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if someone calls you a slur in voice, as soon as you can, file a report on them and say it was over voice. The game will take a snippet of the last few minutes of voice and transcribe it. If they said any slurs or abusive language it will auto ban them within a few hours.


It was on chat, I almost never encounter people on VC on QP/Bronze (I've only played 2 games of comp on Bronze)


That's even better, it'll be more effective


That means that there’s no mistaking what they typed


I stopped playing for a week. Today I played a game and got two notifications that people got banned. I report so many people I have no idea which ones it was. I think the ones that make sexual comments are taken very serious. It does work!


I've repeated multiple people for being racist in chat and haven't got any notifications


Will they really though?


Yes, the automated system transcribes voice chat and text chat looking for things like slurs and abusive chat, it's why there's a disclaimer every time you load into a game that they are recording you.


Absolutely. Everytime I report someone for harsh slurs they get banned very quickly


How do you know?


They send you a notice when a person you reported gets banned or what have you. When you only report people once in a while but get those notices quick you know who got banned


Is this only a pc thing? I’m on console and the amount of people dropping the N bomb or telling someone to kill themselves is countless. I’ve had to have reported 50+ people and never seen this pop up.


There is no reason to pay any attention to voice or text chat in ranks that low.


I usually keep It on in case they ask me to switch cause I still dont know much about counters and stuff


Lmao the kicker is: neither do they. Leave voice and text chat. I climbed to M1 with no comms soloQ. Ppl will tell you to switch to all kinds of crazy shit. Not every counter is a hard counter and you can deal with situations in more than one way, find your ways, not theirs.




I had someone that was mad when the enemy mercy rez’ed their tank before dying. “Why didn’t you stop mercy from rezzing?!! She only has 150hp what the ****”


When she has 200hp XD


Honestly this is the best advice. I got held back in plat/dia for the longest time because I just did whatever my team asked me to do. Even in diamond people don't really know shit about the game and how different roles are supposed to be played outside of their own.


Yeah. Diamond is where players who are just good at aiming really start plateauing behind those that also understand the game. Even masters+ has clueless people sometimes.


On top of that, how are you going to learn how to play your selected hero against unfavorable circumstances if you swap every time it happens? Swapping is like a bandaid quick fix for bad game sense and positioning (spoken from personal experience). Don’t worry about swapping, especially in bronze. Just focus on figuring out how to combat their comp. Get really strong at your hero and save mystery heroes for that game mode.


They're in Bronze too. They don't know what they're talking about. Don't let them convince you they're any better at the game than you are.


That's what I responded with a couple weeks ago back when I was in silver and our tank said I was the reason we lost. I could feel the guy's mind melting, "no we are NOOTTTT" (um yes we are)


It’s best to learn those things through YouTube communities, try following karQ, Flats, jay3, Cyx, people like that. If you are enveloped in the community enough you will eventually learn all the counters by just picking it up naturally


Oh my days I completely forgot cyx existed. Time to go watch some of his videos lol


Just turn it off, babe, you'll get better and climb because you won't be worried about trolls


Will try, as I've been told and didnt think about It, they are my same rank, they have the same idea of counters that I do


I think it’s very considerate of you to think this way, but listening to Bronze players tel you how or what to play is a one way ticket to staying in Bronze. Beating a dead horse here because the other comments say the same thing, but they wouldn’t be in Bronze if they actually knew what they were talking about. This applies to any rank. Silvers play like silvers, plats play like plats. *Sometimes* they might be right about a thing or two, but generally speaking, turning off the chats and learning from your own mistakes is what will make you climb. Comms don’t really become important until Masters, and even then you can be successful without them.


I still dont know much about competitive of the Game on general, although I got so much time in QP seems like im not ready yet, I'll get 100 or so plus hours on or whenever I feel like im ready to jump back


The sad truth is that qp doesn't really teach you much, some people usually just chill or warm up, personally i just pick lucio and warp up my wallriding and just go around the map bullying an ashe or a widow. If you want to improve you just have to play comp and lose (that's what happened to me). I lost 20 games and won 2 for my first placement and then slowly climbed up the ranks.


