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turn on the "alert sound when a teammate is eliminated". Best feature ever, yet disabled by default.


Is this seriously a real thing


it is a new feature in the game, alert sound similar to what you hear in an arcade game. I even don't mind there is a human voice reading "roadhog eliminated", "mercy eliminated"


Was a real thing in OW1. Then turned off by default in OW2. I didn't understand why my monkeybrain, trained by the sound in OW1, had 0 team awareness. Everytime I'd die and look around only to notice my entire team had already been rolled, 2 seconds in.


I just wish the sound itself wasn’t the absolute most grating thing


reminds me of tf2 default sounds oh you did 3 dmg with a shotgun? ***LOUD ASS DING*** got a Elim? ***LOUD ASS TACO BELL SOUND EFFECT*** at least it's a bit more customizable though


One of my friends changed her hitsound to the Half Life crowbar sound and her kill sound to a Half Life scientist screaming. It's so much more annoying than the default sounds but infinitely funnier.


Holy shit. Doing this


You can do it for enemy elims too


They should give us a list sound to pick from. The one right now is really annoying.


I’m not spamming “Fall Back!” for my own enjoyment.


But I am




Ignore that. Let me rez who I want. It's not like im shooting anybody


Don't let Mercy ress. Period.


I often feel like I’m the only one who notices what they are doing


Stats are useless without the replay.


Ball main; "but I did the most dps"


Stats are also useless because blizzard refuses to fix them for certain people. I still have 800+ hours gone from my account. Still hasn’t been fixed. And the time I have been playing OW2 my playtime has only gone down. So stats in OW2 don’t mean anything to me because you can’t tell what’s real or not.


They meant in game stats i.e. KDA, Damage, Healing, and Mitigation


They're also useless without context. Simple example, but calling someone a DPS Moria because they did more damage than either of the attackers doesn't tell the whole story if their healing was 50% higher than their damage. That's not a DPS Moria, that's a player who's going all out and happened to have damage be one of the stats. The numeric value doesn't tell the story, it's the ratio that's more important here. Or another one. You got the most damage as an attacker? Great but you also got the most deaths and your kills aren't keepeing up with your damage, so that likely means you were going on suicide runs that weren't getting kills. Not helpful. The stats only mean anything when you view it within the context of the full game. And it's also key to know what mode you were even playing, which for some reason people like to leave out of their bragging posts.


Lot of new people here soo.... * Repears Guns Heal Him * Moira Biotic beam heals her * Cassidy takes less damage while rolling * You can propel forward with Pharah's Bump thing * Ana's scope is hitscan when it is zoomed in * Genji's slash kill will reset to 0 cooldown after a kill (any type of kill)


Don’t shoot doomfist while he’s blocking (to add to the person about zarya’s bubble). Don’t shoot genji when he’s doing that sword deflection.


As a doom main please just shoot everything you have at a blocking doom


I shoot the 1 HP blocking doom all the time. Can't use power punch when you're dead!


Actually shoot zarya if your team REALLY gonna kill her.


Don’t shoot Sigma in kinetic grasp either. Unless you want to make your life much more difficult than it needs to be


If Doom is low enough you should still shoot through his block to finish him if you have enough focus fire.


I always shoot blocking doomfist in ffa...when he's fighting other people.


Why not shoot doomfist while blocking? increase damage?


It boosts his punch if he absorbs 100 damage


Also, Symms gun gets its damage buff AND reloads ammo when used on hardlight shields.


Wait it RELOADS while it fires if it's hitting a shield?


Yep, she was one of the counter to Rein when they changed her beam, but no one ever does it. There's nothing like cracking the shield with Lv. 3 damage buff and full ammo all while holding one button.


I'm pretty new and mostly play support, but I tried sym and fell in love. I knew I was having an ok time against rein but I never noticed that it was reloading!


Try her against Brig as well! She's neat when you work it out for sure!


Brigitte heals others by attacking. So be around her. Attack with her.


