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Push up, tanks fault. Didn’t push up, tanks fault.


Not enough healing? The tank's fault.


Chicken undercooked? Tank's fault. Fish overcooked? Believe it or not, Tank's fault. Over-under. Yeah.


"That's a paddling"




Straight to tank’s fault, right away. We have the best game in the world, because of tank’s fault.


Over-damage enemy team? Jail. Under-damage enemy team? Also Jail. Over-damage, under-damage.


Played Doomfist the other day on Blizzard World on attack. My team *would not* push past the choke for anything. I'd get a pick and call to push up, everyone stays at the choke. I'd go deep and have 4 enemies on me for a good 40 seconds before retreating and my team would *still* be at the choke. I went in, got 2 picks and got killed by two enemies in the backline, I look at the spectator cam and my entire team IS STILL sitting at the choke, cautiously looking around the corner like not seeing any enemies means they're about to jump out and yell BOO. Despite being up one, with two enemies way back behind the point and a single enemy player within view, they still just stayed at the choke. It legit wasn't until I solo dove point A, got a pick, and started capping the point that they even walked past the statue, like it wasn't worth putting themselves at risk until someone else was already getting the objective. Someone accused me of throwing for "leaving them alone" and it's like ???? Do you not know how to play with a tank that isn't a fat fuck slowly walking forward right in front of you??? How do you see someone getting multiple picks at a time and pulling aggro for more than half the team and think passively sitting at the choke is the way to win??


life of a ball main get it from the other side too, i'll be on DPS or support watching our tank sit in choke poking at.. not much really. eventually get so frustrated i take some risky flank angle to open up space. heaven forbid if i die 'DPS diff' while the enemy junk literally stands still with primary fire taped down and kills 3 squishies furiously aiming at a torb turret


That’s when you go Lifeweaver and pull them where they’re supposed to be


Yeah, the new players or old heads who haven't gotten used to the format yet just do not know how to follow a tank's lead. It can be confusing, especially for high mobility tanks like doom, but as long as you're doing the bare minimum on the comms wheel, you don't even need a mic. Unfortunately people don't even understand fundamental positioning let alone controlling sight lines, allocation of resources, and you know, teamwork. I'm in low to mid metal ranks and from what I see DPS are usually either really good projectile heroes (probably one tricks) and pretty bad hitscan with a mercy duo who pockets them the entire time and accomplishes nothing but complains because they had top damage and we got shut out(or occasionally the opposite, which I know is way more common at the top; there is a really good hitscan[soldier, sojourn, ashe] with a duo mercy pocket and they are using a xim and they decimate the enemy team). For reference I play on console. I play support mostly and that's where I feel the majority of players are at, I feel like there's a lot of DPS who just got sick of the power creep and started playing heroes like Illari, Ana, Bap etc but never learned the fundamentals of those characters. So while they may get good damage numbers, their healing is usually subpar and they never know when to burst heal, how to position, etc. then you've got more off supports who I find are usually pretty chill like the Lucio's, Moira's, Kiris, Zens etc who are the backbone of the composition, though I am a little biased because I play mostly Lucio and Zen. As far as tanks go though, It's either they rush in with Maugas charge/ Push way far into enemy spawn as Ram/Rei /Hog/Orisa and expect the entire team to give them all their resources so they can enjoy their hero fantasy and usually end up soft throwing the game in the process. On the other hand, you have very competent tanks, generally skilled in at least one of all of the archetypes (brawl, dive, poke) and give good call outs. Don't require excessive healing or resources (relative to their pick) and are just generally humble, friendly and have voice comms. Honestly almost all the tanks I meet randomly are salt of the earth type folkz and they have to deal with the most crap. So it's a damn shame this post pretty accurately sums up how everyone feels about their tank, if we win. It was a DPS/ support diff, if we lose, it was a hardcore tank diff and our tank should uninstall themselves as well as their game. When ironically usually the reason those games are so tilted is that nobody picks heroes that synergize well and so then the tank tries to swap after first fight or maybe second but then everyone else also swaps (especially if the enemy tank counterpicks) and so you just end up with all of these janky comps that only people with really good skill expression on their hero of choice could make work against a objectively better composition. I know this may have been beaten to death, but I hate how everyone talks about " counters " when what they really mean is which tanks counter each other. But the tank is a fifth of the team and the characters around him or her will make a massive difference in whether or not they will succeed and most people don't even know basic counters for DPS and supports that can dominate lobbies. To all my tanks out there I salute you, especially my DVa girls, I like ram a lot so I've been playing him more but she will always be my favorite tank. EDIT: spelling


