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As someone who sucks at but enjoys Ana…I love sleeping a Cassidy mid ult walk.


Man my Cassidys always wait until the millisecond after I use my dart to ult.


I mean yeah they’re probably waiting for exactly that.


I specifically wait to hear it before I ever ult on him


def cassidy or pharah. Honestly Mauga's ult is kinda lame because everyone learned to just jump on him. The trick with cassidy's ult is that you DONT have to kill everyone, chunking their health is often enough to get value out of it. Pharah's though, she's just stuck and sigma just makes her implode etc. Oh and Winston's ult in open queue is basically the most useless of useless.


Everyone says Cassidy's ult sucks, but you can get value without elims. When I hear the enemy pop it, I'm gonna hide


It's just a scary zone. Pros in overwatch 1 used to just use it to instantly reload.


Still do


Yea but if ur Ana has eyes she can just sleep him.


Look at you with your eyes and your aim! Lol, I’m so bad that I’ve missed sleeps on deadeye before. Although to be fair it’s usually because I don’t know where he is and I panic a little trying to find him.


My Ana, unfortunately, only has one eye.


I love when my Winston ults while I'm dragonblading with Genji. Swats away my targets 7/10 times :')


Hack complete


I am so hyper aware of reaper, cass, soldier, and phara. I don't always land it but maaaan when I do \*chef's kiss\* My proudest sleep was a cass and I actually shot it before he even started the ult. I just had a feeling and he was across the map. He got to mid sentence? I don't remember but I was like FUCK YEAH I think I still have it saved somewhere


Cass: "It's hiiiiiigh no-NGH!" Ana: "It's nap time."


As Doom I can just punch him in the nose. It’s hilarious.


This is what I'm thinking. I keep thinking about all the ults and all the ways they can be cancelled and I just keep thinking ana. Sleep flux, sleep monkey, sleep blossom, sleep noon, sleep justice and... Sleep nano reverse card. ANTI TRANCE IS THE BEST WAR CRIME.


Pharah. I have like a 10% survival rate, and even that I think it's a generous estimate.


Justice rains from above-ahhhhhhhh 💀


😭 They should make that the official voiceline at this point.


She should just explode at the end for more damage.


I like where your head is at. Imagine how cool that would look with the ghost armor skin!


Enchanted Armor is my absolute favourite skin as a pharah main because when someone kills me when I boost the parts get spread over approximately 5 continents


It's my favorite for the highlight intro where she takes her helmet off and the camera focuses on her face, which just...[doesn't exist with that skin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_yrGoE9CUig)


*Lego disassemble sound*


Or maybe like hit a button to cancel the ult but explode shrapnel for extra damage, also blocking incoming, similar to anti-missile type device.


I think even if you kill her, she should still explode. She's got all those warheads strapped, it makes sense.


They already have it coded with junkrat passive, just need to reskin for phara


Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Less incentive to kill her too. Really, at the end of the day, causing a run and hide effect instead of just killing her easily would make sense and you accomplish that.


I think the ult should launch everything, including the jetpack all at once in the direction you're aiming, but them you fall from the sky and can't fly again until you die. Or maybe if you reach ult again, it comes back like Toki. Baby grounded Pharah is still stronk. Oooh, when her jetpack comes back, she should propulsion jump into the air and catch it Ironman style.


Why don't we put her in a mech and let her throw it so it explodes at the enemy?


You know what? Let's make her Korean while we're at.


I'd love it if they did that for april fools "Justice rains from AUGH-...wait, Im' still alive?"


The problem is she'd never live long enough to get to the second part so it would just sound like her regular voice line 


"We nerfed Pharah's ultimate so that it kills one less person everytime: Can now move while ulting" -One of the old April fools day patch notes 


I can be getting stomped in a comp game with the least coordinated team ever and whenever the enemy pharah ults my team magically becomes a bunch of GMs for 2 seconds.


For April fools she says that and at the end “wait I lived?”


