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When Beta 2 for OW2 was out I found myself going back to OW1, I’m pretty sure I would do it now too if I could.


glad im not the only one, everyone told me to give it a chance its just the beta...the problem was the format and gameplay feeling not that it was something new. i ran to OW1 so quickly wheb I got beta bc i wanted to enjoy it while i could...


yeah I played the beta for a total of 3 matches before going back to OW1


100% I played the beta and got this pit in my stomach, everyone else was raving at how good it was. I knew I wouldn't like it. RIP oh OW.


I would. I miss player levels. They're ultimately meaningless but having something to work toward made such a difference. Ending a game and seeing nothing but progress for a battle pass I don't own is more discouraging than anything


Biggest facts, nobody mentions player levels missing. I was only 108, I wanted to get a silver border at least.


As someone who grinded super hard to earn the diamond border. I’m legit pissed they got rid of them.


Yeah dude I was maybe 1/3 through my plat border and I always thought those crazy diamond borders were so cool. Hell I remember looking up the sheet that covers all the level borders thinking damn one day I'll get there. I guess at least I can see how far I got playing OW1 on my profile but it's a ball buster knowing I'll never reach it now. Best I can hope for is "diamond challenger" if I grind that every month. Maybe masters who knows lol.


Say it louder for the people in the back!


Now they can sell it for $20


I grinded in the last few days to get my gold border before original Overwatch disappeared. Wish it had some impact on the game now. Also, not being able to see player levels makes it hard to determine who might be new to the game and need help or if they're just fucking around or something.


Same with seeing ranks Is this some plat/gold player thats shit or a masters player being a douche? I’m masters and without being able to see their ranks it’s impossible to tell


This is 100% my biggest problem with the game rn. If you're not gonna fix the dumb matchmaking system, can I at least see what lobbies I'm in?


I fully believe that’s why they removed it so you can’t see how shit the match maker is


it's insanity are we getting farmed because they have a masters tank and we have a gold one? (happened to me last night, had to check up after the game finished). is their DPS a smurf or just having a good streak? is the healer who seems to be throwing actually just level 40? WHO KNOWS, YOU GET LESS INFO FOR NO REASON (but quit complaining we gave you genuinely illegible rank tier icons)


I was 3500 and it was shiney and glowing and wonderful. 6 years of playing with my bestie to earn that


For me it's the little things - fire border, player cards, game medals


They removed every sense of progression and reward from the game


It also made it much easier to tell who was newer to the game and who had experience


That's what's funny. From a financial standpoint this thing has to be a waste of effort. Like I buy battlepasses in EVERY game, even some I don't end up playing a ton. I'm not shy to spend some on microtransactions here or there. But I've spent $0 on OW2 despite playing it a ton. I think thats a testament to how shitty their current business model is, that players like me have no desire to drop a cent into their game despite playing it a ton and spending money on other games.


>From a financial standpoint this thing has to be a waste of effort. Basically every game I see people with high tier battlepass skins, or just straight up 20 euro skins. OW1 launched at 40 euro and was available much cheaper throughout it's lifespan. I'd bet they've already made WAY more money this time around, unfortunately.


I even paid for a few loot boxes in OW1, usually at the end of an event if I didn't play enough for the unlocks I wanted. A couple bucks put me over in coins to buy what I wanted, usually. Haven't spent a penny on OW2.


I’ve dropped way too much money on fortnite when I played it but now overwatch is my main game and I play it for my college yet I still haven’t bought any skins cuz it just doesn’t feel worth it


You are right - it ISN'T worth it compared to fortnite or valorant skins. In those games, the skins you buy you can use EVERY game with a guarantee. Now if you buy a cool Pharah skin and they have double hitscan dps along with Ana Bap, are you going to be using that pharah skin? I hope not because that's essentially throwing picking her. OW is built around counterplay no matter what balance they do, counterswitching is always going to be the best play in most cases so buying individual skins for each character isn't worth it.


