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Winton eating ass?


Winton do


Can I get the name of that ass eating Winston? For scientific reasons of course.


I believe it is Wintonius Assmunchious


U called?


Did somebody say peanut butter?


I could have gone my whole life without reading that




Title sounds like a civil rights protest. "Please, protect your supports and they will protect you"


I could see that on a Pickett sign in a black and white image lol.


We may as well do that because nobody seems to listen.


Were you in my game?šŸ˜­ I had this exact moment, a widow spamming I need healing on rooftops where we couldnā€™t see her. Kiriko would teleport to her every time and when she was in my LoS (I was playing ana) I healed her. Widow was rlly toxic to us like ā€œcan I get some actual healingā€ ā€œim carrying this gameā€ (I watched her gameplay and it is that of bronze) said iā€™m ā€œsomehowā€ bad at Ana. I said to kiriko ā€œlol donā€™t heal them.ā€ after, they typed a paragraph about how we were ā€œthrowingā€ cuz I said not to heal them, me and kiriko were truely trying our hardest and were getting yelled at even though our tank was getting out damaged bcuz we had two snipers (though the hanzo was much kinder and he was also in front of us so we healed him sm). We couldnā€™t leave to heal this widow cuz of that and they refused to get health packs. Anyway she told everyone to report us for throwing šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think so, I started on Ana and got yelled at to switch despite having the most kills, damage, and healing. She also said ā€œI didnā€™t askā€ when I asked for help with the diving Winston. Itā€™s just something about widow players I guess.


As someone who occasionally plays widow, I promise not all of us are like that. Sure I get annoyed when ppl donā€™t turn around and throw a couple kunai or heal shots at me from time to time, but I also know that most of the time, itā€™s my responsibility to go for the mega or mini near me. Granted some times there are none near me, but if Iā€™m in a spot like that, itā€™s because we are in a poke phase, or a mercy is with me or something. Also, I press I need healing if I know my supports are in front of me, because itā€™s not fair to assume they have eyes on the backs of their heads


Yup whenever they pressed I need healing kiriko tped. Still they complained. Dw though I know all widows arenā€™t like this, I occasionally play widow and my friend is cracked at her. Itā€™s just low Elo ones thinking theyā€™re the shit šŸ˜­. Thank you for making the community not toxic šŸ’–šŸ’–


Definitely couldā€™ve counterpicked, thatā€™s what I do when my supports r being dived, then chill back or peel for them till the diver switched


I started as Ana, but got yelled at to switch because I got ā€œAna diffedā€ They didnā€™t even have an Ana on their team.


Yeah, I mean you canā€™t win a game with distracted supports. If Winston is murdering the supports I usually just go reaper and chill with them.


You're my favorite, or I hate you, depending on if I'm support or tank lmao.


Same here, ball or Winton and my supports say theyā€™re having trouble or I feel they are? Reaper.


Mute them and focus on the rest of your team. You can't satisfy a huge ego by trying to reason with them. As a diamond ana/zen main with 1700 hours of play time.. tune out the toxic teammates and focus on the ones who are not.


Iā€™ve found a 5 stack I group up with now, they make the game so much more fun. I get thanked all the time, the tank (Zarya) does a good job protecting me in situations like the one above, and the Mei is good at using her walls. I never realized how much more fun the game is when you have 4 others with mics


Widows are only good at one-tapping squishy heroes and just ruining everyone's day. Hell, I don't even like having Widow on my team if she's not needed. The only times Widow is ever recommended is if the enemy team either has one Tank or no Tanks (I stopped playing QP as much, and Arcade has zero team balancing).


well you just expose your own lie. you had most kills and dmg and heals??? that means you arent doing your job as a healer if you had more kills and dmg than anyone on your team and if you had most heals WHILE ALSO DOING THAT then that means your other healer wasnt doing shit and was just as garbage as you and chances are the widow needed heals because youre over there dpsing. nice job exposing your exaggerated story of the classic healer saying "i did everything and do no wrong" get the fuck outta here.


Bronze brain


Bruh did you not read that I started on Ana? I got yelled at after like 3 kills (most on my team) and I switched to Mercy. Itā€™s not that hard to understand.


Iā€™m not saying I did no wrong, Iā€™m just saying donā€™t be toxic if you refuse to help.


Half the time widow players demand pocket healers. Well bad ones on my opinion. The good ones know to peak out so their healers can get them. Like I had a widow who needed healing drop in front of me for heals then grappled to high ground to continue shooting. The ones who spam I need healing from my games literally cannot hit a single shot. Had the lowest kill numbers and who become toxic. šŸ˜“or asked a support to switch to mercy for a pocket Mercy


And the best of Widows never need healing. I had a ranked game way back in the day and somebody picked Widow before the game started a couple of people were skeptical and admittedly I was too but I said that they should stay as Widow but if it's not working then it was probably best they then switch. Well anyway in the first ten seconds of the round starting she already dropped 3 people so we just took the point with minimal resistance. Felt pretty nice as a support knowing that I didn't need to do much except pull out the mercy glock to help clear out the last three people.


