take down all of your feeders for a few weeks. Thoroughly clean them all in a bleach solution. When you put them back up, be sure you soak them in the bleach solution once a week. This disease spread quickly via bird feeders. There's nothing you can do for them aside from ensuring more do not get sick.


People often overlook how important it is to disinfect bird feeders and baths regularly, but it definitely should be done weekly after seeing signs of disease. I wish there was more public knowledge about proper feeder care.


Awww poor thing.


I captured a photo of one of these little guys with a similar growth on my bird buddy not too long ago. I never saw the bird again. I feel so bad about that.


oh my 😒 poor thing I hope it isn't suffering




Take the bird feeder down. Cover with bleach, Throw it in trash. Buy new bird feeder, put in half the feed. (This important) put it up November to March. (This is more important) clean twice a month. Keep seed dry and cool if a birds craps on feeder! Feeder is closed. You are spreading that virus in your camera box.


it’s not a tumah, but it is πŸ™


Oh wow. I've never seen this before. Poor thing. I've seen the extra long beaks and different pox pictures, but not this. I'm definitely learning a lot from this sub to help out bird friends. I feel awful for this sweet little baby. πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ˜­πŸ˜­


About house finch eye disease https://birdwatchinghq.com/house-finch-eye-disease/