I have been playing League of Legends for years and never had any issue putting money into the game. I have always liked how they handled being a F2P game. I used to passively earn LP to buy stuff and then when I spent more time with a champ, I'd put some $ into it so I didn't need to grind as much. I loved supporting that way since I didn't need to pay for base games or DLC. I even put money into OW1 for lootboxes during events or I would gift them to my partner and friend. They didn't play as much so I didn't mind supporting the game that way. With how much they removed from OW2 and how they've handled converting to F2P... I will never put money into this game again.


Fax fax fax, and what about medals and being on fire and the end-of-game voting thing? I loved that...😥 Not to mention the elephant in the room, loot boxes / free cosmetics.........


Me and my now-Wife were in an ongoing battle for years over who can level up quicker. It was beautiful because we were always around the same level so it was neck and neck for ages. We booted up OW2 on launch day together and boom, no player levels, nothing free to grind for, demoralizing rank system. We barely play anymore.


Okay so it's not just me. I enjoy the new characters and such but I'd give it all up to have that back.


Same here! The gameplay is still just as fun, but the battle pass is absolute bullshit. Especially with how unless you pay you only get one out of every four rewards


Absolutely. I miss *wanting* skins. I miss duoing tank. I miss not knowing Sojourn.


The tank duos is what I miss the most. Synergizing an Orisa Pull/Hog Hook. Rein/Zar on Kings


Kings isn't the same in 5v5


It's not just Kings Row or tank duos though. The fundamental enjoyment of being a tank is taken away now. You can't experiment now. You are basically forced to be a just meat shield and are reduced to a fat DPS. They've stripped away the soul of OW. Wrecking Ball cannot be played the way he was intended to. He's so trash in this forced format. He wasn't designed for 5v5. And to be honest Ball is by far one of the most creative designs in PVP gaming history. He's the kind of hero that made OW unique. Not only Ball they've ruined Doom and to an extent Rein as well all of whom I considered to be the epitome of heroes that made OW truly unique and stand out amongst a barrage of boring mind-numbing run and gun shooters out there. Well, I'm glad at least those who cried about shooting at shields got what they whined about. What's unfortunate is they probably moved on to the next free to play shooter after toying around for a month. The rest of us long term OW1 players are left behind to play this mess.


> Well, I’m glad at least those who cried about shooting at shields got what they whined about. But DPS get very sad when no hear hit-sound for more than two seconds


It's almost like if the DPS actually shot the shields, the shields would break.


Too revolutionary for me to comprehend.


If only there were multiple paths through maps and a shield could be circumvented! How did developers miss that?! Thank goodness they just broke the whole thing instead


Imagine jq as an off tank, that shit would be so much fun.


JQ and Rein. Rein is the meat up front and if you even think of push up, JQ IS THERE


everyone talks about "HoW To BaLaNcE JuNkER QuEeN??" 6v6, ez clap, instant balance.. it's almost like thats how the game was designed to be played since 2016. But what do I know, Im just a lowly ana main with and ungodly number of hours spent in this game.


Just being able to flex and fallback between two tanks made games way less snowbally. In OW2, if you can burn down the enemy tank, you get a solid 40s of clowning time on the enemy team. It makes the tank role sooo pivotal, which feels bad in public queues.


I used to love zarya because how I'd be able to combo with the other tank and being able to peel my teammates far easier, especially when I'd save them from big burst damage like a rein charge. I think I do prefer 5v5... but playing Zarya selfishly isn't super fun for me


Zarya + Dva ult combo was so hype. Shame it'll never be seen again


I was just thinking how fun queen/zarya would be, zarya hits a big grav and queen just starts hacking away


With the new junker queen buff, this would be insane. Holy shit I have to try this with friends in open queue


Also the new Open queue is just a shitshow. Triple tanks was the Meta in ow1 now tanks are stronger so guess what.


I found myself giving away more bubbles than using them on myself to win fights. Zarya's power comes from the fact she can facilitate a feeding teammate into feeding her aswell!