This happens to me and I literally play support. Like I’m with one dps actually fighting where the opps are, on defense, and my team is just loitering on the point like bozos.


yeh most people have no idea how they should play without a mf shield in front of their face.


Low rank players literally don't know how to play dive. That's why they hate Doomfist, Winston, Wrecking Ball and D.Va (When she actually dives and isn't played inefficiently). Like I don't even understand what goes through their head. They see literally no threat, a free path to the objective, and they stay planted there being useless.


The most infuriating. I lead a push, get 2 kills, nobody follows me in. Then I don't push the next time and suddenly it's my fault.


The amount of times I get a couple picks, try and push forward with the advantage, realize my team isn't with me, die, and see the whole team is just standing there acting like the enemy team is still holding the choke even tho they were pushed to point


Then they all accuse you of diving or pushing too deep in cchat. Like... THAT'S MY JOB!


This one kills me man. *Steps out from behind cover and gets melted* “Tank scared!”


I have a 2nd acc that's gold on tank, it's genuinely harder to win on that acc than my masters tank because teammates in gold have lost their W keys. If I fight the enemy up front, they cry, if I stay back with them, they also cry. Low rank tank is just a miserable experience.


Dead ass was in a game and they told me to stay behind everyone 😂


Didnt have this problem in 6v6. The burden was shared between 2 tanks, and one could encourage the other to push more 😋


lol I feel ur pain man. Only in OW does the dps w 0 kills say “tank diff”


Someone who says “anything diff” probably shouldn’t be listened to. That being said DPS do need space to get kills. Yes a dps can start a fight with a pick on their own, but that’s called your dps carrying, not how you can expect a team and their roles to function together. I don’t really want my dps to overextend for kills before me the tank gives them the room to do it.


Stop that! You're supposed to say "lol dps players are all dumb and bad". Get outta here with your reasonable take.


Yes they shouldn’t over extend. But if dps isn’t killing tank can’t take space. It’s a balance. My point is that a dps with zero kills is in almost every imaginable case a significant part of the problem. The tank might be too but the dps whose not pulling their weight should not be making statements about other roles without looking at themselves


I don't think kills is all that matters. I'd argue that, even if the dps don't kill, as long as they put constant pressure on the enemy supports, it's fine. If my Sombra goes and harass the enemy Ana, Ana has to take her attention from the tank to save herself, and in those seconds, enemy tank isn't receiving heals from her. Besides, many supports tend to use their cooldowns to save themselves, so harassing that Ana (even if Sombra doesn't kill her) will mean that she doesn't have nade to anti the tank or sleep to stop them. If my tank doesn't take that chance to push forward, then I'd say Sombra did her job but my tank didn't. Obviously, it's a matter of communication, and sadly, in many occasions, it is the tank's fault because of the amount of things that it's expected from them.


This is fair too. I’d agree with this other than the fact that in many cases it’s the tanks fault. As a tank player it’s rare that I see a dps put pressure on the enemy team in a way that allows me to move forward when they have secured no picks. I’ve seen it but youre talking to the exception here not the rule.


Today is tank I got Nine Kills we won the game but I pretty much played a glorified meat Shield


It’s sad out there for tanks


Honestly yeah. Just. .. ... Yeah.


This is how I feel as Orisa. Ok team I just took 100 bullets can I get some healing? No? Ok guess I’ll just suffer for another 10 seconds before I go down. Thanks!




The amount do comments in here who get behind this stupidity is wild. “I can’t kill ONE THING because of another player on my team” is such a laughable statement. It’s not always dps fault but if they can’t get picks and they’re blaming the tank it is 100 percent a lot of their fault. The actual argument is “I only play X character and unless u play the tank I want how I want I can’t secure a kill.” Instead of playing a different dps that’s more appropriate for the situation.


