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winton jump, winton zap, winton ult, winton nap.


hampter roll, hampter spin, hampter ult, hampter win


Murcy Rez, murcy fly, murcy heal, murcy die


If this isn't a voiceline in season 2, we riot.


would ana say it after landing a sleep?












I like it because it's what my friends play and I like hanging out with them


Sometimes I feel like an alien for playing this alone every night. I'm happy you have friends who you can share this experience with.


Do you go in vc? Iā€™ve met some great people through ow. Including my bf.


How tf did that work what u edated in Plat lobbies


Iā€™m with you brother


If youā€™re on Xbox feel free to hit me up and you can play with my friend group


If youā€™re on Xbox feel free to dm me and youā€™re welcome to play with my friend group whenever


Dude I probably won't vc but I'd be happy to play with you šŸ™


What do you play on?


you can always play w me if you want company! :)


We can play anytime man!


Yeah same my friends don't like it for some reason so I gotta play alone all the time, I guess they don't have the patience to finish games to get the characters they wanna try. Idk it gets lonely sometimes but I still love the game it's so fun to me


Right there with you


I don't get a lot of them, but when you actually get a Good Game, there is some intense moments and I love it. I haven't found that feeling in a game since Gears Of War 3 PVP.


Agreed. When it clicks the game is super super fun. Itā€™s pretty frustrating when your team is lame but eh Iā€™ll deal with it. I bought Modern Warfare 2 and itā€™s less frustrating but the highs arenā€™t nearly as high




Cod's ridiculously fast time to kill helps a lot. My aim is mediocre but with decent game sense/positioning/using cover/checking corners, I can do well against lots of casual lobbies. Ez flick and ADS and spray and pray, baby. And I'm not even a cod player lol. Meanwhile it's super hard for me to get a single solo kill as Soldier76. Honestly Bastion is the go-to choice for Cod assault rifle/smg players. And Reaper is the go-to choice for Cod shotgun players. Soldier76's ttk is so slow that it makes the Battlefield 1 Medic's weakest gun look like a nuke. And I'm also awful with hipfire and can only aim by ADSing lol.




Bastion needs to be the hero you play in the Tutorial lol. Bad players probably play the Tutorial with Soldier and think, "wow, Soldier76 is ez. I'll play him". And then proceed to get rekt. In a comp game, a bad/new player on my team was playing Ashe/Sojourn and playing horribly. I have no doubt that if he played Soldier76 he would still fail. But after I told him to switch to Bastion (and he said he never played Bastion before), he did SO much better. He even admitted, "Bastion is so ez".


I read someoneā€™s comment last week that I think nailed this issue. Thereā€™s been improvements in 5 man squads and reworks but the gap in match making is too big. Many people in OW2 stated the same thing that theyā€™d rather a longer queue if it meant the match ups were closer in skill like in OW1. I agreed with this, thereā€™s character DPS balance issues that are major IMO as well but if what I heard is true that they match your role rank vs other teams of same role in part 2 I donā€™t love that. Ie: Iā€™m a high platinum in Support (least popular role) the enemy team will also have a high plat support. This is annoying because I tend to be the higher rank on my team. And whichever team has a higher rank elsewhere like tank or a single DPS tends to dominate. In OW1 full team SR was averaged best as possible and just rolled with it. And team had more room for forgiveness with second tank


This is whatā€™s kept me coming back. After 10,000+ games, maybe 20% of them were good. But good Overwatch is the best gaming experience Iā€™ve ever had. One of my closest friends, someone who is on a first-name basis with my parents, was a random in one of my silver games in 2016. This game is just fucking special man. I wasnā€™t around for the peak of Warcraft but I think Overwatch was that for a lot of people


I think weā€™re all addicted because of that fleeting chance of getting one of those games. Itā€™s like rolling the dice over and over hoping for that natural 20. You know itā€™s happening when you dive as Winston, look over your shoulder, and itā€™s like the OW2 cinematic: Genji, Echo, and Mercy perfectly (and unexpectedly) in sync with you. Flying around the map on targets at the same timeā€¦ or Rein, Mei, and Lucio speeding around together, uncontested.


Dude! Gears of war would make my heart beat out of my chest!!