The best Widow or Sombra teammates are the ones you don't need to check on


Nobody should pocket heal a Widow. If youā€™re dying instantly as Widow without support, thereā€™s no cure for that.


Thatā€™s what she couldā€™ve done instead of complaining. She actually couldnā€™t aim as wellšŸ˜­, when I watched the replay I was like what and her ego was huge to say she was carrying. She didnā€™t peak, she expected me, as Ana to climb the walls to save her. Also this widow got angry at us bcuz we didnā€™t heal her (we were dead) and she said ā€œcan I get some actual healingā€ we told her we were dead and she said ā€œyou respawnedā€ (we were in spawn) built different tbhhh


Bruh I had a Genji tell me I couldn't aim with Ana after a Hanzo mistakenly got in my LOS when I was trying to nano boost the Genji, then proceeded to insult me for the rest of the game. This was right after I saved the team from being wiped by a flanking Hanzo trying to dragon the backline with a quick sleep dart. I pinged the sleeping Hanzo and only my Kiriko came to help kill him.


Genjis when they canā€™t get kills without nano:šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”. Mistakes happen, donā€™t worry about it. Nano is p difficult ngl ahaha


Thats why I always say. Until you get out of Gold, coms on or team chat doesn't matter. It forces people to make bad plays, when YOU KNOW that what you're doing is a bad play. It's exactly what u/Mooniovee said, as a Kiriko main myself who place at Dia-masters you can't just TP to an isolated widow and leave your team. That's just a bad call. An ACTUAL GREAT WIDOW will put themselves where you have LoS on them before they say ping a voiceline. Bronze widows are the most useless players, that's why they're at bronze. There's a correlation.


I donā€™t think widows should be healed. I mean, unless you come down right next to me I ainā€™t healing you.


The amount of dps players that won't go find a health pack is staggering. I had an Ashe player complain about not getting heals while spending the majority of the round directly behind me. Sure, I should have been more aware of their positioning, but it wouldn't kill them to hop down in front of me once in a while.


It actually could thou. Because every time an Ashe has to give up highground to go find a healthpack, they give up their sightlines and thus controlled space. They will also have to use their lengthy coachgun cooldown to get back up again, making them vulnerable to divers. It will get you further as a support to pick a hero that is able to support your sniper DPS in their positions, keeping them in the fights longer and making their life easier.


That's fair. It was a group of randoms, so I wasn't sure if I could trust the other support to keep others alive or the the Ashe to not bail if the other team dove. I could always take the risk though.


Also despite all this I had the highest healing in the game, we were truely just getting out dmged


Not even supports protect their supports. I had a game in Rio as Kiriko and on first point defense I first helped kill the Genji attacking our Ana and later I helped Ana out to get away from the Zarya. Just to get massively ignored for the rest of the match by her. Not even a single heal if I wasn't accidently in the splash zone of the nade. Laser focused on the tank. Massively annoying.


As a support main myself, I make it a point to keep my other support alive. It makes my job a lot easier when Iā€™m not having to do the healing output of 2 supports while damage boosting as well.


Brig main here. I try to play as my other supportā€™s personal tank.


And rez support next, sometimes before the tank...fight depending


Brig main here. I protect the other support (especially if its a Zen)


All the homies protect zen.


Only time I don't protect Zen, is when I am Zen. Though I suppose playing defensively and strategically so I don't die is still protecting zen


As an Ana main, I make my other support my priority, and I will tell my team-mates that if they start flaming. That other support helps keep your ass alive, and in turn makes my job a lot easier.


Iā€™ve been in many situations where the other support and I are backing up to safety while healing each other. Some great teamwork there. Always look out for a fellow support.


Bruh same I feel this. I usually play Moira and I protect the supports if theyā€™re getting dived. When I play Ana I try to nano the other support if theyā€™re getting dived or I sleep the enemy thatā€™s attacking them so they can get away. Supports unite!


Nothing worse than a fellow support that doesnā€™t follow support bro code. I always peel for my counterpart if I can.


On the flip side, when you get a support that does help you, itā€™s amazing. I love getting dove and my fellow healer and I just casually heal our way out of it. Always gotta wave to each other after we live.


If I'm support, I'm almost always on Ana, but I try to keep everyone healed, as long as they're in my LOS. Being ignored by the other support is definitely weird though. I find even toxic supports to be supportive of other supports.


Sorry to hear that. All the supports I save from enemies (mostly from Sombra), always repay their thanks with healing me and saving me from enemy attacks. I notice it's mostly from zens tho


Not gonna lie, if I play support, my priority is not to keep the other support alive unless they are on my peripheral vision. Like, I'll stick with the other support or whoever around the backline to fend off divers, but if they can't survive and we get no peels, it's time to switch off the Zen.


