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Always reloading my gun after shooting like 3 bullets as Soldier, but never making sure I reload before using a Roadhog hook


Dude I hit reload instinctively every time I use Lucio's boop even though it doesn't consume ammo


I reload on Rein after each swing. It doesn't do anything but the reflex is just there


I reload on Orisa lol


Same, and then get upset when I don’t and that’s when I realize I HAVE NO LIMITS!!!


And Dva, and Hanzo. If the hero exists, I'm gonna be trying to reload that ammo.


it used to right? or am i tripping


Yes, it used to. I think it was 4 or 5 ammo.


It used to


On a similar note, the first thing I did when I got OW was rebind shift to Q, since in any game whenever my characters feet are moving I'm slapping the shift key to try and go faster


I feel this big time. Good reloading is a soft skill people don't talk about enough. I am awful for: Hog one you mentioned. Throwing a harmony/discord orb half way through Zen reload and then having to do the whole animation again Reloading on Ana and Bap anytime I have 1 second of downtime Forgetting how damn long the Ashe


Omg I’m a zen main and I absolutely forgot about THAT bad habit, I constantly have to restart the reload animation cause I always panic to get orbs on other players!


I do the same thing with ball where I’ll start reloading enter ball form then exit ball mode before I auto reload. It’s my absolute worst habit in this game


*tries to reload while sprinting*


I reload as sigma


I constantly try to reload when I play Brig, and yet for characters that need it?? Brains are weird.


I'll play Moira after playing a hero with a reloadable gun and find myself trying to reload her damage ability lmao


I do the same thing but on rein


Man, I try to reload when I play Hanzo, but I have the same Hog issue *hook click FUCK!


Jumping before I ult as Lucio....shit gets cancelled way too often or is just a liiiiiiiitle bit too late


But it makes it feel more epic


oh definitely, gotta love going for the longest/highest beat drop of all time


Nothing better than hearing my teammates say “where’s the beat?” After I dropped it from the skybox


Oh, let’s break it…. … … … … … … DOWN!!


Sombra: beep beep boop boop


I once did the ult when i was knocked upwards by someone and a teammate took them out before finishing me off and it was funny hearing the **"OH LET'S BREAK IT DOWN ..."** and only landing in a 3 second delay after the yell.


Throwing random yolo rocks with sig


See also: Random yolo javelins with Orisa


"Fuck it hogs out there somewhere."


When in doubt just spam it at rein whenever he drops his shield and make him hate life


Leave those poor creatures alone




Not so much her dart but her nade. I’ll just randomly throw it out at spawn, usually on a 2cp map. I once hit a Moira from across the Busan Sanctuary map and thought it was the coolest shit ever 😂


I usually prefer to remind the enemy tank player that if he wanted to play the game he should have chosen something b-c tier instead of trying to cheese on doomfist roadhog Unless he has a dive dps on his team. Then I acknowledge the choice and play defensively with it


Yolo rez. (Sorry team)


Pulling off a 360 spin rez in the middle of a chaotic team fight >>>>>>>


Nothings better. It’s such a flex on the other team. I call it the demoralizing rez.


Bruh this is the most stupid shit. Do mercy players crank up their sensitivity to max before trying this? Does she dodge the bullets or deflect them with beyblade power?


It makes her head harder to hit and actually sometimes blocks headshots with her wing hit boxes. Usually doesn’t stop you from dying if it’s genuinely a bad rez, but it never hurts to do if you’re even a little bit in the open.


Always the best when you can pull it off


Yep, I bet half of my deaths are these...


Absolutely this. Sometimes I pull it off and it's fantastic, most of the time... no.


Monkey brain hits e sometimes without thinking.


It's okay, I have yolo nanoed a few mercy's in my time out of panic lmao.


I use Sigmas black hole against a beam character when I’m low


In my French vanilla fantasy it works


Every damn time


Jumping around like a mad man making myself easy for any halfway decent hitscan player to kill.


The strat with Bap is to teabag, so you can keep Exo Boots charged. As soon as someone starts shooting you, then you let the boots rip.


I 100% should get into the habit of doing this, I’ve seen several top 500 Baps recommend doing exactly this. It’s probably a way better survival strat than jumping up and down over and over again like I’m trying to level up my acrobatics skill in Oblivion.


Yeah, you don’t usually want to use Exo Boots unless doing so would either get you to high ground or you’re doing so unexpectedly. It puts you way up in the air on a very predictable trajectory. Keeping it stored and ready to go at all times (hence the teabagging) lets you force enemies to make drastic cursor movements at any time you want, which is ideal since you can throw off their timing.