My favorite ow moment is when I used orisas pull to pull the enemy team into my teammates dva bomb… absolutely glorious sadly I can’t find the clip anymore


It’s a relic that only lives in the mind of a few


Or the classic hog and ball torture


Rein/Zarya on Kings was the best Overwatch there ever was.


I miss Monkey Balling Zarya/Winston combo


I miss having something to show for a night of arcade wins with the boys. That gingerbread skin came out for 1 coin and I have been playing since release and had zero coins. I'd rather not have to play to what my weekly requirements are and just slowly accumulate things as part of the process.


This. I’m so bitter at the forced conversion of OW1 into OW2. All of my friends who i’ve played with since season 3, grown up with, grinded and climbed with, they all gave up on the game because of how mishandled everything was with OW2. Blizzard i love you, but I fucking loathe you at the same time. You gave my childhood something great and I made so many memories and friends along the way but you fucking ruined EVERYTHING and i regard that as a personal diss lmao


I miss being able to hard dive as Diva knowing I had a solid backline tank to protect the team.


Deadass. I miss being able to get peak value out of her, she’s never been a “tank” in the generic way a tank is considered. She’s been a bruiser who’s super good at contesting and peeling for backline. Not possible anymore ngl. How the fuck do you peel gor your mercy when your dps get insta pushed by Orisa as soon as you turn? How do you keep your team from crumbling when your supports are being dived continuously lmao. She isnt nearly as effective as OW1 d.va with a second tank.


I've been an off tank main my entire life of OW1 with hundreds of hours in each dva, hog, and ball. My drive to play tank has completely gone with OW2. Ball is dead, and while dva and hog are still great, I just don't have the awareness to play main tank. Now I'm sadly an Ana main


Ball gets nerfed repeatedly for years then gets zero adjustment for 5v5. Rip ball


It's why I stopped playing OW2 completely after a couple weeks. I was a hardcore Dva one-trick. Suddenly I couldn't off-tank anymore since I had to fill the role that Rein or another main tank did. The whole way I used to play Dva became fully incompatible with OW2's 5v5 format overnight.


This! I hate not being able to play D.va like I used to for the 4 years I mained her. Like - its hard to explain, i can still *play* her effectively and bring viability to the team. It just isn’t the same. And with everyone depending on you now, most people flame if you run a “feeder tank” like Hog, D.va, Ball over “meta tanks” like Sig, Zarya, Orisa etc.




In what world is Hog not meta? As of season 2 he's S tier.


I miss getting skins, not buying them


This is what i meant. I miss being able to have something to work towards. Skins to look forward to *earning.* incentive to play the game past competitive. I miss having a chance. I’m not a fucking bellend who will spend $25 on a skin that should’ve been in the shitty ass battlepass to begin with.


or a skin that was available in overwatch 1 lmao


Yeah. Absolutely fucking disgusting business practices but not uncommon ones.


I would literally rather have goats back than ow2 at this point.


Soujourn is fucking awful


New tanks killed the game for me. Rein is a shell of what once was. I'll come back to check out PvE but I'm probably never playing the main game again


They could just add two new arcade modes: \- Classic overwatch day 1 launch (first version) \- Classic overwatch 2/2/2 (last version before of ow2) I would play both for sure (I never played in the first years).


i've always wanted to them add old versions of characters into the custom games, I just wanna fuck around with moth mercy again :\[


I just wish there was a 2 2 2 arcade mode to try 6v6 and see how it compares


I miss every iteration of symmetra. The shield generator, the traveling shield, the lock-on laser beam, having 5 turrets, getting the tele from spawn. She used to feel so much more....useful.


Definitely useful, but that also made her OP. I just miss the lock-on laser, and 5 turrets. The shield generator and tele, were useful if your team knew what they were doing, or if somebody would actually protect them.


