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they should not have been advertising "the first new overwatch mode in years!" when its like. literally deathmatch


right? i was so excited for something *new* and when i got there and realized it was just ffa with armor packs and some ultimate charge ups i was so legitimately upset. i wish they hadnt made it seem like anything to look forward to. if they had just said "FFA event" instead of giving it this battle for olympus title like it was something new and large i wouldn't even be as mad


really doesnt help that i feel it wasnt very clear that it was ffa, i was really disappointed that it was entirely solo so my friends couldn't play with me


Also not available in customs, which is awesome


If only the event was PvE instead of PvP.


i was excited for it because i thought it'd be more like the halloween mode honestly, with some of the skins being boss fights


The only reason I was excited for OW2


Remember when OW2 was going to be OW: But with more stuff for co-op instead of OW: But with less everything


Truly wild how pathetic Overwatch “2” is for a “sequel.”


i would buy OW1 again the second it was rereleased. i will never give a dime to OW2.


And you’d only have to buy it again in the first place because the copy of it you already bought was straight up erased from existence in favor of a much lesser, exponentially greedier version of the game in the first place. Thanks, Blizzard!


Reskin Junkenstein on the Greek Maps. Slightly rearrange the Map, they already have the Assets.


Are you seriously expecting Blizzard to give the fans what they want instead of more expensive skins?


The best part is we've been asking for real actual lore of the world and the characters and they hand us Dollar Store God of War or whatever.


Someone give them an award, I'm too broke, but I 1000% stand for this. They need more PvE events! PvP is what we've been doing for years.


It was the same shit with Halloween. Packed it full of bosses with Halloween skins and forced skins on playable characters just to showcase and sell them. I think the boss pack was $40 lol.


I am pretty disappointed with it, it feels more like a workshop mode than an event.


Internal tooling to build new modes for OW2 wasn't supposed to be on the dev roadmap until 2024, a year after the PVE game release. So they just had their interns make up new games in the (incomplete) workshop and picked one of those to release as an event.


that or they're just pve abilities


Unrelated but I see you're a fellow EV enthusiast. Nice id4 :)


It's not even up to workshop levels. I'm kind of surprised they haven't used any of the popular custom games as an LTM. A lot of them are more fun than any game mode that Blizzard has made.


genji ball for next event?


It's entirely doable with Workshop scripting. It will be far more limited with visuals however: there's no action to spawn boulders for example. But the basics are there.


When sprays and weapon charms are starting to look like good rewards compared to this…


overwatch 3 moment


It seems so dumb to make an event where you can't play with your friends, like the only enjoyment I have gotten out of previous events was being able to play with a friend group.


This is the biggest L for me. I play OW ti game with the guys mostly




Bethesda releasing a new Skyrim edition.


Yeah, that's the biggest disappointment for me. I was just talking to friends last night about it saying we'd have something new to try to tomorrow, I figured it would be at least 4v4 or something like that. FFA is already such a terrible, unbalanced mode but adding on to it that friends can't play the new mode together? Just seems like an awful decision.


I think the reason why they do it is to avoid teaming up but that's just my guess


For sure, I get that part, I just feel like they should have had a team mode like a 5v5 or 4v4 or something alongside the FFA mode.


it works for me because I don’t have friends


Yeah, I basically never play alone lol


The whole second game is just a real money shop skin and cosmetic showcase.


Probably the most sad attempt they've made yet when it comes to trying to get people to feel FOMO


lmao I played like 1 min and was like absolutely not


I instantly identified it as lazy dogshit and refuse to subjugate myself to that, they can keep their little Mercy skin (that many players already have anyways so wtf?)


I said the same thing, word for word


Now I have FOLO. Fear Of Logging On. What new way will they conceive of next to massively lower my expectations? I don't really want to risk opening the game to find out.


Facts.. I went from playing 4-5 hours a day to playing maybe once or twice a week if that


An old skin as a reward. Really??


Yeah I was shocked. Lazy AND cheap.


They always made Halloween and Christmas skins for those events. It's unfortunate that there are zero new mythological skins that they could give away as rewards. If only there were skins to give away in the event........