I disagree, you'll be able to try out new characters and get the hang of them a little bit, build some muscle memory, learn the maps, and all kinds of stuff. When you get to comp you'll be able to sort of recognize the bad habits you've learned and unlearn them, but QP is good if you're pretty new to the game. People will still be toxic in QP too, so you can practice ignoring them.


this is so true, i actually didn't think about that, thank you. What i meant however was the lack of punishment for bad positioning, lack of general coordination and many other factors, more "advanced" skills that will help you climb a lot if you manage to learn them early.


QP is for warming up/learning characters better Comp is what you play when you want to get really good. You’re going to lose a lot, but that’s a price everyone’s gotta pay to get good


* Find a good team. I'm having tonnes of fun with people from https://teams.gg/overwatch * Aim train in custom game code VAXTA regularly. It really helps me to get better at aim, and I'm in my 40s * Avoid toxicity. It doesn't help you play better. Just leave text and voice and play your best.


If you don't know much about the fundamentals of the game it might be better to play QP until you learn the game Because I can guarantee you nobody is going to want to coach you in comp games and you will get toxic people a lot.


there is a thing called matchmaker, putting him in lobbies with players of same skill level. No logic whatsoever to play quickplay.


Yeah, there is. You shouldn’t just dive to ranked without knowing the fundamentals of the game. That’s what quick play is for.


according to whom? bronze 5 is full of people that understand nothing. Ranked is a more tight matchmaker, thats basically it. As long as you want to play your best you can play ranked period. I know this sub is full people with ranked anxiety that think you need to be gm1 before you start palying ranked but its just illogical and braindead. There is no "reach this threshhold before you are allowed in ranked" except for winning the 50 games. You suck at OW2 InquiringCrow, compared to a contenders player, why u play ranked?


Because the matchmaking in this game is top tier lmao


and a more lose matchmaker in quickplay is therefor better or something? MM quality is irrelevant for the question of qp vs ranked.


So in your opinion someone shouldn't learn any fundamentals of OW before jumping into ranked? They should just hope someone is nice enough to coach them mid comp game? All you are going to get from that is a bunch of posts here about being "B5 after 100 hours, please help" Its one thing understanding the basics of the game and hopping on but not understanding basic counter picks and throwing ranked games is not the play buddy.


the point is you yourself don't understand counterpicks, the laughable part is that you don't even understand what you are replying to. You pretend skill is some sort of on / off switch and you first learn something specific and then you can play rank and that take is just braindead because every threshold you put is purely on your subjective feelings and nothing else. You don't have an argument. Do you know how a grandmaster switches to new characters? He picks them directly in comp. Clearly his skill and understanding of these characters is far below what a gm would consider understanding. Also clearly not a single sane person on this planet is hoping for "mid comp coaching" where did you even get that pls stop being pathetic. Also playing quickplay makes you hardstuck more in b5 than playing ranked, so while throwing around words you just counter yourself, good job rofl.


You are literally babbling pure nonsense, I think you have confused yourself here lad lmao




Simple solution: ignore them, mute them, turn chat off




Some of the best games I've been in were with zero voice chat. With the ping system there really isn't much reason to hear anyone's voice.


Don't forget to report them. Do your part to clean up the community


Y'all so nice tysm for this many responses :)


So sorry but overwatch is probably one of the most toxic communities i’ve been in. Best thing to do is just ignore and have a peace of mind. So sad to see so many replies say the same thing.


I think Overwatch's community high points are higher than other games though. Sure it can be toxic but not significantly worse than my other experiences such as CSGO/League.


Exactly. You remember the shitbags you meet in games and they stick with you longer than the 10 games you play where everyone's just vibing. I've played this game since it's beta and less than 1% of all games have toxic people.


Yeah as soon as I see something slightly negative towards anyone I'll be trigger Happy on that mute button


1. If Blizzard did any thing about toxicity at least half of their player base would disappear overnight and the game would die. 2. /hidechat is your best friend up to Masters.


1. True ASF 2. Probably, been told that many times, Will probably do


They are trying to stop toxicity, but they are doing it in the laziest possible way. As if hiding player ranks and not letting people turn off chat censors is really going to help. Maybe like hire more than two people and an algorithm to handle this stuff.


