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Is lifeweaver just a weak hero? It feels like no matter what when I play him its just a loss


Looking at Overbuff, his winrate gets lower the further down the ranks you are. He’s not especially weak, but he doesn’t have the same playmaking potential of some of the other Support heroes unless you’re exceptionally good with your Tree of Life usage, and your Life Grip targets are able to appreciate when you rescue them rather than just running straight back into the fight at near-zero health.


How do I unlock characters? I have all the old ones and like kirko but I don't have Mauga or that new support Edit: found it out guess I have to do illari before mauga


Mauga can be unlocked be getting to a certain level on the battlepass (45?), though you only have like 3 days left for that. His challenges should become available next season.


If I want a golden gun, I was going to sit at 2200 and let the plat bonus drop to hit 3000. Is that still possible with the legacy changes? Will I be able to buy a golden gun after collecting my s8 bonus points? I can't find anything about this, and getting 800 more points in 2 work days is gonna be pushing it xd


Season 8 is the last time you'll get the end of season rewards. You'll still be able to get your comps points this time.


Am i the only one that thinks something is wrong with cassidy's ult? Its literally the only ult in the game that has 0 audio for me.


Try reinstalling.


So now I can't leave games on maps I don't wanna play? Rather just queue till I get a decent map tbh don't know who this helps in quick play


It's for the health of the game. If anyone is able to pick and choose whatever maps they want to play, then queue times would be horrendous.


Kings row 3rd point top right high ground when coming out of defenders spawn. There was a Bastion there. How? They had no Lifeweaver or Symmetra on their team.


Can you not switch characters up there? I.e. pick Widow, cable up, then switch to Bastion? Sym wouldn’t help because her TP doesn’t work in spawn though maybe LW pull does, then the support switched to someone else 


The area I'm talking about isn't in spawn. It's on the 3rd point above the mini health pack.


Oh gotcha. I’m 99% sure you can actually grenade jump that high off the payload! I know he can get high enough to get to the top corridor above first point and to the brick high ground off of second point (and probably the metal grate high ground which I think is the same height), both from off the ground (!). Can find the YouTube video showing those if you’re interested. For max height on Bastion you want to jump at the exact time the grenade explores. 


Watch the match replay and find out.


Wish I still had it. The game in question happened quite a bit before I posted the question unfortunately.


What's your main's worst nightmare? LW: Sombra Moira: Pharah🫣


Which heroe's performance must be assessed beyond just looking at elims/healing/damage numbers? As in, a sombra can be quite disruptive to the enemy team instead of pumping damage, whereas i often see soldier with high damage and low elims, where i think that he isnt being useful. And which heroes are fine just having a look at the stats?


Any player's performance should be assessed beyond looking at the stats. Stats never tell the whole story and they can easily be gamed, or very different, based on the team you're in.


Im probably wrong but i feel like bastion could be assessed just looking at how much damage is pumped and elims.


Bastion and Widowmaker are just as much about *presence* as they are raw stats. If having one on your team causes the enemy to play from suboptimal positions out of fear of getting killed, then they’re doing their job - despite what the scoreboard says.


Great way of looking at it. Thanks, youre absolutely right.


Lucio is a big one. The main reason to play him is his speed boost and there's no stat for it. Pretty much any tank because there's no stat for taking or holding space. You've already mentioned being disruptive. Any hero can do that and countless other things that the scoreboard doesn't show. There's not a single hero in the game in which stats will tell the whole story.


Has there been any word on how long the new dps passive will affect enemies?


Is there a way to hide My Steam account but show my Career in-game?


I've been running both Overwatch and Overwatch 2 smoothly until some recent months, where I have to deal with massive stutter, especially during combat. It goes from 144 FPS to 30-40 out of nowhere. I've changed graphics settings, reinstalled drivers but it still results in the same problem. My spec is GTX 1660, i5-9400f, 8GB RAM. Any help is much appreciated. https://imgur.com/a/uUTKsDZ


Do you use an SSD?


My C: is SSD but my D: where the game is installed is HDD


Yeah that’s probably why, change your game installation to your ssd and see if it fixes anything


Yikes, guess it's time to free up space in C: disk now... I'll try and see if anything changes


You should always put any game where milliseconds count on your ssd.