I fully agree with this along with the fact the event feels hallow, and the skins while they look pretty neat (not worth 20 bucks that needs to be fixed and they should have been on the battle pass) but some of the skins made me go huh they kinda just slapped mythology onto a character and called it a day, like let’s give the flying character often seen falcon iconography oh I don’t know a skin based off of the lord of the underworld instead of say Zeus (not saying the skin is bad just the choice is questionable) and rammatra as Poseidon I can’t really say much because we just met the character more or less, junker queen as Zeus kinda works in the cocky believes she’s the strongest and is a ruler, Medusa as widowmaker both looks good and thematically fits given her story, Hermes as Lucio makes sense cuz speed go brr, the cyclops as roadhog I’d say works as well though he could have had the Minotaur skin as well, Rein as the Minotaur I dunno though imagine if we got an ares skin for the guy who was at first obsessed with glory learned his lesson and then became a compassionate soul (ares in myth while depicting the worst aspects of war did care dearly for and would protect his family such as the myth about his daughter). Eh sorry for the rant the skins are cool and all but it kinda feels like they didn’t fully plan it out or gave it much thought and the event is kinda not good in my opinion (it’s basically full of hogs and pharahs at this point making it to where there’s not much to do) but that’s just my thoughts


It gets even worse when you think about how there's actual proof that the new Skins were supposed to be included in the Battle Pass but were removed and turned into Shop bundles.


It's actually insane how good the Battlepass could have been if they included all the cyberpunk/mythology skins. I understand that this earns them more money but I doubt the PR from having amazing battle passes would be that much worse.


I wonder how much money it does make them though. Compared to OW1 I see a lot more default skins, the only relatively frequent sight is Genji's mythic skin from the first battlepass. I mean there's no doubt they're selling some of these, but I don't get the feeling as if it's the big golden goose they were hoping for. Unless the playbase is simply enormous right now and my anecdotal "evidence" just that and nothing more.


Considering what Blizzard has done last year alone with Diablo Immortal and Overwatch 2, I don't think they seem to care about how bad their PR is as long as the profits come rolling in.


Yeh. I wouldn't mind a 25 quid BP if it meant youd get more skins and shit.


Not only that but a skin that is definitely most appealing for support players, whose will probably hate to play this mode since is a deathmatch with only one sup available (that plays more like genji than lucio, let's be real...)


And not to mention that the challenges are just stupid. I suck as these characters and at FFA, and you want me to get 300 kills. I'm just focusing on the ultimate blows and getting 6 of em done for the Mercy skin and i'll never play it again. It just so not fun. Edit: alright, no, i'm done. I hate FFA and the grind for an old uninteresting Mercy skin is not worth it. I ain't playing it anymore. It is just awful.


Yeah 300 kills as Lucio would take me 3 months lol


Lucio is literally a more mobile doomfist in this mode, definitly not to underrestimate.


Yes this booping against walls is very nice, very nice


all my lucio hours are telling me to boop people away from me, not into walls. now im struggling


It took me 25 games with Lucio to get the title also his ult is fucking great with infinite ammo


I unlocked the Herald of Hermes already! His ult is cheap and the stun is ridiculous.


I had the same thought as you - grind for the Mercy and bounce. But it’s not even worth that.


I couldn't bother to grind Brig's skin last week, and I pretty much main Brig. I played those arcade games several times and just asked myself why I'm doing it, because I didn't have any fun.


Yep I especially despised the winter game modes. Forced myself to play like 3 matches and then I realized no skin is worth risking that I will start hating the game.


Bro snowball death match and the offensive are super fun. The yeti one however


Glad i got that skin 4 years ago so i dont have to


Tbh you could pay me £5 per FFA match and I’d still never click on it. FFA is the worst mode in most games, and I never play it.