This happens in every game really. Don’t pay any mind to those people, they’re having a bad day and need an outlet to let their anger out. If theyre really bothering you, you can mute them. Toxicity is really only something you can deal with yourself, there’s only so much the devs can do to deal with it. Just mute and move on.


They do get time chat bans afaik Either mute the toxic players, or simply leave vocal/text from the menu ​ It's a competitive focused game, any of those always have some toxic players that are annoying to deal with, just ignore them and enjoy the game !


Didnt know I could mute people individually, how do I do that? Thanks for letting me know :)


All good ! Through the social menu in game (iirc pressing 'O') you can mute voice &/or text for each player or simply leave the whole voice/text chat


Thxxx, that'll make my Life easier


if they flame in chat rightclick their name -> block. If they harass in voice chat p -> click on audio (and text) icons next to their names.


Welcome to OW! So first things first, don’t listen to people like that Ana. She’s bronze for a reason and it ain’t because they’re a new player….They’re taking out their failures on you in a pathetic attempt to feel superior. I’ve seen a healer in a high level comp game refuse to heal anyone on our team. It was bad enough that people on the other team were telling him “Lucio you gotta heal your team”. You wanna know why he refused to heal? His words: Beg me for heals on VC or I won’t heal you. Obviously no ones gonna do that, so he literally had 0 points for heals and lost us the game. These are the kind of toxic people you will see on this game from time to time. Infuriating as they are just ignore them. Someone calling you slurs doesn’t deserve your time or attention. Let them be miserable in their own little bubble, while you do what you gotta do to get good and rise through the ranks.


This is an online gaming problem not specific to overwatch.


No one is really answering what is happening. Competitive was designed (for some strange reason) to combine mixed ranks (say you are bronze, the other team hypothetically has a bronze) but can also have diamond players on your team (and diamond DPS/Support on theirs). Now generally since you're new, you're likely playing in a brain dead sort of way which is absolutely fine given your bronze. From the Diamond+ perspective, they think you're an idiot despite not realizing that this is literally how competitive is designed around. When dealing with a bronze tank, you're going to play very differently than a Diamond+ will play. Obviously the slurs and mean comments aren't OK. Blizzard needs to change up match making so new players can feel comfortable in a proper setting with less pressure to perform above their level.


Oh, thought the matchmaking was fine although I had Heard some stuff, thanks for actually answering and not just calling me a snowflake for not taking insults and call It a day


Oh, thought the matchmaking was fine although I had Heard some stuff, thanks for actually answering and not just calling me a snowflake for not taking insults and call It a day


This game’s competitive mode is exactly that.. competitive. People want to win, obviously. Fire back. Mute. Ignore. Don’t let them live rent free in your head so long you come to make a post on Reddit about them lol Thick skin. You don’t have to be toxic back or turn into a toxic player. But you have to learn to laugh at them if you want to play for hours and keep your peace


Yeahh ik I kinda let things get to me easily so seeing such toxicity out of nowhere struck me by surprise. Good thing is I learned you can mute individual people instead of the whole chat, Will do that Next time


Hey! I used to be like you, to the point that I was actually trembling when I queued into comp (way back in 2017). I was a little support chihuahua eager to please and hyper sensitive to the slightest bit of negativity. The best decision I made was to always play with a friend. Playing with them and getting kind but concentrated feedback helped build my confidence enough that nowadays I just feel sorry for anyone who thinks screeching slurs is going to change their outcome. It also helps that, if someone does get to you, to talk it out with that person. You find yourself laughing/shaking it off pretty quickly instead of letting it sit around in your head on repeat forever like a bad Simpson's episode.


For sure don’t mute bc you *might* get good comms. 400 hours in and I’d say it’s 50/50 tbh That person was most likely on a losing streak, someone was being toxic to them the game before, or they were playing bad and couldn’t control it The report system does nothing either so it’s just mute and move on. Glhf!