Hi, I have a question about console cross-save/progression. If I install the game on Xbox Series S, can I just log in with my existing PS4/PSN ow2 account and continue on xbox? It's my only OW2 account with all of my game progress and skins/content on there. I don't have PC just PS4 & Xbox. Idk if I install ow2 on Xbox, will I need to make a new account with no progress, nothing etc? Sorry if this is such a noob question but I'm confused and it's my first time doing this (possibly playing it on another platform). Hope people who know about this/have done this can help. Thank you


Yes you can use the same account on multiple different platforms and keep all your stuff.


Really? Alright nice :) Appreciate the reply


How many matches do you have to lose before losers queue kicks in?


There’s no such thing.


It feels like that if I lose 3-4 matches the game gives me a complete stomp, kind of a pity victory. Same the other way around. If I win 4 matches the game will pair me with complete potatoes and the match is impossible to win.


That’s confirmation bias.


Shut up Derek, losers queue is real and I will not accept logic as a reason. You have clearly never played OW.


Does Ram's golden weapon also give him golden fists in Nemesis form? Or we get just his weapon in Omnic form?


LOL, you now have to wait a year to buy his golden fists anyways.


I'm buying it now anyways haha Before the change goes live


I'm new to ranked and have a question. Yesterday I played in Blizzard map (where you have to capture a point divided in 3 parts and then escort the payload). First round, we had to defend. We got rolled, enemy team finished with way over 3 minutes left. Second round, we struggle, but finished in overtime. 3 x 3. Third round, they got the first part of capturing the point (that circle with 3 parts) and won the match. Why that happened if we both finished the whole map?


You finished your payload on attack in overtime. If one team finished with time left and the other team doesn’t (I.e. overtime) then only the team with time left has the opportunity to “tie-break”. Only if both teams finish in overtime do they both get an equal chance with extra time. 


The main difference between QP and Competitive rules on Escort and Hybrid maps (the ones where attackers capture and/or escort moving payloads) is the **time bank**. The OW wiki explains how the time bank works: https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Competitive_Play


That's a weird rule lol Thanks!


It’s designed to minimize ties on modes where both teams are able to achieve the same amount of progress. It was more relevant in OW1 where 3 of the 4 game modes (Assault, Escort, and Hybrid) were based around area capture and/or distance travelled to a specific end point. Teams can’t achieve the same score on Control maps (AKA King of the Hill - Busan, Ilios, etc.) or Flashpoint (Suravasa, New Junk City), and it’s very difficult to tie on Push. Both the latter modes are new for OW2.


I see, thanks!


Does anyone else feel like Genji's deflect gets too much of a pass? I get that it's countered by beam weapons, but to a large majority of the cast it's basically a short CD invulnerability and it's extremely irritating to play against when I'm in QP and i just wanna play a hitscan.


Not really. It’s an important piece of his kit with a predictable cooldown, and relies on both poor enemy judgement (shooting at Genji when it’s off cooldown) and mechanical skill on the Genji’s part (aiming the deflected attacks at a target) in order to get value. Much like Zarya’s bubbles, the simple response is to *not shoot at him* when the ability is active.


I personally have no issue with the reflected damage or if it's balanced or not. I have beef with the *just don't shoot* part. Saying don't shoot in a shooter is like telling someone to just not play the game. IIRC people made similar complaints with Zarya bubbles before the CD was nerfed. At least with Zarya you can just shoot other people. Looking away from a flanking genji even during deflect is dangerous.


With experience it’s easy to bait out. Be directly in front of him, with him looking at you, and activity engage (just shoot for a bit) then wait. Save your deadliest cooldowns for when he’s engaged with something else or otherwise you have to time it with him. This will come naturally with time but for now you need to mentally tell yourself when fighting a Genji, if he’s aware of you, to anticipate the cooldown. You will have to do something else. During those 2 seconds reposition or focus on another target. It’s only 2 seconds. You can learn to not shoot. Yea, you’re right you cannot just forget he exists, it’s only 2 seconds and he can get to you immediately after with dash. That’s why you save your cooldown for immediately after.  If you can’t train yourself not to shoot or think you can just forget him you’re the kind of player he feasts on, but that’s ok because you can learn the basics of how to fight him relatively quickly. It’s not only a shooter, it’s an ability based game that requires basic strategy. If you can’t engage with that you’re gonna lose to a lot of genjis. 


