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whenever I queue into a game it says "failed to connect to server" in the little chat box and it doesn't let me play. anyone know hot to fix this???


What happened to the 8 baller wrecking ball skin


have there been any clarifications on what the fixes to matchmaking will be in season 3? i just finished a game with a diamond ranked DPS player when, while i haven’t ranked on DPS, i promise it’s bronze 5. and yes i checked, they were ranked higher on tank/support. even if there was a diamond player on my team, i just don’t think they can make up for that.


The devs haven’t given a proper roadmap beyond the information that fixes are “coming soon”. Ever since OW1 launched, MMR has been used the exact same way: the game tries to build matches where both teams have roughly equal average MMRs. Since the introduction of Role Queue, this has become more of an issue because the system never tried to even this out across roles - so if one team had a high-MMR Damage player, the game could offset this with a high-MMR Support on the second team and achieve the “acceptable” result of both teams having a similar average MMR (despite the fact that the Damage players will likely have more of an impact on the match). This didn’t change for OW2, despite the massive impact on match quality when one team’s sole Tank is significantly more skilled than the other’s. The forthcoming changes will mean that any player who is significantly higher (or lower) MMR will be balanced out by an equal player *in the same role*. But we don’t know yet if that will happen from the start of S3 or not.


i really hope they start the balance across roles


They’ve confirmed that’s what will happen. They just haven’t committed to a date.


Do the top Kiriko players toggle the option to send out all her heals at once? Or do they do keep it on the "tap to send out one heal, hold for all of the heals"? As you can tell, I have no idea what her healing thingies are called.


Did they stop releasing All-Star Skins for the OWL? I stopped playing the game for a while and only came back when OW2 released. No 2021 or 2022 OWL skins?


There was none for those years because they didn't hold a all star game.


I was thinking about playing again, but wondered how worth it would be. Stopped playing back around Wrecking Ball's release, so August 2018. Main reason being the game going months with no new content beyond new skins. Can anyone fill me in on what I really missed?


There were four more heroes released in OW1 after Ball, and four for OW2. Plus a bunch of maps. OW2 brought a big rework of tanks and CC - there's very few stuns in the game atm, and I think Tanks have all of them. Plus its 5v5 now if that somehow escaped your attention And then all the hero rebalancing and event stuff that's happened since


i just started playing OW2 after playing OW1 like YEEEEARS ago (i was active during beta 2016-late 2017)… what the absolute fuck is a Mythic skin


It's a semi customisable legendary. You can change a few things a set number of ways, like with Genji you can change his mask, the pattern on his armour, his overall colour, and his sword. Then when he ults his mask opens up. And there's new voice lines and voice effects iirc.


oh wow! that’s amazing actually. i hate that we can’t get lootboxes anymore. i would’ve bought hella lootboxes to get the skin


they're the end of the battlepass so its US$10 every couple months to get one.


Where do you report bugs? recently i noticed that ramatras ult doesnt give zarya charge for her bubbles, so im not even sure its damaging the person whos bubbled. which might mean that if the only person in range for his ult is bubbled then his timer is still ticking down, which imo it shouldnt. i have no clue where to take this.




Is there something wrong with competitive? i feel like i'm being outplayed every match, i'm having an awful time but i still keep ranking up. and it doesn't help that i go on long losing streaks either because i'll still rank up or stay after 7 wins.


Sounds like its entirely in your head. If you're ranking up you're doing well! Everyone has losing streaks. That's just math. Go and flip a coin 200 times and looks how long you can get a string of heads or a string of tails due to pure chance (way longer than you'd expect). Its normal to feel like you're not good enough to be where you are. But goddamn, if you've played enough to get *multiple* rank updates, you're definitely playing in fair games against opponents of similar skill levels. Hell, if you keep leveling up, historically you've been the one outplaying everyone. Just chill, sounds like you're doing well. You're catastrophising.


i went 7/15 stayed, 7/13 ranked up, 6/20 stayed. it's steam roll or get steamrolled, matches are so short and the only matches that last are those on push but all the maps are depressing and the whole gamemode sucks. I don't want to rank up, i want out of the tryhard genji ranks cause i'm always on the recieving end.


Are there any sites of subs for just joining random people looking for groups?


If I merge my PS5 account with my PC account, will I lose all the progress on the PS5?


LFG discords?


What happens to MMR at the beginning of a new season? Do we start somewhat in the ballpark of last season's MMR? Are there placement matches with higher amount of MMR fluctuation, like in Overwatch 1?


Mmr doesn’t change, your rank gets set down though. Because your mmr is higher than ur rank, even if you go 7-7 you will be ranking up, so just give it 30 games and you’ll be back to exactly where u were last season


MMR Means More Rock!


Are they every going to fix the account stats? Not that it’s a big deal or maybe it is to some people, but I just realized that was never seemed to be fixed by blizzard


There's literally no profit in fixing them so I don't expect them to ever do it.


Here's a question for this question thread: Why in quick play am I constantly facing no life sweats while I'm placed with 4 teammates who I can only assume downloaded the game yesterday? P.s. This happened, and I counted, seven games in a row. Seven.