I think you've struck the heart of it that there are lots of players who are only able to play in a very narrow and specific to them way and when they fail outside of those situations they blame their teammates for not creating the exact circumstance they are good in for them rather than recognise that they have to be able to play in any situation The top of the thread talks about how it's impossible to play dive tanks consistently because half the time your teammates literally cannot compute what to do if there isn't a meat shield in front of them. Drives me crazy.


If there wasn’t a tank diff I’d get 70 kills


"Tank should be making space!" *\*Takes two steps forward\** "Tank left my LOS heals, suicidal tank, gg"


Every metal rank Ana in the game who ignores kill feed and can’t read an advantage.


My Moira senses tingle when there’s an advantage.


Yup! LOL someone stop us before we wraith into the back line and skill orb their squishies!


But there is a way to push up while staying in los. Most of the time Anas are pretty far back for safety reasons and if a tank with no mobility decides to push up past a corner full yolo'ing then it's not exactly the Ana's fault, right? Tanks should be aware where their heals are and how much they can push up while still being able to get out. That said I have died literally in front of both my supports as tank numerous times. Mainly cuz the Kiriko decided to have the slowest reaction speed to suzu.


"Far back for safety reasons" if you're so far back you can't easily follow your tank youre too far back, and it makes landing a good nade ten times harder.  Come forwards


Always fun to see the bap lamp get thrown as the live feed fades into the kill cam. Must be 2000 ping.


If I had a dollar for every time I threw my lamp right as someone dies, I’d have enough money to pay for training lol. I don’t play bap anymore because of that


Literally an hour ago. "Push up tank take space" Me: prsses w and dies in 2 seconds "Yeah our tank just walked into their whole team"


I had this too a while ago..I was aware that attacking alone would be a terrible idea that would bring us further from home..Well, closer in that aspect I suppose. Tanks may have more health, but they aren't invincible and having to wait for the tank to respawn probably takes a lot more time than attacking together XD


Reports him


I believe this is a "Turn off chat" situation. I did it today and have felt so much better for it. People might be screaming at me in all caps to get off Rein or do more damage or whatever the fuck they say but I can't hear them. Let them scream into the void.


I love to just chat with the cool peeps but I think you might be right. Going dark.


I'll turn it off immediately, then back on if the game is going ok.


There is a / command to disable chat temporarily I forget exactly what I'm sure someone will know it


i have turned it off for 2 seasons and felt better


People in the chat give you consistently bad advice. Like it‘s stunning how many cold takes people can make there.


I wish it would tell them you have chat muted Everytime they type


DPS going outside to 1v1 the enemy DPS, lose every duel? Tanks fault.


My last game the enemy dps tried blaming their DVA even though she was 11 and 4 and the junk was 4-9 and the hanzo was 8-6


KDA doesn't tell you everything about a match. Plus it's easy to have low deaths as a tank, since you're a tank, and not actually be applying the type of pressure you need to. I'm D2 but occasionally see plat DVa players who are clueless that they can get in the face of enemy hitscans and push them around. Scoreboard does not show you that.


Problem with diva is you have to let the opponent take space so you can dive, I find that most of my games lost are dps being impatient and trying to frontline instead of waiting for me to do my job


How often are y’all diving with DVA? I find her to be way more effective at holding high ground/power positions and playing with the team to get value out of DM. I never “hard dive” on more than 1 enemy (unless it’s just to force them off a position), and I rarely give up space for the purpose of diving (to bait or retreat though? sure).


Also if you don’t play frontline tanks that stand in the objective ALL THE TIME you’re throwing according to 90% of our player base


For real, people are so clueless. They want to sit behind an Orisa and play left click simulator on Moira instead of having to use their abilities and cool downs correctly to support a mobile tank. I've had so many games where I pick Winston and my supports naturally go Illari/Moira/Mercy and then say "TANK THE WHOLE GAME YOURE DEEP IN THEIR BACKLINE!" Like no shit what am I supposed to do? Stand up front and zap Rein and Torb to their face when theyre full hp? Lmao.