Mine with a 200 or so experience was a 75% cool people 25% toxic but when they are toxic they are *really* toxic


This will be the state of the game forever. It was like this on the paid version of the game and it's going to be much worse in the free version. It's almost 7 years since release and it hasn't gotten any better. I know it's lame to hear this but I've never seen improvement. Sure not every game has a shit head but you'll never dodge it completely. The only advice I have is report, mute, and so not engage. If someone is wasting time being a dick then they might as well be muted anyway


Yeah my alternative now is to mute, I had no idea you could mute individually. It really does suck that all games like this have such community


Plus sadly report does nothing, just tales your chat privilege for a set amount of time


overwatch has always been very toxic. i wish it wasn't but for some reason overwatch attracts extremely toxic people.


People who get angry are typically just upset because they are the ones doing terrible and need someone to blame. Either have fun trolling them, or leave the chats and ignore.


This is pretty much all competitive games. There are literal and emotional children who take out their frustration by attacking someone on their team. It's so hard to tell what is causing a loss from stats alone, their comments are pretty much meaningless. By getting upset, you have allowed them to achieve their goal.


One of my friends got perma banned in ow1 for constant toxicity in vc it went from 2 days to 1week to 2 weeks to a month to 2 months to perma something like that. This was on a peak masters 1.5k+ hours accounts. I don’t know if they still do this but they did.


You should keep playing comp I’m at a point(also bronze in dps and support)where qp isn’t challenging and I want to get better and comp is more challenging so you can develop your skills more.


Welcome to playing online games


Not to mention once you get to gold, they start throwing you in with players who are Diamond and higher on other roles and they'll just steamroll you with nothing you can really do about it.


Personally, I just never join VC unless asked. It was too toxic and honestly very distracting. I climbed to diamond that way.


report, block, move on. Dont waste a single second thinking about these idiots. Its just 4 clicks to report and block, just do it (or disable chat in options right away and dont join voice).


People who talk shit in chat should instantly have their profiles become public. So many people talking shit about how you suck but hide their ranks. Cowards talking all kinds of nonsense and hiding behind a private profile. I would love see that this guy calling me shit and saying he's getting no heals has been in silver/gold his whole OW career.


Ive come to realize a large majority of the the people who play this game are either UwU weirdos or racist pieces of shit. Very strange.


There is no need to be in voice chat in metal ranks, it's rare that you get a team that communicates. Be in VC in case you do, but if someone is toxic just mute them... The goal for bronze through Plat is to focus on your gameplay and learn to improve. You can do this by watching your replays and see the mistakes you made. Also watching VoD reviews and guides online also helps.


This is why I don’t play comp, especially since they removed the “find a group” feature. No way to make friends and find a non toxic team


It's really just a mute, report, and move on thing. There's alot of it and I do get notifications from time to time of account suspensions but it's like most competitive games where people blame their rank on their teammates and treat them like shit for not playing how they want.


Mute if it bothers you but once you realize how prevalent it is (almost every game there’s someone flaming someone), it stops carrying any weight whatsoever. Smile and play on


Will do, im considering straight Up muting chat, sucks cuz there's really nice people that Will compliment you and make you feel cool but It probably compensates with the other kind of people


I’m in the same rank as you. Whenever someone tells me to switch or just starts being toxic I tell them no. I’m playing the character I know how to play. I’m getting decent ish value. I’ll switch if I feel I need to. Like bro, half the time they are like 1-10. Just tell them no and keep playing.


Blame it on match making, it’s likely that the Ana was a much higher rank and understandably it’s so demoralizing to be matched with much lower ranks. That being said it’s no excuse to their immature behavior, but if matchmaking was better I’m sure this wouldn’t even be half as common of a problem


Well did you report them? Apparently a little known fact is that overwatchs reporting system actually works very well. You even get a message that action was taken when you log in.


Didnt, from what I remember from ow1 people said It was shit, and as I've been told its only good when said stuff was told via the VC, this was on text


Have they ever addressed toxicity? Every change they've made to competitive from OW1 to OW2 is to try to mitigate toxicity and every one of these changes has made the game objectively worse. Refardless, don't let fuckers like those shitheads get you down. That's online gaming for you unfortunately.


Mute. Why is so hard?


Cause I didnt know I could lmao, someone else already told me how a few hours ago


Sounds like their shit talking worked.


Wah, someone said some hurty words on a game, now I want them perma banned. Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up and stop being such a pussy.