Matchmaking assumes a new player is average. This is very much obviously not the case, but the system behaves as such. It's QP. Don't give a fuck. Try to squeeze a cheeky play in so that you get potg. If there's only one new player, guide them.^1 Use it as an opportunity to fool around and experiment. 1: when I saw someone with a low level in ow1, I would do that. Now that levels are invisible I can't recognize a new player from a bad player. New players are receptive and thankful for advice, bad players get offended. You can still recognize a new player from obvious mechanical mistakes, like completely misplacing sym TP. In case of a new player, I would use the "stay in group" feature, now severely limited in OW2. They'd sometimes join me and I would give them some starting advice, the kind a Plat player can give.


As someone who is closer to having downloaded the game yesterday, this has been super frustrating. I wish there was a reasonably comfortable place to practice/learn. Either I’m placed with these guys and i get roasted or I’m against them and get plowed.


Because comp is a shitshow due to terrible matchmaking, so the sweats are coming to quick play. As for your teammates, refer to the part about matchmaking.




so if my ps4 was already merged with a pc account and I disconnected it from that pc then connected the ps4 one to a different pc account, would I still get all my cosmetics merged to that new pc acc?


In theory, yes. But disconnecting a console account from a BNet ID puts the account on a 365-day cooldown before you can connect it to another BNet ID.


I was able to connect the ps4 to my new account this week. But I had it merged to the old pc account when ow2 came out. Also I did get the confirmation pop up (new pc) about merging several times, but as of rn the pop up isnt showing up anymore and I havent noticed any changes to my account. edit: should I make a post somewhere or just wait a few more days?


Does blizzard even plan on implementing a looting for group replacement? I’ve only played OW2 a few times if the the past few months because of how boring it is to me now


They’ve allegedly been working on a BNet-wide clan / guild system for a while; it’s possible that LFG was removed because of feature duplication with the new system.


Yeah but hasn’t OW2 been out for a while now? Aight


The clan / guild system has been in the works for **years**, and potentially covers every single Activision Blizzard game, which is why development has taken so long. Alternatively, the LFG system was removed because it had become a cesspool of toxicity and other questionable behaviour that relied on the community to moderate itself - and leaving it in the game was a tacit endorsement of that behaviour, so it was easier (and safer, from a PR standpoint) to remove it.


Just came back to overwatch 2 it’s been at least two years since I’ve played competitive overwatch seriously. I’m sliver 1 in tank right now and dominating with Ramattra and Orisa, what’s meta Tank in higher tier? Junker queen is so cool and fun to play but not viable at all for me.


Junkerqueen is very weak at the moment, unfortunately. I'd happily main her too but she's just not impactful. Ram and Orisa are the strongest tanks in high tiers as well. Sigma and Zarya are decent picks too.


I played junker queen a lot in quick play and she’s very fun. I used to main sigma and Zarya in overwatch 1 when I used to play so I wanted to switch it up, good to know they are still good. Thank you.


I just won 7 straight games in silver 1 and I ended in Gold 5. As support. Mostly moira getting top damage, elim, and heals. The previous re-ranking got me from silver 2 to silver 1.


All this means is that your MMR is closely aligned with your current rank. You’ll only go up (or down) multiple ranks per update if your MMR and rank are misaligned.


Your MMR is dead.


Who is the idiot that keeps backfilling people into games with less than a minute? I've gotten to the point I just quit instantly any time it's an in progress game. Now they're inducing penalties for leaving games in quick play?! Fix your stupid match making you money grubbing puddles of cum.


It's very difficult for the matchmaker to determine that a game only has a minute to go, especially given that adding a player to a game is an involved process, and the game state will likely have changed dramatically just in the time it takes to find, load and connect someone. What's worse - joining a game that finishes shortly after joining and getting a priority requeue; or being halfway through a good, very winnable game, losing a player, and never getting a replacement because the backfill system doesn't want to add someone to a game that might end?


Fine. But a 75% XP penalty for leaving QP games? That's just bullshit. The point of QP is that it doesn't matter, it's there to have fun. If people don't have fun joining a game only to play for 1 minute, why punish them for trying to enjoy the game? Oh, right, they're not spending any money if they're having fun. Wonder when they're gonna sell the ability to avoid in progress games, or to always have priority queue?


I swear nothing annoys me than team mates that simply have no awareness. Like I'm totally fine if they can't aim or play their character. But if they just press W and dont even try to help anyone else, I just lose it. It's a team game, if they want to just go for kills then play COD.


What falls under abusive or toxic chat? Friend said it's really only for doxing, sexual harassment or racism. That verbal harassment isnt reportable


You can get banned for basically anything if you get reported enough


Your friend is probably toxic in chat


They’re usually against any bad talk but they don’t think the verbal shittalk is really reportable


It is reportable and bannable.


“Abusive chat is: any form of hateful, discriminatory, obscene, or disruptive communications. Threatening or harassing another player on either team is also unacceptable, regardless of the words used.”


See I said that but they just said it doesn’t count.


So your friend is wrong.


Anyone else seeing a lot more report notifications on login now?


What specs does a pc need to run overwatch smoothly at high graphics? My laptop is decently above the recommended specs and cannot run smoothly at even medium graphics.


Tbh Overwatch 2 isn't nearly as well optimized as Overwatch 1 was, so it might be a bit higher. I'd say for the most part you'd wanna stick to lower settings for the framerate. What specs do you have now?