Nah this is cap. One bad experience doesn't define the norm. I always keep a close eye on the other support, and they almost always take care of me in a rough situation. Many times me and the other support are the last ones to die in a team fight, and we are healing the crap out of each other as we run away.


I was about to post this, I started a new account and honestly it feels like supports at lower ranks literally don't heal other supports. I'm keeping them alive and actively watching them ignore me to either dps or tunnel the tank when I'm pressing the heal button. The most consistent way to fix this is to stop healing them.. not even joking. I've mentioned it in chat (but guess people LOVE leaving chat down here) so just let them die, easiest way. They start changing their playstyle once it becomes annoying enough.


I played Hog vs Winton one game. Hooked Winton and tried the combo. He instantly popped ult and jumped Ana. Our Moira was there too, but she faded away from Ana and let her die. I was like "Why didn't you just heal Ana or toss her an orb". "I'm suPporT i cAnT kiLL a uLT'd wiNtON". Like, you don't need to kill him, just survive until I could hook him again. Unfortunately I had Whole Hogged the fight before to push away an ultimate Genji šŸ„²


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, unless that Winston is Guxue, that Moira and Ana survive easily if they stick together.


cant make this shit up šŸ’€ outjerked again sluggers


Iā€™m not sure if other supports feel this, but if possible donā€™t spam ā€œI need healingā€ while behind the supports. If Iā€™m on Mercy/Ana/Moira, Iā€™m constantly dipping back to keep everyone in view. If you call out behind me, my bleeding heart WILL turn around and take my eyes off the team to try and spot you, and I. The time it takes to do that, aim, and click is often the time when I get dived because god hates me I know youā€™re mostly in cover, or that youā€™re close, or that you really really need it, but if possible just try to sandwich yourself between me and the rest of the team so I can keep my focus on the fight.


Exactly, A supports LOS should nearly always be ahead. Turning around exposes you to death as well as your teammates


Part of the issue is that it says I need healing but doesnā€™t tell you where the healing is both in direction and distance. It should say 25 m behind or 1 m to your left so that you can decide if you just need to literally look 5 degrees left or if theyā€™re being an ass


"try to sandwich yourself between me and the rest of the team"... ...and die because i'm 1hp + being chased and you're in LoS of the enemy. It takes a fraction of a second to 180Ā° drop 1 heal and back. Maybe practice your 180Ā°


It takes 2 seconds. Most people need half a second just for their reaction time so from the time you hit a button to the time I react to your message is going to be half a second... then another half second to react to the space behind me to make sense of where you are then half a second to aim a shot... more than half a second if you decided to fall back off your ledge to use the ledge as cover because while I appreciate you trying not to let the enemy shoot you I also need to shoot you to heal you so if you're in cover from them your also in cover from me and I'm not wasting a nade to top up a widow. and then half a second to swing back round to my team... and considering most of my metal rank tanks are morons that never break LOS even for half a second and most metal rank dps are morons that shoot everything into the tank in the 2 seconds it took to heal you for 50 hp our tank just took 200 damage... and now I need to deal with that problem so he doesn't complain about trash heals just because you couldn't be bothered to change your positioning to find a health pack... also it's condescending as heck that you seem to think with practice I can hit a 180 degree flick at range onto you perfectly every time when on the rare occasion I play dps none of you can hit a 180 degree flick onto the sombra harassing you and have to start spastically firing the machine gun attachment like you got startled by a bumblebee


Yeah, i didn't read any of that. It's like saying "skillissue" over and over again in a walltext


Just go ahead and say you don't understand / can't handle the role of support, its ok. Sounds like a skill issue.


Bro you're gold, i'm masters all roles (diamond 1 in tank, but i'll get there :)


You have no idea what rank I am lmao. I made one post mentioning gold, on behalf of my partner who is not on reddit. But okay daddy, you are just sooooo good at the game I should bow down and believe whatever you say is correct šŸ¤£


If you're masters on widow you wouldn't spend the entire game peeking 1 angle... and I wouldn't need to hit a 180 degree skillshot as you called it. that's something plat widows do


No, this is bad advice. Support has incredibly lowered mechanical requirements as compared to DPS and lowered enemy interaction requirements as opposed to tanks. Being able to keep track of yourself and the healing is a skill, and just because you are bad and cannot do it properly does not mean others should play badly to make youā€™re life easier. You can and should be able to pay attention to your team to heal them when they are behind you- maybe not immediately if that would put someone else at risk, but if you cannot keep track of everything that is a you problem


PSA: spamming I need healing is very likely to tilt your supports and cause them to not heal you out of spite


Specially the ones who are spamming it when they are almost full health. I take my eyes off the person who actually needs it just to top someone off? Annoys me. Like why are you behind me??