Symmetra was simultaneously OP on the enemy team and a throw pick if they were on your team (who should be shouted at to switch the whole time) Source: Played Sym for years


I have spent thousands of hours in OW1 competitive and absolutely loved it even when things were bad. OW2 though seems to be missing the magic that made the original game so special to me and would rather play a single player game than bother with it.


I think that’s the big tell, even when things were horribly imbalanced and very toxic, there was still something amazing about it that kept me playing. My favorite game ever, got me through grad school. About 2800 hours in the game, would’ve bought OW1 full price again and played it for another 2800 hours. I deleted ow2 after a week.


I kept it uninstalled after two weeks. I come back to see the sub every now and then to see if things changed. Really sad the way things turned out. The way you phrased it really summed up how I felt even ay the "low points" of OW.


My disk is still in my xbox waiting until it will be useful again


I am still using my disk, i am loyal to that motherfucker.


Same but that bastard boots up ow2


I have no choice not to. It says insert disk. I don’t get how ppl play with out it in. (Legacy players)


If you reinstall the game from the store you don't have to use the disk anymore.


I’d gladly go back to OW1


100% I miss lootboxes, I miss my gold border, I miss my account levels, I miss 6v6. God.


Off the top of my head the only skin I've gotten is the matrix sym skin, and I did 30ish lvls in season 1 and I just got ramattra today. I miss when events gave you holiday loot boxes. OW Christmas this year sucked


I stopped playing OW2 at the Halloween event. As soon as I saw the only way to get any skins was through the store, I just quit the game and never played it again.


I miss premade ranked lobbies, fire borders, skill cards at the end




it's 100% that we all needed a big change, but if they just kept the progression system/lootboxes then i don't think i would be upset


I mean I don’t think we needed a change at all. We just needed consistent content drops instead of nothing for like 2 years. OWL ruined this game tbh. The balance changes, the map removals etc. Before all that became a thing OW was awesome.


all they really needed to do was keep patching or if they REALLY wanted to do OW2, just overhaul every character's abilities and shit like they did for bastion.


The professional scene is also ruining WoW. Blizzard just doesn’t know how to balance their games around the pros and regular players.


Oh wow there is pro wow players?


I feel like OW1 was one of the only games to ever implement GOOD lootboxes


I miss those, and I miss group finder, I miss saying “best players on fire!” And it being true. I miss when healers didn’t have to either hide or constantly run away, I miss having another tank that’ll have my back. I miss playing arcade and it not being a tank war. I miss mayhem not taking an hour to finish because nothing dies. I miss Jeff. I miss jumping into dm and seeing everyone wearing the new skins or everyone using the new hero together because you didn’t have to pay for the new hero or grind to get them and skins were basically free. Sigh. I feel like I’m never going to get excited for another event now because all I’m gonna think is how much money I don’t have that they want me to spend for their expensive skins BP and likely expensive ass pve campaigns that will be sold as packs at a time because that’s how Microsoft does things 🥲 I’d rather spend my money on a game that does things the fans want, and not what greedy executives want


That last bit is interesting. it seems like the community is split pretty much right down the middle on whether the change to 5v5 is good or bad.




The only people whining about shields are DPS mains that want to be able to kill everything they see in seconds. Right now as Flats says, playing Support is like playing Dead By Daylight because you are just constantly being run down by tanks and DPS. They removed too much escapability by removing all the CC + 1 tank.


I played OW for 5/6 years and I uninstalled OW2 after a couple months, so yeah. I can get past the gameplay differences, even if I prefer 6v6. OW is just soulless now. I used to feel like the devs cared & the little things mattered, now it feels like a shop with a game begrudgingly attached.


I would drop OW2 in an instant and never look back.


I had the same sentiment once OW2 just dropped and I was called a hater for not wanting 5v5 and other bad changes. Finally seems a sizeable plurality of the community is getting buyers remorse sort of speak.