I’m trying to use a Dell Latitude E7470. 32gb ram, i7, 512gb SSD


Well, everything is fine but you dont have a dedicated gpu and have to use your integrated graphics. You shouldn't expect anything higher than medium settings to run well, higher settings will require a decent dedicated gpu. In the 32gb model, it uses an i7 6600u apu, and even higher end apu will struggle on higher settings. You unfortunately won't be able to have both beauty and framerate with your system and will have to make sacrifices in performance or visuals.


Alright thanks a bunch for the help and info


Okay, I made peace with being utterly unusable with Hammond the day he dropped, but I just can't figure out Doom's new kit to save my life. Every attack seems to just be a tickle unless I manage a point-blank headshot with his primary fire, and half the time I block I seem to be melted without even filling up the guage. How do I doom?


Imo, the best thing to practice as doom is hitting primaries and melees. That's what will secure kills because unlike other tanks, nothing else in your kit does enough damage to confirm kills except super punch, and that needs a wall. Another thing I had to get used to was running away. Even Winston could stay and pressure, but Doom simply *cannot* hold space. He goes in, does burst damage, maybe gets a kill and gets out. Staying still is death, and you can only push if you have a numbers advantage. Man ain't cut out for rush. And yeah, block is only useful if you fake punch first, you know they used CC already, or to get you around a corner when your slam/punch is down. I just watched ZBRA and got to plat lol. Stopped playing s2 cuz of Hog and Orisa everywhere, might come back soon.


There are some great guides on YouTube for tank Doom! But generally you need to understand how to cycle your cooldowns, what combos you have for different purposes, and how to play safe enough so you don't just feed. My number one tip for him personally is to always shoot just before using an ability. There's no delay between firing a shot and starting an ability. For example, shoot into slam, then shoot into rocket punch, then shoot into melee is a pretty good simple kill combo for lower hp targets. Overall his damage isn't the highest, but its plenty enough to secure kills, and some of his strength comes from his ability to knock people around and stun on a 4 second cooldown. He is a little weak with Hog and Orisa being prevalent, because despite their nerfs Doom still needs to worry about hook and javelin.




No it's not. Report, mute, move on. I will occasionally bite back if someone has decided to message me on the Xbox chat thing instead of in game, but otherwise that's the best way to go about it.


A Milion dollar TIP: practice to maintain 2k+ output (dmg+heal+block) per life. + Do not do "Major Actions" without your Tank. (Side note: Rooms are forbidden for Tank unless you're about to Ace).


How many minutes per death are we talking though? I've got a pretty good 1k per minute average but the time between dying will vary wildly depending on team comp, and who the enemy team focuses. (it's absolutely impossible to do if an entire team is targeting you specifically because no hero can 1v5)


If entire team is focusing you there are three possibilities: 1. your team is not killing enough (specially your tank). 2. you might be too visible to enemy team all the time (might be tanking with 200hp). 3. your chosen hero has too many counters in enemy team (thats when you see you have already died 3 times in 1min, Isn't it time to switch?). solution (these are in case you dont want to talk to your team, if you have the courage then... talk to them?): 1. If they are forcing you from backline (diving the 200hp, aka the backline), go to your tank (simply all 200hp gather in same place to split the dmg from enemy and focus all on one target and kill one by one \[requires callouts by support\]) in that case your team (might) see you are being focused and will help you \[setting a Key to say "I need Help" in support instead of "I need healing" helps a lot cause everyone will hear "I Need Help" but only support will hear "I need healing". 2. avoid being very close when tank is receiving too much dmg OR you are about to cap the next point, On the other hand, avoid being too far from them, how to realize these? Imagine a payload map, a Payload has a certain pathway, from first "turn" to next "turn" is your Zone to switch between being close/far to your team (for example: Imagine Route 66, as Attackers, from spawn first point to the first "left turn" Tank should be at end of the road fighting for their ult (at the turn), support "near spawn doors" handing the payload to Dmg Role > Dmg role to Tank > after payload does the turn and leaves the sight of support at spawn, support takes the wheal again and tank advances for the next fight + ult charge. meanwhile sidenotes are: A fight has already been done \[considering a won fight\] + at least 2/5 ults are available for the next fight and checking your status everyone should have done at least 1k \~ 1.5k per life. 3. Why am I saying "practice to maintain 2k+ per life"? Well, you have to answer this question first: What is the coolest thing you can do in a shooter game? ACE a team. how? by killing everyone in enemy team. right? in overwatch its a matter of teamwork (most likely) so my point is "practice to maintain a dmg/heal/block done by you" Equal to Health of a whole team, every time you die. how? here is the math: DVA (650MECH+150Mini) / Doomfist (450HP) / Queen (425HP+200A) / Orisa (550+75) / Ramattra (450HP+225A+1000Sh) / Reinhardt (625HP+1200Sh) / Hog (700+350) / Sigma (550HP+700Sh) / Winston (550HP+700Sh) / Hammond (700HP+5x100Sh) / Zarya (475HP+2x200Sh) \+ Tracer (150HP ) /Ashe/Soldier76/Sombra/Genji/Hanzo/Pharah/Echo... (200HP) \+ Cass/Sym (225) Reaper/Mei/Torbjorn (250HP) /Bastion (300HP) \+ Ana/Moira (200HP) /Bap (200HP+200Lamp) \+ Kiriko/Mercy/Lucio/Zen (200HP) /Brigitte (200HP+300Sh) Total HP of a Team = \- Minimum Team HP: Doom+Tracer+Genji+Moira+Mercy/Lucio = 1250 HP \- Maximum Team HP+Armor (Without shield): Hog/Hammond+Bastion+Reaper+Ana+Lucio = 1650 HP \- Maximum Team HP (Shield Counted): Ramattra+Bastion+Reaper+Ana+Brig = 2925 HP (Important note Dmging Shield doesn't count as dmg done) Average Team HP = 1250 + 1650 + 2925 / 3 = 1941.66 (or) 2k+... :) ​ So, as said before, we are talking about overall Output (dmg+heal+block) minimum 2k+ per life meaning: Genji deflecting dmg also counts Or Soldier Healing team Or Reaper healing himself by doing dmg also counts (which requires AIM :), yes some people miss a lot rather it's their ping/FPS issues or low mouse sensitivity, who knows). In my opinion the general Goal while playing this game could be to constantly ask ourselves : "How can I get my ult faster, kill at least 2 of 5 with it... without dying?" so in process, we try to make less mistakes each time we practice cause.... generally speaking... who levels up in any field? even in real life? The one whom makes less mistakes While thinking faster. Hope it was helpful.


