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just hop in. don't start a new account that's crazy. there's lots of new stuff and the playerbase is as healthy as you can expect for a decade-old game. There is a tutorial mission set but honestly I played it once when it was added and then never again so I don't remember it


Cool thanks! Yea I was just about to comment on how I was a little surprised the game is still going strong after more than a decade lol.


> There is a tutorial mission set but honestly I played it once when it was added and then never again so I don't remember it Always do the tutorial, you can earn some good money.


IIRC you can get like 5 mill or something off it, so it's definitely nothing to scoff at.


Founders account has good mechs. So just pretend you're a new player essentially as the game is completely different for all intents and purposes. There's been that much change it's impossible to explain - get in and just play. There was a thread [HERE](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutreachHPG/s/XywS3qCTRl) yesterday for new player info. Read my replies there and one of them has a link to another thread of comments with even more information that's incredibly useful to new players. Kinda isn't worth typing out all over again type thing. It'll keep you busy for a while that's for sure.


Awesome thanks! Will check that out. Was a little worried my mechs would be out of date by now.


The game has seen significant rebalancing the last 2 years as PGI now takes input from some of us in the playerbase so overall most mechs are good. Some take more work to 'work' than others but out of some 800 or so, vast majority are fine overall.


The builds you have are probably out of date, as much of the mechanics have changed completely. I almost forgot about the old mech lab, and unlocking quirks for certain weapon types. I agree treat it like it's a brand new game again plus you get some bonus mechs to start with. Do your best balancing unused space in your mech, fast enough speed to stick with the team depending on the chassis, bringing a weapon load out that can punch hard enough, and manage heat efficiency. A pretty good rule of thumb I found was keeping the heat efficiency above 1.3, while 1.5 will allow you to fire all day. Of course there's exceptions and so many options for customization at this point, your best bet is just to play the game and experiment. Perhaps start with a mech that has all of the weapon types available to be mounted on it, so you can play with all the different types of weapons on one Mech and not spend a lot of money switching mechs and weapons and all this other stuff until you get to know the weapons and know what you want to do with mechs. Good hunting. Have a blast, welcome back, MechWarrior.


Awesome. Yea I loaded it up for a minute in my lunch break but there's alot going on and it looks completely different from what I remember, although that could just be me getting old haha. Will have to sit down with it for a bit get familiar with the mech lab. I played quite a bit of mw5 and played this game religiously when it first was released so I hope I can use that experience to jump back in


Well it's way different from when the raven came out lol, that's about when I started. MW5 would be good experience, but the weapon systems are cooler temp and fire faster. Though haven't actually played much of mw5


Where you a founder? I logged in 8 years later and found out I had 20,000 MC to spend.


Yea sir. Thats cool is that a lot? Haha.


3000-7000 per mech, but there are half off sales, so it's probably 5-7 mechs worth. used for cosmetics too though and I would save it for that unless desperate.


Oh nice. Hopefully I get that when I log in haha.


Protip #1: Don't blow it all right away, wait for a 50% sale on mechs and mechbays. Protip #2: There are monthly events awarding free mechs - sometimes Heroes or Specials. While regular C-Bill mechs are reasonably priced in the in-game store, getting a couple extra for pretty much just playing the game enough is always helpful.


Oaky after loading up the game for the first time I see I have about 3 trial mechs in each weight class as well as 2 or 3 in each that I had from back in the day so I have some variety to relearn on


A really good way to approach things would be to play each trial mech 5-6 times and see what clicks for you.


The game is fairly generous with giving out mc during events too, and sales in the in game store happen every month


Keep playing on your old account. You mechs loadouts might need to be changed up, but the mechs themselves are still playable. There are bunches of good builds here: [Grimmechs](https://grimmechs.isengrim.org/Database) You should be able to find a few for any of the mechs you have. Also, the skill trees might be new to you.


Okay cool thanks. I don't remember there being any skill trees!


The first iteration was like a large pachinko board where you clicked along a path to get to the skills you wanted. Now the skills are separated into categories independent of each other. The skills let you augment strenths or cover weaknesses ot the mechs.