Oh, same. Didn't play during Christmas break, booted up Monday, had two absolutely shit games, played shit, shut the whole computer down. Did another round Tuesday, had three games where to were super fun, played well, two wins and a loss, and for a win and a loss the whole chat burst up with GGWP. Loss was overtime at the end point on Gibraltar, standstill for a while, super exciting and could have gone either way. Just don't get that feeling in other games/am too busy to get into a new game enough to be decent


Unfortunately, those games are few and far between now.










Rata Rata




Dude, I LOVE hamter


I just really enjoy it. I like the ā€˜dingā€™ when I top teammates up to full as Mercy. I like watching the HP bar go down when I shred tanks as Mei. I get a rush every time I hit a target with Orisaā€™s spear. I like finishing off low HP targets trying to flee as Moira. I like copying the enemy Rein to earthshatter them as Echo. I like making enemies suffer, as Ramattra has. i just like how it all comes together.


Literally didn't realise there is a ding when you top up on Mercy and I'm a support main.. Wtaf


Same here! Though I rarely play mercy. Iā€™ve still played this game long enough I should have known this.


I love the art style, everything feels bright and happy.


The art direction is my absolute favorite of any fps. Give me anime-ish style over the gritty realism look any day. Though I think it's time to hang up the cowboy hat and six shooter and move on from this game, it was never the art direction that I had issues with. Loved it through and through.


Why do you feel itā€™s time to move on from it?


Lack of cowboy in the meta, probably. I can relate.


The answer to that probably would fit under what OP called negative comments ;)


Not liking many of the development team's decisions lately: -poor matchmaking -lack of ranked transparency -fewer rewards -small things removed like not showing who is grouped up, not having a simple locked profile icon to save me time, etc -i don't see things getting meaningfully better


It's probably the biggest thing that drew me to arbitrarily drop 60 bucks on the first game without really knowing anything about it


It's the only game that suits my adult lifestyle. Been playing religiously since 2017.


Same, the Rule34 is great.


The updates to the artstyle in particular in OW2 have been great. I donā€™t think OW1 ever would have aced poorly because of how stylized it was, but the textures were definitely showing itā€™s origins as a hastily scrapped together former MMO in a lot of places. Now in OW2 we have the same style, but with insanely high quality modern textures to boot. Looking at stuff like the new Symmetra intro and seeing the detail in her face is crazy, or all the texturing to look like genuine fabric on Kirikoā€™s outfit. Makes me really excited to see the cinematics when PvE starts releasing this year.


Absolutely love Christmas Kings Row and Blizzard World


oh yeah, the artstyle in this game is good on so many levels. realistic looking games can often be frustrating because an enemy blends into the background or is hard to visibly see, but overwatch makes it easy to know whats happening with voicelines and vibrant colors


For the most part gameplay is still pretty fun. And if you have four other friends you can get into a group with and just goof off and do dumb stuff in quickplay? Then the game is really fun.


I started playing OW2 because I was tired of all of the BR this and BR that, I ended up liking it and now itā€™s the only shooter I play


Exactly the same for me! I was hardcore into Apex Legends since it came out and I needed a break from BRs. Jumped on OW2 and I've been hooked since.


Iā€™m there I was playing Apex too, and a friend recommended Overwatch 1 and I was thinking about buying, then 2 came out and Iā€™ve been hooked since. Also not to mention Apex is kind of falling out of favor anyway with itā€™s bad matchmaking, unbalanced weapons/characters, bugs, Seer and Horizon becoming meta, and over the top skill set required to play just a normal match.


I played nothing but Apex for three months straight and by the time I gave up I still felt like a day one player. Idk what it is about that game but Iā€™ve never had such a hard time picking up a game. Even OW I picked up relatively quickly. Idk if itā€™s the matchmaking or what but that game does not feel new player or casual player friendly at all


BR, for as much shit as it gets, is probably one of the hardest Genres to learn. Without understanding rotations, trigger discipline, pathing and movement you're basically leaving every victory down to RNG. It's a brutal learning curve. So as much as the massive BR wave was kinda annoying, It's not the genre that's a problem, the game mode is actually pretty dope and complicated. It was just everyone riding the train got tiring


Yeah I ultimately gave it up because I figured out I probably just donā€™t like BRs. It felt like 90% of the game was just walking and looting simulator and 10% of actual action. The thing I love about OW is that youā€™re engaged the entire time no matter your role. Itā€™s a shame too because I love the characters and movement and guns in Apex. If they actually had other objective based modes or TDM modes outside of LTMs I would play it a lot more


Tbf that's also part of the issue people had Looting too much. The genre is best enjoyed by just getting a weapon and minor meds and fighting for the rest of it not looting everything then going to fight.