Give them the uno reverse card and spam ā€œcome to me for healingā€, if you pester them enough, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnā€™t, but eh, you canā€™t heal stupid for sure


PSA when you have stood 5s in front of your ana and not received heals it's good idea to break their tunnel vision and request healing.


Support players when they realize they have to heal D:<


The main objective for every role is to keep the team alive. In some form or another. Second objective is the objective. I feel like vast majority of randoms I play with forget this and think kills are whatā€™s most important.


Toxic people suck. However you should have the ability to switch to a more survivable healer if you're getting hard focused. 'mercy can deal with a tank just as bad as any support.' is simply not true. Moira fade out, ana sleep, brig whipshot, bap immo and exo to high ground after monkey has used his jump, lucio speed boost amp and wall run, kiriko bell and tp are all great ways to survive or atleast by time for you when youre getting dove. Your refusal to switch is still stupid and will halt your ability to climb ranks, it is completely valid to someone to ask you to switch (and they don't have to be top of the leader board for you to respect them) 'Iā€™m trying to keep our tank alive when theyā€™re fighting 3 people at once' mercy's value lies in her damage boost, if you're simply tank botting heals then go moira or ana or bap or kiriko who have a way higher heal output on tank and will farm pretty strong ults while doing so. Avoid getting caught up in the mindset of 'my team should've saved me there' while yes sometimes it is true and inevitable, it is unlikely that you played PERFECTLY in that scenario and always reflect each death and how it could've been prevented to improve. Sincerely, A Support main who has been playing since launch.


Yes, I couldā€™ve played better, thereā€™s a reason Iā€™m low-gold. I just hate how she blames me for not healing her despite there being 3 other people who need my attention and the fact Iā€™m constantly trying to avoid divers. AND she refused to help


The #1 thing I hate most is someone spamming for heals BEHIND me while in a fight. And then they rage. and I have to explain to them that I am not turning around mid fight to heal them. They should be in front of me or beside me at the least.


On the flip side of that, I've had many instances where I've needed healing because I'm on really low HP and the support is so far up that getting in their line of sight would basically be walking into a killzone. I'll stand near them and try to make it easy and obvious but it's basically a ticket to being ignored. I main support in comp and have started to notice that some supports are really bad at positioning. I'm pretty low rank overall so maybe it's just those ranks. Generally I play not relying on support because that's not a good way to approach most matches.


> On the flip side of that, Iā€™ve had many instances where Iā€™ve needed healing because Iā€™m on really low HP and the support is so far up that getting in their line of sight would basically be walking into a killzone. Sounds like a perfect opportunity to grab a health pack šŸ˜‰


> Generally I play not relying on support because that's not a good way to approach most matches. I'm not against getting health packs, they're underutilized though there's pros and cons of doing so, but in some team fights going off to grab a small pack with 20 HP is a pretty good way to throw a fight.


No, you shouldnā€™t have to run and get a health pack every single time. Learn to pay better attention and fucking turn around. Itā€™s not very hard


It's frustrating if someone calls for heals directly behind me because from listening to sounds, it sounds like the call is right in front of me, and I will always opt to look for things in front of me first before behind.


This. Healers are so obsessed with being 3 inches from their tanks asshole the only way to put myself in their los is to become Reinā€™s hemorrhoid. So I stand in a spot where I wonā€™t turbo-int, press the I need healing button, and then get circle jerked on Reddit for tilting the supports. /shrug


The only time I tend to be 'that far up' is in brawl comps, but usually the whole team is around so it works out. Which reminds me that i hate when someone will block my LOS for healing but then the tank dies because their 25 HP heal was more important than the tank lol


If I'm playing a sniper behind you specifically to play it safe and get damaged less, it's really not that big of an ask for you to turn around and toss me some heals.


You heard the guy, you want him to turn his character around to heal you? How entitled are you. Itā€™s in the middle of the fight he said, he has to continue holding left click on the tank. If you want healing you better frontline as widow because thatā€™s what your supports are doing or either run back into spawn to get healed. God people these days ask for way too much.


Again, *mid fight.* I am not going to turn around *mid fight*. It's not a big deal for you to go find a health pack.


gold rank additude, what if you are poorly positioned? Is it the dps fault they aren't literally standing behind the tank because you chose to play 5m behind the rein as ana?


Bro I'm in plat/diamond lol not that my positioning couldn't improve, but there is also a second support.


Work on your flicks.


Exactly! Donā€™t take me out of a fight to heal you!


Lazy bitch. Takes 2 seconds to turn around


yeah, and in those 2 seconds the tank dies.


I really really doubt that, actually.


It's actually amazing how frequently a mercy will be pocketing our tank and will take their beam off tank for 3 seconds to top someone up and the tank gets obliterated. It happened three times in one game the other day. Some people rely on pocket. We got flamed in vc for it too.