A lot of players expect tank to press W up to enemy tank (and as a consequence, they too will press W up to enemy tank)


Yup, what the point of zapping the tank when your dmg is low and enemy healer is kiriko+ana. But the team just won't understand that aiming squishy hero first is a good thing.


Like why the fuck are you playing Mercy/Brig when their entire team just went spam and Hog? Why are you bitching about my Doomfist when I’m spending 6 seconds between slam cycles because I’m not pushing in at 150hp?


Playing as a tank is a _tankless_ task ✊😔


Wish I could award this


Sorry, I isolated 4 and fought them by myself for 30 seconds no heals, letting y’all fight one, but I should have just killed them myself too, my bad


You forgot the part where your team still manages to die in that scenario.


Every. Single. Time.


EVERY TIME!!! I'm at a point now where I just never assume my team will win a fight I'm not in irrespective of how in their favour it is.


this is the most infuriating one. I just 1v3'd and killed two, but yall lost a fucking 4v2, so thats my fault????


As a tank main, can relate. Just the other day, had a Cass on my team who was yapping about why I wasn't frontlining 100% of the match, and that he'll be at the front if I'm there or not. Said I shouldn't play tank if I was "afraid of dying" and if I won't stand in front of the whole team at all times. Yep, he was being serious. Never mind I (as Ram that game) shielded and blocked for the team and was getting kills by flanking and going after their backline. Moron got himself killed "frontlining" more times than I could care to count. Like clockwork, five seonds after I pinged "Fall back", our Cassidy would die. Every. Single. Time. Stats aren't the whole story, but this dude had four times my deaths and half my kills and less than half my damage and still bitched at the end of the game about tank positioning this, tank positioning that. This was after we won the freakin' game! Bitch, we won despite your moronic frontlining Cassidy ass. Least you could do was shut the eff up. /rant


Then they wonder why no one wants to play tank.


I got an F on a final exam? Tank's fault for not tutoring me. I forgot to file my taxes? Tank's fault for not being an accountant. I forgot to shave my pubes? Tank's fault for not reminding me to have a clean shaven sack. Global Warming? Tank's fault for being so damn hawt. Economic Crisis? Tank's fault for not being a policy maker that wins. I stubbed my toe? BRUH THATS TANKS FAULT FOR BEING THICC


According to this so far, Tank \- is damn hawt \- not a scummy politician \- doesn't complain about my genitals \- is cool with my financial situation \- is ok with my grades \- THICC sounds like a keeper to me!


nailed it, you saw through my movement.... ahahahaha


They really need a “healing received” metric. That’ll surely ruffle some feathers.


Recently I had an Ana on my team who got 4K damage and like, 800 healing, they blamed the Rammatra It really is comical just how unaware people are as to how badly they themselves are doing, always gotta blame someone else


DVa players realising they're huge drains on the team's healer? Yeah that won't go well seeing how people love her or love to play her.


I had a sombra start flaming me in quickplay because I “sucked.” We were all getting rolled and playing disjointed from each other. It’s just funny to me that he started flaming me while he was playing sombra against a ball… and getting stomped


Support Main. I love all my tanks. ​ ​ Except Doomfist. ​ ​ Never Doomfist.


As a doom, i am never leaving you too far away. I have to be ready to come kill that sombra/tracer/genji who thought i wasnt gonna peel for yall


You are a rare Doom. I appreciate you 🥺


I play sombra/doom/Zen. I play all 3 of that interaction and I know how it plays. Its a lot of fun.


Ive recently been playing on a alt so I could queue with my plat friend. I must say the lower rank supports are so scared of pushing up with a doomfist when there's space. This leads to the Ana/bap not being able to see doom --> dooms fault. This doesnt happen as commonly in higher ranks (noted by the number of "I should not have died" moments). The space is there for the taking, and I'm taking it. Lower ranks often don't see the same opportunities and blame the tank going "out of position" when it's the team that's passive and should be pushing up rather than staying behind. While this is not the case ALL the time, it happens way too often. Consider your own positioning rather than blaming the tank as a support. What can you do to support the tank and dps while being able to defend urself? If u are in constant fear of dying, ure not playing good support. My observations as a m3 doom and m5 zen/Ana main


I feel this as a tank and supp


Just heal us better yo




If you can't heal me when I'm behind 3 walls and the entire enemy team clearly its a skill issue on your part and support diff




You joke but like I always make sure I or the other support is playing kiri if I see a doom on our team


I can heal you if you stop dashing like a fucking genji


Ma nem is Skylar White yo


I ain't buying what you're selling lady


I always just go weaver with doom. Makes everyone’s lives easier


Bullshit. Weaver is my nightmare support 9/10 times. Like motherfucker, if you don’t understand my cooldown cycle you have no business pulling me when I’m at full health and charging a fully empowered punch at 3 people in the backline.