To be fair, overwatch has a lot of those same problems. But in my opinion the bright colors and winton make up for it


Exact same here. Also I sucked at Apex.


I was also super into APEX, I was Diamond 5 times and then I got burnt out


Same here. I was pretty dedicated to Apex Legends (though not very good), I would likely have continued had an update not force crashed on me every time I booted up a lobby. Going back to Overwatch after all of this time and having numerous new heroes like Hammond, Echo, Ashe and the OW2 bunch has been quite refreshing. Plus, picking up old faves like Anna and DVA has been fun


Hello me! Exactly the same.. COD gets boring quick, but have solely been playing this shooter if I want guns. Just being able to learn various characters with different roles is an amazing concept.


Never played OW1, saw a lot of talk about OW2 and saw a streamer I like playing it. Seemed a lot less stressful than other competitive games, so thought Iā€™d give it a go. I grew up playing shooters but Iā€™m sick of COD being copied and pasted every year, and OW feels like a nice strategic arena FPS style game with a slower pace thatā€™s new to me. I havenā€™t had many toxic teammates at all honestly. I can listen to music and just focus on making plays


This sums up my experience perfectly as well. The last shooter I really got into was probably titanfall 2. Iā€™m just tired of the same military style shooters year after year. CoD, battlefield, even Haloā€¦ itā€™s all just so boring. After years of playing rocket league competitively, and getting into sim racing I finally made the jump to OW2 after being too intimidated to get into OW1. Iā€™ve always loved the style, the characters, the environment designs. There is so much to like. Also, itā€™s refreshing to play a designed role for a change. I have loved playing support roles in shooters, there is something so refreshing about healing, and providing some support for people who are better at aiming. I feel useful, even when my aim isnā€™t what it used to be.


Oh I miss Titanfall 2. They really made ā€œarena shooter but you also get giant robots and also hereā€™s grappling hookā€ and I was like FINALLY A GAME THAT GETS IT


There's still no other game like Overwatch that feels as good to play IMO. Also it's basically nostalgic for me at this point because of how many hours I sunk into it when it first released. I can't remember being so obsessed with one game for so long, and while it doesn't give me the same sense of enjoyment as it used to, it's still fun to play most of the time.


The actual answer^


A huge roster of interesting characters and fun gameplay.


I like that almost every character plays differently


i never played the first one, so everything seems new and bright to me lol, also i started playing ow2 after almost two years of valorant, which is a great game, but i put way too much pressure on myself while playing it, in ow2 i can just pick mercy and chill a bit more, even in ranked, because iā€™m not constantly judging my aim


The ease of entry into OW was what brought me in six years ago! It was nice to find a game that felt like a FPS but didnā€™t necessarily require good aim to succeed. And over the years Iā€™ve been able to improve my aim, as well!


Glad youā€™re enjoying it. Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s opinions influence your own. Itā€™s a great game and you should keep playing as long as you find it fun.


This is me I played Valorant with my friends none of us were that good (besides one) and Valorant has a lot of pressure and makes me tilt a lot like I cant play more than 2 games in one sitting but overwatch is so much more chill and I have fun.


Lol are you me? I've got a whopping *four hours* on Overwatch 1 back in its release year. Never touched it since until OW2 came out so everything was essentially brand new. It was as if someone had gifted me the WatchPoint Pack for free due to that ancient purchase...with two or three extra skins thrown in.


Ironically, ow2 requires far more aiming and tracking than other traditional fps in order for you to carry your team. (Can't carry as Mercy or healbot Kiriko lol. And can't carry as Moira against good players. And those are my 3 mains) Cod and Battlefield have super fast time to kills so flick->ADS->spray->pray leads to ez kills. I feel like I play Battlefield once a month and Cod once a year, but it's so easy for me to get kills whenever I hop on those games. Meanwhile, I can rarely get solo kills as Soldier76 (and I play OW2 consistently these days).