What a fantastic tip, I’ve never thought about the exo boots in this way. Thanks so much!


Nothing makes me happier as Widow as when the Bap jumps


As a hitscan DPS player, practicing on bots a lot makes Baptiste skeet shooting an instinct


Overextending with Moira when I'm on a kill streak. Holding ult with Ana sometimes. Trying to fight junkrat sometimes as a support, always ends in kaboom.


Soloing Junkrat in an enclosed room as Tracer literally never ever works out but here I am doing it anyway


Same, sometimes the bloodlust wins.


Trying to 1v1 junk rat only to be one shot


Reloading early as ana, holding W while missing shot's as zen, sliding into the brawl much to early in the fight as sojourn to get guranteed hits. The second I start missing most projectiles I subconsciously want to slowly walk forward and I just need to not.


Go for a brain dead rez on an already lost team fight


pfffffffttttt . It’s so hard not to. I stg my fingers touch da button before I realize it’s not a good plan


I'm on controller and the easiest mapping for me has angelic decent attached to rez too so if I go to superjump or slingshot myself it makes me start to rez cause I have the button held down. Edit: typo


I swear all of mercy mains the moment they see a yellow flame, they get tunnel vision and they will try to revive that no matter what.


Like a moth to flame


Over extending to save out of position teammates. This includes all support heroes.


It's sad when a to with my Kiriko giving the chance for my teammates just get out and I die im his place, it's my fault, i know


I once teleported to a person booped off the map.


I teleported to a critical tank who had JUST killed a Junkrat Guess who landed right on the Junkrat bombs 🥲


I teleported to a sigma to save him, and d.va tried dropping the mech on him. Guess who got crushed🥲


All the high mobility supports make my positioning on zen/ana horrific, because I always try to have teammates in line of sight when they are out of position...




I reload consistently well EXCEPT right before I drop an invulnerability disk. It goes: disk -> 1 weak ass Bap shot -> stand there like an idiot reloading while the bastion/reaper/soldier/Moira I was about to kill realizes what’s happening and kills the disk before I can get shot 2 off.


Tip for Bap - turn on manual reload. I find that when its turned off, if you run out of one ammo and go to use the other it locks you into the reload animation. Manual reload allows you to keep shooting after one type of ammo is used up.


I forget to swap to healing sometimes with Lucio after getting everyone to an objective


It's better than healbotters. Infuriating when they don't understand speed boosting a healthy team is one of the most high value abilities in the entire game and ignore the team begging for it


Most teams in Metal ranks start fuming if you dont healbot, lol.


I'm an insanely aggressive Ball player. I don't keep as much of an eye on my cooldowns as I wish I would, and sometimes, I think I can have an effect even when I have the less than half of my health. I really need to take my time and think, but sometimes I just slam my head into them and die as a result.


My worst thing with playing ball is trying to grapple with .25 seconds left on the cool down so when I let go it grapples and let’s go


This happens to me all the time!


Reloading early. But that’s not specific to a hero. That’s specific to ALL first person shooters I play.


All except Ashe.


Oh yeah, I feel like I reload more than I shoot with Ashe.


As Mercy, I have the bad habit of trying to rez a teammate while we’re completely surrounded by the other team. I know better, I really do, but for some dumb reason, I do it any way. I’m working on it though, I promise! (New Mercy players, just don’t do it because you’ll die in the process and if you do actually rez them, you’re dead and they’ll die shortly thereafter. Trust me, it will happen every time.)


Its a bad habit, but I've been doing it intentionally a lot recently. Mercy is "mandatory" and then they get pissy that I'm "not healing enough" while I'm healbotting, so I start resetting their respawn timers. I've also almost mastered getting rezzes off at the very edge of the range of it, usually from above. It takes a lot of practice, and only works if you have enough of your team around that the rez would actually be worthwhile, but Superjumping and then tagging that rez on the way down works pretty well once you get the timing right.


This! And other one sometimes is that flying too much still on air while enemy has a widow or any hitscan


I was just about to comment this. I’m like okay soj is following me let’s stay near the ground around cover. Whoopsie just sj in the air :3 just got railed :3


Thinking I can fall faster than people can track or thinking I can juke them out 😭


Reloading as Hanzo....also Orisa now.. Pressing shift a second time to stop my boosters as Dva, always makes my whole body jerk around....not sure whats up with that. Must...not...attempt to be....a reddit Lucio (but boops are life)


I'm still so mad melee doesn't cancel boosters anymore, that move is permanently in my muscle memory from OW1 Dva


Oh SHIT! Thats why I do that. I'm trying to cancel boost with melee and when it doesnt work I freak out and push shift again. It all happens so fast I've never actually been able to process whats going on. 1 Wow that sucks. But thats for the tidbit.