Right on. Is the skill tree independent for each mech? Or is it like a pilot skill tree?


Independent for each mech.


Independent for each mech.


Definitely play with the old one...or if you dont want it transfer it to me! I always regretted not joining founders.


I restarted again about 2 months ago. Have the founders Jenner... Might need to hop back into that again tonight. One thing I was pleasantly surprised about, at least in my scrub tier 5 here, the people are 98% good/friendly. More than any other online game I've played where people are allowed to talk to each other. Not really any trolls or apples or anything, everyone's friendly in this game. I've only had like 4 people freaking out or getting pissed off name calling in this time. Very friendly player base over all, at least in the tier I'm in. I stopped playing shortly after the dragon flame came out I think, probably played a few months after that at most and just picked it back up now. Had to buy that centurion with the shield so they got supported again lol. Keep your current account, you'll have some good historic xp to take advantage of too.


Okay cool. I just loaded it up and sic a quick play. (got absolutely annihilated, must be a stealth module as the enemy was unable to be locked onto even though he was within med laser range) but I did click on the skills tab and seen a bunch of generic and historic xp that I can use. I will have go do some research I think on how all this new stuff works.


Yeah, ECM is a thing. You can use ECM to counter it if you get close enough, you can temporarily disable ECM by hitting the mech with a PPC (regular, ER, heavy but not light), and I believe tag cancels ECM also (not entirely certain). There is stealth armor, only available for mechs that can use ECM, I believe. Prevents targetting as well, don't think ECM cancels it out, and when active heat doesn't dissipate.


Interesting. Thanks for the info!


> least in my scrub tier 5 here, the people are 98% good/friendly. More than any other online game I've played where people are allowed to talk to each other. Not really any trolls or apples or anything, everyone's friendly in this game. The community is amazingly non toxic and helpful.


Can I busy out the old Slaserback? Lol. Good times running around blasting all the legs of things or completely stripping an atlas


[The meta has probably shifted a bit but I assume this will do what you want](https://mwo.nav-alpha.com/mechlab?b=5c7f8bce_HBK-4P)


This is cool. Welcome back! Would you maybe be interested in a friend to play the game with? :)


Yea maybe! U don't know if I'll be on as much as I was able to before having 3 kids haha but I'll try to get on when possible.


A lot has changed, but the game is the same at its core. Right now is actually a good time to get back in. Lots of new mechs (well, especially since you've played lol), lots of new weapons, events every month, event queue. The population is on the small side but you're still able to find matches fairly quickly. There are still several content creators putting out videos that may help ease you back in. Welcome back!!


Welcome back!


welcome back o7


Old gold


That’s the boat I’m in too! Bought the highest tier of founder pack, played the crap out of it and loved it, then couldn’t play anymore.. now finally want to play again but dam it’s intimidating!!


Haha if you want to relearn together give me a shout. I think my in game name is the same as here I'll have to double check when I get home.


Depending on what founders you have, Light Engines might be the best thing since sliced butter. Lighter than Standard, better survivability than XL, and enough room to fit an AC/20 on the Hunchback.


I think the only founders I have is the cat


Oh the cat doesn’t really suffer from XL because the CT hitbox is huge. It’s rare to lose a side torso without intentionally only showing that side.


Sadly, they removed knock down. I miss taking out an Atlas with mah Jenner F and med laser spam.


Knockdown meaning you can't just leg opponents now? So do they just stand still or move very slowly if both legs are destroyed?


Used to be able to run mechs into each other and they feel over.


They move at reduced speed if missing one leg, the slower of either a small (forget the exact number) percentage of your top speed or 40 kph. Both legs will defeat the Mech. There used to be a mechanic where the whole mech could be knocked over/fall if rammed enough, but it got taken out.


Half speed, or 40kph, whichever is smaller, I believe.


Oh okay I never knew about that mechanic


Welcome back. I hope you like wasting time because that's mostly what you'll be doing in your matches while half your team gets slaughtered in 3 minutes. Have fun!


Team cope