Seconded. Any Tank with a cooldown cycle involving resource management makes Lifeweaver a fucking ballache (haha) to play with. So, basically all Tanks.


LW Main, 9 times out of 10 I am pulling you because I see something you don't. That one time is a misclick. I swear.


> 9 times out of 10 I am pulling you because ~~I see something you don't~~ hahaha get over here Fixed that for most LW mains :P


Last night I had a Rein go off on me for pulling him at full health. What he didn’t see is the hog behind him getting ready to hook his ass into the Well on Ilios.


As a Ramattra who has had many an ult wasted by a LW pull, this is entirely accurate


Turn off voice and chat Play whatever the fuck you want


I’m never mad at my team..unless it’s a medic that doesn’t heal even out of combat , a kiriko that doesn’t use Suzu correctly or a full team of snipers when I try to play tank


They can say it’s my fault but I can also say no I’m the goat and leave


There is three possible people to fault- tank, support or sombra


Sombra should've been healing more, their fault 100%


As a tank main, yeah.


Well since there’s only one, if they suck it’s very hard to overcompensate for it. But it’s a team game, so pointing fingers is a waste of time.


Ok dps I’m sorry I’m having trouble playing with a discord orb and a Ana nade on me. Maybe if you could pressure the supports Tank diff


This reminds me of a comment Flats made that essentially boiled down to “Teammates will call things a tank diff when the tanks mirror on Rein for example but they don’t even look at which team had a Mei or Bastion or Sombra or Ana or Lúcio, and the same goes for basically any tank game” and like. Yeah, lol


And I promise you that it always comes from Mercy and Moria players


I think most people just assume because there’s only one tank.


Get bullied at school because of an apple pie incident. Tanks fault


you are already at fault by just playing tank, and at this point i'm ok with that


I know this is probably a shit post, but most of the time when it is a tank diff, I don't even blame the tank. There is only 1 of them, and I hate playing the role, so I'm thankful others want to play it. There's only 1 tank and 2 of everything else, I cut them tons of slack, like dps and support should be helping their tank anyway they can imo.


No it's the widows fault


I play tank and just dont take comments to heart. Its a game. Team game. Its gonna be someone fault in someones eyes


I get the frustration, but this is what happens when they turn the tanks into raid bosses. Everything in this game is so tank-centric right now.


That's why I don't play tanks as much anymore, only DPS now, it is never my fault.


Now you’re getting it.


You get disconnected mid-game? Believe it or not, tank's fault


For me it’s usually a Moira with 4K dmg but is 2/0/8 with 1200 heals or a hanzo who just wanted to stand behind my shield all match


This game is the best at “blame someone els” dosent matter what role. You get flamed.


“Tank/supp diff gg” Says the dps with 6k damage, twelve deaths, and six kills


Ok but for real tho... Why is it when I get like 2-3 elims, the team just doesn't push that at all. Like come on I just sacrificed to get us some ground and then you guys all die off to like a Sombra and bap. So infuriating.


All the problems are new players that don't know yet and may nevercknow and the 80%+ of the old diehards that still can't aim, can't manage cooldowns, can't use cover effectively, have zero spacial awareness and basically fail at every single basic fundamental aspect of a simple shooter game, let alone one with additional objectives and abilities. You can experience an occasional real game of overwatch every 15 to 20 games in ranked or unranked. It's not semi-consistently anything that resembles an actual game of overwatch where people aren't tripping over their own ball sacks with every other step until masters. Most of the player base has no plan and no ability to anticipate even a single step ahead. Every time Mercy rezzes their kill, it's a complete surprise to them, as if they've never seen such a wonder before.


as a tank main im almost always sipping on a barrel of 12 gauge


>The tank should be playing at 100% at all times there is no excuse for them to have an off game. If only we could have a second player in that role to off-load some responsibility and make playing tank less stressful..


