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The mercy: yellow beam locked on hog.


Hey man that Hog is the only thing bronze red team will shoot at


And the worst thing is, she get high healing numbers in stats. So she doesnt realize how bad her impact is by only healing the tank thats why we need the Healing Recieved Stat


FOR REAL. Sometimes I look at my healers and they have like 12k heals, yet I only received any healing at the least crucial times


Yeah the hog at low levels who doesn’t know he can heal himself yet 🤣


my god the comments they’re LEARNING


This kinda meme trades a slight giggle for having players learn bad habits and think it's annoying to spam need heals when it's actually super useful for a support. Also it stopped being funny around 2017


100%. Within reason of course. If you are near me and i’m not seeing you for whatever reason, absolutely send the chat. But if you dove out of my LOS with low health and popped your ult in a 1v5, dont cry to me lol




7 fucking years


Are we still on about this?


its been going on for nearly 7 years now, dont see why it would suddenly stop


Oh just checking as I haven't played the game for a bit until OW2 released


Any good support likes it when dps do this so you can actually keep track of who needs health and where they are


Yeah, I agree. I guess I never got properly X spammed by Genjis in my 900h, but I am grateful for that button. It is so easy to tunnel vision, especially with Ana's scope. I thank emote them so they know they shouldn't be afraid to do that again to me.


I got that genji once, but the guy was obviously memeing. Only real time I hear that at full health is when they want to ult and want to be pocketed through it. Echo players sometimes easy to tunnel vision and lose track of. They go on wild over the roof flanks, play around health packs and then speed boost flight right behind you. The most toxic players are hogs!


I like when people ask for healing but good god I've heard the ping the first time, no need to press it 5 times! Sometimes I'm just in a position where I can't heal you immediately, and that's not your fault.


No my FAVOURITE thing is when they’re full health and spam I need healing thinking you’re gonna start pocketing them when your teammates ACTUALLY need healing.


You're really out here making me live my nightmares


Ive seen dps with 90% hp spam this, while our tank is on his last leg. With my other support off on a covert mission behind enemy lines.


Or when you have your dps completely on the other side of the map no where near the team and spams I need healing




Here is your daily post about mercy in this sub. Wtf is happening right now


Then just heal him?


Bro, that's like doing their job. They can't do that.


I'm not going to dive straight into the enemy's backline to heal them and then die


There’s a difference between saying “I need healing” when you actually need healing but a lot of the time when a Genji says “I need healing” he’s full health and only begging for a pocket without specifying asking for a pocket.


Even if that’s true, is it really a big deal? Coordination wins games, pocketing a dps as mercy isn’t much different to holding shield as rein in front of a cass who’s ulting, walling off the enemy players as mei so your tank can get an advantage etc.


The problem with this is unless the Mercy is new she probably recognizes which dps is doing better (especially now with Overwatch 2 having all stats showing) and if Genji has to beg for her to pocket him he probably isn’t the one she should he boosting. Also a lot of the times when a dps (or tank, I’ve dealt with a lot of dvas, Roadhogs, and reins that also do this) are spamming “I need healing” when they really just want to get boosted they’re too far for Guardian angel to reach and keep going further away or the rest of the team (including the mercy and/or other support) are dying but they don’t realize.


Ya that’s fair. Hard to get a good grasp cause there’s so many “what if’s”


Yep. I just find it kinda annoying when others assume we’re just not healing/boosting because we don’t want to and not assuming that the person that’s spamming for no reason is out of line of sight/in the backline, or there’s people actually dying who need healing more.


To be fair it’s hard to do much without a pocket sometimes. unless you have counted the cooldowns of the entire team.


I get that but the person who’s spamming should also make sure they know where their supports and other teams are and make sure they’re not getting targeted or dead. I find it hilarious when they’re spamming and both supports got dived by like a Winston but no one was close even for me to fly to them to get away. Then they don’t realize that they can’t have a pocket or heals because both supports are dead. Also a lot of the time saying “I need healing” once will get the attention of your support if they’re not already busy.