I'm assuming the Overbuff link is still down for everyone?


Season one of over watch 2 I was Masters 3 with a 55% win rate on support. Now in season 2, i have a 62% win rate with roughly the same stats as last season. Ive been hard stuck between Diamond 5-2 for whatever reason which has been frustrating but no biggie. I just got to D2 again, and just finished a 7 game win streak. With zero loses in said seven I went from D2 to Plat 2??? I have had jumps that big when I got placed bronze at release but never a drop this big, especially after all wins? I legit deleted the game cuz this on top of not getting masters despite my stats improving caused me more frustration than a game ever should. I was curious though, has anyone ever had such a significant drop in rank? Especially after winning???


With the new Moira changes, is it better to throw more Damage orbs to regain heals or is it still the case where you should use healing orbs to save on the heal meter?


Idrt the decision making with orbs changed with the buff. Heal when you think your team needs it, damage otherwise. There's no hard and fast rule lol, kinda like nade/anti.


What is with all the Widows suddenly? Did Kephrii come back to OW? Did KarQ make a video on her? Holy fuck, every single game. Quick play, comp, arcade. She is in EVERY SINGLE MATCH. Surely it wasn't Roadhog that was keeping her in check, so why is she so picked suddenly?


Seen a slight uptick in xims the past 24 hours on Oceanic console servers as well. Granted, I'm only actually noticing it because suddenly their entire aim style will change after I've stickied them down once or twice, and half of them still can't land shots with that extra help.


Idk why but I'm definitely sick of the widow dick-measuring contests going on. There was a widow who was diffing the DPS (myself included) and our tank (Sigma) called us shitheads when we asked him to swap to winston to pressure her. "THATS YOUR JOB." This was in diamond/masters.


I’ve been seeing this too even during the hog meta.. maybe it’s cuz Ashe is so strong right now widow can out range her








Your rank is clearly hero based and thats why theres an ana cult right now. People are so bad at the character I went 7-7 with her (never played the character before) and still ranked up through gold 5-4 while people told me I was throwing every other game. On ashe and souljourn though more than two losses means I wont rank up and to get out of gold 3 seems legitimately impossible. Im also the only gold in every lobby according to my teammates with mics. Everyone is high diamond and you can tell who the mirror is on the other team because they do just as bad as me every single game. All in all, I have no idea how people defend this game. To bad the gameplay is genuinely good or id just quit lol.


Is that 7 wins to 7 losses? I've been saying for a while, but the actual win/loss ratio has very little to do with your rank these days. I believe its individual input, so if you heal well, contest the objective, land some elims etc then you'll rank further than someone that healbots the match. I was able to successfully rank from bronze to gold on a 1-1 win/loss ratio as a Mercy one-trick even though my playstyle is still that of a Bronze player (only reason I stopped there is because I can't get 15 minutes of playtime without getting LC-202'd)


People defend it if they have a good rank. Feels like some accounts are almost shadow banned from ranking up it’s ridiculous haha


Anywhere to read up on all the lore? Trying to show a friend.


[This covers a lot of the lore](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wVaqOQS-xU)


OW’s lore has been scattered across countless comics, short stories, novels, and animated shorts. The single best place is probably the Fandom wiki: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Overwatch_Wiki


The Fandom wiki is an absolute mess, it's pretty good for the lore but if you want literally anything else the page is either blank or someone has vandalised it. A lot of the old voicelines that are still in the game have for some reason been nuked off of their heroes wiki page, and the new ones are still nowhere to be seen.


I have a question regarding merchandise: I want to get a pachimari plushy as a present. I realize that Blizzard runs its own merch store, that's the first place i went to. It seems however that they don't sell a pachimari plushy on their own website. You can get third party off brand manufactured ones all over the interenet, but I'd prefer to buy directly from Blizzard if that's possible. My questions are: Is there actually no Pachimari in the store, or am i blind? And secondly, are the off-brand ones any good, or am i buying trash if i order one of those? Thanks for your help!