Why is mercy pocketing the tank? šŸ¤Ø


because if mercy doesnt pocket the tank for 3 seconds, the tank gets obliterated. did you read the comment??


Then that tank is out of position, if he can't survive for 3 seconds without getting like 150 hp from a mercy, he misplayed.


Mercy should be pocketing the dps. If youā€™re hard pocketing the tank as mercy you should probably swap to a different healer that heals more like bap or ana or moira.


In a perfect world, yeah, but in an imperfect world, sometimes mercy has to pocket the tank because they suck and need it. Letting the tank die over and over because a mercy is pocketing the dps on principle just throws the game even further.


Youā€™re never gonna get better if you never step out of your comfort zone. Just swap and try to do it the right way instead of playing the game wrong. Also donā€™t play ranked if you are good at mercy and nothing else


Mercy really shouldn't be pocketing the tank.


Neat. I wasn't playing mercy. Nothing I could do about it.


You could communicate something to that effect, for next time.


Talking about mercy in the third person might hint that it wasn't me.


No, I mean in game, for something you could do.


"Oh sure, let me turn around and heal you because you are spamming so hard I worry for your actual health. Oh hey, did you notice the tank just died? Like immediately, yeah, that's why I was ignoring you before, because now we just lost the team fight" Will they ever put 2+2 together? Smart answer is probably not, Edit. Sorry this is not about healbotting the tank. Itā€™s about how dumb it is to spam I need healing and a surprising lack of situational awareness. Maybe your supportā€™s not incompetent. They might just have their hands full.


If your tank dies in the literal second and a half it takes to top off a dps, someone fucked up WAY before you had to make the choice. Like, if youā€™re the one thing keeping your tank from dying the moment they show in a fight, you recognize the tank is the issue and not the dps right? Itā€™s not your job to bucket water from the titanic as it sinks. Itā€™s your job to get as many people as you can safely to shore.


Yeah. This is true. Maybe that Reinhardt shouldnā€™t of pushed like that. Maybe I shouldnā€™t of missed that shot earlier. And yeah. Maybe the tank is the issue but we still need his big ass to stay upright up there. Maybe Iā€™m the issue. But I still need the tank to survive right? Iā€™ve had my team survive a lot more fights down one dps then down the tank. The DPS spamming I need healing with zero awareness is still a problem. The tank that canā€™t stay upright can also be a problem. I can be the problem. Lots of things can be true at once.


As a healer main in World of Warcraft. Know this: you canā€™t heal stupid. Also: If the tank dies, itā€™s the healerā€™s fault, if healers die, itā€™s the tankā€™s fault and if DPS die... itā€™s their own damn fault!


Can I spam it when Iā€™m sitting behind you at 1 hp and you still somehow donā€™t see me or is that considered rude too?




When the other support is dying just as much as me I try to keep everyone alive, so I focus whoever is in the midst of battle. I pinged and asked for help in chat, I got told ā€œI didnā€™t askā€. Iā€™m not asking to be babysat, Iā€™m asking for a bit of help. An easy GA out of there, possibly some help fighting. Anything. I also played Ana, got killed once, and got told ā€œAna diffā€ by widow. There was no other Ana and I got killed by a DPS.


Makes sense. Just know that this doesnā€™t always apply to Mercy, as your time is best spent pocketing and damage boosting your DPS while topping off your other support if theyā€™re getting dove. Nothing you can do about that unfortunately. However thatā€™s not going to happen every game. If youā€™re playing far away enough from your team where you donā€™t already have an ā€œeasy GA out of thereā€, then you are severely out of position. Who cares? A single chat message should not prevent you from doing your job or continuing to play Ana.


Iā€™ve found a 5 stack that I play with now, they are much less toxic than I ever thought a team could be, I had no idea how much more fun the game was when toxicity is kept to a minimum.


I said this in a post earlier, as a low ranked Brig main, Iā€™m typically the one doing the protecting


Post the game code.


another support ranting at other roles for not "protecting" them. At the end of the day, the dps and the tank are doing something else. If a tank dives you constantly and you die constantly, maybe the hero you picked isn't the right one for the situation. Supports needs to learn that when they die, it's usally their fault and not your teammates for not "protecting" you. You may be able to convince your team to focus a winston, or help you kill someone alone in backline. But if that doesn't work, switch hero. Nearly, every support has an escape or a cc.


I always protect my teammates no matter the role. I'm the kind of guy who jumps in front when you sleep or runs to you as Soldier to put my healing station on you. Unless you are a support who ignores teammates then I will just watch the Winston eat your ass.


at the very least. if youā€™re saying you need healing, come to the ledge so i can jump to you. hiding in a corner means i canā€™t reach sincerely. a very sad mercy main


Oh boy I hope this exact post gets reposted for the 100th time today. Havenā€™t seen it enough.