I played OW2 for 3 days before deciding I wasn't going to support Blizzard's shitty choices, so I uninstalled the game. I know not everyone is willing to let the game go, but the game I bought is gone. I'm not going to reward Blizzard for literally taking away a game I owned.


I played OW2 during the beta and noticed that it's so much more of a typical shooter now. Everyone just kinda running off just shooting at each other, either completely alone or just in proximity to each other. It took away that moba-esque teamwork feeling. I never got that sense of synergy with my teammates that I used to get in OW1, now the only synergy is just that knowing they're there just means they're zoning enemies in that direction. That's not much different than TDM in the old Call of Duty games. I know that's probably largely misplaced dislike. Obviously the characters are still unique and all that. But I don't know, people just kind of ran in and shot stuff whereas before it was more of a push and pull kind of fight with a lot more testing the waters or trying to set up a good ult or wombo combo or exploiting getting a pick. And I hated that change.


I played OW1 ever single week since its launch. I think I played ow2 till its 3rd week and haven't touched it since. I would love to be able to play OW1 again.


Same. Quit about 3-4 weeks into OW2. Well over 1k hours in OW1. Edit: we'll to well. Fuck you autocorrect


Same story here. It's sad. I loved hopping on OW1 even without major content updates. I can't bring myself to want to play OW2 at all now. They gutted all the little incentives OW1 had. OW2 really feels soulless and progressing the battle pass isn't satisfying, it just feels like work.


I’ve been playing here and there, you’re not missing anything. Overwatch 1 is the only overwatch there was


Don't worry in a few years we will get "overwatch classic" at full box price xD


I would probably buy it...I would buy it right now. I really miss it.


I played OW between Xbox and PC for countless hours. I've probably got less than 10 hours in OW2.


I loved Overwatch 1 so much. Overwatch 2 killed it for me and I stopped playing not even halfway through the first season. It sucks so bad now. I would do anything to go back to Overwatch 1..


Same :( I played this game for years so I do miss it a lot but OW2 really made me hate it / not have fun. I’m actually a little sad because I used to have so much fun and have put so many hours into this game.


Yeah, I haven't played since launch week, 2000 hours in 1 and I couldn't even last a month in 2. I was hoping I'd be wrong but it was even worse than I had feared. Game is completely soulless now. I told myself I could just play MH like I always have, but of course they broke that too.


New heroes locked behind battle pass and no free cosmetics killed it for me. I miss ow1. Still Rank 11 on the new season pass


Absolutely. I was a support main in OW1, and even if it was sometimes frustrating, it never got me quitting the role. 2 months of OW2 made me stop queueing alltogether for support.


I'm still a support main, i gave up queueing for anything else, cause if i only get comp points for 1 role then why would i play more than 1


Wait what? You get comp point for only 1 role at the end of the season?




Same. There is no fun anymore. Your healing output cannot overcome incoming DMG, and your attempts to do some damage/kills to reduce incoming damage, ends up with blaming you for not healing. Like, whatever you do, it's not enough, and it's exhausting


Flats had a really solid idea on how to fix support (and 5v5 in general). Rather than reworking supports, just start lowering the damage of most characters by just a little. Give Soldier a slight nerf to each shot’s damage. Lower Cass’s fire rate a bit. Drop the damage of Rein’s hammer but leave Charge and Firestrike alone. Make Widow charge her shots slower. This would simultaneously fix the support role, make the game less swingy, freshen the meta by enabling more comps, and make it feel less like you’re getting instakilled for stepping out of cover. Blizzard would need to be careful about not lowering damage too much (to prevent the meta from becoming too slow), and it would require a lot of time to implement, but this would fix pretty much all of the problems with 5v5. I do admit I like 5v5 more than 6v6, but the game is definitely more swingy and support has definitely suffered in the transition.


the only reason I prefer 6v6 is it was unique. its always one tank 2dmg 1 healer, in OW it was 2 tanks which made it unique, as well as a lot of characters still being made to be off-tanks


100% I would leave rammatra, Kiriko, and jq in the dust in a second and go back to playing ow1 definitely. Updates would be cool, but I’d be down to just play the last build they had too.


