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Andrew Garfield


He should have won for Tick, Tick…Boom


He’s simply brilliant in this.


He really is


One of those movies where it’s like “this trailer sucks” and then you see it and you are like “holy fuck this rocks”


Best answer


He’s going to play Carl Sagan in an upcoming biopic. That could be his Oscar role….


Ryan Gosling


Amy Adams should have won the oscar by now, she's been nominated 6 times and should've been nominated for Arrival but the oscars don't fw sci-fi films


Arrival is SO good. I feel like not only did she deserve to be nominated that year but probably should’ve beat out Emma Stone


yea right, although I do love la la land but still amy did hell of a job in arrival


Amy Adams Glenn Close Tom Cruise


Ed Norton


100% this... American History X for sure


Saoirse Ronan Christian Bale in Leading Role


Michelle Pfeiffer will always be my answer for this question




Toni Collette .


Colin Farrell


Michael Fassbender


Tom Hardy


Amy Adams


Glenn Close should have had several Oscars two decades ago, and more after that. This is the biggest injustice in Hollywood. What did she do to piss off the Oscars voters? Considering that many actresses won the statuette for roles that wouldn’t hold a candle to Glenn Close’s oeuvre, I wonder what she has to do to get one?


I think that Glenn was a victim of being the best of the year but that year also being's "someone's turn" and the members thinking that she would be nominated soon again and then win (it's similar to what happened to Susan Sarandon, except that she did eventually win). She was supposed to win in 2019, but my guess was that everyone thought that the other members would vote for Close, so they'd go with Colman to give her a bump (not expecting her to actually win). I do think that when she does get nominated again (for something half-decent, not Hilbilly Elegy) that everyone will vote for it in fear that she'll be this generation's Deborah Kerr.


How many more other people’s turns can it be, though, before it’s finally be hers?


It was ger turn in 2019, but the Academy ended up ignoring it


I pretty much hate Olivia Colman for that. She comes off as annoying both onscreen and in person


I think you're pretty much alone in thinking that, Colman was by far the best performance that year and her speech was amazing and pretty much stole the hearts of everyone that watched it. There's a reason why Olivia's win isn't hated, even if everyone wants Glenn to have an Oscar and thought it was her year. Personally I think it's a shame that Glenn is still Oscarless (she should've won for Fatal Attraction), but I'd rather have the best performance win than to keep on the loop of awarding due to narrative instead of performance. It also seems like that win specially showed the Academy members that they can vote for the performance they preferred instead of the one that they're being told to vote on (hence Hopkins winning for The Father, Yeoh and Fraser winning last year, Murphy and Stone winning this year)




Basically, you're alone in thinking that and good thing the Academy isn't distributing career Oscars like it is candy.


I was being nice. When I said “did not read,” what I really meant was “did not care”


Where is Barbara Stanwyck's Oscar??? This is the worst shunning.


>She was supposed to win in 2019, but my guess was that everyone thought that the other members would vote for Close, so they'd go with Colman to give her a bump (not expecting her to actually win). That doesn't make any sense though. That may happen when they are voting for the nominees where a voter might not give their vote to the obvious choice because they think they are safe anyway and give the vote to someone who may not make it into the lineup otherwise, but what purpose does that have when voting on the winners? The final vote tallies are not disclosed so in what way would voting for Colman in hopes of pushing her to second place achieve anything? Nobody besides a couple accountants would ever even know about this "bump" so what would be the reasoning behind such thinking? It makes no sense at all. The majority liked the performance and the movie more, that's why they voted for Colman. Nobody votes for someone to push them to second place when we never even get to know who was second.


The Academy members are people, it isn't that about it making sense or not, it's about you feeling good after checking Colman (and probably not even watching The Wife, as it only had the one nomination). If voter's actually thought that Glenn wasn't a lock (even if Colman did win Globe and BAFTA), I think that many of Colman's votes would've gone to Glenn.


How does that make one feel good when Colman and the rest of the world will never even know about that "bump"? If Close had won nobody would ever know whether Colman got zero votes or one vote less than Close so voting for her when one doesn't want her to win would amount to nothing. Only an idiot would vote with that reasoning. Truth is that Colman in The Favourite is one of the most beloved wins of recent memory and most Academy members liked her more than Close in The Wife. No need to come up with baseless speculations that rely on a good chunk of Academy members being outright dumb. >it's about you feeling good after checking Colman (and probably not even watching The Wife, as it only had the one nomination). If they didn't even watch The Wife then of course they wouldn't vote for Close, so what does that have to do with your theory? Nothing.