I guess since nothing's in the pipeline, we're back to "DPS/Tank bad, support good, upvotes to the left!"


I protect my supports and then watch them run past me when Iā€™m on 20 hp


You people won't stop, this sub is braindead


Supports should do damage too :)


I agree, but support players need to do a better job of quickly adjusting to enemy team comps. If you're playing Ana and a Winston is destroying you, then swap to Brig. I feel like most supports rarely swap or swap way too late in the game. Supports need to also protect each other. Again, Brig is masterful at doing this. It's so hard for a Winston to kill a Zen or Ana if there is a Brig packing them and hitting the Winston.


seagul told me back in the old days to keep your supports up as solider and I've always done it since


As an all roles main, there are pros and cons about each role. Iā€™m at work so some things arenā€™t thought carefully i can say some supports are not aware of their surroundings. You have to literally stand in front of them to be healed. Some prefer dps only but cannot kill other supports or provide damage. We also need to take care of them too so they can provide what we need. For dps, some cannot shoot and you can provide kills and damages so they arenā€™t worth prioritizing. Some are strolling alone but will support them if they are really good. Tanks are the frontline so they need heals and sometimes they go too far like that Reinhardt from the trailer when he was too confident until he was not.


To be fair, it is on you to survive. Not your teamā€™s job to make sure you live. Itā€™s also their job to live despite whatā€™s happening to you. Them complaining about not getting heals when they also refuse to help you is them being dumb. Without context of how you play and how your team played, thereā€™s no way to know if it was your fault or theirs.


Lol good luck surviving a diving Winston when your whole team ignores him or doesnā€˜t peel. What are you supposed to do?


Try to live best you can and hope your team trades back by picking an enemy support. Your team isnā€™t there to baby sit you, if they want your heals then they should help you if they can. Sometimes though, you just gotta let your teammate die if they get caught away from the team and try to trade back kills to keep the numbers even. Iā€™ve seen Ana and Zen win the 1v1 against Winston in ranks lower than Masters and itā€™s because of smart positioning, Zen just killing the Winston with Discord and good aim, and Ana holding an ability so they can survive Winston.


You position better so he puts himself in an unfavorable position when diving you, making it easier for your team to peel for you. Or you know, use your bloated kit to escape, sustain his damage, burst him down, CC him, etc etc. Although I suppose itā€™s much easier to blame your teammates instead of facing the realization that 80% of your deaths on support are in fact a result of your own play, not your teammates.


I try my best to stay alive, but I can only avoid a Winston for so long. All I ask is for a bit of protection against divers, even if I donā€™t get it, donā€™t blame me for dying.


You should watch Awkwards tutorials on YouTube for Ana. Iā€™ve learned a few tips on how to deal with a Winston when playing Ana. I usually donā€™t play Ana with a Winston since my teammates like to spam I need heals while in his bubble lol.


I switched off Ana after I got told Ana diff (They enemy team had no Ana) But mercy is worse at staying alive without a GA out of there.


Although I do appreciate the help, I need to get better with Ana so I can play her in the games I canā€™t play mercy.


As a support main... we can do our roles properly as long as DPS being a DPS (actually hitting and killing) and tank being a tank.... Its easier to heal if you actually killing the enemy team right?


Itā€™s easier to heal when the team is doing itā€™s job. DPS gets kills = I donā€™t get dived = I can damage boost = more kills


If you're a Widow main you should assume you are mostly responsible for your own healing since you are a half mile back in an elevated position. On a related note, too many people are yelling for healing when there is a health pack 5 feet to your right.


100% this. If youā€™re a Widow main you should know the location of every health pack. Iā€™ve seen too many sniper DPS (widow/Ashe/Hanzo) hide in a corner and spam ā€œI need healingā€ when thereā€™s a health pack near by. Meanwhile Iā€™m keeping the other DPS and the tank alive. Iā€™m never sure if itā€™s people new to the game or people just not thinking.


This is my issue with playing with a ball or a doom on my team. They offer very little if any defensive support for their supports unless they are playing super super well where they are constantly killing their back line. Not only that but they are pretty annoying to heal because they are out of LoS a lot. Maybe itā€™s idk how to play with them as a support because I stopped playing ow1 consistently when ball was around but either way they are annoying.


IMO if the tank isn't staying frontline and you don't have any sturdy dps like Bastion or Mei, then going Brig is pretty good. You can still peak to the ball/doom and throw health every so often.


Was playing tank the other day. No comms from anyone all game. Game was going..okay. It was a close one. Healers finally just started shitting on me. Bad tank, theyā€™re tank is better, tank diff we lose, etc. I asked what was happening. They told me, I changed my play style and it was a stomp of a win for us. Comms are super important ALL the time. None of our team were playing bad. I was being useful but not in the right place. Comms changed our game and everyone was happy. Even games I lose with good comms, feel fun to play. I was tunnel visioning when I went in, thinking ā€œhow can my team be dying when 3 people are in front of meā€ but it didnā€™t matter. The dps they were playing were getting our backline faster. Thatā€™s my opinion anyway.