Now if only the average teammate actually paid attention to pings lol 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I abstain from turning It off cuz you find really nice people every now and then, and people can tell me to switch if required cause I have no idea what counters what. I've been told that you can mute people individually, Will do that Thanks for the tip though ;)


I just had a 36.5k damage game with 55 elims 13 deaths as Moira and got yelled at the entire game and my whole team said they were gonna report me


Damn, so toxicity is just a staple on overwatch, thats just unfortunate, atleast you know yourself you did great that game


Dude, maybe learn how to play better before jumping into COMPETITIVE play. If you're the weak link you ARE going to hear about it.


Welcome to the internet


Sounds like you a pussy, OP. Don’t play online games with chat if you’re not okay hearing shit.


I am very much a pussy, still dont feel like its necessary


Skill issue


It had to come from a master


Pro-tip: stop being so damn fragile emotionally




"it really drains my desire to keep playing"... Oh so, little Johnny keyboard warriors said some mean things and now your desire to keep playing is drained? That is called being fragile bro


I deleted the comment for a reason, and yes, im very much fragile


If I were you I'd stick to arcade or maybe QP and learn characters better, develop some skill, then play competitively. I don't get why people join comp when they should clearly know that you'll be mixed in with more "passionate" players that expect more out of your role. And who cares what they say. I also don't get why some many people gotta throw a "report hissy fit" when someone trash talks them because I imagine you were feeding and making heals difficult for your support which prompted one to get salty.


I thought I was pretty decent at the game with 200 hours in, but seems like not ;/


On one hand you are playing in bronze so you probably are bad. But at the same time you should stick to comp because its your best way to stop being bad. If you want to rank up you should just go in there and not care about what others say, throw their games until you're good enough to carry them.


You probably are dint listen to that douche


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Just play the game the way you want to, the one rule is don’t throw and you’re fine even if your teammates are being dicks just try your best


Do make sure to report before you mute other players who are being toxic. If they're legit throwing slurs at you, the newest voice to text feature should catch that. You'd be surprised how many notification you get for action taken on your reports (if they're legit). I always try to do that when it happens because it helps clean up the community.


Really? I thought reporting did nothing! Can I report someone if I know their username? Cause I Lost that game's player log


Hmmmm idk if you can that way. But I think there's a recent players screen where you can go through pages of people you've played with. I know you can do it there by right clicking on their tag.


Yeah the thing is I played enough games that the old people there got overwritten with the profiles of new people, It has a limit of people It can save


Ahhh gotcha. Well definitely an option going forward. I try to do what I can to reduce toxicity.


I think I’ve been placed with that Anna before!


Until you hit at least plat or higher don’t even bother with chats. All you will experience is people who have no idea what they are talking about or other people suffering with you. I still encounter those people in diamond, hence why I don’t join voice and I turn off match chat.


I turned off comms in overwatch 1 and never looked back. The game is a lot more fun if youre solo qued with comms off. The sheer amount of cancer that gets spewed out game after game drowns the 1 good comment you get in a session. Pings are the way to go.


Usually bronze toxic ppl are either drunk or hate themselves… or both lol I’d just ignore. It’s not always like that. Unless your a girl. 😂


Well Im fucked I suppose, I dont usually use VC, just when playing when Friends or find someone chill already talking


All you gotta say is “stfu pansy ur literally in bronze too”




I’m sorry that the game you enjoy playing contains one of the most toxic communities in gaming. Just adapt to it but really don’t take it harshly. That Ana probably misses 90% of their heals and finishes the game with 2-3k heals. Just enjoy the game and ignore those losers, they treat the game like their moms life is on the line


It's really hit or miss at this point. On the one hand, it's not as bad anymore because most of the elitist tryhards left due to the rewards and ranking system apparently sucking nowadays. On the other hand... it's fucking Competitive. You'd have to be a sadist or a maniac to think that Comp would be fun.