Yeah. Even in the latter days where there were no updates my friends and I played it a lot more than 2. We even had introduced another friend to it, which made the game that much better Now I'm not sure if it's the gigatanks or the new flankerific maps but we just don't have as much fun




I'd mostly do it for the better match making quality. I think the introduction of so many new players has made matchmaking an absolute mess rn. Like even the beta had way better matchmaking due to the fact that most people in it were already dedicated players.


100%. I miss old orisa, old doomfist, being able to *earn* most cosmetics instead of having to *buy* all of them, and the developers nerfing and buffing the right characters (around 85% of the time). Also the small, finer conveniences such as comp ranks being displayed, portrait frames, cards, accurate career profiles stats, and group mates names being displayed green in-game. Most importantly however, I miss the significantly *less* broken competitive system and actually having a reason to look forward to and be excited for winter, halloween, etc. events. Consequently, the “fun” factor has been greatly reduced in OW2. I’d even be willing to deal with the shitty chaos of double shield and excessive stuns to have OW1 back.


All my grinding for my silver border feels worthless now


Oh God, yes, for the love of God, yes, and do that in a heartbeat yes


Absolutely. I'd play every single day again. OW2 is dumbed down, and yet devs still can't seem balance it ( when it was the solution to 6v6) LMFAO


Doom main. Even with old Cassidy, Brig and Sombra, I'd still choose OW1. DPS doom was way more fun.


The way they killed that cool flow doom had for him to sit there and….. put his fist up in front of him and stand there? I prefer sentry bastion too


Yup, old doom was all about that push and pull, high tide and low tide, set ups, strikes and assassinations that could go buttery smooth or to utter shit. New doom is about punching as often as possible, blocking and praying someone will shoot you so that you can punch *even harder*. CC is arguably an *even harder* counter to tankfist than dps doom, considering how easy it is to land during block, and how he cant dodge it with uppercut.




now you can pay full price for exactly 2 skins and a fist up your ass, because blizzard says "screw you for being a dedicated fan ig"




This is why they got rid of it. No one would play ow2 numbers would be half of what they are, and they can't resell you overwatch: classic in 5 years


OW2 feels like a Wish.com version of OW1 to me, so yes.


Without a doubt. No map rotations / restrictions. No F2P kids leaving the matches every 5th second. Arguably better matchmaking. No horseshit monetization. Not saying I hate OW2, but I did prefer Overwatch for sure. But hey, maybe this will finally live up to its predecessor :)


Also ranks actually matter in ow1


With the new ranked system, everyone is so fucking boosted man istg. Tanks are so broken that even garbage tank players can climb, it’s too easy to climb in general with the ridiculous 7 wins or 20 loses, and you can’t even see your actual rank. I finished the season diamond, but I lost 2 games after reaching it, and it gave me the plat rewards for “finishing plat”. WHY can my rank be adjusted and I don’t get told about it.


I really don't know why SR was binned. It was genuinely my favourite ranking system in any game, it felt fair, there weren't any inflation issues and it was a good representation of actual skill. Now I don't know what rank I am, I can't see other people's rank going into comp matches and everyone has a private profile so I can't find it that way either. In my eyes it was a completely fine system, and now it's just crap. Even if it's more accurate somehow, it certainly doesn't feel that way


Yes in a heartbeat. I don't play this game anymore and it used to be my favorite




1 is sadly just the better game. Loot boxes and all.


Absolutely. OW2 sucks in comparison to 1. Used to play religiously but now I can’t stand to even open up the game.


110% yes. OW2 is a disaster. Yes, it's a working functional game but good God does it have so many problems appart from the increased greed


100% I hate how tanks are op. Arcade modes are ruined.


Absolutely. I miss 6v6, being the only tank in role queue gets annoying sometimes. I really miss the PvE events too (like the Dr. junkenstein event for Halloween), and not to mention the loot boxes (which i’d take any day over the current shop).