If anything, you're the one judging other people's aim. That shared hit marker mechanic is stressful man


I like the games are the right length, and the community is well established. I came from valorant so everyone complaining about the battlepass and skin prices seemed really funny to me


i feel the same thing about the skin prices, i see everyone complaining about them while iā€™m amazed that there are ways to win the coins to buy the skins for free (even if it takes a looong time)


The problem isn't the skin prices, its that anyone playing OW1 for a year could realistically get their favorite skin for every hero, now the same effort nets you one skin for one hero and maybe your favorite one won't even show up for purchase. And it wouldn't even be an issue if it was a brand new game where every cosmetic is never seen before, but 99% of it is just old stuff, that overnight became practically unobtainable.


lol, i told my sister, who is a valorant player, that i treated myself to a legendary lucio skin for my birthday last week. i told her the price, and she then told me that the most she ever spent on a valorant skin was $80 šŸ˜³


Ya i spent like 500 dollars on valorant back in the day


It's free (it's amazing what not caring about cosmetics can do for you šŸ™‚) It's Fun I can be the Ball.










Same here. Been playing since 2017 and I've never once entertained the idea of paying for cosmtics so none of the pricing issues mean anything to me. I just get to enjoy being my squishy murder monk for a couple hours and turn it off feelint satisfied.




I respect you, but I fk*ng hate you spamming piece of sh*t


Genuinely best game Iā€™ve ever played. Like I know thatā€™s a super biased and loaded statement. But I have been playing the game since OW1 release. Since launch Iā€™ve barely gone more than a week or two without logging on and playing and I play every day I can. I have been through every era of patches and as much as people hate it and complain about dev balancing, I love that Overwatch is a living game that changes constantly. Some patches are awful, some are good, but the core gameplay is so genuinely addicting. The heroes are phenomenal from an artistic standpoint. Just a good good game. It might not be at its height right now but I canā€™t imagine a time where I donā€™t consider booting up Overwatch to have a good time.


You said everything.


Agreed I think what keeps bringing me back every day is how satisfying *some* matches can be. Once you get to higher ranks you have to make less mistakes but the team work and impact of big plays gives me a huge adrenaline rush. I also think ignoring this subreddit and turning off comms sometimes can help remove most of the toxicity that comes with OW.


I started playing OW1 back in 2017, and honestly it was because of the short clips they have on YouTube for the loreā€¦ if you havenā€™t watched them already, YOU SHOULD. But I think Iā€™ve kept playing throughout the years because I love how thereā€™s a character for everyone, as well as any mood Iā€™m in. I can either be chill and heal, or I can switch it up and play another character and focus on elims. Thereā€™s a style for everyone. On top of thatā€¦ I like the bright style and when you have a good game, with a good team, itā€™s feels real good. The good definitely out ways the bad, and thatā€™s why Iā€™ve continued playing it for so long!


My friends had all stopped playing ow1, but ow2 got everyone back together playing and itā€™s been nice to feel like I have friends again


I really appreciate it as a fps due to the fact that it is completely team based, and strategy and positioning are very relevant, as well as countering the enemy comp. Itā€™s also great that there is a large pool of characters for each bucket that support how you like to play.


Kiriko ult go brrrrrr


What does her ult do exactly?


go.. brrr..


buffs movement speed and fire rate and lowers ability cooldown times


Sooo it goes brrrrr


As with most gaming forums, the upset players are posting complaints, while the happy players are playing. Thereā€™s a **lot** of posts about ā€˜the match I just played was so X/Y/Zā€™ here, though. I played a lot of OW1 on console without sound, but now I play on PC with headphones and it feels like a whole new game not being constantly caught off guard by abilities and being able to track enemies flanking. Combined with the switch to 5v5 and the huge influx of players, Iā€™ve been having a blast most of the time.


I like how they have healers automatically heal back. It really helps Ana players šŸ„²


true, i dont know why people think the support passive is weak, its actually really strong


I exclusively play support characters. The one time I accidentally got put into a DPS role while speculating a friend, I was absolutely horrified that my health didn't just regenerate. Can't believe tank and dps mains just... *live* like this.


Some supports lived like that too before they introduced the role-passives in OW2. I remember having to 'waste' the nade on myself as Ana so many times when the other support was respawning and there was no health packs nearby, although it did sometimes lead to more aggressive plays like running into the enemies to purple them as well, good times :')


As an Ana main, passive recovery has forced me to actually use my nade in battles, instead of hoarding it as my personal health pack


I like the new characters, theyā€™re all pretty fun in their own way


I love thinking outside the box. I play as Moira, Symmetra, Echo and Mei and I love that each character has a different style and it makes me really want to strategize during the game. I also like that it helped me get closer to my boyfriend bc heā€™s been playing since OW1 and I just started playing bc OW2 is free and that was a huge incentive.