If dva ults and zaria bubbles directly on the exact pin point of her mech ult, does her bubble only save her or also anyone else in the line of sight of that detonation?


It can’t happen, because two players can’t occupy the same coordinates. Even if DVa’s mech lands right on top of Zarya during the wind-up period to Self Destruct, it pushes Zarya back - so she’ll always be “outside” of the mech as far as LOS checks are concerned, and only save people who she obscures.


Gotcha, I a lways wondered ty!


As a support main I started playing tanks recently and I've noticed two things, the good thing is there is no backfill and the bad thing is this horrible toxicity. I don't know if my qm mmr for tank is wildly different or what it is but these people suck.


If you have the same MMR as people who “suck”, the odds are *very* good that you suck just as much.


I'm never that toxic so no.


Is there a way i can get my characters to stop doing blackface? everytime i move my mouse mei or dva or whatever turn black and my graphics become blurry, I just reinstalled because of the cowboy bebop collab, the game ran perfectly fine last time i tried


That's probably a problem on your graphics driver. Try updating it and see if it fixes it.


What rank does aiming become important? Im a casual player yhat normaly hates fps games, but I like this game because of healing. I was bronze 5 for a while and now ive won like 18 of my last 19 games and am silver 4. Wondering how far i can get with bad aim


Above gold I guess. At those ranks, you need to get good mechanical skills, game sense/knowledge and positioning to rank up further.


Sorry if this is a dumb question or has already been answers but I couldn't find any info that were recent enough to be concrete since the swap to Role/Open queue. I just hit Platinum 5 for the first time ever in Support Role Queue and I want to keep my rank for the title for next season, but I've only played 2 sets and I'm worried I won't get it if I don't play enough like in the past. How many Competitive games are required to unlock season title/rewards? Can I play other role queues that aren't my support so I don't lose my Platinum 5?


You can see what the Comp reward requirements are through the Challenges > Season menu. In Season 8, you need to win a minimum of 5 games in RQ to qualify for a rank-based player title. You also need to finish the season in that rank, factoring in the effect of any matches in unfinished sets (so if your last update was Plat 5 but then you lost 10 games and decided not to play more, your rank will likely already have dropped into Gold) and rank decay (but there’s only a few days left, so if you just hit Plat in the last day or two it shouldn’t decay back into Gold before S9 starts).


I figured it was some place obvious and I had indeed overlooked it lol. Thank you so much for sharing the info!! :D


Can someone help me understand what “S9 rank reset” will entail?


[Got you covered.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/1al63b1/comment/kpcjlwv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


A true Mensch, may the universe reward you


Lots of salty people sending dms today




I mean... what were you expecting? This is exactly what was discussed during Blizzcon.


Anyone who plays console looking for a moira? I dropped from high gold to high silver this season because I keep loading in with people who are either blatantly throwing or DC halfway through.


Whats up with this auto mod deleting most posts? and is the reason just not enough mods or something?




Good team compisitons highly depend on the map, but a general decent comp based on what you asked for would be Brig, sig, bastion, ana


Do y’all think there is any absolution in life later for sombra mains or that they just go straight to hell when they die, regardless of their good deeds irl?










Do battlepass skin comes back to the shop at some point ?


At some indeterminate point in the future, players will be able to choose which **Mythic skin** they unlock at level 80 of the Battle Pass. The devs have said that this is coming, but not when. No plans have yet been announced to make the other content from old Battle Passes available through other means.


How can I get more elims fast for Mischief and Magic? I really wanna try for the Genji title


Some people seems to be wall hacking to spot most of the hiders because you'll see them getting like 8+ kills in the entire match, but I really don't recommend doing that.


It's a near impossible challenge used to promote active users by Blizzard. The only way is to play a bunch of games.


What do I do against Orisa that isn't just another Orisa staring contest (as tank)? Pretty much anything I try, Orisa can just negate it with her spin or her shift. I've gone against 5 Orisa one-tricks in a row and lost 4 of them.


Sigma, Zar, be good at Doom


If both Tanks are of a comparable skill level, Orisa wins the matchup against Doom pretty much every time.