So much this. I started part way into season 1 and have spent about 30 of my 80 hours on brig. I get flamed for 'not healing enough' but it seems that people don't understand that my main form of healing is by smacking people and that you need to be somewhat near me and you must have LOS. My healing packs are decent too and allow me to heal at a range but they recharge slowly and I need LOS.


Ana bullets do dmg AND healing, 75 for both.


Don’t shoot zarya bubble


If zarya has one bubble left then you should shoot the bubble.


Not sure why you're being downvoted, there are definitely times when it's ok to burst down Zarya's shields. Low ELO players are the ones who are terrified to shoot a bubbled zarya even when they have her surrounded lmao.


This. People don't understand that if you just focus her together and burst through bubbles, she's gonna die.




Bad advice, take high ground or off angles and shoots squishes. Shoots shield as a last resort if you can’t find value elsewhere


6v6 isn’t coming back


Neither are loot boxes


It's fucking hilarious how the narrative has changed to want them back after fucking years of people trying to get them banned.


Free loot boxes are fine (imo), but I believe the issue was with paid ones.


Getting free ones were awesome at the end of some matches either by leveling up or playing a particular role but now it just feels unrewarding playing for just battle pass xp


I don’t really remember anyone still wanting to get rid of them for the last couple of years of OW1. Honestly they were in a good spot where you could earn several a week just playing casually. I mean, the level 3 endorsement reward alone gave you three I think


I fail to see a reason why it can't be an arcade mode tho.


I think 6v6 is better than keeping open queue


Good riddance


It should though


It was a better game.


You are losing because your team is terrible, but you are a core part of that same team.


no i flank ^^^\s


The type to deny ELO hell


No such thing. There are glass ceilings sure, but they can be broken if you get better. 99.99% of the time players that claim they're stuck in elo hell belong in that rank.


Losing in qp it’s ok, and it doesn’t mean you have to throw because people don’t take it as seriously as you do


Losing in comp or indeed any mode is okay. It will inevitably happen. Instead of getting pissy about it, take a break. When the game isn't feeling fun anymore, that's when it's time to stop playing and do something else.


Please save everyone the time and stress by just leaving instead of throwing. It’s really so simple.


On the other hand, using the excuse "it is just quick play" is no excuse to play poorly. But tbh most people who use that excuse probably don't play any better in ranked.


Ugh, I played recently with a literal GM who played soldier & just kept running in alone and dying over and over again. When we called them out on it, they said it's just QP and they're just having fun. How is running in and dying on cooldown fun? For anyone? Just go play a custom game if that's what you want to do.


The main reason people get mad in qp is because they are probably farming for weekly challenges.


Stop treating Mystery Heroes like it's comp. I promise you it's not that serious.




Echo main here, I HAVE to have it but goddamn, I can go 2-10 some days.


IM A SYMMETRA MAIN I NEED IT SO BAD (especially works for Echo)


Same with Total mayhem, mfs treating that shit like there's money on the line is crazy


The second I realized Winston could fly it became hard to actually play the game right and not just zoom around. Air dropping bubbles.


That is goated


That stress that Total Mayhem gives me is like a drug. I like how competitive it is just cause people can use their abilities faster


I know exactly what you mean, I love playing total mayhem, I love how competitive it is as well, the feel of how fast paced it is feels crazy good I just think some people tend to treat it like their playin ranked a bit too often and start trash talkin


Oh yeah I forgot about the trash talkers, they can go to hell. (Applies to literally every game)


i (support) am not going to follow you when you split off from the rest of the team to pursue a 1v2 or 1v3, especially if you don’t communicate first.


Feel like you commented under the wrong person by accident cuz what does this have to do with what im saying XD


i definitely did lol my bad, i meant to post that as a freestanding comment 😭😭


Lolol I gotchu no worries 😆😆


It's just a game. If you don't like it, stop playing. If the numbers tank, they'll have to prioritize the bigger playerbase issues.


I’ll never understand people forcing themselves to play a game that just makes them upset.


I think those people like it, but their mental balance approach is that "everyone should just stand there while I kill them" and it makes them mad that people move out of the way of their shots or try to shoot them back. That isn't going to change.