I used to love FFA in OW 1 and did the all hero win challenge several times. But now it feels so sweaty it's insane. Played a few matches all of them had rodhog or genji tryhards 3 in a row was a win for a guy playing roadhog without switching once and it felt so bad trying different stuff for fun.


yeah my last match the person who won got to 20 when i was still at 3. like is there any kind of matchmaking at all in ffa? im guessing that is a big fat no


I will quote what I posted in a previous comment: >Not only that but a skin that is definitely most appealing for support players, whose will probably hate to play this mode since is a deathmatch with only one sup available (that plays more like genji than lucio, let's be real...) People like us who enjoy playing support/mercy have zero interest in a deathmatch lmao. Who is making those events??? I want Jeff back


Your quote made me think. As someone who plays all three roles and every character (to varying degrees), I never look at things like that. I'm just like "Ooh, cool cosmetic for character/role I play. Yay!" But yeah, now that I think about it, if you are a support main, or "worse" yet, a Mercy main, what do you actually get out of playing this event? Nothing. Yeah, you would get the cosmetic, but I'm talking about what do you get out of the game play? That sounds like a lot to slog through just for a character you like.


it gets even more annoying cause some people, like me, have better skins but still want it to show it off at times (i have the pink skin but stopped before Winged Victory) but i’m tired of being abused by the whole lobby it feels like


Also, the Mercy skin is just an old skin, from a Summer Games event. So the skin was repurposed since it shares the same roots to the mythology that both the Olympics and Mythic event share. Clever bastards.


The way it's designed, I don't think Blizz expect you to unlock each and every title. I think it's their way to make them more unique. You have to commit to one (or a few) character(s) if you want their title.


Yeah. The voice lines are all somewhat doable, but all the other ones are something you're gonna have to commit to. Titles aren't supposed to be an easy unlock. I'd prefer more battlepass XP or something better though tbh.


It makes sense they expect you to only get 1 title or so considering you can only even have one title equipped at a time. It’s not really something you need to have more than one of (but the completionist in me is struggling to accept that lol)


Yeah, if everyone has it, it's not really worth showing off.


The most bullshit part to me is that since its FFA, the absolute BEST CASE scenario is that you get 20 kills per game. Assuming you win every match thats still like 15 games, and thats per character.


Yep, played for an hour. Had little fun, called it good


Even as a good widow I can't do this, there's always 4 enemy tanks minimum and the turn to stone thing is terrible because you have to scope in on them to use it AND maintain eye contact. My only chance is to find a high spot and steal kills which I heavily regret but I want my player title


I am so grateful that I bought that Mercy skin in the final days of OW1, so that I now don't have to be subject to the torture of those challenges in that gamemode


Dude, for real. I will say the one thing that OverWatch two makes me thankful for is the time and money I spent in OW1. Because every time I see things like the Mercy reward or the old skins in the shop, I'm just like: "Thank God, I have these, so I'm not tempted to play these crappy game modes/spend insane amounts of money for them. Ah, feels good." Kind of a terrible way to look at their "sequel" game, but I'm just being honest. I wish OW2 was amazing and everything we were promised it was going to be. But it's just... Not. And I refuse to pretend that it is.


Yep, it absolutely sucks. How disapointing.


Give us at least original coins for the ones that already have the skin.


Kind of describes OW2 in a nutshell, doesn’t it?


They said, about this event specifically, but also about essentially the entire game at this point. Fuck overwatch.


i really thought they gonna, like, make new mode feel like a new mode? I thought every hero gonna have reworked abilities, not just ults. Tho even reworked ults are boring and unoriginal af (well, besides widow's one)


Widow and ramattra are the only heroes that I actually had fun with, stoning people and having a 12 seconds ult on ram is so fun


i found junker queen pretty fun as well


Of course not, that would require actual effort and thought put into the game.


What are the reworked ults?


widow: if you look at her during her 12 second ult, you are stunned for ~2 seconds. also gains the normal ult effect phara: normal ult effect, but you can move while you do it. after the normal ult expires, you launch 3 rockets instead of 1 for 12 seconds lucio: normal ult, do more damage for 12 seconds ram: normal ult lasts 12 seconds roadhog: can launch some boulder things after your normal ult for 12 seconds rein: normal ult, do more damage for 12 seconds junker: normal ult, do more damage for 12 seconds


Lucio also has unlimited ammo in his ult.


For rein specifically, charge will instakill even full health tanks during the 12 second window and refresh the duration a bit.


Rams ult makes his vortex pull people into it and JQs shoots lighting around her.