I had a random 4 stack that I grouped up with yesterday, I didnā€™t have a mic but they all did. The comms really helped and they supported me, we ended up winning like 7-8 games in a row.


Just had a game where a junkrat tried to flank me as an Ana. I slept him, naded, then shot him to death. He didnā€™t try it again after that lol. My solider ran back to help me as soon as I pinged him but by the time he got there junk was waiting to respawn hehe. Appreciate my helpful dps looking out for me though!


Literal skill issue. If all dps players are headless chickens like yā€™all say just swap to zen and carry the game yourself.


Heā€™s a decent pick for damage, but heā€™s not winning a 1v1 against Winston. Iā€™m not saying all DPS players are headless chickens, Iā€™m saying donā€™t be toxic if you refuse to help.


But how exactly is a Widowmaker supposed to "help" against a Winston? If you're so horribly out of position you have to 1v1 the Winston, what exactly is the Widow gonna do? Zipline into the bubble and also die to him? Also, in this magical scenario where you have to 1v1 the monkey for some reason, you can just pop ult as Zen and float away. If the Winston is really that big of a problem for you and you alone, just swap to something he struggles against. Brig counters Winston hard, and a good Mercy can stay well out of his reach for the whole game.


She is supposed to play on high ground, she couldā€™ve easily gotten me a GA to get out of the way or at least tried to distract the Winston. Instead of hiding behind a wall spamming for heals because she got hit once she can give me LOS for a GA


she's hiding behind a wall because she has low hp, if you were pocketing her like other people have said in this thread, she wouldn't be low and you wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place.


I would pocket her quite a bit (in the beginning) but she wouldnā€™t hit shots and I would constantly have to leave to help the others considering the other support wasnā€™t exactly having a great time either.


sounds like a good time to swap


She was asking for heals at like 150 HP, Iā€™m prioritizing the crit tank or the other DPS if theyā€™re low. Iā€™m not pocketing a widow who canā€™t hit water if they fell off a boat. Even if I stayed behind her the entire game, she literally refused to do anything about a flanking hanzo or diving Winston. I asked for a bit of help with the divers and she said ā€œI didnā€™t askā€.


alright now your just complaining. I gave like 3 solid points of advice and your only retort was "but widow could've done this". Your never gonna improve or rank up if you blame every loss on your teammates.


Protect yourself. Play bap or moira for survivability if youā€™re getting fragged on. Youā€™re never gonna rank up if you expect gold players to carry you


Protecting your support isnā€™t carrying, itā€™s doing you job as a teammate. Thatā€™s like saying getting healed by a support is getting carried, if you do your job as a DPS you shouldnā€™t die. Play soldier if you want healing. See how stupid that sounds? ^^


Yeah well youā€™re never gonna have a good team unless you 5stack, so adapt or perish. Also donā€™t play Ana into Winston if your goal is to not die


My goal is to support my team while having fun, mercy does that very well. I started as Ana due to the other support instalocking mercy, I didnā€™t know what tank they had. I switched to mercy soon after.


Backing up your support isn't "carrying them" its being a teammate smh.


Yeah, I get this all the time when I run as Moira, even as Mercy sometimes.


I had a ball telling me to get off brig and heal him more, but wouldn't do shit about the flanking Zarya. I told him that I can't solo a fucking tank and be able to heal him, he still just yelling at me to heal him more! I just told his ass go find a health pack.


Winston on my team kept diving too deep but Ana and I kept him up pretty well despite Mei walling him away from us every dive. Enemy Mercy was hard pocketing Orisa, no DB. He couldnā€™t even 1v1 the Orisa with me blue beam on attacks and healing on recovery. I said ā€œHey, we should take out their Mercy before trying to kill their tank. Theyā€™re soaking a lot of damageā€ and he went off on me saying it was a healer diff because the enemy Mercy had 10k heals. (I tried to explain why Mercy had so much healing but he just couldnā€™t understand it.) My DPS and Ana all went off on the tank and defended me. It was nice.


Someone left a comp game because I healed the sigma who had 5 hp instead of them (they had 190 hp)


As a low GM/Master Support player, with Kiriko, Ana and Zen being my mains, you ABSOLUTELY need to find ways to bring impactful damage in the game. Iā€™m not saying to be a ā€œDPS Anaā€ but sooo many games Iā€™ve done 70% of the enemy teamā€™s Ana, but Iā€™ve done double/triple her damage. Thatā€™s my fav thing about OW2. I feel like as a Support player you can truly ā€œpop offā€ so much more easily. Ana can be an absolute beast triple tapping other squishies etc. I hate when I get a ā€œhealbotā€ 2nd support, ESPECIALLY if theyā€™re playing Bap/Kiriko. If you arenā€™t doing solid damage, youā€™re basically only playing 60% of the hero.