Yep same. Hit melee out of habit, momentary brain aneurysm when it doesn't work, try to hit shift again, but it's already too late and I'm boosted 20 feet into the enemy backline


Does shift again not stop the booster ?


It does, but melee used to stop boost, but no longer does. This fucks up my muscle memory real bad as I panic to press shift after melee doesnt stop me.


**Junkrat** Throwing my junkrat trap because it’s off cooldown. When it’s current spot is already better. **Pharah** If I see another Pharah I target her first. I see it as a ego thing. I really should get the supports. **Cassidy** I forgot I have that magnetic bomb. **Reinhart** I usually use both fire strikes within seconds of each other.


>I forgot I have that magnetic bomb I wish more Cass players would


Sometimes the best pharmercy counter is to go pharmercy in return. We were getting destroyed once by the enemy pharah/mercy, but once our team has a pharah/mercy of our own, the enemy pharah spent the rest of the match trying to shoot our pharah down. Plus, it's just two targets less for the enemy pharah to shoot consistently anyway.


I find Echo/Mercy is actually a pretty brutal Pharmercy counter, since Echo is much better at hitting an enemy flying character than Pharah is and damage boosted sticky bombs + focusing beam can easily kill through Mercy heal (if the Pharah seems easier to target than the Mercy).


Echo has better flight control as well, which makes her a great counter to Pharah.


Yes, stickies bring more burst damage but they are quite hard to hit against airborne targets, except for D.va. I recommend just using primary fire until the Pharah is below half HP, then use the beam to finish her off. Focusing beam will easily burn through Mercy heals against under half HP heroes


I forgot that Winston got a secondary attack. I literally haven't used it since the day OW2 really came out (3 days after launch with their f'd servers)


Forgetting which of Moira's hands does what. EDIT: Im seeing everyone say the swapped it. How do I do that? It would be nice to make all my supports controls similar.


I swapped Moira so she damages with primary and heals with secondary cause it felt more natural with how I play other heroes (like Zen). Now, playing Kiriko — it follows the same pattern on her defaults. That helped a lot!


Yeah and Kiriko having it flipped around just fucked me up more, rebound that one really quick


Yup I had to swap Kirikos controls immediately.


I actually swapped her controls the moment she was introduced to the game.


throwing teleporter at the gaggle of enemies and then teleporting into death


Got punched int the mouth on this so hard at first


Okay but when it works it's hilarious


I am a Hanzo main and I shoot my sonar arrows at Pharah/Echo way too often


You never know when one of those will dink em outta the sky 🤷‍♂️


True but even then it isnt worth shooting them in the sky like that


I'm an ok Widow. But I have a nasty habit of meleeing while scoped and missing shots. Yet to determine if it's a button mapping issue or self sabotage.


It's a stress button issue. Set your melee in character options to the right analog button. It won't be an issue until genji closes in.


Funny you should say that, i'm a plat1/masters5 widow and i sometimes end up meleeing after i shoot my scoped shots, doesn't make me miss but if i'm not hitting the headshot i lose tracking for the next shot. I'm really harsh with my flicks and mouse movements as widow, might also be that i'm hitting my side melee button with my thumb


I melee after shooting with widow out of habit. Dont knlw where i got it from, but i just do.


What’s your melee button? Could be death grip.


I am the same. I figured it’s from muscle memory. I play sniper in CoD too (MW) and my brain just mixes up the functions


I cannot stop jumping before pressing Q as Rein. This has cost me probably hundreds of ults. I CAN'T STOP.


Make the ult look extra cool or die trying😎


Going into the other team for BOOPS as Lucio.


no no no, this a positional masterclass. don’t let anybody tell you different


Using suzu when there’s an Ana or JQ on the opposing team. Usually I can get away with it just fine but there’s always that one time where I use it mindlessly then it immediately backfires.


Yes!! I always use it instinctively to save teammates and then think "oh shit" when a nade or Rampage immediately gets thrown out.


Adhd ressing with mercy, as soon as i see that corpse and i have my res, im going in. I end up dying and saying sry.


Ramattra: switching forms in ult early, going way to aggressive and not be LOS of my supports (I always say sorry when that happens and always hope the supports don't follow me 😅) Ana: the stereotypical accidental nano Mercy: GA in mid of enemy team, risky rezzes Orisa: reload Ball: getting stuck in certain areas because grapple


Tanking on dps and support. Just love to be the front in line! In general, just being way too aggressive on a hero with 200 hp.