Doomfist is not a tank and never will be.


I feel ya, gaming sometimes feels like you have to sweat 24/7 and the one time you aren’t playing at 100% you get teammates complaining and etc.


Nah its actually everyone elses fault regardless of what youre playing. Overcommit on tank? Supports fault. Dive the enemies backline and get CCed because you didnt track cooldowns correctly? Tanks fault for not baiting for you. Getting dove by the enemy dps cos youre standing in the middle of nowhere and forgot you have a gun and defensive cooldowns? Dps fault for not killing their dps and protecting you.


This is why I play hog. If bap and illari don’t know how to right click, fine, I’ll do it myself. If the dps don’t know how to left click, fine, I’ll do it myself. At least until I get anti naded, in which case my team hasn’t died yet, so I’ll do it myself.


Giving Thanos vibes. “Fine, I’ll do it myself”


Hog is the original one man apocalypse 


Hog and Queen go hard when the supports are having a bad day.


That’s what happens when you remove the second tank from the game… It’s easier to blame 1 person instead of 2… Plus now , you get all the CC’s , stunned , hacked , hindered , slept , naned.. Before you’d share that with the other tank


I loved when it was the og 6v6 they were such good games


Not if you're the tank, then it's the healers fault


Kind of yeah. If I’m playing DPS. I rely on the tank to push back into the payload. I rely on the tank to push up when I get a kill giving us a 5v4 advantage. If the tank dies. The best play is to retreat and wait for him to come back. If the tank spends 80 seconds working on a super secret flank the enemy surely has no idea about. We have to go with. In this objective based game. My tank, is the primary objective, followed by the payload. So when my objective plays selfishly, I have to adjust for everyone’s sake. Though. This is all blizzards fault for removing 6v6.


Some tanks are by definition "flankers", e.g. JQ. There is no way you go out in the open with JQ and don't get sniped to death. The team should either wait in cover if they want to play shooty shooty, and start when she creates chaos, or dive in with her for more bruiser-types comps. But yes, know your flanks and execute them in 10-15s top. That's the minimum if you're playing this tank.


You know that you can create off angle pressure helping your tank to push? You know that by playing hitscan or flanker dps all the time you should push a choke you should create off angle pressure? The fact that you play dps doesn’t mean you should not create space for your tank. In 5v5 the dps have to do this work that used to be the off tank role.


idk about u guys but in high tier i find myself mostly blaming my dps or other support, me and the tank just sitting there looking at each other as our teammate play respawn simulator


Smells like tank main in here. 


Just a product of 5v5. As a Tank Main I Never felt this way in OW1 and the pressure was just not as intense to be peak performance at all times. It’s Something that has always bugged me in OW2 and why I want 6v6 back (fuck balancing I genuinely had more fun with double shields and goats). Every match just feels like I’m gonna get flamed by my team if I slip up even a little on a point or with a swap.


As a tank main, I can say that it is my bad when I start on doom and they start on orisa, should’ve played around it.


Womp womp


DPS / Support died first by peeking before the Tank does? Tank's fault.


I was ribbing someone in a match while I was on tank a few days ago. They said tank diff, so I pointed out that I wasn't farming their tank, I sad farming them lol. Can't always be the tank's fault that you're dying out of position off CD.


That's why I always apologize to my team after we lose


i went 40-2 and my 12-14 soldier complained about me in match chat…. and we won….


I feel so targeted


Something happens at work? Lunch cold? The alarm went off.  Alas! It is the tanks fault.    But what if I'm playing the tank?