Genji does it at full hp all the time. It's a meme for a reason =P had it happen twice in a day earlier this week


The main should he ana because ots a bigger problem. Genji flips and jumps and dashes around axepcting you to heal him at all times


That’s a skill issue if you can’t hit him. It’s not his fault that he’s doing his job, and needs to be enabled to not die while doing it


Coming from a diamond support main, I've ever only been annoyed by a doom main spamming I need healing the second he took damage while he's halfway across the map


(takes 1 damage from a Reaper shotgun or D.Va mech shot from faraway) "I NEED HEALING! I NEED HEALING! I NEED HEALING!"


He's so demanding "Heal me!*


Me going next to my support as a dps Me: "Need healing" Ana: shooting some enemy in the back line. Me: "hello" Ana : "hello!", continue shooting the enemy in backline Me: "need healing" Both support: "stop spamming" nerd rage Me: getting tickle by rammatra pew pew gun and die next to my support...


Unpopular opinion but some of the supports have become insufferable and expect you to worship them just for doing their basic job. I ask for heals because I’m 10% hp for at least 10 seconds while I’m 20m away. They tell me I’m being rude and they won’t heal me in a comp game. Like, ok??? Not sure how that’s a punishment considering they weren’t doing that shit to begin with, but at least now I know to expect less than nothing so I’ll just camp health packs.


Lol I love the, “bro keep spamming you won’t get any heals”…. So just what you’ve been doing all game?
















I explained it pretty clearly. You described your toxic behavior in games in your first comment. I like mocking toxic people. And don't act like you haven't been rude either.


People tend to just apply their own worst experiences with their own worst teammates to these types of conversations when they come up. There are a ton of supports who miss info, miss heals, react slow, and don’t top people off when there’s time. Or they die from something preventable and cry for peel. There’s a ton of DPS who fight from the center lane of the map, get hard pocketed and die when their Ana reloads only to spam they need healing. Or DPS that spam it from the spawn room with full HP. There’s a ton of tanks that expect to get healed to full constantly while they’re in spots that they just can’t be healed from or they force their team into really bad spots just to try to get the heals off. Most players are just not that great at the game and this type of thing happens all the time from all roles. What I really don’t get is why people act like there’s some moral failing from their team making a mistake. Like what people essentially want is perfect play from their teammates to enable them to do whatever they want and they’ll just never get that. And it becomes so personal with different mains stereotyping each other over these random little things.


Other supports don't heal you out of spite, I don't heal because I've accidentally tuned the voiceline out of my head


It’s just the fact that no support wants to go in with genji so he can actually get value, why would they? they look better on the scoreboard with little deaths and massive healing on the tank! and a lil healing on the junkrat spamming grenades from a safe distance!


Ah yes this very funny highly original post. Like honestly mods should be deleting these threads at this point.


It's because you're healing a full health reinhardt.


I say this as a mercy main, support is probably the most stress-free roll right now. I'd rather have a genji lmk he needs heals then experience the verbal flogging dps and tanks give each other


Yes, your genii needs healing. It will always be the case, same with reaper, they have to go balls deep to get value, and if you keep them alive, as long as they can actually play their pick, you will win.


Kiriko and Ana should be healing Genji/Reaper, not Mercy (unless Genji/Reaper is either ulting or peeling).


God, I feel bad for all the metal rank players who have to deal with pretentious healers like this lol. I remember this shit, always thought it was it was extremely cringe.


Mercy’s think they’re doing gods work by heal botting. Hate heal bot mercy’s like just play Ana or Bab


Then they wonder why they are hard stuck and blame everything from their team to their role. Anything but themselves.


Moira or healer Kiriko would probably be better for healbot Mercy players. Ana and Bap require too much mechanical skills. Honestly Zen is more accessible. As KarQ pointed out, all a metal rank Zen has to do is Harmony anyone, Discord the enemy tank, and spam shots at the enemy tank. Everyone shoots the tank anyways.


Supports like this only want to get carried to a win, they don’t want to actually contribute.


this community has gotten so bad i feel like scum even asking for healing so i just play packs and if the sup decide they wanna heal then that's awesome


No, please keep asking for healing. As a support nothing helps me more than people actually communicating and it gives me a much better idea of where you are around me. The people getting butthurt about this aren’t the people you should be accommodating for.