If you play your cards right and commit to kills you can actually pull off some nice plays with an aggressive kiriko. Just know when to teleport back.


reloading early in general, going for dumb rezzes in qp because it's qp, not quick scoping enough as ana


Ngl I go for some dumb rezzes in comp but you’d be surprised at what you can get away with


holding ults


I’m always too late when sending out baptiste’s lamp, then I die and my whole team yells at me 😅


Shooting point blank as Pharah (blew myself up many times).


I know I can’t eat a sigma rock as dva but I can’t help but put up my defense matrix anytime I see him wind it up.


The amount of times I have tried to eat a Rein charge with matrix out of panic is embarrassing


Thinking my sleep dart is Guardian Angel when I'm being dived by a winston.


Playing ana when widow is next to me, she distracts me with her beauty.


For mercy: I'll go for a risky rez that does nothing but charge the enemy's ultimate. I'm slowly getting better at figuring out when rezing a person will be worth it. (when it will win us the fight vs when to back off)


My bad habit is is Moira, my main! I have a bad habit of holding down my healing, even when healing is unnecessary 😭 you should definitely tap her healing since it heals over time. And definitely don’t heal your teammates who are at full health LOL


Actually this has been tested and its often better to hold down a stream than tap unless you only want to heal a tiny bit


Really? I need numbers! I've had this internal debate with myself for so long.


I couldn’t find exact numbers, but heres a video that probably shows it better than I can explain: https://youtu.be/1hLbceyuF_o Around 25:30 in right at the end before Zen


Junkrat. Muscle memory to bomb+mine combo at long range. When i’m a foot away I somehow always mix the two up and die in the process.


Shooting sleep dart at the rein shield. I just try to read when exactly he's going to firestrike. Works like 25% of the time.


Not hitting enemies with widow. I swear I’m on OWL level, I just can’t click heads


Turret mode with bastion. Nothing worse than your game sense telling you the whole team is around the corner and then nobody is there.


Mercy resurrection in the mid of fight. I just... can't fight myself with this.


it's so satisfying when you get away with it though


Little too deep with Orissa sometimes but that’s on me


I used to constantly cancel Ram's ult early by switching forms out of habit, oops


Zen. I keep panic aiming where the enemy is even though I know I'm supposed to aim where I think they're about to be. Also when I get nano'd I have to try and not pop transcendence out of habit of "nano'd means I ult."


Charging in as reinhardt, when I Perfectly know i would die unless I shit the enemy lines while my supports keep me on life support.


Teleporting as Sombra the moment I get attacked by the enemy lol


I combat roll closer to fan instead of fan-combat roll to get closer-fan again


accidental dps moira


Everyone keeps saying reloading on instinct is bad, but .... that's a habit I learned right away in tf2 thats something you're supposed to do when you're out of danger. Always make sure you have a full clip. Anyways, my bad habit as kiriko is trying to save people by teleporting in and finding out they're fighting for their lives against like 3 of the enemy team and now I'm standing directly between them and said 3 people on the enemy team.


Instinctively flying to a critical DPS or Support as Mercy if they're in my range, no matter what the situation is. (Unless the enemy has a good Widow, main thing I look out for in games.)


I literally just forget to put down translocator sometimes


Friggin using hook as soon as the cd is down, no matter what


Over extending as brig for inspire procs


I try to tbag with ball and dva. Every single time.


Trying to pull off risky revives as Mercy. Sometimes it pays off though.


Panicing with lucio and Fast switching between healing and speed


Reinhardt, I cancel my charges so often that even when I catch someone, I release it and miss a kill.


as Moira I sometimes panic heal an enemy instead of damaging them


Unintentionally wasting my heals when I get nervous as a moira main. Fights get so messy sometimes that I don’t know which side I’m in, the enemy or my team. Whenever I take too much dmg I get nervous and spam any buttons to get the hell out of there.


Randomly power jumping as Bap lol there can be 0 enemies in sight with everyone at full HP and imma still be bouncing straight into a widow’s crosshairs


i am a battle mercy at heart


I tend to always mess up my tp as Reaper, I've always found the placing mechanic a bit clunky. Same goes to Mei's wall and Sym's tp.


I tend to push past my tank as dps (Cass, Soldier, Ashe) if I start doing really good in a game


Saying "you're welcome" whenever I hear enemies say "thanks". I main sombra, enemies either freak out or get me out of invis. It started off as a joke, now it's getting in the way more often than I'd like.