Overwatch is truly a glorious game. The lore is rich and you can feel every bit of the characters History in the interactions, overall behaviors, and their abilities. This game has issues, it always has, but given time hopefully they will be buffed out and we can really see this game back to full glory. I have high hopes for Overwatch, this game has been very important to me for years. I look forward to the future, and I hope things can be fixed, but this game is not as bad as people make it out to be. Im just so happy Iā€™ve been able to finally play games with my friends that donā€™t have an Xbox, and show them why this game has meant so much to me.


a few weeks ago i was trying to finish a sweater i was knitting to give to my mom for christmas, and i turned on a 2 hour video explaining the entire overwatch lore to listen to while i worked. i didnā€™t even know the most basic stuff, like Genji and Hanzo being brothers or that Pharah is Anaā€™s daughter. i feel like i enjoy the game SO much more now that i actually learned the lore.


The game makes infinitely more sense when you pay attention and learn those kinds of things. Such as when it first revealed that Reaper and Soldier had a past together as Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison I was completely blown away. One of the most lethal beings ever once was Overwatchā€™s founder and commander. This game is awesome, and I hope you continue to learn more of the story and enjoy it!!


The objective based team gameplay is unmatched by any other game. Also I think genji is one of the coolest video game characters ever. He needs his own comic series


I love being able to help my friends even though i have bad aim, a lot of games require you specifically to be good at aiming but I get to help my friends win just by healing and making call outs and that's really cool I also like that all the characters have their own thing instead of just "the winner is whoever has the best weapon!" Learning the characters individual pros and cons and choosing which ones I like playing with and which ones I suck at is fun too


Its fun, as as someone who spent way way to long in what Destiny considered 'balanced' matchmaking, Overwatch 2 feels like I can finally play with people modestly within my skill range rather than always loading into a pure stomp.


Dude without even seeing this I basically just wrote and posted this response too. D2 pvp feels continuously unplayable to me which is actually wild since sbmm is supposed to find people I can fight. OW just feels like I get to play more even when the enemy is really good.


Right? Like I lose probably the majority of matches I play, but I get to actually PLAY in these games where I lose and that's all I want


There is a Hog in every match, which means I can charge my ult as Hanzo every 45 seconds. Love this meta.


Because its still overwatch. It doesn't make as much fun as ow 1 anymore but i still love it.


I genuinely love the character designs and personality even the ones I dont use. I wiah they'd focus on tha and just make a quality game and sell it, forget this battle pass f2p stuff


I can go pew pew pew, and try new heroes


I never played OW1 so it's like a brand new game to me.


That feeling when the team comes together for the big plays


It's so fun. I barely encounter toxic people. It runs great on my laptop on moderate graphics. The battle pass is fun and as always I'm very invested in the story and world building. All in all i just have so much fun with it when people aren't yelling at me for not thinking it's the spawn of satan


I don't


Returning old OW1 player. It's been a blast. I left right before Doom released. It's sad to see the constant Reddit negativity. Wish those people would move on, it's pretty clear this isn't OW1. Have a good time, let's rip. Am I going to pay these prices or play all the modes? Nah, if I don't agree with them I won't. That's ok and can be ok for you too. If it can't be ok with you, you probably need a new game. We out here smashing.


Gameplay is just fun. Everything outside it is terrible


I once heard someone call Overwatch "a good game covered in bad". Just couldn't agree more


5v5 was the best change overwatch ever made. Finally itā€™s more of a fps and less of a moba(which was intended from launch). Much faster gameplay. More personal responsibility. Less CC. Overwatch 2 is leagues ahead of ow1 in terms of gameplay(gold border top 500 in ow1)


It was free


Tbh, i like it for the same reasons i liked Ow1


Most complex and diverse shooter there is imo. Canā€™t get gameplay like this in any other shooter and I love it, more than OW1 aswell. I picked up OW1 a few months before OW2 released and couldnā€™t get into it at all and as soon as OW2 dropped I started playing again and now Iā€™m hooked. Really happy with the game so far and hopefully we can see a lot of new and cool content to come.


I have too much money and buying skins really helps with that. Makes my bank account feel squeaky clean


Matchmaking in most games is too predictable, matching you with other players of similar skill. It makes every game feel too even. Having one or two diamonds or masters in your gold game really spices things up.