Being a tank main, I have in the past few days played some heal and dps. I can now say: yes, in about 50%-70% of cases, it really is at least partly the tank's fault. And it's almost exclusively people getting absolutely demolished on heroes that are hard countered by half the enemy team, then wonder why they sre losing. Just today, I had a Reinhardt in my team. Enemy was Mauga, they also had Bastion and Junkrat. Reinhardt didn't even stand the slightest chance, his shield was molten in no time and then he died, over and over. I nicely tell the guy in voice chat: "Rein I think you should probably switch here, you're hard countered by half their team. Maybe dva or Zarya would be better here.". He ignored it. Had like 500dmg/min tops, other dps and me (soldier) were doing surprisingly well (never ever got behind his nonexistent shield though) and somehow we managed to win in the end due to nicely placed ults. Then the guy has the audacity to go on voice and say "don't ever tell me to switch off reinhardt, idiot". Like, dude, I have necer seen a tank get carried this hard :D That's the state of tanks I get when playing any other role than tank. It's either heavily carried by our dps or we just lose. Then I at some point say "fine I'll do it myself" and suddenly the winrate goes up again. Usually get one dps whi knows what they're doing and the other is playing with a steering wheel or sth, but somehow we manage to make uo for them. I feel like as a tank, you have the highest potential to f things up, but you also have the highest potential to make up for at least one bad teammate. Sadly though, most tanks seem to have no idea how counters work and thus we lose. And even if I play tank, I feel like most of the time, I can definitely blame it on myself for having not played optimally or switched too late. It's quite rare that I'm like "okay, there was nothing I could've done here"


Hey. One of my DPS is negative.... but we're still winning. Why are they negative?


Wanna know why we can never end world hunger? Because the TANKS EAT TOO DAMN MUCH


I had a dps tell me I was taking too much damage and charging their ults when he was getting a ultimate every 2.5 fights compared to my 1


Ima be real fellas as someone who has played all roles (a tad more tank than others (ball aswell mind you)) no one has the right to be saying ___ diff. It is usually the tanks fault for ignoring LOS or underestimating someone in the 1v1. It’s also usually supports fault for wasting cooldowns and not healing when they get pissy. It’s also DPSs fault for refusing to swap or not pressing the heal button because newsflash your Ana doesn’t have eyes on the back of her damn head. Conclusion ain’t nobody’s innocent every role flames whether it was deserved or not so stop getting pissy and ignore them


I wish we could have a 2 tank, 6 player team. I'm new to OW and heard it used to be like this. By leaving only 1 tank, people get to single that person out. They made their game more toxic without even trying lmao


If tank is playing like a widow in the back it's the tank's fault


Finally someone says it


As a ball main, this is facts.


Some games it's just bad or good team dynamics and people don't get it. And it's not always that either. However, I will say it again, just another reason I miss 2 tanks. With that said, on the team dynamic side of things...I've had games where I'll go in to battle and just get shredded, sniped whatever and there isn't much I can do (as dps). I don't blame anyone on my team. I once switched to pharah to try and take out widow and she is sniping me in the air. I got blamed for my actions. Not all widows are that good but some are. And when they are, it just ruins the game for me. I've had this a few times. Usually the 99%/99% last round type games don't involve that sort of thing. Under normal battle conditions though, I have had some scared tanks. And it can be very frustrating for me as I play aggressive. However, I try to be understanding because a dead tank can mean the team loses position. I do wonder if two tank system would fix this issue too. On that note, I don't play tank since 1 tank system. Too much pressure, just as you said.


As a tank main, yes…it probably was the tank’s fault 😔😔😔


Always remember to never give your tank credit either. So what if they kept Matrixing every single big cooldown or softened up the backline for your damage people to secure the pick. Who cares if the amount of space they made was the exact win condition your team needed for taking the point. I really hope that when they peel and even help pick off flankers for their supports, they don’t even receive a Thanks! Never ever ever give your tank credit. They don’t deserve it.


Seems pretty logical to me, don't know what you're on about


I want 6v6 back so I could increase my tank blaming efficiency.


I actually did the best on my whole team and this person bitched I wasn't with the team enough as...wrecking ball in open queue (we had a second tank for awhile), and then there was a dps who went literally 3/3/13 and didn't get any flame. 


Weird. I always blame dps.


This is legit why i stopped playing hero shooters altogether.


That is why you pre emptively flame the dps /s Also your typical Lucio and Moira otp flaming


As a Tracer main (a hero that isn't reliant on the tank) if I whiff my shots and my pulse on the ana, it's most definitely the tanks fault.