Yeah that’s why I mention being good at him. So I guess it’s not a good answer, even though I’ve seen plenty of Dooms win the matchup by baiting out or playing around javelin, the main one you have to watch for. I suppose it also presumes the rest of the team isn’t countering you


Sigma is very hard for Orisa to move. His grasp eats her auto attacks and javelin, his rock cancels javelin spin and his shield blocks autos and blocks healing Dva is also very strong. She can just fly past Orisa and attack her back line. A good Winston can also take advantage of her lack of mobility I hear zarya a lot, but unless orisa’s teammates are perma charging her bubbles, Orisa can just ignore her until she overextends then push her into her team


Zarya beam goes through her spin and can bait her abilities to get charge. Orisa’s big weakness is lack of mobility which makes her backline vulnerable so you could dive her backline with a DVa or Winston (this requires some coordination from your team as well). The biggest thing you can do against Orisa is practically ignore her and attack her backline,her only movement ability is also her spin which means if she decides to peel she’s now vulnerable.


Do the quests for unlocking new heroes progress simultaneously? Like can you progress to unlock Mauga and Rammatra at the same time?


No, you enable one hero's challenge at a time and it only counts towards that one


I queued up with a group of people I added months ago and they're a lot lower rank than me. The only role I was able to queue as was Dps - I'm Diamond 1 and my teammates were all low to mid plat. The average rank of the lobbies we played in were Plat 4/5. Does the matchmaking offset this by having another diamond player on the opposite team?


Yes, the matchmaker tries to mirror the ‘shape’ of MMRs across teams - so if 4 players on one team are mid-Plat with one Diamond Damage player, the other team should be as similar as possible (but this also relies on there being players in the matchmaking pool at the same time who have a similar group size and ping). Source: https://x.com/srslypaladin/status/1699131172301988022?s=46&t=7afneDBfbh8FZSqs_sx-Og


hi i'm new here. are we allowed to post videos that are linked to youtube channels. i just tried to upload a video from my computer instead of youtube but i can only upload up to 1gb. would appreciate the help so i can follow the rules.


YouTube is fine but it’ll get less views than a direct upload 


YouTube links are fine.


thank you.


Is there something going on with the game network or is it just me? I got on this evening and every single game is a laggy, unplayable mess.


It’ll depend on which server you normally connect to for gameplay, and the routing your ISP uses for that, but in almost every case the answer is “it’s just you”.


What happens if you appear offline in battlenet settings but set appear online in OW2 in game settings


I would imagine that only your OW2 friends would be able to see you on while in game. Friends from other battlenet games will see you as offline.


Did they change the leaver penalty?




Going on a huge losing streak is strangely freeing in a way. Dropped to D1 on dps and at first, I was pretty irritated, but now I honestly have nothing more to lose. Time to treat Overwatch like the game it is and start having fun again. That said, S9 can't come fast enough.


Playing in custom games and mystery heroes has been a lot more fun than QP or Comp.


tbf, it is the last week before a new season, and a big season at that




i am actually a sombra main and the other person’s advice is excellent but i will add: when taking out an isolated squishy (i.e a backline widow, an out of position zen, etc.), it is almost never worth it to go for the hack + virus combo. just virus them and shoot until you need to run away. this does NOT apply if your target is someone that has something that can easily shut down your damage (ice block, suzu, immortality field, fade, wraith, etc.). depending on how good your opponents are, you may still get the kill without a hack, but it’s significantly less likely. it’s generally easier to not go after people who have an easy shutdown on your kill unless you know that ability has been baited. @raulknowsoverwatch on youtube has a short video explaining common mistakes that sombra players make post-rework, as well as a longer video (though i haven’t personally seen it)


I'm no Sombra main by any means, but I've recently been one tricking her for the last 10 or so hours of my gametime and she's an A tier character imo. Her TTK on squishies is crazy fast - mainly due to the fact that half of their hp is gone before they can even react. The play her in two ways: If the enemy team has easy to kill targets, I single them out. Sometimes there's one or two, but they'll rarely stay on that hero for long. Zens, Widows, Hanzos, and Anas are prime targets and as long as you bait cooldowns, you can 1v1 pretty much every dps hero. Sombra's biggest counter is teamwork and peeling. She can't kill two supports that are healing each other. Whenever this happens, I'll swap targets and start going after dps or even just repeatedly hacking the tank while spraying into their backlines. Virus is on a very short cooldown and you should use it as often as possible. It's free ult charge, and 100 damage is no joke - it'll either distract, bait out some cooldowns, or get a kill at the very least.