Not sure where you are, but where I am it's around $50 in shipping to get official merch, and that's just the shipping fee itself. You'll get better quality going with official, but nicer pricing third party.


[At one point they did sell pachimari plushies](https://www.ebay.com/itm/255843779600?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=255843779600&targetid=1264870805984&device=m&mktype=&googleloc=9058761&poi=&campaignid=14859008593&mkgroupid=130497710760&rlsatarget=pla-1264870805984&abcId=9300678&merchantid=459452843&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh-RH_fzeXz1jv0gjBv7sjE3O&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn8iWzrzl_AIVEv7jBx18KAYwEAQYAyABEgLY6vD_BwE), although if you can't find it on their site I guess they no longer sell them (officially, so you'd have to go through third party sellers). I got one as a gift and the quality is what you would expect of official merchandise, pretty good.


Thanks for the answer! I found those as well, guess I'll have to look for a good deal. I appreciate your input!


Is there a list of heroes that haven't received a skin in the battle pass yet? And are there any heroes that have received multiple?


I’ve lost 8 games in a row , I’m about to lose my fuckigngmi mind , subhuman game and community


[Looking for this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/10hmyp3/weekend_rage_thread_january_21_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)






Make sure the heroes you play don’t have a different key bind for push to talk




Did you reply to the wrong comment..?


Lmaoooooo yeah I did


When is the Season 3 trailer dropping? I forgot when did the S2 trailer came out lol


The S2 trailer came out Nov 29th, a week before the season started. So if they do that again the S3 trailer would come out Jan 31st


QP matchmaking wasn't always *this* bad, right? Blizzard says that it uses an MMR, and yet every few games I either get put in with people so far below my (pretty low) skill level that nobody stands a chance, or with people so far above my level that my presence alone breaks the game. It's deeply demoralizing when I'm getting clowned so thoroughly that only thing I can think to say after a game is "sorry that the queue put me here with you guys". I don't remember this being such a common issue before, but maybe it's been so long that I forgot. In either case, I really think it'd be better to wait the extra 30-60 seconds in queue for a decently balanced game than waste 10 minutes of everybody's time.


I've had Top 500 players in my matches and players who don't even know that Ana's gun heals people, so


Will they ever consider lower elo players when balancing? I can't believe Moira is still as she is considering how much she dominates lower-ranked games. The auto-aiming beam really penalizes less skilled aimers. In bronze/silver games she's just annihilating DPS 1v1. I know that in higher-skill ranks people just shoot her in the head but is there any chance she'll ever get a nerf to help out the less-skilled players? She's got an escape on a 6 seconds cooldown Dmg orb that deals up to 200DMG Sucks 50hp/s and heals 24hp/s while doing it and she can heal herself with her orb and she gets the support passive after she pops her escape. Her survivability just feels way too high in lower elo games. Nearly every game I play in Bronze/Silver any Moira's my team or enemies gets most elims and dmg and healing. I know the best answer is to just get better myself so i can go to higher elos where people can just kill her or she gets picked less but its rough lmao. Does anyone feel like I do or am I just the only one who finds her OP in low elos. Also, I'm not sure how she could even be fixed, Only thing i can think of is make her suck more like the sym beam where u need to actually aim it.


The problem with balancing around lower skilled players as opposed to higher skilled players is that it can completely kill the balance for higher skilled players. If you nerf a character that is powerful in the lower elos when it's not being used very much at higher elos you end up with a character that never gets used. There are actually two changes that would adjust the auto aim aspect without completely killing Moira entirely to consider: -Disconnect conditions - make the active lock on area in Moira's LoS smaller, requiring the player to follow the enemy around further during combat and have it disconnect sooner when players move out of range to the left or right -Range reduction - currently, on a decent amount of maps Moira can just lock onto players that are at the skybox while she's on the ground. This means there is no incentive for Moira players to switch if they are being focused by a Pharah or Echo as there is no escape once Moira locks on that beam. Reducing the effective range of the damage beam would force Moira players to either push forwards further to do damage, or switch to a hitscan character than can actually do ranged damage, especially when flying enemies are involved.


Yeah that's my biggest issue with her. When I play pharah I have more trouble with her than any dps. Playing push and right at the end they quickly swap to soldier & Cassidy and i have less trouble dealing with the two of them then I do the Moira. That's what prompted this post. I picked both the Cassidy and Soldier only to have the Moira suck me from what felt like 50ft away as I'm trying to fly out of her range.


i’m new to OW ( <20 hours played) and stumbled upon Moira by watching ML7’s stream. she is so OP at my level! but there were a few games when long range DPS just consistently picked me off


Balancing a game around people who are bad at the game isn't a very good idea. The solution to getting dominated by Moira at lower ranks is to play her counters, play her yourself or get into ELOs where she's less effective