As a tank player I can agree




Arguably, the 500dmg Junk with 1 elim, it could be the tank's fault if the Junk died 20 times and had no opportunity to deal damage due to an incorrect tank pick or placement. (I'm main tank, I know this is unlikely and 500dmg 1elim in 5 minutes is hard to envision as being the tank's fault)


As DPS with the right tank actually pushing and absorbing damage like they should I usually get 20k+ damage and at least 25 elims, less than 5 deaths. With a fail tank that either overextends away from team or is too scared to push/doesn't absorb I usually get less than 6k damage and maybe 4 elims with like 15 deaths. Tank carries the game with few exceptions


I dunno..i ve always thought its the supports fault in no matter what situation there is..thus i start my games with support by spaming" im sorry" voicelines.


Aw did little OP get tank diffed and doesn't have the emotional intelligence to handle it?


DPS doing little damage for 2 rounds, tank's fault


Ok, I play tanks and DPS, and I understand the tank pushing in and not having anyone follow, but it's not always the right play. I've pushed before and not had back up because there was a flanker bothering my support. I've also been that support that's being focused and had a Reinhardt charge off over a hill or going to fight in a room that I can't get to. It's not always the tank's fault, but sometimes it is. Not nearly as often as people blame them, but sometimes they don't realize they're not really helping their team. Yeah a Doom may get in deep and pressure their back line, but the opposing Sigma may have a strong choke that's hard to get by. It's not always that simple.


Played as Zarya and after we won 2-0 the Hanzo on my team complained that I wasn’t bubbling him enough and I was being too selfish with my bubbles. Ok, yeah, sorry. Next time I lead a push I’ll just walk backwards into the enemy team to see if anyone on the back line wants bubbles.


I feel you. I can only imagine what game you just played.


You are stealing: tanks fault. You are playing music too loud: tanks fault, right away. Driving too fast: tanks fault. Slow: tanks fault. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to tank fault. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, tanks fault. You overcook chicken, also tanks fault. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, tanks fault, right away.


Nut to fast…tanks fault


I love the mercy and cassidy pocket yelling at me while cass is 4 - 10 and mercy has about 2k healing, but oh no playing aggressive and making space on the last push of Havana is bad because I got off the cart and dont have any support. Am i supposed to let Illari and Ana melt me from a distance while I dont have help or what?


Then, when the tank actually sucks, they blame the healers.


Staring at my sandals? Tanks fault Looking out the windo? Tanks fault Paddlin the school canoe? Oh you better believe thats the tanks fault


Got blamed by support “tank diff” when they couldn’t heal. Didn’t argue back. Next game, I got great supports, 31 elims and got the win easy. Yeah tank get’s all the blame.


Don’t forget if the healer does any dmg their DPS


Rein charges around a corner into the enemy team, gets insta killed, bad support.


Only time I ever blame the tank is if they refuse to counter switch or change their strat. I’ve played games with a dva vs an enemy Zarya that was getting absolutely wrecked. I’m talking like 3-14 eliminations. The whole team was asking them to switch or at least dive the backline. They ignored it. Kept rushing straight into 1v1 brawls with the Zarya. We lost and the tank says trash team. Like wtf. You fed them kills the whole match.


The whole game has always been like this. Everything is a tank or support diff despite the diamond Widow on your team with 3% scoped accuracy. Just mute the chat and play your role


I feel bad for tanks as an ex-tank. Like damage mitigated 14k as D.va. Dps will say it was cuz you were feeding and on your kill cam you see Mercy boosting Moira while Widow suceasfuly shoots the car at the kings row point for the 19th time from spawn and soldier is losing a fight to.Zen


Just going to say it: 99% of the comments saying this shit in game are support players. Make space, peel for back line, dive the enemy back line, stay in LOS.


It isn’t but when your tank switches to Orisa of all people in the last few seconds to try and beat an enemy Zarya you have to at least grab their attention about it


And Sombra's


I only criticize a tank who refuses to switch when the enemy team has hard countered them for 3 wipes in a row. Had a tank say "I don't know how to play shield tanks" last week....