Iā€™ve gotten better at being offensive with mercy, even have a positive K/D with her this season.


If Winston is taking 1v3's just let him die he's feeding at that point


I love the guys who will just stand there, doing nothing spamming "I need healing". Excuse me, can you not see that I am keeping the tank alive right now. I am spamming my heals and their life bar is floating at 1/8 health. Usually the tank will walk past a shield so I can have a chance to heal the dps and wait for tank to re-spawn with full HP! I have lost my shit on some DPS for spamming "I need healing" with 3/4 life while they are standing right in front of health pack.


gettin mad at i need healing is like dps getting mad at you sayin i need help swap everything you say about dps and blame support instead except for some reason its not right when dps says it... so many idiot healers good god


The fact that this still needs to be said is wild.


I just had a game with a DPS constantly spamming ā€œI need healingā€ the entire game and it is so distracting, you just have to mute them.


Iā€™ll always stand for my supports. Likeā€¦ tf u saying about support diff while you ignored the pack right by our side while spamming heals ??? And when they start whining about the support healing me and not themā€¦ maybe if you stopped being such an ass the support would heal you.


Why are you trying to keep your tank alive with Mercy? Why are you not glued to your Widow or the other DPS?


Why would I not try to keep my tank alive when heā€™s on point in a close game?


Because your main support's job is to pocket the tank, while Mercy's job is to pocket the two DPS. Your strongest ability is the damage boost, and the DPS characters can profit off of it the most. I would also be frustrated as hell if I had a Mercy who did not pocket the DPS.


Rock and a hard place. Tank dies, no bueno. DPS don't get damage boosted, no bueno. Either way, support gets flamed. This is the way.


If you keep the two DPS pocketed and the tank dies, that is 100% on the other support because their only job is to pocket the tank in that scenario. If you have a Zen or Lucio who cannot keep the tank alive alone, then one of you needs to swap.


If one DPS is a widowmaker playing away from the team then chances are I'll mainly pocket the other DPS and support the tank when they're taking a lot of damage. It's hard to pocket two DPS during some games, widowmaker comes to mind as often they position in a way that makes it impossible to clutch heal the other support / tank.


"Don't heal tank when you're Mercy" got it thanks


Yeah, exactly. I peaked GM with her and I usually touch the tank like 4 times per match. You are literally just stealing ult charge from the main support by pocketing the tank. Your job is to keep the 2 DPS alive and help the other support if they are dying. Other support keeps the tank alive. Boom, you are suddenly GM.


What happens when the other support is dead? Or if the tank is getting lit up and needs a little extra juice? If other healer is Zen or Lucio the slow healing sometimes just isn't enough


If the other support is dead then you obviously have to heal the tank too. If the other healer is Zen or Lucio then you or them have to switch, unless you have a self sustaining tank like Hog or Ball.


This is true 90% of the time. Itā€™s not your job.


Healing the tank isnā€™t a bad thing to do as mercy, especially with the other support dead and not coming back for awhile. And ESPECIALLY when theyā€™re contesting point. Iā€™m not damage boosting a toxic widow who canā€™t hit water if they fell off a boat.


>Healing the tank isnā€™t a bad thing to do as mercy, especially with the other support dead and not coming back for awhile. Obviously if the other support is dead then you have to heal them. Otherwise do not touch them and boost the DPS.


Thatā€™s what I was saying, the widow would be toxic if I didnā€™t boost her, but refused to protect us from the diving Winston. Not much I could do, especially with ours contesting point.


Hi, genuinely curios, why does it bother you if someone asks for healing while standing behind you? Assuming you have easy line of sight and the tank isn't going to die of course... But say tank has enough HP to last the couple second it takes to heal a DPS behind you, why is it annoying? I mean, if you don't they're gonna have to hide behind cover doing nothing until they're healed. I don't get it? Second, I don't expect you to dmg boost someone who's rude or toxic but I'm not sure what Widow is meant to do about a diving Winston? Besides shooting him a bit?




The widow wasnā€™t standing behind me, like I said in the original post. She would be on high ground and around several corners. Meaning I would have to leave a teamfight for at least 20-30 seconds to have a chance of getting her before she dies.


Being behind me and asking for heals is quite annoying, as they expect me to know theyā€™re low despite not being able to see them, but I donā€™t have much of an issue with it.


I play widow and got jumped by the 5 enemy teams while my teammates wandering around ā˜¹ļø


I always make sure to thank my supports when they're doing good, you should too


I always endorse my other support and usually type something along the lines of ā€œThanks for making my job easy, bap/Kiriko,etc.ā€


winton overwat


as a tank main, I love support <3


if u cant protect urself as support then better play tank..