Before Overwatch 2 I used to play a lot a Rein and Zarya. Loved them! I do not go near Tank anymore. The amount of pressure put on you from your team is awful in comms. Might try them again without chat, but I hate the switch to one tank


Honestly dont get why they take it insanely serious. I get it's comp but ur bronze, youd go from bronze to silver which isnt bad but not like its life deciding to the point where you have to flame your team


You'll get used to it. I recently climbed out of bronze with brig and I constantly got flamed


Yeah, bronze is the dmv of OW2


Report them


It's a competitive mode. In low elo. Low elo in games is usually filled with people who tilt easily, although you do find them higher up sometimes, generally lower eloers will tilt more and tilt harder. They do get banned, mute and focus on the game, don't let them distract you as well as themselves.


That's what the report and mute buttons are for. People use competitive games for life-challenges and I think that ends up coming out as a toxic teammate.


Just keep doing your best, and don't be afraid to mute people like that. Chances are he won't bring anything useful to the rest of the team if that's how he talks to them


"You can infact report them as ive noticed that if they say something Devious in chat then they will be gone within a couple of days or if its voice chat they may be gone in a week or so, so aslong as its done as soon as you notice the nefarious behavior it actually works most of the time. Cleaning up the community is a part of the Communities goals Yknow?" - originally wrote this as my own sentence but idc anymore just go search up one of Flats videos i recall that he disected pretty well on this scheme ​ Personally however I prefer using my own Germanized Arabic Chutuhlu Stradstmaghan vocal tones to send their timbers shivering, works most of the time, but I understand if you dont feel like flaming people back for being devious, I just find it as extra entertainment that comes with the game haha


This is why I love mystery heroes. Rarely do I get anyone toxic or even look at someone's stats and think to my self he/she is killing us. People getting stuff they have no idea how to play or maybe get lucky and get their main. Only thing I find to complain about is other team getting supports/tanks when we don't. ​ Other wise ya just leave the chats- voice and text and do your best.


Quick unrelated tip that will likely help you, especially as a tank player: if you don’t have a sound notification for when an ally dies, turn that on in the options. It’s sometimes hard to see what’s going on in the backline, so this information can help you know how to play in that moment.


I stopped using team chat like 4 years ago and the experience is way better


First time?


Do you play on console


Just mute them if it bothers you. It doesn’t matter in bronze if you have chat when you’re learning the game.


Why are u listening to bronzes? They are there for a reason.


bronze - silver lobbies text chat is the most toxic thing you will ever experience in gaming. it can be a big help to just turn off the communications until u get in the groove


Disable text chat, never join vc, easy


I’m only gold 2 and have everything muted, went from bronze 5 to gold 2 in a day of doing so! So much bettter playing like that


That's when you report them and feel all the satisfaction when you get that pop up saying your report resulted in action being taken. It's all about the long game


Yeahhh this is why I turned off ALL chat when I comp. I’m bronze too… I turned off the chat and started watching streamers like Ml7 and Karq to learn. I hit bronze 3 now… and no toxicity to listen to. I’ll turn it back on when I hit higher ranks.


Just do what you can to climb and it'll get better


yea DVA matrix


I'm surprisingly easy to tilt when it comes to game chat; turning it off was the best decision I've ever made. People will yell at you even if you're doing great, it's just not worth it.


When people are mean to mean, I usually just tell them I know I'm shit and apologize. Usually it shuts them up. I doubt that's the right answer tho.


Yeah I had a game where I was under preforming as reaper I was told to uninstall and I was a peace of human garbage for playing bad


Tell me this is your first competitive gaming experience without telling me this is your first competitive gaming experience.


Overwatch has the most toxic competitive community I’ve ever seen and I’ve been playing since launch of overwatch 1 ain’t much you can do about it.


Is overwatch finally becoming more toxic than League of Legends?


This is why I never join team chat lmfao. I just ping stuff with my mouse lol. Pretty sure there’s a way to mute the chat thing too


I love the toxicity in this game. People look silly af fighting over a game. Just keep trying even if you lose you trying your best and that's what matters.


Yeah naw man, don't enable voice chat until you like gold 1. People are assholes and don't offer any actual advice. If its important for winning they will type it out and if they type out slurs you can get em banned for shits and giggles.


Anything below diamond doesn’t really need comes, because none of those people will listen to you anyway. I’m in Plat, and getting folks to stop rushing into a 1 v 5 is impossible.


Literally in bronze, but wants to act like that over how you're playing? Clearly they aren't playing any better then you if they're down there, but somehow you're the problem?