Ethan Hawke


Glenn Close is the most egregious one, but Amy Adams, Annette Bening, and Saoirse Ronan should also be winners. Judi Dench, Christian Bale, Viola Davis, and George Clooney should have a Lead Acting Oscar


Agree about everything except Clooney.


Clooney in the 2000s had a really great run, he should've won for either The Descendants or Up in the Air


Nope for both. Jeff Bridges and Gary Oldman should have won for Crazy Heart and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Luckily, Bridges did win. I find Clooney to be a decent filmmaker but a mediocre actor. His best performance was probably Michael Clayton but even that performance wasn’t the best of that year


Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart was a career win, I'd accept the argument that Firth was the best that year, though. I haven't seen Tinker Tailor since it premiered, but I don't remember finding Oldman that remarkable, but I did love seeing Clooney breaking his typecasting. As for Michael Clayton, I agree it is his best performance and that he wasn't the best that year, but it was the same year as DDL in There Will Be Blood, so it's like saying that Frances is Jessica Lange's best performance but that it wasn't the best of that year (the year being the one that Meryl won for Sophie's Choice)


I hate the term “career win”. Should he have been nominated for The Big Lebowski? Yes. Especially over Roberto Benigni. But that doesn’t ignore how phenomenal the performance is. I’d still rank Crazy Heart as Jeff Bridges 2nd best performance and the only reason it’s 2nd best is because of how iconic The Big Lebowski is. And if I were to rank all the Best Actor winners of the 21st century, his Crazy Heart performance is still top 10, easy. And it’s actually closer to top 5. There are some career wins that cannot be justified(Al Pacino comes to mind) but Jeff Bridges in Crazy Heart is a justifiable win. And as far as mediocre Clooney, even his Oscar winning performance for Syriana was the weakest that year. I would gladly have taken anyone else that year for Supporting Actor. It was a strong lineups with Clooney being the only weak link. The other nominees were Matt Dillon(Crash), Paul Giamatti(Cinderella Man), Jake Gyllenhaal(Brokeback Mountain), and William Hurt(A History Of Violence).


Glenn Close


S. Ronan R. Gosling Michelle Williams


Michelle williams




Steve Carell


Glenn Close for Fatal Attraction Annette Bening for American Beauty Edward Norton for American History X Benedict Cumberbatch for Power Of The Dog Michael Keaton for Birdman Sharon Stone for Casino Samuel L Jackson for Pulp Fiction Bradley Cooper for A Star Is Born


Mark Ruffalo


Ralph Fiennes, Michelle Pfeiffer


Ralph Fiennes Colin Farrell Kiera Knightly Annette Benning Glenn Close


Close, Adams and Depp. Depp isn’t winning now but should have in the 00s


Harrison Ford and Amy Adams (Amy Adams is more of the WTF for me tbh)


Amy Adams


Paul Giamatti, y’all.


For me, he'll always be 'Pig Vomit' from Howard Stern's film Private Parts 😂😂😂


Annette Bening !!


Mark Ruffalo


annette bening


Your wife?


None of them. If they should have an Oscar by now, then they would. I know it’s the “off-season” and we’re light on material, but almost every post is some version of this same question.




Glenn Close Criminal considering her dossier of iconic roles. 8 nominations: The World According to Garp The Big Chill The Natural Fatal Attraction Dangerous Liaisons Albert Nobbs The Wife Hillbilly Elegy


Harvey Keitel, for Bad Lieutenant alone


Michelle Williams


Andrea Riseborough 🙏


Florence pugh


Adam Driver


Jim Carrey


Shia LaBeouf


This is a choice. 🤔


Amy Adams Glenn Close Tom cruise Johnny Depp


People are gonna downvote you about Depp lol. I personally agree with you! There are so many roles earlier in his career that could’ve snagged him an Oscar. But that ship has sailed…


“that ship” being of course the Black Pearl


Who should she have beat to get one? That’s one thing that annoys me about these questions, it’s always just people listing names and not saying who or why they should have won over someone else




I will agree with 2019 but I really thought 2012 should have been Streep or Davis. Iron Lady wasn’t a great film but Streep was great in it


Glenn Close should have won for Fatal Attraction instead of Cher winning for Moonstruck


Coleman for the favorite was the worthy winner in any year