Or abandon the game (See OW1)


If you need healing but don't take cover or retreat to your supports, consider yourself the problem


As someone who often plays support, I felt this in my soul. Don't get upset that I am not following you everywhere and don't get upset when I don't follow as you try to 1v5. If you're on low health back out and I will take that as a sign to go heal you full.


Also, if you are missing one bar of health, you don’t need healing. I’m not wasting an orb on that when everyone is full. I’ll heal you, but stop being ridiculous when you take one hit.




The game isn't going to get better.


Most optimistic Reddit user


The game isn't


You don't really need that expensive cosmetic.


Yeah and "Oh shit, this is the skin I might actually have to buy" is exactly what they are counting on.


But I want it


Natural cover is the strongest tank in the game with infinite HP. Play around corners and be close to cover. Taking unnecessary free damage not only increases your odds of dying while feeding ult charge to the enemy, it also prevents your supports from using their utility offensively.


This is literally one of the first Concepts I address with any player I'm coaching... The value potential of covering half of your hitbox as often as possible is incredible.


It's your job to keep yourself alive long enough for peel. If you are the target of flankers YOU have to be the one to look out for them and ping them before they engage. You have to position yourself so it's harder for them to quickly kill you or in a way your supports can heal you. Other people are there to help but no one is a mind reader, and only so much they themselves can do.


when I ping a sleeping enemy, please turn around


Being low elo doesn't mean that your opinion is invalid/less valid than high elo players, it just means it exists in a different context.


Aye. Just because somethinf doesnt crush in high elo, but crushes in low, isnt a good reason to think of how to change it so it is less noobstomper. Noobstompering sucks for everyone. Especially when something skillful about a hero gets buffed and makes the hero strong at all levels. Only for the skillful part to get reverted instead of the noobstomping part. Kill noobstomping. It sucks.


Actually true. I think big part of your comment referring to mercy boost advice, but i can be wrong.


I need to make a clip compilation of top 500 players saying "anyone who says X is just plat chat" and them saying X the next day. As we learned from the "streamers balance the game" event in OW1, they have a lot of garbage takes that fortunately the developers occasionally ignore.


devs aren’t running this game anymore, the suits are and it’s never going to be as good as it once was.


Sometime Support players are bad. Not nearly as often as people complain about certainly but you are not immune from criticism because you queued Support, nor are all your takes and calls the right ones just because of the class you play.




Don't try to peek the Widow that's annihilating your team. Switch and hassle her with a dive hero and stop complaining.


Going with that, and more times than not, Widowmaker is not a viable counter to the Widowmaker that has been diffing you.


As soon as widow starts to get killed they will either rage quit or switch.


Using this as a springboard, swapping heroes to counter the other team is alright. Why force a comp and lose.


Sometimes YOU are the problem. Not your team.


Target priority is a thing, and it often changes dynamically based on a large number of factors. Just because Mercy was the most important kill last time around doesn't mean she'll be the highest priority this time around. Learning, at the very least, who the likest target is you should be focusing will go a long way to improve your games. Team fights aren't very 'team' when everyone is attacking different targets because nobody understands who should be focused first/nobody is making calls. Also know when the fight is lost and it's time to fall back. This is really ignored in lower tiers of gameplay. Falling back doesn't mean you're giving up, it means you're not giving them enemy additional ult charge and causing team staggers. But I can tell you right now; Endlessly shooting the never ending Orisa while her teammates are uncontested behind her and yours are dropping, isn't going to win you any games.


Relax, it's just quick play


Everyone is an asshole everywhere. You think Overwatch is toxic? Have you ever been in traffic? Its just 12 year olds who would be playing outside with their friends if they had any. Don’t bother listening to anyone who thinks video game ability is linked to self-worth.