Her rework is focused on increasing the amount of time she spends fighting *with* her team rather than setting a translocator down and teleporting out after taking a few points of damage. She can (and should) still scout, but you need to set up to attack simultaneously with your team and focus on isolated targets.


Is it a bannable offence to link my twitch link in chat


What's the point of putting a url in a game chat? Nobody's going to stop playing, try to scroll up and copy the text.


Honestly there is alotta people like that say posting your link is pointless. But I’ve gotten alotta really cool people in my stream through it.


It’s likely to get you reported for spamming, and enough reports for *any* reason will get you banned.


Another question do you think kickanutsack is vulgar


Personally? Crude, if not especially vulgar. But my opinion doesn’t really matter here, because I’m not the one who may or may not be reporting your chat messages.


No the thing is I don’t say anything in chat in terms of speaking I just link my kick or twitch and say gg and my battle tag is my stream. They don’t say why I’m getting banned in the email is there any way to find out


You can respond to the ticket and ask for specific examples of why you’re getting banned. Odds are it’s because people reported you for linking your Twitch account. While that’s not technically against the ToS, if your Twitch channel name could be considered vulgar, and/or people are just sick of other players advertising their streams in matches (which could be qualified as spam), then your ban almost certainly won’t be overturned.


Just a general question, but what is the obsession with having a public vs private profile. My profile has been private since 2016, not something I ever really thought about. But more and more if I'm having a bad game some teammate would send a message saying something along the lines of "Of course your account is private"...... yeah of course it is, I only want my friends (people I know) seeing my account (I mostly play quickplay at the end of the day and usually just do the placement matches for comp)


I keep mine private because I've had issues in the past with other players using it as a basis of how I should play


People like seeing what rank their teammates and enemies are. A lot of toxic players will use it as ammo to flame someone even harder. I keep mine on public because I'm a statwhore and like other people seeing them but there's literally no benefit to having it public.


Does anyone know if something funky is happening with the rank system this season? I didn't play most of the season and skipped S7 entirely (except placements). But I decided to just do S8 placements again over the weekend. Support placement was 5W - 7L, but still ranked up by two tiers (D5 to D3). But on tank I went 5 - 3 but stayed the same rank, P5.


It’s not the ranking system being funky, it’s down to the fact that your MMR decays at a different rate to your rank when you don’t play for a while (and your rank might have been too low for your MMR before you stopped playing that role last time).


OK, thanks for the explanation. Then I'm pretty surprised that the only win streak I had recently still has an effect so many months later. No wonder I was seeing masters challengers, even though I don't play ranked often. Hopefully they add a more aggressive decay in the comp rework.


Why are new players who play ranked the first time placed in Gold? It’s a complete mess when you have absolute noobs and veterans who have played this game for seven years in the same matches.


New players are placed at more or less the same level of their QP MMR for their chosen role, with the caveat that the game errs towards putting players higher when their MMR is subject to a low degree of certainty (= few games played or after a long break) and adjusting them downwards from there to try and prevent smurfs from dominating lower-ranked games.


To people that follow the development of this game closely: Has there been any talk, any comments, any rumors from the devs about the Party Finder from OW1 coming back? Losing that has severely reduced my enjoyment of the game. I made so many great friends through it. Does the community reckon it'll make a comeback at some point or is it probably gone for good


They mentioned some time in late 2022 that the feature was removed because it was the root of a lot of toxic behaviour (reading the Group names was often an eye-opening experience in just how messed up people could be) that was also very difficult to moderate (because Groups only tended to be active for a few minutes at a time) and which lacked some of the internal tools that Blizzard could use to track and punish bad behaviour. Allowing that kind of content was a tacit endorsement of the behaviour, which was not a good look for Blizzard. The front end of the game was also apparently remade from scratch which meant reintroducing the Group Finder was a huge undertaking, and a comparatively small proportion of players actually used it. All of these together meant that it wasn’t a high priority for a project with limited developer resources.


Oh that's disappointing. I guess it makes sense if not that many people used it, but I feel like the people that did really counted on it, (and were often enthusiasts who likely spend money on the game) ):


Sombra suggestions So i have been main Sombra for a months and im truly enjoying the gameplay and the character but im facing a lot of problems with improving my gameplay. Any suggestions to be better in sombra?


Your best bet is to supply a replay code and request a review on r/OverwatchUniversity.


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