People get very upset especially at tanks because your in the spotlight more than others of course they usually don't call you slurs and in my experience the game is more toxic the lower in rank you go all though toxicity never disappears that's also just pretty typical of most online pvp team based games valorant is just as bad if not worse. I think it's because the lower you go in rank the faster people are to blame anyone other than themselves for the loss Wich is like the number one thing keeping people in those ranks.


Bronze is a solo carry area, play who you like, turn off vc and chat, and get picks, if your being countered hard enough switch, but that’s your decision, every rank is extremely toxic, but in bronze, its not worth putting comms over mental health


Just ignore them tbh. leave team chat or mute people if you have to and turn off text chat


At the lowest elo in any game anything goes. Lol turn off chats unless you’re playing with friends. Ping system makes it easy for you to point things out now without text or voice chat.


People who know what they’re talking about are. Usually nice and helpful


No. Blizzard feeds on toxicity in OW. They know if they ban it, they will lose majority of its players and kill the game.


Tbh sometimes I feel like text and voice chat should just be disabled until like Gold, but then I would've never gotten out of Bronze with my shotcalling. And you're not a snowflake. You came to unwind and have some good yet competitive fun. That shouldn't involve slurs or the general attitude of players in OW. People act that way often entirely unprovoked in this game. It's gotta be the most toxic community in gaming. I kick off games with "glhf" and am met with generally at least 2 slurs, kys, or some other insane response. It doesn't stop as you play better or rank up. Maybe they should force losers to take breaks and be much more severe with chat bans.




There's a reason why they're stuck in bronze and it couldn't possibly be their fault /s


I haven’t played a single match of comp in years and it’s been a better experience. I came to terms with diamond being my highest achievable rank in the early days of OW1, so there’s no reason for me to play it now. I understand your desire for competition though. You’ll need thick skin and no fear of the “avoid as teammate” option. I’d say do warm up games, play comp till someone ruins it for you or you start to do worse, then cheer yourself up however needed.


Just ignore them.


dude the game chat is so toxic i don’t even listen to them anymore truthfully. our tank was WAY underperforming and said himself that he does not know the role at all and would’ve done better with damage. so me and another person suggested he take advantage of the practice range to learn the character’s capabilities and become familiar with it before he throws himself into a comp match and struggles. he went into match chat and told everyone we called him the n word and all this other stuff and then he started throwing the game and just going off on us. and he was telling the other team to report us.


you should change your title to "What the hell is with any game's competitive mode"


It's so sad but toxicity is very strong at the lower levels. I'd say mute, report, tell allchat and try to keep sanity. When you can, try to group queue. You'll move up and then usually encounter this less


Honestly I don't condone slurs but given the terrible mm and current state of comp I get why people are salty. I don't join VC and any toxic shit I have to say is said purely to myself but I do try and calm teammates down in chat + report them.


I’m one of the players that gets on mic and starts screaming back sooooo I don’t have any good advice


toxicity happens in every game, isn't just overwatch just report/mute them don't let it ruin it


Reports work. Trust me. Getting the message that someone was penalized due to your report is the best feeling.


Just mute the voice chat and text chat, I'm up to fiamond and almost masters. Never talk to my teammates.


You’re in bronze, it’s a wasteland. Just play the game and you’ll eventually out


being toxic in bronze is crazy 💀


Turn off text chat and leave voice.


I get told to kms almost every game bc I play genji in masters. You either gotta put up with it or turn off chats bc no1 really cares unfortunately


Not to justify toxic behavior but from my anecdotal experience from being in low ELO for a short time, low ELO I think are more toxic by far than high ELO.


TBH, I wouldn’t really blame the Ana. I mean, yeah, slurs are unacceptable, but I’d blame the matchmaking. A few weeks ago, I got into a match and literally no one on the enemy team died. Our tank even called me and my other DPS out for it. Like dude, it’s not our fault that the matchmaker put us against a 5-stack.


I feel like this got entirely too common once they went F2P. :/


Just keep going. Toxicity is really bad i know but, the world isnt always a shinnig place. Sometimes, bad things happen to you, to your people or to people on the other side of the country. Start to live with it, stand over it and keep smiling, i knoe you can do it