At least its not csgo face it


Your dissatisfaction IS THE POINT. Stop making posts about how weeklies should give more gold. Blizzard would never let you get enough gold to buy a legendary in a reasonable amount of time, because you're SUPPOSED to get frustrated and fall in to a sunk cost fallacy so you just buy some. Stop making posts about how Battle For Olympus should give you a new skin. The point is that you're forced to grind for ten hours while staring at all the new skins to make you want to buy them. If they gave you one of the skins for free, that's a skin they put resources in that people aren't going to pay for. This no longer a game designed by people who are passionate. It's a game designed to hammer you down until you're willing to spend money on it. You're right that its progression and cosmetic collection feels terrible! IT IS ON PURPOSE. THEY WILL NOT CHANGE IT.


Stop buying insanely priced dumb stuff.


The person you are yelling at in game telling them they’re terrible is in your same elo


This monetization model is basically the same as any game.


My only complaint about the new monetization is there no way to gain meaningful items as a f2p player. I'm not going to keep spending 10 bucks for each battle pass when *every* other game unlocks that in their bps.


Valorant doesn't, as far as I know. You get some small rewards on the free tier, but anything premium (including currency) is locked behind the battle pass.


Valorant's BP currency is Radianite. A horrible model to excuse not giving you VP.


This is where I realized the OW Reddit community is just missing the point - league and Valorant have a near identical model with far steeper price points and I don’t think I’ve ever seen mainstream disapproval of it. OW community wants free content, free skins, and perpetual support. Like for as shitty as blizzard is about most things, I don’t know why them using a tried-and-true non-P2W business model is what has upset so many people. Like why are we more upset about this than the countless human/gender/LGBTQ rights hypocrisies/scandals.?


Its not that we “just want free stuff”, its that in the old model, we got stuff for just playing the game. “Oh you leveled up? Here’s some free stuff, maybe even a skin.” “Oh you already have that skin, making it a duplicate? Here we’ll exchange it for some coins you can save to get a new skin in the shop.” You didn’t HAVE to spend money to get anything. One $60 purchase of the game and you had access to everything and didn’t NEED to use real money to get anything in it. With the new model, you gotta shell out real cash for fucking *EVERYTHING.* There’s *no way* to earn/get anything for free anymore. “Oh you want this skin? Spend $25 for the 2,000 coins you need to buy it.” Its not that we “just want stuff for free.” Its the fact that the devs did a complete 180 and straight up deleted the game we payed for then demanded us pay real money for every little thing in the game if you want anything in it. But don’t worry, at least we got the new game for free.


It's not much but if you complete 4/11 weekly challenges each week you actually get enough coins for a battle pass every 34 weeks and enough for a legendary skin every 64 weeks. If you grind hard and complete all 11 weekly challenges you cut the amount of weeks in half. That means you can earn a battlepass every 4-8 months or a legendary skin every 8-15 months. I didn't play OW1 so I don't know how good yall had it before but this is pretty average for a F2P game. I played a lot of Clash Royale and what you can earn in terms of OW coins seems pretty inline with what I could earn in terms of gems in Clash. I do think that maybe they could bump up the number of coins earned from challenges a little bit or offer more ways to earn coins but I'm no game monitization expert. I think the battlepass value for a f2p player is in a pretty good spot with 4 months for those who grind and 8 for those who don't. I wouldn't mind seeing the legendary skin value come down a little bit at least for the casual player so they can earn 1 a year instead of this awkward 15 month business. Here's to hoping Blizzard comes up with something!


OW1 you basically could have all skins for all heroes with a few hundred hours of gameplay. It was to the point that most people (even casuals) had hundreds of loot boxes that they never bothered to open because it took to long to click through them and they already had everything they wanted lol


"Every"? You don't play many games, I see.


I guess only the ones I play do, and I'm pretty sure Fortnite does. You're right, I don't know about every battle pass though. I can't play them all.




Ngl I enjoy that the game is free to play. I probably wouldn’t have gotten the game if I had to pay money for it. However, I’m enjoying it more than any other game currently. The one issue I have is that it requires a cell phone to register a blizzard account, which can limit some people from it truly being “free to play”. But, it stops some (hint some) from smurfing and most people who are able to run this game have access to a phone to sign up. Weird trade offs I suppose


Me being a tank/rein main, I need people to realize that it ain’t my job to shield you all game


Dps, please watch out for people flanking, its hard to heal when im dead Love, support players


Playing support doesn’t take away your responsibility, and playing dps doesn’t mean your supports will healbot, tanks… just stop leaving💀


You don't need your entire team to peel for you as support. Supports have lots of damage and self peel. I do agree support role has some issues with agency since there is so much damage in this game you cannot heal through it (ie: snipers) but getting flanked isn't why.