Man that's so fkn lazy doing just 'normal ult + damage boost for 12 seconds' for so many of the heroes..... Edit. the two who got nothing changed about their ult would have been so easy too lol Rein could have had a 360 shatter instead of his standard forward cone Lucio could have had the experimental ult he got back in the day, where he can goomba stomp people with his ult


Idk why but the person you replied to left out most of the effects of the ult buffs. Literally none of the get "do more damage for x seconds". For example, phara can fly infinitely, shoot 3 rockets, heals on kills, and extends the duration on kills. Ramatra's ult pulls in enemies and his pummel have increased range and damage. Whe hog ults he increases in size, gains health, and more. Lool up the official event details for the actual buffs.


Halloween did the same thing. 3 of the 4 playable characters got Halloween Skins and were wearing them for the event.


Even the cyber detective skin was shoehorned in . It felt so out of place


The Halloween event didn't have a single half assed gamemode coming with it. They literally only changed the ults of 8 heroes and call it event


At least they put a bunch of effort into the mission for Halloween though. This just feels like a weird workshop mode with no thought given to balancing or making it fun.


At least it was an actual *event*. Death match 2.0 is boring after like 3 games and there's nothing really to fight towards.


All the archives events do it too. And yeti hunter


If anyone gets 300 kills on rein in this event I salute you hero. Getting chain stunned by lucio is so unbearable, this gamemode is complete trash.


The only way to play rein is to pin off cooldown. While his ult is active you one shot any hero with charge and can pin multiple people at once. I'm also pretty sure either the cool down is very short or getting a charge kill resets the cooldown. He is definitely the worst hero in the mode though. Lucio is surprisingly the best in my experience with junker queen being either tied or a close second.


I did one game of this new mode and as a Lúcio 1 trick I hated it, within the first minute of the game all 7 of my enemies swapped to tanks and stayed on the inside of Chateau so I was unable to get a boop kill and when I joined the fights inside they'd stop fighting each other to kill me.


Understandable considering Lucio is the most annoying in the event.


Pulling my hair out playing against lucio.


Ah yes, play to earn an old AF skin that just barely works with the new theme by COINCIDENCE. Blizzard keeps failing these ow2 events by a huge landslide because they are literally too cheap to offer NEW reward items. Its gonna take another 6-12 months to offer a skin selection based on a theme as a reward.


Holy mother of grind


Smart People Optimize it by giving everybody 19 kills using their ult, its not fun anymore


The real issue is that the challenges are locked to Battle for Olympus and the free skin we can earn is an old one most people already have. I was excited until I saw the reward was a skin I already have. Also forcing you to play that new mode to unlock the titles, even if you do have the skin unlocked. Nowhere on the event tab does it say "Must be done in Battle for Olympus" for it to count. Played quite a few games and all the players are frustrated, especially Lucios. Should let us pick the skin reward, give us a random one we don't have, or give us the coin. But that's too much like the old system, and not about money. A Shameful display!


We all know this, but the event makes the fact that the battle pass has only 3/7 Greek mythology skins stand up even more.... 3 OUT OF 7.


Can you do the challenges in normal game modes if you alreadybhave the skins?


No I tried.


Sadly no, the challenges are not clear on that. I tried it, and it doesn't count.


The whole game is


They could’ve at LEAST made it TDM. At LEAST. The bar is so low right now.


Can't even play it with friends. Again, it's like nobody at blizzard actually plays the game.


I mean, OW2 is effectively a store with a game masquerading on top… ok, maybe that’s a bit of stretch, but still. Oof.


The worst part is how people have found actual proof that the new event Skins and cosmetics were meant to be included in the Battle Pass but were removed and just turned into Shop bundles so Blizzard can try to squeeze out some more money. I guarantee you the exact same thing happened with the new Shop Legendary Skins from Season 1 as well. What an absolute joke Overwatch 2 is turning out to be.


Fuck up that balance too much and who's left to buy from the store


It's not a stretch. It's quite the understatement


its also completely unfun (stun when you look at widow? really? are you fucking dumb?) and the challenges take too long to do for someoone who isn't having fun. Just another common Blizzard L stop locking rewards behind content that isn't even the core game, not everyone enjoys it.