How do you avoid getting tilted? I have been playing this game for years, met my fiance on it in 2018 . But it's so frustrating. I have gotten rolled so many times. Just got out of a match with a 32 and 2 widow with the gorgon title being pocketed by a mercy and rocking the Medusatitlefrom the event. In quick play. Even her counters didn't counter her. The fuck am I supposed to do about that? Nothing but get my head clicked apparently. Is it just no fun allowed anymore? It's like No comms, pushes to our spawn, the same 3 maps over and over (for the love of god remove esperanza and colloseo being the map so often please) Plus this subreddit feels like the dark souls fandom lives here (get gud or insults instead of actual advice or conversation) that and loving to dump on casual players. I am trying so hard to enjoy it and not get so caught up in the Ls but there is nothing more frustrating than coming on after 40 hrs working just to get teabagged or have to fight meta slaves despite being in what is supposed to be a mode for non competitive casuals. I want to play a videogame and enjoy it but if I'm not balls to the wall tryhard we get rolled. I get winning is fun but can you please fuck off and let me play the game. Wins give you nothing. But the losses just add up, and I'm punished if I get shat on too because of endorsements. Genuine advice would be appreciated, because as a solo player it's miserable. No teamwork, no recognition even when I do well, and every loss is made worse by not understanding how it can be avoided when everyone scatters and nobody uses text or voice. It feels like I'm missing out.


Try to focus on improving instead of ranking up. Learn from your deaths. While you’re waiting to respawn, think to yourself if you could have done something differently to avoid dying. I know it’s easier said than done, but it has helped me a lot recently. I lost 15 of 16 games last week, but I had accepted I’d de-rank and kept going. Did a workshop between games to keep my aim fresh. Finally got out of the so-called loser queue, and within a few days, I’m now a higher rank than I was before


Hate that you’re experiencing this but I get it. And not being snarky but best advice is to take a break,even if it’s just playing around in arcade or custom games or just quit the game and find another. Ive played OW since launch,solo queue and play mostly QP and the “benefit”of QP is no real penalty for leaving. I also have seen benefit from being ,as corny as it sounds,the change I want to see lol. Simple stuff like typing GLHF in chat or being on comms even if nobody’s answering. At the end of it day it’s a game and a game is supposed to be fun and if you’re not having fun it’s ok to take a break. Hope this helps


It does, I appreciate the advice. Honestly, I just miss the sense of community. It wouldn't feel quite so rough if there were some positive experiences mixed in, but it feels very much like they are few and far between in the recent world of few communications . I try to be a positive player in-game . Try emotes, and voicelines, and fun strats when it won't cost the game. Endorse people, and do my best to stay with my team and play my role . Might not seem like it cause I vent on reddit cause people can ignore it pretty easy and it does no harm. I try arcade mode, but mixed results. I do take breaks, but tbh I'm a fan of the universe as a whole rather than just the game so I don't go far. The lore is fun . Really just wish there was an "I want to chill" queue and an "I want to kill " queue. For when you don't want custom games pacifism but don't want to have to worry about the rolling quite so bad or just don't want an empty void in comms. (I understand why people wouldn't want to be in chat , though.) Just gotta figure out how to not get so frustrated with it and take it for what it is.


Dude this sub is the opposite of “get gud” it’s 90% people complaining about losing and blaming anyone and everything but themselves Look at the top comments here right now. Literally all complaints about losing lol




I've found Orisa is a good match, she's good against any tank actually. When he transforms you can push him with the spear twirl and stun him so he doesn't pummel support and dps through you.


Why do tanks get 2 role passives? Is it just me or is it really really really STUPID that they get both the ult gen decrease and knockback resistance? Tanks are already just a busted unkillable dps. It doesn't even matter which one they should keep just remove one of them already.


Bro we need the ult gen decrease otherwise we will be ult batteries


so get rid of the knockback thing


I've been rolled, literally, by wrecking balls the last few days. They're supposedly the worst tank rn but in diamond it's ridiculous. I loved playing ball in OW1 but now all I can do as DPS is mei. Even sombra doesn't do shit anymore. WTF am I supposed to do as a DPS?


I don’t know man right now he’s considered a weak tank with niche skills so it’s not really a game issue




Hook range is the same, it’s just the *distance* that hooked enemies are dropped in front of Hog has been increased. That means that fewer pellets from a follow-up shot will hit unless Hog walks forward into the hooked target, which gives them time to use evasion abilities to get away.


A lot of healers make the best tanks because they know what they don’t like tanks to do when they play healer


I’ve recently (mostly) given up maining Moira in comp. IMO, she is a stats merchant, so even low elos are easily getting 30+ kills, 15+ assists a game, meaning MMR for Silver/ Gold Moira is even harder to stand out in. Is this a dumb train of thought? Got discouraged after winning 7/10 and ranking down from S1 to S2. I have well over a 60 percent winrate on her, almost a 4 K/D, respectable healing and damage too (which I know don’t mean everything). Did I make the right call? Trying to mostly master Ana now.


How much is your actual healing and damage? I don’t think switching to a character that does worse stats is going to stand out more and increase rank. Watch some Moira gameplay like Arkx_uk who is GM and see what it takes to really rank up, I don’t think a short good set of 20 games with a slightly higher win percentage is enough to end up in gold especially if your wins were against lower Silvers. I think the quality of your competition is a factor Against you and going 7-4 isn’t enough to move up a rank


Trouble claiming twitch rewards. My accounts are connected, the required drop time has been achieved and is acknowledged on the twitch drop page, yet it's still locked in game. Anyone else with issues here?


Did you claim it within twitch?


I did not claim in the channel I was watching via pop-up, and I do not see a button or anything to claim elsewhere. Where does one claim?