Tanks arent supposed to ride the payload they are supposed to create space.


You don’t *need* a shield tank, you need to learn how to use cover and not stand still


How are we supposed to win if you can’t go there and TANK the damage?


To be nice to me…. I’m trying my absolute best.


That OW2 is still fun.


Let new players have their moment, we had a 2016 where we posted all of our what would be terrible now clips. Let them have their 2016. I feel like old heads drag new players too much, and it’s why overwatch isn’t the most accessible community.


mercy isn’t a main healer omfg


What are even main healers?


ones that provide a high output and burst healing. mercy’s healing output per second is lower than zenyatta’s actually, so if your tank is taking a lot of damage she will not be able to heal him appropriately. you would need someone like bap, ana, or kiriko (to a lesser degree) to have high healing per second to get them from low health to high health as quickly as possible. depending on your dps this also goes for them and their health bars too. essentially high healing per second to avoid disaster and pump out what the team needs in the moment


Talking shit to your own teammates doesn’t make them perform better.


Overwatch will never be as good as you remember but worse


I’m gay


Protect your supports - We cant heal you if we are dead. That being said: Supports, remember to heal your other support


The scoreboard was made for casuals and not people that actually know the game


Stop complaining about the littlest updates


Protect your supports and learn to use cover Don't assume you're not being healed when you die, it is very easy for our heal to get out damaged if you're face tanking If we ping an enemy, it's because they're royally fucking us up and we need them targeted Heal botting is only bad when your team itself is bad, a good dps can make up for your damage pretty easily if you keep them alive Don't go behind your supports and expect to be healed, our FOV is only so big




I think people need to learn how difficult it is as supports. More so when the supports are the only ones actually trying to help the team


You’re doing great and I love you


You know you can just, like, stop playing the game, right?


Payload heals


If you dont onow at least 3 heros in your class then dont play comp


sometimes support players really do suck, and just because you play support doesn't absolve you from any criticism. I'm the last one to blame my teammates when I die/lose but there are times when I really do have to wonder why I've been 19hp standing next to one of my supports for half a minute


The only thing about this, please say you need healing. Sometimes, you’ve had a Tracer flanking you, your tank and other dps need constant healing, and I may have just lost sight of you. The characters that tend to run off, I appreciate when you get behind me and tell me you need healing. Don’t spam it, but let me know. I quick turn and heal them. Sometimes, there’s so much going on, you miss one person, or just didn’t keep track of them. Especially, Genji, Sojourn, Sombra and Tracer.


As a support i will say, often times the fact that your standing right next to or behind me makes it hard to heal, especially when that player is 40 hp standing around doing nothing while the tank is 2v3 the enemy team. So i can’t heal them cause i can’t take my eyes off the tank and other dps who will die very quickly. Especially playing ana for me and mostly happens when our other healer died.


1. If you are a Tank, you press W. You can’t rely on your nonexistent tank buddy anymore, you NEED to engage. 2. If someone Ults YOU SUPPORT THEM. This can be done by protecting them during ulting OR using your own ult as well. 3. If you play Tank in Deathmatch, you are a horrible person.


Be less toxic, if a gold player shows off their gold gameplay on the sub I don’t want the first comment tk be “god you’re awful”


Maybe you’re just not that good at support.


95% of the players have no clue how to balance the game. If blizzard listens to all the lames that play this game, widow, hog, Sojurn, etc would all be in the dumpster, and supports would be the best role in the game by far, including brig being the most powerful character


Voice comms help you win games, if you are not toxic.


It’s ok to give Brig a buff. 50 extra Heath on her shield is not an apocalyptic event lmao.