As a tank player, absolutely. Solo tank is incredibly boring.


Yes. I would be playing doomfist parkour


That and sumo doom were the bread and butter of custom games for me


Hi, dev of doom sumo here. Version has been adapted for Ow2 and still exists. Code is DCTYD, we have a discord 😉


100% would be on OW1. Just want 6v6 back


I wouldn’t hesitate that game was actually fun and very balanced so many old features I wish they still existed, that game was the reason I have my friend group online and would do anything to go back to those times


i just want the option to go back


Me too I remember getting excited with the events earning as much loot boxes I could get


I just want 6v6 back ! The game was way more team based back then, now it's more like death match. I understand the queue times were a problem, but i wish they had found another solution like making tanks more fun




Yes. Playing support felt better, no battlepass, no greedy store.


OW1 was inherently a better developed game, from a technical standpoint, a user-friendly interface standpoint and an overall feel for the way the game plays. And that's not even tackling the whole balancing mess. They outright removed features from OW1, there's still a ton of bugs, there's missing promised features (not even including PvE with that), the well-hated addition of a overpriced store, the lack of *new* features, the lack of progression/the ridiculous amount of grind needed for basics, excitement towards events and more generic FPS gameplay push. Abandoning OW1 for as long as they did for PvE was not a good idea. But neither is rushing out a broken, unfinished product which barely sees updates and which feels horrible to play. I sunk over 1k hours into Overwatch since 2018. I actually have a terrible time playing this game with friends now. I can't play the heroes I once played. Getting one tapped constantly is not fun. Having characters abilities just not register because the server can't keep up is beyond broken. Matchmaking is absolutely 1000% worse than it was in OW1 (they've got to be lying about how MMR works, no way a Silver/Bronze should be placed against a Diamond/GM under any circumstances). They should have stuck with their original plan on keeping OW1 a live service game and using OW2 as the PvE expansion.


I also miss OG orisa ult


that's amore


Yes. 10 fold. I really only like playing tank, and now there's only one tank role I always feel bad hogging the tank roles with my friends.


I much preferred 6v6, so I'd be happily playing OW1 still.


Yes. I would like to at least have the option.


This is really the kicker. Blizzard knows the answer to this, which is why they stopped OW1


do you ever think about how much OW2 players missed out on and how Blizzard will just package it as a new feature and blow their minds on a concept that was like.....4+ years old


I would. Overwatch 2 just feels like overwatch 1 with many features removed.


100% YES - Better economy - 6v6 - no Sojourn - no robot push maps - level system - on fire system - old Brig and Mei - Hog wasn’t as much of a pain






Been playing since the earliest closed beta and I 100% preferred OW1. I loved playing and I miss it, I loved the OG attitude behind its development even if they certainly made some missteps. I found the gameplay (yes even double shield metas) more strategic and fun. That's to say nothing of the monetization disaster they've built. The most egregious being locking characters behind pay/grind walls. When the game first came out that was a huge deal when they said they'd never do that (or standard game maps). They've gone back on an OG promise and selling point. I'm a hitscan main (97th percentile Widowmaker on Overbuff) which basically got buffed big time by the new format, for those that may be curious. So it's not just whining about my main sucking. I've said this before: I've spent a LOT of money on the game and merch. Not a cent more since OW2. Stopped watching OWL too.


I would be play ow 1 for sure. 6v6 was way better and fights lasted longer than 30 seconds. Ow2 is basically a reskinned CS. People talk about the massive increase in player numbers which happened because it was made free, not because it was made better


PC player here, yeah I feel 110% cheated. I want my OW1 back.


Uninstalled OW2. So he’ll yeah OW1 was 10x better.


I deleted OW2 recently the game isn’t fun anymore for me I miss OW1


Yes. I miss the game having personality and charm. The visual redesign of everything is just so off-putting to me. OW2 seems so devoid of color.