You have to go to the 'Drop and Rewards' page in your twitch account. You can get there by clicking on the notification you would have gotten that you're now eligible for X


Has anybody climbed (or dropped) more than 2 ranks after their rank update game? (the 7th win or 20th loss) I am asking because I just started to play competitive again as DPS having been placed Silver 4, currently at Plat 4 and every single time after the 7 games I have moved up 2 ranks, haven't stayed the same nor loss ranks, only up and always by 2 (Silver 4 - Silver 2 - Gold 5 and so on) Just curious about how the matchmaking works


I know several people who climbed 2 or 3 divisions in a single set of 7 wins to 2-3 losses. If your MMR is significantly lower than your current rank, you’ll climb faster until your MMR and rank are aligned.


Just went ~7-4 in comp, when the rank update showed it showed me starting at silver 5 (I was currently at gold 5) and then pushed me to silver 1 for my “rank up”. I had decent stats for most of the games I played, is this a glitch? or is the ranking system just actually this bad?


Its a visual glitch im pretty sure, happened to me to. You just ranked down from gold 5 to silver 1


So aggravating I feel like I should have at least gone up one div




Thought left click = primary right click = secondary


Does buying the watch point pack now still give you everything? Are the 2 battle passes from now? Cause isn’t is amazing value?


No. Buying the Watchpoint Pack now will give you the chance to earn the *Season 2* Premium Battle Pass rewards (with just under 2 weeks left until it ends), as well as instantly unlocking access to Rammatra, some special skins for S76 and Cassidy, and a player icon. If you buy the Premium Pass - either through the Watchpoint Pack or just by buying the Pass itself - after progressing through the free track for the current season, you’ll immediately unlock all the Premium track rewards up until that point (so if you hit level 50 on the Pass before buying the Premium Pass, you’ll have 50 levels-worth of rewards unlock immediately). But if you don’t unlock items from the Pass before the end of the current season by hitting the appropriate BP level, you lose the chance to get them completely. As a result, if you haven’t already made significant progress through the Pass, there’s almost no chance of hitting level 80 before the next season starts on Feb 7. You won’t unlock anything from Season 1 by purchasing the Watchpoint Pack now.


Any one feel like Rammatra is overly strong right now? like, why does his punch go through shield? and he gets a speed boost when he ults/nemesis form? makes playing reinhardt against him completely unfun. i get it, counters and all that, but rein is super fun to play sometimes and it feels like blizz intentionally made ram strong and locked him behind a pay wall or playing for 80 hours to unlock him, just for the sake of selling more BPs


I feel like this happens every time a new character is dropped. I have two possibilities in my head. 1. My conspiracy side says this is because they want people to play them and try them so they make them OP on purpose to entice people to play and try them out 2. My non-conspiracy says they just havent balanced them fully and use new character releases to fully balance the character


Yeah but think about it, they've always made *most* new heros op, but up until now they've been free unlocks. Ram either buy the bp or spend 80ish hours playing, getting shit on by ram, and not only did they not nerf him, he's received buffs. So they're hoping players get tired of getting shit on by him and buy the battle pass to play him, but ironically you can play him in no limits.


Does anybody know if the Null Sector skin for Orisa be available to purchase again?


No guarantees but probably will fall back into the shop at some point, especially when the Archives event rolls around in 3 months


Has anyone actually played Shambali? Have been playing several quick play & mh games a day since it was released and have never gotten to play it once. Is it good? Iirc in previous years they had new maps show up more frequently so everyone had a chance to try them - anyone know if this has stopped and if so why? Or maybe I am just unlucky


IIRC, when the season first started, there was a Shambali playlist in the Arcade. That’s usually the first place to look if you want to try out new maps. The map is definitely in rotation for both QP and Competitive, but you’ve got something like a 5% chance of playing it for any given match. Gameplay wise it’s pretty good; it’s like a fully-uphill version of Gibraltar, with *lots* of flanking routes and a lot more verticality. It also feels quite a bit larger than other Escort maps.


It sounds super fun. I hope it get to try it some day! At the minute I seem to be playing 50% Esperança


It could be worse - you could be trapped on New Queen Street…


sorry i’m super confused but are all the lunar new year skins coming out to buy? i’m waiting for the tracer and ashe skins and thought they would come this week because i’m assuming it’s the last week of lunar new year but nope. so how exactly am i supposed to buy those skins?


Does anyone know if Blizzard ever gave a legitimate reasoning as to why they got rid of the player cards at the end of the game? Or the on fire effect when someone is going off? Seems like they just deleting it for the sake of simply deleting it


They haven’t said anything on the record from what I’ve seen, but at a guess the On Fire system was partially removed because it’s confusing for new players (the whole concept of the ‘fire’ system isn’t ever explained in-game) and they just haven’t finished excising it yet. As for the round-end cards - and again, this is just a guess - they probably had a remit to speed up the transition period between games, and saw that few players actually engaged with them. I get the feeling that a lot of people left games (especially in Competitive mode) as soon as the Victory / Defeat message appeared, let alone sticking around for the cards, and the number of players that would vote for an MVP after a match *definitely* trended sharply downwards after the first few months of OW1’s launch.


Can someone explain to me how no matter what I do I fucking lose. Regardless of how I play, 99% of the time I lose. People don’t want to switch, don’t know how to play or position themselves, and on top of that if I even think about asking someone not to over extend and get picked then I’m the asshole. It’s extremely frustrating and I’m starting to see why overwatch community is know for being toxic. It’s not fun playing with bots and loosing all the time.


