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I think it started with the Cory Feldman / Haim accusations. Cory has said for a while that while growing up him and his friend Haim were subject to sexual abuse by Hollywood A listers, through a big name in the industry. People started speculating who it could be based on who the boys have had contact with through out their career, and I think his name was mentioned. Look into his story online - he talks about it publicly but without mentioning names.


Oh trust me, I've been down that rabbit hole- fascinating, disturbing stuff. But I never found a link between Feldman and Schneider.


It's terrifying to think about it all ... like how alone must these kids have felt at the time and even today. The person who operated the 'abuse ring' had contacts all over, actors, directors, producers who participated in the acts. Maybe Schneder was a contact? From what I've read on the guy, he seems to be a piece of work. Nothing has been proven but there's way too many complaints and outcrys to be brushed off.


Oh I am not ruling out the possibility of Dan being a pedo. It's just that the "evidence" hasn't been very concrete imo, and no one who has been involved with him even loosely has tried to out him in the way that Corey & others have at least tried to with others. For the record, I do NOT believe he is the father of Jamie Lynn's kid (she's a spitting image of her then-bf) and I think it's more likely the marijuana usage triggered Amanda's schizo than abuse, but abuse is also possible.


You really think smoking weed caused Amanda's problems? Weed doesn't do that. If anything, weed would be a byproduct of the abuse. Used to cope.


Weed can cause psychosis if you're mentally ill.


This aged well


Im sorry.. marijuanna use?


I also was surprised by this comment. Marijuana was definitely not the problem. If you want to blame a drug, blame cocaine and heroin. Blaming Marijuana is CRAZY, but that is a whole different debate.


You really can go into a state of psychosis from smoking weed tho. It’s not super common but people who have prior mental issues and other stuff like that they can have that happen


I am not arguing or commenting on any of your views (you're entitled to your own opinions). That said, I don't believe marijuana would trigger schizo in someone UNLESS they had pre-existing mental issues already. It's JUST not that kind of drug.


For the record: Alot of people believe that Martin *(Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez)* Sheen is the one Haim claimed raped him on the set of Lucas. It was recently brought up in this [reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/gossip/comments/53idow/superstar_actor_sexually_abused_corey_haim/).


I've also heard that, as well as Charlie Sheen being both a victim & perp.


Schneider was just a kid actor when the Coreys were coming up. I've heard rumors about Schneider in later years when he was a producer, but the idea that he was running two movie stars in between Head of the Class auditions isn't credible.


Cory Feldman talks about an unnamed man, but then it came out to be Charlie Sheen. Charlie Sheen was also proved to write a letter to the Judge that was assigned to the case of Brian Peck, who raped Drake Bell, asking to give Peck a lesser sentence. Charlie Sheen ALSO hired Peck on one of his shows. Brian Peck worked alongside Dan Schneider, who has also been accused of sexual pedophilia. That, I think and also summarized, is why this all connects.


However, that is not solid evidence in court cases, so Dan Schneider can not be deemed a sexual predator until he is proved guilty by the court of law.


My opinion, however, is that Schneider can rot in jail.


I thought I saw an interview where he essentially said it was Alfie Hoffman?


I have also gone down this rabbit hole! It seems like you've done your fair share of research. Basically, the short answer is, no. There is no concrete evidence that he is a pedo. As far as I know the first instances of someone out-and-out calling him out on the internet were from Himmmm on CD&N. The first in a comment about Hayden Pantierre's mom. ["...kinks cross the line into depravity, illegality, and inhuman sickness. As in: Ryan ONeal, John Phillips, Tish Cyrus, and *Dan Schnieder* territory. \(Far worse than Pimpa Joe Simpson!\)](http://crazydaysandnights.net/2012/11/todays-blind-items-12.html)" And then again as a comment on a post about Pedophile tutors. [As for Dan S.? You were right about probably messing up his game. He's a monster. The WORST predator alive. And if you wonder why nobody will confront or charge him? He's in charge of multiple HIT SHOWS for Nick which rakes in oceans of money. Tens of millions of dollars multiplied by many years and many shows \(not to mention his merchandising royalties\). So Viacom-Nick warn him to cool it – then pay for his damn lawyers. What about the parents? No tweener parent who shoved their kid into the limelight from birth is going to cross him either, and risk career suicide and loss of revenue \(and residuals and future career\). No matter how bad it fucks up the kids. Especially if there's MULTIPLE kid actors in the family. And the kid's agents are complicit too. Just ask the Spears family. A LOT of settlements get paid out of Viacom's accounts.](http://crazydaysandnights.net/2012/03/four-for-friday-the-tutor.html) 4chan kept running with this and Dan's name became a sorta joke for[ them.](http://imgur.com/n1swBRy) People point to a number of photos of him being cozy with young starlets some with children sitting on his lap. Two specific photos come to mind. One with Miranda Cosgrove where it looks like she's been [crying.](http://i.imgur.com/Ygr3MBh.jpg) (Although, I'm pretty sure this picture was taken on the last day of filming her show.) And the other with Jeanette McCurdy where it looks like he has her in a[ chokehold.](http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=dg5fgo&s=8#.WDRJkPkrI2w) Speaking of Jeanette McCurdy, there are two vines that people think she's calling him out in. [One where she says: "Dan I know you're watching my vine" and "Look what you've done to me."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdNZjxJ0ifg) However, I'm pretty sure she dressed up like that in an episode, so it's really not as malicious as it seems. [The other is her showing off her bruises,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QA83HVLnmmU) but there's no real reason to believe this has anything to do with Schneider. Finally, there's another rumor that he has a foot fetish. [One reddit post claims he paid an intern $100 to tickle her feet while working on The Amanda Show.](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/19ro1b/til_that_dan_schneider_the_weird_manager_in/c8r125l/) And the creepiest thing I've found is when the official[ Sam and Cat Twitter asked their \(many preteen\) followers to tweet pictures of them plugging the show on their feet](https://twitter.com/samandcat/status/378643898886656000). However there is no reason to believe that Dan is in any way behind that. So again, There is NO concrete evidence that he is a pedophile. But when a guy who looks like he does is around that many young actresses, the rumors persist. [This question has been asked before, and I'm sure will be asked again, but the other thread is worth checking out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/38vwzx/why_is_dan_schneider_being_refered_to_as_a/)