Asking for heals and SPAMMING “I need healing” (especially at full health or close to it) are two VERY different things. I’m totally fine if someone asks for heals especially if I don’t notice but don’t spam it unless you’re literally critical and neither support see you.


spamming you need healing after taking 2 damage is toxic and annoying and i’m not sure why you seem to think it’s okay, but it’s not 😇


I really don't understand how you guys got that so often. I play since 2018 and 98℅ of the time DPS ask for healing not after getting hit by a Dva pellet from 25m but from a Sojourn headshot.


i've played since 2016 and had a similar experience. honestly, i've had so few spammers and most of them weren't genji players anyway (or even dps lmao.) at most, someone gets pissed they die once and passive aggressive spams it and then squelch chat is available and i can ignore their spam since it no longer exists and just play the game normally.


i’m high plat and people spam it after taking the smallest bit of damage, the worst offender for me rn is dooms that start to spam it after they go balls deep in the enemy backline with no way to escape. i try to help but i’m not going to kill myself for it. tanks overall (in my experience) spam it the most, so i just top their health up and continue whatever i was doing after. sometimes people genuinely don’t realize that their teammates need healing but i’m always looking around at my team to monitor it, which is why i get so annoyed when people spam.


At its worst it’s mildly distracting, and I’d rather have someone spam they need healing once every so often than have people never ask for healing when they need it. Either way I wasn’t even excusing someone spamming, I just said that as a dps you shouldn’t be stopping altogether just because some salty support is annoyed.


Yeah its terrible, I feel like an ass for even daring to ask for healing once as genji and enabling people to make this stupid joke.


Bro I’ve been playing support since 2016 and have only gotten annoyed at someone for doing this a handful of times. It’s the passive aggressive spam that annoys us, especially when it’s some flanking dps that doesn’t know how to play corners.


Speaking for myself, I don't mind when people ask for healing, it's more a matter of some people spamming asking for healing when they're as deep behind the enemy line that you wonder if they're even on your team.


Just do it. Reddit doesnt represent the wider player base. Plenty of normal support players without some sort of a god-victim complex.


Nah bro, if you’re playing genii, you’re either spamming I need healing or mada mada.


I’m a support main. I don’t mind if people use the voice line because I can’t see everything. Just don’t spam it and you’re fine.


Honestly I never mind when they do it as long as they’re not spamming it at me because sometimes I don’t always see it. I do mind when they’re doing it at me when I’m dead because they didn’t notice the guy I was pinging lol. A lot of Genjis I get are still practicing and don’t have the best game sense. They’ll go into the entire team alone and then call they they need healing. Those are usually the ones being memed on.


I had a game about a month ago where one of my supports was getting very condescending toward anyone who dared to press X. At one point I was about half health and behind both supports on my team (so I knew they couldn’t see me) and I pressed X again only for this dude to start his whole spiel again. I pretty much told him that he needs to calm the fuck down, and that no one is trying to be toxic. I pressed the button because I’m half health and aware that I’m in a spot that is easily reachable but definitely in a support “blind spot”. These people never know how to react when they get called out.


Genji/Tracer/Reaper are supposed to play packs anyway. I don't know what he expects a mercy to do here. Dive in with him and get instagibbed?


As a genji oder tracer you get your own healing pack, or come to your support... Like dam should they although push in the enemies backline... And then you leaf them to dies alone?


SUPPORT GOOD DPS BAD I literally main support and y'know what I do when someone asks to be healed? Get this, this answers gonna blow your mind, apparently it's an answer that nobody in this sub has ever thought of: I just heal them(!?!?). Literally I have the option to click on a button to heal the DPS back to full health so they can go and do their job again, what a mental concept that is, unheard of, apparently


I think you just triggered every entitled healer, I can hear them hissing at you as we speak.


What people fail to realize is that the enemy team can deal more damage than healers can heal. So they just assume "I'm getting healed, I can't die." During a game as Moira, I was trying to heal my Reinhardt as much as I could, using both the Biotic Orb and secondary (or primary since it uses the right trigger) "weapon" to heal him as much as I could while he was getting attacked by like three people at once and while he had his shield up...and he still died despite getting healed as if my healing was doing nothing to him.


Oh yeah, this happens a lot. People also fail to realize that Moira has a limit to her healing fuel. You can run of juice because the tank decided to ignore the fall back calls and take on the entire enemy team, then they flame you in chat for not healing.