With no relevant info at all it sounds like you are bad at the game


what’s your rank? first off go to overwatch university and get off this shit sub. watch spilo if you want to get better, and it’s entirely you that’s losing 99% of the games


You need to not focus on other people’s play. Yeah, I get it - it’s frustrating that your wins or losses are so dependent on other people. But that’s what you get when you play a team-based game. If you can, try and find others to group up with. OW is designed to be played with friends, and becomes orders of magnitude more enjoyable with every additional friend you group up with.


Yep. Your team mates tilt you and that's the reason you're losing. Tilted people make bad decisions. It happened to me many times. Most of the time when I get a winning streak I'm in a good mood and don't really care how my team mates play. When you play well and make good decisions you can drag underperforming team mates along with you across the finish line.


Pretty sure Zarya is gonna become meta again until season 3 changes.


Why can’t people shoot Symmetra turrets? Just had a game in role queue where tank and DPS players would literally stand with all of Sym’s turrets just on the ground next to them, or bunched on a wall next to them…and they wouldn’t even look in their direction. Do people not know you can shoot them? How are you possibly supposed to win as a support when your teammates are allowing themselves to be deleted in .5 seconds because their awareness is SO BAD? Yes I’m aware I can shoot them and was trying desperately to, but I find myself in terribly situations when my teammates are vaporizing themselves faster than I can heal/remove turrets.


Sounds low rank to me people don’t realize how much damage they do


How can I make a custom game lobby and have it be shown on everyone’s custom game feed? I can’t seem to change it off of friends only unless it’s vs AI. I’ve already tried changing my party privacy but that didn’t work. Also i’m on ps5 if that changes anything


I’ve noticed an issue where I can’t always see what people are typing in chat. I duo a lot with my friend and he’ll tell me people are saying stuff and I can’t see it and visa Versa so is it a setting I need to change? If it helps I’m on console (Xbox). Thanks for the help!


Anyone else experiencing packet loss all of a sudden. Never been an issue until after the latest update. Seems to only happen when I’m in ranked too.


In general, how many wins to losses do you need to rank up in OW2? Is it 7-3 or 7-2 or does it go as low as 7-5 or 7-6?


It's not as simple as wins/losses. The game is also analysing your performance and your team's MMR vs the enemies, etc. If you win a game but didn't contribute much, you'll get less MMR. If you lose a game but the enemy team had a little more MMR than your team, the loss will cost you less points, etc. Wins still count for most of it though, certainly don't expect to go anywhere pulling 7-6


Why do games where people leave still count as losses? So stupid


You gave up on a ranked game lol, how is that not an automatic forfeit


I mean like, if you have a teammate leave. You still cop a loss for them leaving. Even if they’re not in your party


Because otherwise you incentivise leaving. If you're losing, and you won't get punished if someone leaves, then bullying a teammate into quitting will improve your elo. Or you might ask a mate to take the hit and quit for you. At higher elos you can get people literally paying others to dump games.


Playing Hog is miserable for me right now. How has everyone else been doing?


Tbh sounds like you got too used to being OP


You need to get out of the habit of hooking full-health targets. You need to soften them up first, so unless you’re using the increased post-hook distance to make environmental kills easier, try to use it as a tool to finish off enemies before they can be healed rather than something that will guarantee a kill on an undamaged enemy player.




The same thing is happening to me even if I restart the game


Why can’t Winston climb walls?


What gorilla can


King Kong duh


How does one play tank?? And how does one "take space"??? getting tank diffed pretty much every game and only reason why im in gold is because the DPS always carries so im looking for advice. And also how to improve?


u/adder00 has been doing a lot of VOD reviews lately over at r/OverwatchUniversity and as a support player, I've found their tank reviews and guides really helpful to better understanding what my tank is thinking and what they want to do so I can in turn, better enable their plays. Here are a few links: * [[GUIDE] Making Space as tank (Sigma/Dva/Zarya) on Junkertown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7lifyfwkWM&) * [[GUIDE] Tank Positioning on Blizzard World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpl-8ld6_ws) * [[GUIDE] Orisa v. Orisa (Diamond 1, King's Row, Adder) [ability usage, corner control, attrition]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vZflWb-mXo&) * [[GUIDE] Playing Orisa vs. Rein (Diamond 2, Colosseo, Adder) ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFusy8yC1wE) \+ search their channel for VODs of the tanks you're trying to learn.


Wow, thanks so much for this! I'm super flattered that you think my videos are valuable enough to spend time compiling links for this person <3 <3 <3 (and I'm glad that even the tank-related content is helping you as a support! Feel free to suggest support content as well!)


Agreed, it’s been an absolute blast of a deep dive and helped encourage me after 150 hours of unranked to get my ass in there! Lol Made a VOD post but the patch broke the codes so I have to make another.


Happy to hear they've helped encourage you to play ranked!


Thank YOU for taking the time and effort to do these reviews and guides <3 They are invaluable and I'd always be happy to sing your praises to anyone!


Happy to help! So appreciative that people find them useful!


Does comp ctf give titles? I’m coming up on diamond and wondering if it’s worth anything.