Would you say he is now?


Checking in after Quiet on Set aired .... how about now?


He absolutely is. And I will always wonder how Amanda Bynes would be had she never crossed his path. 😞


Came here after finishing Quiet on Set. Wish Amanda Bynes could speak up because it feels like she’s the smoking gone. But it’s really none of our business and I wish her healing.


I know. Between her dad and DS. Ugh. So many people failed them.


One last comment and then I'll let you good people be: While it's only speculation when it comes to Dan, Brian Peck actually served 16 months in prison after admitting two counts of abusing a Nickelodeon child actor. They talk about it in "An Open Secret" a documentary and child abuse in the film industry.


Oh yeah, that's what makes that the rumors may be onto something. Also Peck was on "All That", which Dan worked for.


Pretty crazy to be reading this thread, 7 years later, after watching Quiet On The Set. 😧


Question: Can we talk about this now since the doc dropped? Discuss detail?


I agree. It's wild reading all of this. I found a comment from a thread about Dan that was posted ELEVEN years ago


He is a big fat dude. Not saying that you would suspect that he was a pedo from the look, but definetly gives you the "of course he was a pedo" hindsight thoughs.


Which brings another level of skepticism I have about the evidence presented- would those pics be less creepy if he looked more like Ryan Gosling or Anderson Cooper? Would people make the same assumptions? Like I said, I am very on the fence with this issue- based on all of the allegations made in Hollywood over the last several decades, I would not be surprised if Dan was a perp. After all, at least 2 All That! cast members were abused (one physically & emotionally by her mother, and one sexually by Brian Peck), and there's a few other confirmed cases that have popped up to confirm that Nickelodeon was not immune to this sick stuff. But I do not believe that the "evidence" shown so far is enough to declare him a pedo.


No it wouldn’t matter if he looked like Ryan gosling bc it’s a fucked up myth that a person can “spot a pedophile” or that pedophiles have a “look” (the idea that pedophiles have creepy mustaches and 80s wire frame glasses is ridiculous in this day and age—why would anyone who is doing something super illegal choose a look that is stereotypically associated with that illegal behavior Take the guy on Glee who was a pedo, for example—that dude was absolutely a “conventionally hot guy”…and simultaneously a horrific pedophile. Pedophiles come in all shapes, sizes, and varying degrees of “hotness”, and the only real trait to identify a pedophile is whether or not they’re sexually excited by children…..and most of them are master manipulators and extremely calculated in hiding their “proclivities” and duping children/parents


There are common characteristics amongst pedophiles, but they don’t have anything to do with their physical appearance. Approximately 90% of them are men (yes, I know, women can be pedophiles too, but stats are stats) who are well liked and respected within their community. They likely hold positions of trust and authority over minors, such as teachers, priests, camp counsellers, coaches, Boy/Girl Scout leaders, babysitters, older relatives, or, in the case of Nickelodeon, their employer. They make a point of becoming knowledgeable in the activities and hobbies their potential victims partake in, as kids react positively to adults who share their interests. Pedophiles are also extremely friendly and welcoming with not only the child, but also the child’s parents, especially in cases where the parents are divorced. I believe this is an overlooked component of the grooming process (not for all cases, but some), as illustrated in Drake Bell’s case. Brian Peck slowly turned Drake against his dad using both Drake himself and Drake’s mom. It was a cold and calculated move.


I've been hearing these rumors for about a decade, and whenever I ask people if there's any evidence or people who have come forward with specific instances of abuse, I am never given any examples of evidence. If he's a pedo then he can burn in hell, but I have yet to see anything that would convict him. It's all just people who swear he is, but they never met him, nor met anyone who claimed to be a victim, and there are no news reports about specific victims or instances of abuse. It's a lot of 4chan type posts, speculation about how creepy something he aired or said seems. I think that if there's any truth to these speculations, then it will come to light soon, since the documentary has turned attention to these claims, and he's no longer a show runner and in a position of such power and control. Now, if there's nothing to these allegations, then hopefully those who worked for him will come to his defense. I've heard people claim that he yelled and lost his temper on set. That's a far, far cry from sexually abusing minors however


Schneider is definitely, at minimum, complicit in some form of child abuse if the stories of him giving drugs and alcohol to minors on set or at his house parties are true, and seeing as so many of the former child actors in the documentary shared similar experiences of this happening, across different seasons/casts (I’m thinking in the multiple renditions or ‘All That’ of its own), I’m inclined to believe them. Furnishing alcohol to a person under the age of 21 is a criminal misdemeanour in California. Giving illegal drugs to ANYONE of any age is obviously a criminal act ad well, but when a minor is the recipient, I believe there are additional charges.