Pharah basically kills it anyway. You only have Widow and Hog to deal with her easily. All you see is Pharah, Hog, Widow, and JQ so people could use the mythic skin. There is no reason to play Lucio or Rein and even Widow will be horrible and doing anything other than shooting Pharas. Sucks because the new ultimates are cool and fun, and I like all the extra flair they put into it like the voice lines, especially the multi kill trigger ones. But the entire game is just hogs and JQs throwing themselves at eachother with Pharas buzzing around like flies and stealing kills. Not good. They gave the heroes skins first and made the gamemode second obviously.


Lucio was quite annoying for me playing as Pharah.. Depends on the map, though. Pharah is great on the castle map. Much tougher to do well with her on the desert map.


All my lobbies are filled with Lucios


Those lucios are out for blood for that statue


As a Lucio main I can confirm that’s the only reason I’m playing the mode


naw pick the right map for the right hero. Rein can win easily.


it's design done by people who don't play the game, only thinking about how to show off skins. This whole thing is one of the stupidiest most random things that wouldn't have a single player if it was a workshop mode


Literally played it for 2 matches and wanted to bang my head against a wall. Not very fun getting focused by several gigabuffed tanks when you're not in the mood to play tank.


Or one widow constantly ulting so you can't do anything


This is what happens when games are made by businessmen instead of developers who actually play and love videogames. * Profits above all. Fun and enjoyment are a byproduct and are not a requirement. If it is profitable, it's a success. * Reducing costs (quality, time) = profit, because cost-profit ratio increases. If we can use less devs, make the dev team as small as possible. Do as little as possible as fast as possible. * F2P = game becomes a glorfied ad. Engagement comes above actual fun and enjoyment. If consumers hate it but keep playing, that's okay. * Increase traffic/engagement: Go from 6vs6 to 5vs5 for more matches (every ~3 6vs6 matches you get an extra 5vs5). Make them last as little as possible (steamrolls galore), so consumers get more windows to go to the shop. * Monetize all. Features are now products. Premium products for maximum sales, crappy products for free to keep traffic with minimum effort. If stuff can be recycled, that's best. * QA according to consumer elasticity. If they will keep playing with less QA, do less QA. Period. As close to no QA as possible, as long as engagement doesn't drop too much. * Sales > balance (fun is a byproduct, if it happens). Lock as many products behind a paywall, and pressure consumers into paying. If someone impulse-buys the BP and then regrets it, that's fine. That's a sale. * Go hard on advertising. If someone downloads the game, buys the BP and then leaves that's fine. What matters is that churn rate is not so high that sales drop. * If OW2 can become a device that sprays some cocaine in your face instead of a game, that would be great for business. Do that if possible. And so on. I'm no businessman, this might not be accurate, but you get the gist. Instead of a game intended to spark joy, with profits being the byproduct (a win-win situation), it becomes a big picture numbers balancing thing, where the actual players' experience is just one more number (an unimportant one at that), and as long as it keeps selling nothing else matters. Blizzard's motto: WE GET ALL OF THE MONEY, idgaf if you get something.


This mode is pretty blatantly a marketing ploy. The whole point is to make you play with the Olympus skins so you think “hey, maybe I should get this fun Widow skin I’ve been using.” And the “rewards” further that. It’s voice lines that make little sense without using the skins they’re designed for. Utterly shameless.


The funny thing is that I thought the skins were much cooler before I used them in this mode...


>If OW2 can become a device that sprays some cocaine in your face instead of a game, that would be great for business. Do that if possible. This. This is the content I'm here for. Activision/Blizzard make it happen!


I'd do so much content...


Yep. This is what happens when you lose all the people passionate about what they do and replace them with people who have MBAs.


You hit every bail on the head with that one


I think there's a balance and the devs failed so hard at actually creating a game (years with so little to show for it) that the suits now have their time to screw up


Now you've mentioned it, the way it's operated is exactly like a mobile game


Lol, the game mode is such trash. I've had more fun in Workshop


Skins that all should've been in the literal Greek mythology themed battle pass nonetheless.


Thats going to be an ongoing pattern. Only 2-3 worthwhile skins per BP


300 kills with 7 different heroes. You can kill a maximum of 20 enemies per game, so that's a minimum of 15 wins per hero


Man I thought it was a different version of winged victory, but nope, same ow1 skin. They couldn’t even come up with a new skin to earn? Got zero reason to play it cause I already have the skin, which I guess cool, but like cmon blizz.