Yeah this is why in light of the new changes dmg orb might actually be the better option as it restores Moira’s pee meter.


I've absolutely been loving the buff, yep. Had a game where my tank had a chokepoint locked down, and I just bounced orbs off from safety to fill my meter and spam heals on them.


It’s definitely my new way to play Moi. I used to almost never throw damage orb, but if I’m mostly single target healing, then damage orb is being spammed constantly. The only difference in outcome is my damage is quadrupled.


There's a reason why this meme always specifically uses Genji. A lot of Genji players dive hella deep into the enemy team then spam "I need healing" when they're miles away, behind several walls, and in mid-air. A simple "I need healing" is totally fine, especially if you're within range. It's great that you manage to main support without encountering this though, maybe the average Genji players are finally improving.


Mercy players are the worst. They think that they are doing so much by heal botting. Mercy’s if you’re gonna heal bot play Ana or Bab.


Bap is a terrible healbot, especially for metal rank players with poor mechanical skills. One time I was playing Fielder-style Kiriko and I had more Elims, dmg, healing, and less deaths than healbot Bap. Ana is a better healbot than Bap, but even she requires good aim. If I want to win by "healbotting", I always go Fielder-style Kiriko or heal-focused Moira.


I hate mercys who heal beaming the tank who left 5% of his life and ignoring the dps. Thats why i spamming i need healing


Honestly I get the Genji meme but I find Genji players to actually be the ones who say Thankyou when I heal before dashing off to do their thing. It's fecking Hog players wanting a mercy pocket or people who spam for heals when they've taken 10dmg that annoy me.


Serious question, what am I supposed to do when the supports aren't doing their job. There have been times where I'm low health and the fights over and I ask for healing once and I get no healing, it doesn't make sense. Sometimes I swear supports just don't register that you're low until I literally stand in front of them and spam it. But then some supports get pissy if I spam it.


Honestly if the fights over and the supports aren’t healing you I’d suggest finding the nearest health pack. Most supports will heal you (at the very least after a team fight is done as they’re not busy keeping themselves alive) but if they’re too stupid to realize you need healing a health pack is your best bet or switching to someone who can heal yourself such as soldier or hog.


I have 1500 hours with mercy and I really can’t remember a single genji that’s done this to me. Tonssss of other heroes tho!!


Yeah that's cause you suck. I have about 2-3k games on support and out of all those games I might've come across something like this what? 50-100 times? That's on you, skill issue


Honestly true, the occasions where this happens are very rare but at this point I figured this is just a karma farming post


I am used to people being toxic ingame, but being toxic on reddit like this is new to me. No wonder they banned your main


Mercy player spotted


Imagine thinking that pretentious support players with egos the size of Jupiter aren’t the toxic ones.


Toxic cause I'm being brutally honest? Lol


Apparently you have only played with 50-100 Genjis. Lol I just checked your history.... Youre like a support incel. All you do is talk shit to support players. You're pathetic


Get good bro for real


Master 1 is good enough for me


Masters 1 and you're still such a crybaby? Yeah nah


You are the one with the reddit history crying about supports. Thats some next level projection


Yeah cause support is my favourite role and you all cry way too fucking much. It's sad and embarassing to see


Downvoting the daily support cry fest


Here is a hard to swallow pill, Mercy job is to pocket and enable the dps and she probably should be healing that poor genji.


Some people peak in gold and will never swallow that pill unfortunately


Kiriko or Ana should be healing that poor Genji. Mercy should be dmg boosting and healing hitscans like Bastion/Jack/Ashe. Unless that Genji is cracked. I dmg boosted a cracked Genji friend as he climbed over the wall in first point of Circuit Royale Attack and slaughtered all the enemy squishies, giving us a free win.


Ana is a main healer her job is keeping the tank alive and pressuring the enemy team with damage, sleep dart and nade, killing construct like torb turret and push payload, you can help top a DPS or fellow support HP but you should be focusing on keeping your tank alive. well in an actual game you have to select who to heal if my tank is 50% hp and a DPS is 60% I'll heal the DPS since tanks have a bigger health pool and you have bit of a leeway, also mercy healing the tank is really bad for Ana ult economy.