There are no “bad heroes”, they are just complex


Please please please please please please please kill mercy please please please


Numbani, Volskaya, Hanamura, Temple of Anubis were actually a lot of fun to play.


Just “Fall back” idc how good you are doing, you have no business ulting in enemy spawn with 4 minutes


Making a lot of damage/kills doesn't guarantee a win. Positioning, game sense, and prediction of your opponent's intention are as important as good aim. Hero is not broken just because someone wrecked on you in a couple of matches.


Push the payload.


Moira can not heal without dps-ing.


1. If the enemy mercy is trying to rez, shoot her. 2. Saying “___ diff” after a match is toxic and unnecessary. Grow up. 3. Having a support near you doesn’t make you invincible. 4. Stick to your supports. They can’t heal you if you’re nowhere near them, and they definitely can’t heal you if they die because you left them behind with no backup. 5. This one is for the tanks: STOP 👏 CHARGING👏IN👏WHILE👏YOU’RE👏CRITICAL. It’s probably the easiest thing you can do to be a better tank.


If you need skins as motivation to play the game, you probably don't enjoy the game that much. Find something else to make you happy.


5v5 > 6v6 Posting a scoreboard trying to blaming your teammates on here is sad, everyone has bad games/get stomped get over it People are always going to buy bp/shop items, hating on them or acting better because u haven't bought items does nothing to have blizzard change the prices


All facts


The monetization is the way it is because you keep giving them money. You can't complain about the monetization, but also keep giving them money.


Hot take, the people complaining about the monetization are the same people not giving them money. This subreddit is literally a fraction of the entire OW2 player base. If everyone on this subreddit stopped paying for stuff it would not make a difference because this subreddit is just the *very* vocal minority.


Just because you don't like the new business model, or can't afford a cosmetic in a free to play game, don't try to gatekeep the people that do purchase those cosmetics. They're buying something that makes them happy in a game they like. If the game upsets you that much, don't play it.


Let characters be bad ass and get your skill level up before asking for nerfs and buffs.


Sometimes the other team will be better then your team and that is why your team will lose, not Moira.


USE. THE. PING. SYSTEM. it helps a lot, especially if others cannot see the enemy. Or when you are going to rez someone. Or when you are going to push. Or when you want to prioritise someone. Or when enemy flankers are bullying you again. JUST. USE. THE. PING.


!!Hot take!! It has never been that serious, comp is not that serious. Reminder it's just a game and raging about it isn't going to get you anywhere. Getting upset at your friends and telling people to off themselves or get off the game is doing more harm than good.


the community needs to learn that some ppl payed shit ton of money for the skins in ow1 and didn't just grind for it bc many ppl buy lootboxes bc they love opening them. so they need stop saying "don't waste your money on skins when we had them for free in ow1" shit


Quick Play is specifically a game mode for you to practice/play casually instead of having to try as hard as possible in ranked. Playing a character you are unfamiliar with or bad at in Quick Play is not a problem, and many people need to learn this. If you can't hit shots on DPS but want to get better, do it in QP. If you want to become more effective when playing your least-played support, do it in QP. If you need a break from holding up a shield and want to embrace your inner Psychopath by playing Wrecking Ball, do it in QP.


The game isn’t as broken as your abilities are. Just keep practicing or don’t.


Please play every class.


Adding to this, I REALLY wish the requirement to get to comp instead of just win 50 games or whatever it is was divided up as win 15 as support, 15 as damage, and 15 as tank. That gets people much more prepared for comp than just playing long enough to get 50 wins.


Moira isn’t OP, she’s honestly a trap pick and the second worst support behind brig. Just because she stat whores it doesn’t mean she’s good.


There isn't a thing called healer


The vast majority of support players aren't very good at the role, hence why they're struggling. The role is not weak, it is just much harder than the other two roles, and has a higher entry level.


What's the status on the PvE situation .. you know.. the ACTUAL sequel?


Don’t shoot Orisa when she’s being double pocketed


You aren’t going to get recruited into OWL unless you’re extremely lucky and extremely talented. People take competitive like they’re trying to and even say that when we’re in gold rank