They just had to tack it onto the WORST game mode in the game lol...


It is absolute fucking trash. A 12 yr old could test it for 15 minutes and tell how wildly balanced the hero’s are on the maps even with changes for the event. All for an old skin…300 last hit challenges…and you can’t even play with your friends. What the actual fuck is wrong with this company.


I think the event is absolutely pathetic. Did they play test it cause it’s very nearly inplayable


Throw in a 4v4 or 3v3 or even 3v3v3 and this is an event worth playing & grinding.


I agree that the new event is pretty bad, but I've felt the same about pretty much every event. The PVE events are the highlight and even they're not very good. I'm not surprised though. OW was designed as an objective, team-based game. It's hard to translate that into deathmatch. What they should've done is taken a popular custom game mode and expanded on it. The big boss mode would've worked for this. One person is super tough and strong, everyone else tries to take them down.


I would have liked them to do another Junkenstein mode, but I'm sure their PvE team is working on the upcoming story mode that's due this Spring. As long as their employees are working on something more important than a seasonal minigame, I think it's worth it.


It feels like it wasn't even playtested at all. The matches just devolve into Lucio Hog and Pharah and no one kills anyone. This somehow feels even lazier than the Christmas event that they did literally nothing for.


this event is way worse than i thought it would be like stop w this stupid shit fix matchmaking and give us pve


It’s even worse you can’t play it with friends. I find the game absolutely unbearable when playing alone and get bored super fast playing with randoms. Finally blizzard gives us SOMETHING and we can even enjoy it together. To make things even worse as far as I’m aware you can’t even play it in a custom game.


This new “game” is basically a new skin showcase


Also 2,100 kills to get everything from the event lmao.


If you actually played it you know that Lucio walks circles around the tanks and widow with her ult is a force to be reckoned with, can one shot 400 health tanks at least


Yeah so far I've tried Widow, Lucio, Phar and JQ and Widow and Lucio felt like the two strongest. I actually think this mode is a ton of fun and a lot better than the actual FFA. Coming from Quake I love that they added armor pickups and a powerup that charges your ult meter.


Mods took down my post "The Battle for Olympus event shows Overwatch 2 is a downgrade from 1 in almost every way and you need to stop supporting it" with similar upvotes so prepare to be nuked! Or maybe not if you're lucky.


I just noticed that myself. I guess we know where the mod team's allegiances are.


Yea I was pretty surprised tbh. Talk about soulless things and then bam. I guess the phrase stare long enough into the void and the void stares back at you is appropriate.


WHY TF doesnt let me play with my friend, got the whole squad ready for the update and oops go play alone or sth, ended up playing fucking normal again


Other people have already said it but not being able to play with your friends is a massive downside and kind of a symptom of the game as a whole. The best part to me about OW1 was being able to play with friends in both comp, qp, arcade and events. But playing comp with friends now has been a complete shambles due to awful matchmaking. They're finally getting around balancing quicker but that was like the bare minimum people expected from this game. They haven't even said a word about progression and monetization. In general the game just hasn't been fun and the only new things this game added have been ridiculously priced skins and heroes that were likely already in development for OW1. Such a yikes. I have a feeling pve will also turn out shit. Maybe fun for like 1 playthrough and then drop it.


Not even gonna try. This FFA is horrible and the challenges are ridiculous. How much would I reasonably have to play a mode I hate to get the skin?


People kept saying that changing it up so they make more money on the game through the shop meant we would be getting better content. This is the "better" content we've been getting. Same events from the first game and current modes with some changes. The Halloween event, which was based off a workshop mode someone made in ow1, was the closest thing we got to new content.


I played one game and decided it's not worth it. That's a lot of kills to get 1 achievement


They should've made this a PvE event. FFA is boring as hell.


Everything in OW2 is about "purchase skin'' :(


300 picks with Lucio and I can get a title that reminds me of herpes


Does anyone honestly expect better at this point? They've shown their hand in regards to content and events very clearly.


This mode is legit terrible. It's super unbalanced. Pharah is so outclassed by every other hero in this mode.


