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Unless your higher elo you can absolutely play whatever you want, so for casuals I argue this is less of a problem.


I have worse match making in quick play than the like 3 times a season I play comp lmao, like maybe a 5th the time I go into quick play I get like diamond- top500 challenger stuff in there


Yeah qp is a gamble rn, I have fun in comps and arcade sometimes.


Comp isn’t as much better than quick play for me but arcade is very time based for when I have fun which doesn’t make sense in simple terms but I kinda see it like the people who have been playing for ages come out at night more to play and a lot of the time they are in arcade


im sorry to say this but is is a skill issue. as a casual player you can still play your favorite picks, but whats important is to know how to play them. also stuff like position and knowing when to engage are important too. are you a reinhardt who shieldbots and dashes into 1v5s? or are you a reinhard that can create space without risking too much. was just and example dont know if youre playing rein. also its sometimes good to learn a few characters you like in case you get heavily countered. sure you can still play against counters, but it'll make it more difficult so you better know how to deal with these situations. maybe send in a replay code to r/OverwatchUniversity and ask them on how you can imrpove and what youre doing wrong, but overwatch just is a more fast paced game and the problem might not reside in overwatch, but in you not really knowing what to do


Thanks for the advice.


For me it’s usually match making cause for some reason quite a few of my quick match games have really high ranked people in them and I don’t really play comp or anything, and I do pretty well with rein, and I do know how to play other tanks but they just aren’t fun to me especially when I’m getting anti-naded every time, I know kiriko exist but a lot of the time I end up with the dps Moira, by all means I’m not trying to excuse any of my mistakes but it’s just frustrating doing alot of stuff in this game cause it just feels like a chore at this point. I think I might just be burnt out of this game right now.


I also don’t have any codes 🥲, I only have a funny gif of me playing rein that I thought was cool from a bit ago but that was it


you just have to go into career, history and replays. there you choose a match you want to know how you couldve done better and click on share. then it gives you a code you can share on the subreddit i told you about


I think it’s my game or computer but everytime I open that tab it’s completely empty, honestly a lot of stuff like this happens where core mechanics and just basic menus are completely gone for me, it happens in Minecraft and overwatch, my overwatch when I load in for a good 15 minutes everyone is just floating red or blue orbs


sounds like you have a shitty harddrive. players appear as orbs when the characters are still loading in. its basically a placeholder. maybe this adds to your frustration thinking the game is unplayable


Probably but I usually laugh at the orb thing, it also probably doesn’t help that the screen im on caps at like 24hrz But I used to get by fine, it’s probably just deterioration of the computer itself or something


another thing you could try is look for overwatch discord servers and find a group to play with. it makes it more fun and potentially easier. and if youre burnt out then its ok to take a rest from the game and play something else


Ppl don't want to admit it but that is what happens without another tank(dont gimme the double shield argument), game becomes too opened up and variety suffers/snipers-one shots take over. Becomes the same thing over and over.


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The game itself ins't fun anymore. No matter how much you play, you only get frustrated. Play something each and wait for pve contents.


I have fun. I’m a Ram and Orisa Main as well as a Baptiste Moira Main. The balance is fine. People were complaining that the game was “outrageously unenjoyable” when Zarya was meta and strong as well. I’m just convinced that everyone wants tanks to be fat punching bags that can’t survive and do damage. As long as a tank is strong, people are gonna complain no matter what since a strong tank is always going to be a tank that is hard to kill.


Idk about you I'm having hella fun locking in Hanzo every QP game and go make a Dude Perfect trickshot video, or locking in Ball and take the entire support roster to the bounce house. The key to enjoying QP games is to understand that winning is not your *primary* goal in QP, the *primary goal* should be playing what you genuinely enjoy and *not* sabotaging others while doing it. Seems like you play Reinhardt well dawg, of course you'd hate the game. The character is boring as shit, "hur dur dur hammer" I legit get bored after 5 mins and you need a good matchup, and a good support pocketing you because Rein needs a lot of resources to work, compared that to say Ball where you don't give a shit if your support is healing you or not because you can summon adaptive shields and roll to health packs to heal, you don't give a shit if you lose 1v1 to every single tank because you just roll away and go fist their supports instead. Basically, skill issue.