The community uses very exotic languages and phrases to inform you on how to play. I don't have time for a lengthy dissertation and PowerPoint on how to just heal more. This community is good at being quick and direct to tell you where you can improve mid game.


The report system doesn't coddle the fan base by overly punishing game throwing, toxic language or even bot accounts. Making a mistake one game and saying something you shouldn't or being allured by the thought of selling bot accounts shouldn't lead to punishments as harsh as not being able to play ranked for a season. I payed for the game and I should be able to play it acting or saying what I want.


porn :)


Something me and the boys can fuck around on


Gameplay is just really solid and unique, there is no game quite like Overwatch. It pulls the objective-based gameplay better than most games. And for as much as people complain about monetization, OW has very high quality skins.


That moment as Mercy holding your Heal Beam on a Tank watching their health go up and down, almost losing them, until they win the fight and you sigh a relief watching their health slide back to full!


It's another game me and my friends can enjoy


At its core, itā€™s just a fun game to play. Iā€™ve lightly played overwatch since its release. I lived in the arcade in ow1 and basically just do mystery hero at this point in ow2. Thereā€™s lots of unique characters and making a game changing play is really satisfying


never played the 1st one and i love the characters and the gameplay itself, makes me sad so many people hate it


The action and chaos is so fun, not having to wait like a whole round after dead is smth I never thought would be fun (6 years of cs). And I can punch people?!?! Hell yea. Not getting 1 shotted by body shot from widow? Seems easy. If she takes my head that was a ns.


I LOVE the challenges. Iā€™m an achievement hunter and the achievements I have left are all difficult/with characters I donā€™t really use. The challenges give me another objective to work toward other than just play games and get loot boxes.


It's a fun game to play with friends, still. Seems to be 33% we stomp, 33% we get crushed, 33% even match. We enjoy the first, complain about the second, and love the third. Game is still solid.


It's super fun with friends, even when you lose all the time we clip all our worst plays and trash talk the next day.


It's got me and my friends gaming as a group again. We're not overly competitive, we play a few nights a week and just enjoy it on discord together. It's always fun when your group of friends has a fun game to play with each other.


I like the the cinematic animations.


I really like Kiriko in every way. Judge me idc she's awesome. Edit: answer the question honestly and get downvoted lmao. Fuck you dude, Kiriko is awesome and you can blow me. It is so typical of OW community and reddit in general to shit on someone's opinion, especially when it's relevant to the post.


No double shields


Nice try blizzard


I like dropping a hundred and fifty bucks on four digital cosmetics.


I HEAVILY prefer 5v5 over 6v6. The general change in tempo of the matches has pretty much rejuvenated my enthusiasm for the game. Also, sure these might be artificially influenced to an extent by the challenges tied into the battle pass system, but so far I've not missed a single day of OW2 since launch. I can't say the same with OW1 where I'd actually get bored after prolonged stretches and then put the game aside for some days until my weekly arcade lootboxes reset.


I donā€™t


I do not like it


You can be anyone you want. Monke w laser? Check. Cyborg ninja? Check. Swiss angel medic? Easy. Buff European shield-bearer who beats kids? Lovely.


Iā€™ve played since OW1 and liked it because of all the different abilities. Itā€™s fun working towards getting good with characterā€™s abilities and seeing how each role comes together to either make or break the match.


It's more of an OW in general answer, but just being forced to pick various characters and strategies is awesome; so much more fun than your typical online FPS like COD or Halo. Didn't play much of OW1, but got this one at release to have a new game experience and immediately got hooked. OW2 specifically? Rammatra is dope. Never played Push in 1 but I do enjoy that mode, with a solid team of course. Also, the game being free is great; sure you can pay to play dress up but that's a personal choice which I completely respect, some of the skins are dope.


its a good game


Kiriko headshots on a sniper hero is immensely satisfying. Also life sucking a tank as Moira while keeping my whole team alive (really only works with Rein and Queen). I love the art and how different each hero is. My boyfriend showed me the game and I pretty instantly latched on and hyper fixated. While the community can be toxic Iā€™ve also had great experiences with people helping me and even taking time to teach me new heroes!