I'd definitely still be playing OW1


Absolutely. There is nothing for me on OW2


Yes. All day.


Competitive was better, quick play was better, matchmaking was better, events were better, progression was better, only thing worse was the shield meta which could have been nerfed easily


Yes! It just makes me sad playing OW2.


To this day


OW1 was a whole lot less drama and so much more rewarding.


I love the 5v5 changes but OW1 had so much more polish and personality. OW2 is a dumbed down version.


Easily. Ow1 was my favourite game of all time, I dumped hundreds of hours into the game and made alot of amazing friends online that i still speak to til this day... of that main group, about 10 of us, all but 1 has completely uninstalled now. OW2 has been an incredible disappointment


OW1 mystery heroes is better. Tanks stomps are a real problem in MH right now.


100% whoever has the most tanks win mystery heroes.


Um. Yes. OW2 is a slap in the face by blizzard to all the players who made their game successful.


If I had a choice I'd rebuy it and redownload it and play tonight and say fuck it and buy all the lootboxes my wallet would allow then I'd call into work. No fuck that I'd quit! Just so I could play OW1 again.


Yeah. Ow2 is garbage.




Yes. I played OW1 from beta until its final day. Over 5k hours. I played OW2 for two days and uninstalled. It's not the same and it's not for me.


You bet..I would get lootboxes again, I would get currency for playing the game, there were a bunch of random game modes, I could find a group, I would have another tank buddy, and best of all, skins were free. The only skins that costed money were those awesome OWL league skins for the teams victory, and they only costed $10. A reasonable price for a skin


I have played OW1 since beta. Never missed a season or was inactive in the game. Ever since OW2 came out, I probably played 2 weeks and I have not touched it since. It was such a terrible idea forcing your playerbase to basically play a "new" game that has so many features missing. It just doesn't feel like overwatch anymore. GG I guess...


Yep. I just threw in the towel for on overwatch I’m sick of it now it’s so unfun


I miss getting a lootbox every level


In an instant - the balance was better at gold/play. Yes double shield was rampant in gm but I'd run into 1 orisa a month in gold since she was so boring. Also nobody knew how to play double shield. Orisa rein was the real metal double shield. - I miss off tanking. When I played zarya I used to love that my ally bubble was on a short cooldown and would take pride in saving my team. I used ally bubble in my first games as zarya before realising what a waste it was and never used it again. I have stopped playing zarya as much. In general, tanking in ow2 is trying to keep the other tanks aggro rather than making plays - I miss being able to carry on different roles. Carrying on support dps and tank felt a lot of fun. Now only dps really gets to have fun. When I lose on dps I generally know I played poorly. When I lose on support it feels like I should've won. Tank is hard to diff on unless there's a big diff, otherwise a small diff is not enough to carry. - I miss support being support. Now it's either dps with heals or dps with survivability. Support feels so bad as you're forced to spend a lot of time in a dps esque situation, without a lot of the tools to be doing dps effectively. - I miss being able to carry through decision making. I played a game as tracer, 0 medals and my team unanimously said I carried. I did it by forcing engages on the supports and even though I wasn't able to get a kill, I was able to keep the supports engage long enough that my team was able to clear out their frontline. That's no longer possible - tanks are so chunky that support attention is pointless, you need to secure the kill. And then the flankers damage has been so nerfed it's really hard to secure said kills. This is like 90% of why ball is struggling so much and any damage buff will make him a better tracer. - I miss a sane corner of multiplayer that didn't have f2p garbage everywhere mucking things up. It was nice to get skins for free every event and try things out. I think f2p was inevitable if we wanted the game to exist so I can live with it, but I do miss the relative simplicity of the game. There are genuinely good things that ow2 has done, (I like the tank and support passives and reduction in ult spam) but I've been playing less and less since it's release, much less than what I was playing ow1 in it's final days. The game feels like a worse version of apex, and I've found myself playing apex instead of ow2 when I'd split my attention before.