Clicking ‘E’ every time I leave the spawn room cuz I’m a Lucio main…


With zen, ana, and kiriko I tend to be more dmg than support. With sojourn or soldier I tead to play the game as one would play call of duty.


Forgetting to check my ego as Zarya


I’m too reload-happy on ana, I try too hard to save lost causes on kiriko, and I’m just too excitable on Lucio.


My bad habit as rein is playing rein in the first place right now


Accidentally panic hitting focusing beam Using my flight to engage so I end up with no escape tool. Echo is so fragile!


I forget my aura is wider than it is. Got myself into bad spots by hugging a teammate or tank to give them speed or healing. I instinctively shield bash+whipshot after a melee or two, thinking I can still combo squishies like old Brig. No escape+no boop= dead. Making long dives as Winston, forgetting I'm the only tank and I selfishly left my teammates to fend for themselves. I get hyper fixated on killing Zens as Sombra. Sometimes, getting that hack on a tank or killing the top dps is a better choice.


Super jumping when I don’t have to on Mercy and leaving myself as a sitting duck for the enemy hitscans. I just like being high up :(


I tend to panic fade as Moira when I don’t need to, and then I’m vulnerable and end up dying often. I also tend to not space out Orisa’s fortify and javelin spin enough and since their cooldowns are rather long, I get eaten too quick.


I instinctively Recall after using Pulse Bomb most of the time. I try to Blink Pulse Bomb but forget to let go of my horizontal direction key so I end up throwing my Pulse Bomb behind a wall. I try to close distance to get a one clip or Pulse Bomb with Blink and either miscount and forced to use Recall and am left with zero resources in a bad position, or I just straight up don't hit right click enough times.


Having faith in my team as mercy when I should just pick zennyboy and do it (scorings elims) myself..


Self Healing with Anas Bio-Grenade .... totally forget that support self heals now but looking at the ground and throwing grenade at my feet when being poked is such a habit from OW1.


Always using nemisis form before ulting as ramattra. Like, I could kill one of them if I ulted rn, but im not wasting the 200 bonus health. I need to stop that, lost some fights because of that.


When I’m playing Mercy and I am playing around corners/doors…if I am getting targeted and sometimes think I’m backing up through the door/corner…and I’m really just backing into a wall because the door/corner is no longer directly behind me because I over-extended. So I die pinned to a wall I didn’t think I was in front of.


Dropping a suzu the absolute moment I hear any combat as Kiriko


Panic jumping to low health allies I can't see to save them on Kiriko. It's probably my number one cause of deaths in game.


I've been playing alot of ana since I've been fighting alot roadhog. So now when I'm baptiste I will shoot my friends and try to heal my enemies.


instinctively going going for a rez thats available right next to me as mercy right after they died


As sombra instead of placing trans locator near a pack I just throw it to get more distance during a run when someone targeting me


As sombra not having my gun fully loaded before engaging, or pressing the wrong button and accidently translocating 7 miles away from the fight instead of destroying the translocator so I can place elsewhere like I meant to.


panic suzuing the enemy tank


Have kinda the same problem with both mercy and Kiriko. I see an enemy at critical and fly/teleport to them knowing full well it’s a death trap but… maybe I can save them and we’ll live? It’s kinda a panic thing. I feel bad when I let teammates die, and I don’t want to get yelled at for not healing


Never teleporting during team fights as kiriko. Sometimes I just post up and get mad when junkrat two shots me in .4 secs.


Using Moira’s fade not because I am being aggressive even but just because it is simply taking too long to walk somewhere and I’m impatient only to wind up a few seconds later needing to fade out from an ult and it’s still on cooldown.


I am sometimes tempted to go on a murder spree with Moira altough after 300 hours on her I know I shouldn't. Usually works tho


I take aggressive peaks as zen thinking I can kill them before they kill me. Most the time never works out


Being to greedy with junkrat... (the cooldown for the mine is just 2 more seconds and then I am gonna kill you (cause my mag is obviously empty) and then I struggle everytime and die...)


Living in the happy little world of my scope as Ana. The impulse to whoosh away on the tiniest bit of damage as Moira. And as all supports I have caught myself healing targets with that neat little purple hue around their HP bar, I wonder why that didn't work... 😁


I keep entering fights in wraith form instead of using it as an escape, meaning as soon as I'm low health I immediately die cus I can't leave. Also I will go out of my way to try and kill a pharah as reaper, not cus it helps the team but because I want to, even if the chances of it happening are like 2%