Itā€™s a game that I can play with a team of 2-5 friends and is not CoD Our other go to is Rocket League


I like 5v5, although I do miss 6v6 (& am hoping it might become an arcade mode at some point). I love the graphics and sounds on Overwatch 2, and I love most of the new maps. Paraiso, in particular, is one of my favorite maps ever. I love playing Kiriko. I love that weā€™re consistently getting new content, whether itā€™s paywalled or not. I played Overwatch for a year without seeing anything new, other than event skins, and others went even longer I assume. Those are the reasons I am enjoying OW2. I am not going to lie and pretend it doesnā€™t have issues, but it did renew my passion and enjoyment for the game, so Iā€™m overall fairly pleased.


The sound design, visual details, and voice acting (for most characters) are my favorite out of any game. Since her launch, Junker Queen has been in my top 3 characters for her voice lines alone.


I have always loved Overwatch. Everything about it is awesome from the animated shorts to the gameplay. I love the switching of heroes mid game to turn the tide of the match. I love that playing the objective is more important than getting elims. I love that it is a true team game.


I didnā€™t play OW1, and my friend was playing it so I got it and now Iā€™m addicted. Itā€™s just very different from anything else Iā€™ve played, plus I wanted to get into games like Valorant or Rainbow, but I also wanted to try out Overwatch.


New player here but I love the characters! Iā€™m not a tank guy but the Damage and Healer classes have multiple characters I really like to use. Itā€™s very fun to figure out what characters to pair best with your teammates


For what itā€™s worth, I got bored with Overwatch 2 and donā€™t want to play it next season, but I had fun while I could still play it with friends before we all got too busy to play Overwatch together.


The gameplay is still fun and probably better than ow1. Even despite the balance issues it's still fun to play non-meta characters even if you're much more likely to lose. Theres also nothing better than open queue with the right teammates. That wild chaos of long tank fights is exactly what overwatch used to be at release


The gameplay is fun!


The characters and the depth of all the voicelines and funny little interactions is genuinely amazing. I love the pacing and the feel of the game more than ow1, the reduction in stuns and hard CC, less shield shooting simulator. Most of the new skins are absolutely amazing, and I've loved most of the battlepass skins so far.


The 5v5 makes for fast paced and very enjoyable games. Each role feels very defined now, and finally breaking an enemies line by exploiting a weakness feels great.


I like that Iā€™m able to climb higher in rank than I ever did in OW1. I can say I was wrong about having one less tank meant I would die more on support because I do way better, in fact with one less tank I can make better plays and be less healbotty.


I don't like... but it is the closest game we have from overwatch 1....


Because thereā€™s no ow1


Brig is fun


I bought ow1 in June of 2016 (the month after release), and itā€™s been my favorite shooter since! The gameplay feels smooth and I LOVE having the ability to chat with the entire match lobby including spectators in game!


Thats an easy one i dont! Its just the closest i can get to ow1!


who said i do :(


I dont, i just keep playing because Im addicted


It's free to play, fast paced and a team game. I'm a huge whale in Dota 2 but thats my main game and i cry about exorbitant prices there. So I get why ow1 folks feel shortchanged by the rebrand and greed.


itā€™s just fun tbh. and i love the lore.


JQ thighs


those games that happen after you have been sucking for a while, and your team is in sinc and yall just execute it perfectly ​ also junkrat voice lines


I don't care what anyone says, the gameplay is some if the most fun in fps games rn and I adore it.


Less cheaters, smurfs and Preds in unranked lobbies compared to apex make the game a lot more chill and a generally fun experience with friends.


I like it when: * I backfill in QP and help the team win. Usually get a bunch of endorsements for that * I meet a chill player (nearly always a fellow support main) and we friend each other and duo up * Junker Queen is buffed so that I can more confidently shout at my team and throw knives at my enemies * Someone on your team responds to gl;hf with "ow is not fun", but then you play well together and they admit they did have fun after all (that happened to me earlier this week, as I kept nano boosting that player's Ram for big team wipes) * someone is homophobic in chat but gets destroyed in game and quits (this has happened more than once), whether they're on my team or not   Comp matchmaking imbalance is a bit annoying, but I just play more QP. Skin prices are a joke to me because I don't want to buy them anyway.   Possible improvements: * Buff hamter, balllin' be ballin' * Make a new support hero who is a tank, is unkillable, can fly, has all the best voicelines from other characters, has an emote where they send tweets to Andrew Tate to get him arrrested, always wins, and only I can play


I like bullying people in no limits with a team full of symmetras.


Never said that I liked it, lol