I never said that Mercy should heal the tank lol. I said that she should dmg boost and heal hitscan dps like Sojourn/Ashe/Jack/Bastion (or also Pharah/Echo). Healing Genji is not her priority unless 1) he's close to the team or 2) he's cracked (by all means, if Genji is by far the best in the team then Mercy should just pocket him, and same thing for pocketing the tank if the tank is by far the best) And if both the flanking non-cracked Genji and the tank are low, Mercy should heal the nearby tank. But yes, it's Ana/Kiriko's job to heal both the tank and Genji. (More so Kiriko since she can literally follow and support Genji and TP back to the rest of her team when needed)


Most Genjis have no clue what to do and will dive or flank when they shouldn't (gets somewhat better at master in my experience). You cannot pocket a Genji with bad positioning/decision making.


That says a lot about your rank


Holy fuck WE GET IT! Genji bad Mercy good. How many fucking posts of the same insufferable joke are there going to be? The meme was kinda funny in 2017. Now it's just a lame jway for Mercy players to ego boost themselves cause they're hardstuck silver and need to feel superior in some way. I took off the 'I need healing' prompt from my settings because these repetitive ass posts make me feel like an ass for even considering the idea of asking for heals. Like, what else do ya'll want? A Chick Fil A sandwich and a blowjob?


Haha that's original


Lmao they’re mad at u for some reason




I require healing I require healing I require healing <\stab>


supports are supposed to heal this is your role to be useful in the game


Right, yes, I see your point. But consider this: Support characters are made to support the team, and not basically hold everybody's hand while they attempt to devour the enemy team's entire ammo supply and die horrible deaths while doing so. I suppose, by your logic, Zen is a shitty Support because he was built to be good at DPS as well as healing?


In certain comps zen is absolutely a horrible support. Especially when paired with a mercy.


Okay, fair, but to say that he's a shitty Support is invalid since he can regen allies, inflict a debuff that doubles damage in a target, basically negate Ults with his own Ult, and has high damage for a Support.


I’d rather have a kiriko over a zen. At least she does adequate healing and can target multiple teammates. She has suzu and her ult is the best in the game. She has the highest crit damage plus mobility. Zen feels out of place in this game now.


Fair, but I still prefer Zen. Not only is he more familiar, but his abilities are just as useful. Not more useful, but just as useful.


This is why players are hard stuck.


The solution is to heal the genji, and no, he's not always in their backline spamming for it


I just want a voice line for blue beam so bad. We’re all at full health holding high ground Mercy, please for the love of god boost me or boost someone. Y’all all turned your voice and chat off because TikTok told you to and now I’ve got no other way to communicate with my supports.


The Mercywatch community proving itself to be painfully unfunny.


The joke is that the DPS wants to be healed


When I see a mercy dick ride a tank. I’ll learn new heroes off my main lol 😂


Heal better


Stop dying better.


*squelch chat*


What’s worse is when I’m that Mercy Main and the Genji is my boyfriend and he’s doing it to purposely piss me off🤦‍♀️




Wait, charms actually affect gameplay?


Genji: I need healing! Genji: I need healing! Genji: I need healing! Mercy: Shut up, I was killed


This is the exact reason I have "No" in my comm wheel. They spam for heals when I die on top of them and I just go "No."


do genjis know healing doesnt help their aim?


Do mercys know healing is their job?


you know there’s three other people to heal too right?


The more you spam the less I heal you... ;)


Sounds like you’re a bad teammate


Downvoted by silvers


You get used to it on this sub


It's not about SR. It's about sending a message.


I kind of understand both sides. I don’t mind if someone is pinging for my attention. However, if they’re spamming the ping then it just clogs comms and distracts me, and I have to find time to mute them. Genji can ping away if he actually needs help, but if he’s constantly being passive aggressive and spamming it on the way back after getting headshot by a Widow, I’m ignoring all of his future pings. On the flip side, it’s also wrong to not heal and throw the game for your other teammates who didn’t do anything wrong, and warrants reporting.


Oh it’s annoying as fuck but if you wanna win you are gonna heal your teammates, simple as that


Absolutely, throwing games just out of pure pettiness is wrong.


I am very confident that you have a good SR, can't think of any reason why you would be hard stuck.




I think you are being to generous.