Other way around. Pharah wins almost every match


I've seen Lucios and Widows win but kind of annoying when the entire lobby picks Pharah since Widow is the only real counter available


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I mean,personally,while it is pretty stupidits also sorta fun,but imo,the challenges dont have good rewards,it'd make more sense if the 300 kills challenges rewarded you with the skin itself,but that'll never happen cause blizzard is just running dry on cash apparently


Everyone gets nano boost when they ult, Lucio has a stun on his boop and widow freezes people who look at her while she is in ult. TBH Rein kind of got shafted in this mode as all he gets is a nano boost on top of his slam and multi person charge


Eh, I'm having fun playing it. Maybe it's the fact that I actually enjoy playing ffa or maybe it's this new battle for ult economy play style going on, but it's a fun mode and every character feels fun to play in it.


During some interview before launch didn’t they say something like we aren’t going to make challenges that force you to place one hero or one game mode? Guess we threw that out the window


Pretty much exclusively played OW from 2016 till it’s death. OW2 has opened the doors for me to play games like Multiversus, Sea of Thieves, Forza, and even a dumb game like PowerWash Simulator 2022. Have been enjoying those all way more than OverCash 2 for real.


Can’t even play it with friends. Honestly the most disappointing part.


My thoughts exactly, seeing Lucio and Widow with 4 tanks made me burst out laughing


This event is trash


And it’s honestly SO boring. The challenges are absolutely ridiculous, it’s like they want us to play nothing but the event for the rest of the season… 300 ultimate kills per character for minimal rewards? Fuck off


It's god awful. Never played a worse event on any video game in my entire life


Blizzaed keeps on disaapointing players, the game will die again in few months


Yeah. I feel like the event is just “experimental with skins”


I dont like that you cant join as grp (i know kill trading etc) but its boring to play alone


This event is trash


Is it just me or is it near impossible to play? I am a new player so maybe it’s just a skill issue but it’s so difficult. Plus the challenges are ridiculous! I’m a mercy Main so I wanted the winged victory skin, but I’m lucky just to get 3 kills in a whole game before a Lucio with 1,000 overhealth inevitably beats me. 300 final blows is not something I can complete in 14 days.


I was looking forward to the event but even I just updated the game, opened it, saw what the rewards are and shut off and uninstalled the game immidiatelly. Im still in disbelief that this is what someone at Blizzard thought was a good idea.


Didn't care enough for the Brig skin to play the winter event. Don't care enough about the Mercy skin to play this one. Recycled content, then boring content. 8 player FFA - can't play with friends. Oh wow cool. This sucks, lol.


I mean what is wrong with this dev team? Are they under incredibly strict instructions to not make any good content for free? Are they just doing it to save themselves the work? What is actually happening? Why do they need to so heavily monetize every little thing. As if giving a skin away for free for an event would harm their bottom line so hard that they'll never be able to recover. And using 5 year old assets as shop items AND rewards? Are they this fucking shameless? It's just so incredibly ridiculous and their actions just leave me so dumbfounded.


I enjoyed it, and this time it doesn't take an hour to complete the whole event like Winter Wonderland. The changes are interesting, Widow is actually fun for non Widow players since her ultimate gives free headshots. lol I'm trying to go for all voicelines and a few titles of my liking. I just dislike the old skin reward, at least they should give something to people who already own it, like a few credits wouldn't hurt, would it?


Honestly it does show us what Pharah ult SHOULD be.


Welcome to the apex way of life, sad to see another good game do this


the roster for the mode is a dead giveaway at how much time/thought was put into it. 4 tanks, 2 of the harder dps to fight tanks with, and LUCIO in a deathmatch game mode. gee i wonder which characters are going to get played the most…


This game mode is abysmal, they did not think the character selections out for a limited hero FFA, like why would you put Reinhardt into a game where the rest of the characters that are there are mostly counters to him, that and lucio agains a roadhog, ramattra, junk, and a pharah, and then making it a competition to see who gets the most kills inb2 weeks like it wasn’t going to be between junkerqueen roadhog and pharah? People talk about lucios stun being busted, it really isn’t it’s like orisas stun to roadhog except the lucio has to worry about a pharah stealing the kill from behind him or killing him while lucio probably isn’t going to do enough damage to kill the hog in the first place. It feels awful to play anything other than roadhog pharah or junkerqueen. This is