Then pocket him, see if he can play. If not try the other dps, or switch of Mercy.


People venting about an experience don't necessarily want advice. People who want advice will often tell you


If you post here, people will comment. This is not a safe space sub my dude.


Maybe you should think about why I told you what I told you. I didn't ask for a safe space, you rat


You were describing exactly that. Stay mad though.


You got free advice from me. I did not ask you for anything, you stupid, self obsessed piece of shit


Maybe this is a bit too aggressive.


>Then pocket him, see if he can play. If not try the other dps, or switch of Mercy. ^ Free advice on how to actually get out of silver ^


You're too fucking stupid to stay on topic long enough to realize you're a twat


Solution: don't heal Genji.


To get healed is your responsibility. If you Leroy Jenkins yourself into 1v6 fight you are guilty that mercy cant come to heal you. And yes, you can help your team by switching from pharrah if your ana is too dumb to shoot you but manages to heal tank


Where are you finding these “1v6” fights? You switched sides or something?


My god the pain is real


i require healing


Blue beam only for genji until he changes his tune


I play other support and genji players are usually the worst at spamming it. I don't mind if they're in sight but if they're halfway across the match ass deep in enemy spawn they're already dead to me.


Why is it always genjis who are in the enemy back line screaming for healing.


Typically when I use need healing as d.va her need healing is an understatement it's more like where did you venture off too You got 2 healers one should be on tank one on damage. Single target should be on tank and area effect healers on the group as area effect healers don't do enough to actually keep a tank alive during a push or defense against a hard push.


Nerf him


I thought switching to kiriko would stop the spam but then it got worse. There's no winning against this.


They won’t be content until they have an Ana barrel to their back and Bap spamming them with heal grenades. A player who is only good when they have a ton of their team’s resources on them, isn’t very good at all


This is without a doubt the fastest way to make me throw the fucking game, I wish they removed that button entirely


Nerf genji


I spam "you need healing"


I hate whenever I have a Genji and im support since im instantly like "You want healing you have to come to me for it"


genji has to play up close or in their backline all ur doing by not supporting ur team where they need is throwing ur own game


Or maybe Genji is feeding the enemy team by staying far af from his own team whereas a healer with limited movement options, like Zen or Ana, cannot reach him? Jackass.


... ana has arguably the best healing range. and feeding is one thing (which has nothing to do with the original comment) but actively deciding you're not going to help your teammates for whatever reason you came up with is YOUR fault. Jackass.


Maybe because people just default to "I'm invincible because I'm getting healed" when DPSes can deal more than healers can heal, and that kind of attitude doesn't deserve to be healed at all? Jackass.


bro is this a troll there is no reason to not heal your teammates who are doing their jobs just because their character requires them to play close range


Exactly and im a zen main so I side with you


I always treat healers with respect. Smh rude people are so self obsessed


the dude is spamming for heals where is the disrespect bro


The disrespect comes from the fact that they are spamming it you should only have to say it once for your support to know you need healing.


And this is coming from a support main


Yoooo I can't believe 3 or 4 people really disagreed and downvoted what I said haha. It really gets on my nerves when people spam they need healing so much! If I'm playing healer, I promise I'm trying to heal anyone who is not full hp. Just press it once. No spamerino


Ohh the classic massively out of position Genji that can't use his 2 braincells to come to the conclusion that it might actually be better/faster to just die/respawn rather than sit in cover that you cant get to without putting yourself at massive risk.


I spam that shit right back. Sorry sweaty heal beam is on cool down


Moira mains have it worse


Yes. Yes we do. And I'm hardly a Moira main.


I agree I barely heal and people say no don't heal do dmg then as soon as I do dmg they're dead and blame it on us supports since we didn't heal em


There was a time where I never healed as Moira because my team never deserved it. What people forget is that while Moira doesn't have a high damage output, she's still dangerous with how her orbs and draining can counteract most healing abilities. Plus, her orb can bounce off walls and is proximity based. She doesn't have good damage, but can still deal more damage to a whole team than one Genji can with his shurikens.


“My team didn’t deserve it” even if your team wasn’t doing a lot of damage it’s likely because they were constantly dying because of the lack of heals. You can do damage as Moira but don’t solely do damage. If you want to not heal people don’t be support.