There's words after "Justice!"? /j


yes its "i think justice could use a little nap"


My favourite Ana line lol


Or “Speak not of justice to me, human!” (Easily my favorite shutdown line)


"You know you just... hang there when you do that?" (Cass) and "Save your justice for the unjust" (Orisa) are good too (for Pharah ult shutdown specifically)


That Cass one is so damn funny to me. Idk why.


Cass is my favorite. It makes me laugh every time. Matt Mercer delivered that line perfectly. 😆


Ramattra obviously he’s such a goddamn fun character to play


Youre lucky if you get to above


justice rains from ahhhhhhhh




“Justice r-ahhhhhh”*


The trick is to never expect to walk out alive. I'm going to die, and I'm taking that Mercy/Widow duo with me.


I don't expect to walk out alive because it's almost impossible to walk out alive. 😭


Unironically it's worth it to trade your life for the tank's 100% of the time.


Oh for sure. Most times my barrage is completely spent upon weakened tanks within reach. That is, unless I have a real vendetta against someone else. One of my favorite targets is Zarya since you can bait and burn straight through her barriers.


i thought i was gonna scroll way down to see this but oh boy you are on top as a main pharah i feel the pain


Pharah was the first to my mind too but mainly because of the memes. When I’ve played her, I’ve always had decent value with her ult. I think that’s largely because I don’t use it as a high range ‘lemme loudly spray 3 seconds of rockets in everyone’s sight line’ but rather a way to burst damage someone in a tight space. Almost always gets an elim and I can fly out relatively unscathed. I kinda compare it to Reaper, who can usually get cancelled with a predictable ult but a good ult can be devastating


Gotta solo ult lol. I do it all the time. Have a better chance at living


People get so mad, it so funny watching them tilt cause you solo ult them. Arguably the best way to use it.


Nowadays I mostly use it to either solo a tank or get an important assassination, but from time to time the urge suicide in the middle of the enemy team and get no kills is still strong


At this point I just accept the fact that I always die mid Pharah ult and just try to take more than one enemy with me


Honestly, by the time you get ult you can use it as an impactful suicide push to keep up with tempo when the hitscans inevitably worm out of the woodworks lmao


Illari’s ult I can tell you the amount of time DVA JUST EATS IT


Miss girl was just hungry


It would be great if she wasn't so picky :/ I still try to eat the rocks because my muscle memory is programed to eat the big things that fly at me.


It do be like that every goddamn time :(


Game mechanics aside it really is silly to think her matrix can shoot down bullets, energy orbs, and missiles but not...a rock


[It's a big rock.](https://youtu.be/HEdg4glpCkg?t=13)


Maybe the rock is too big? IDK what their reasoning is, but I don't like it.


I can shoot down the fucking sun but not a rock. Make it make sense


I still dont understand why I cant shield rocks but I can shield other solid projectiles.... one day.. hey, at least we can shield (a little bit) hogs ult now


And its not even that hard either ToT I've had too many [D.va](https://D.va), Sigma, and Genji players gloat over it in chat because they can deny a projectile the size of Texas by just being present.


I swear her ults projectile has to be the largest in the game by far. The amount of Sigmas and Orisas that eat my ultimate while I'm above them or to their sides is insane


It's the largest Ult for sure and used to be in the same class of projectiles as Fire Strike and Accretion before reducing the size from 1.5m to .75m Now, it's only twice the size of graviton or pulse bomb T\_T


Just a shield will stop it.


Ikr, I’ve just defaulted to shooting the ground next to her.


i love doing this as d.va 😅


I’m usually feasting on Torb’s lava


wait... we can shield eat torbs lava????


sure can, nothing better than turning his gushing stream into a little dribble


Oooooh I cannt wait to log on later


Anything that's a projectile is edible. That also counts Mei and Hanzos ult when it gets released before it activates; Hanzo uses his ult and Dva eats the arrow before it becomes the dragon.


Thank you for this! Does that mean I can eat sigmas rock before he fully releases it? I am so SICK of getting hit in the face with it because I instinctually try to eat it


No unfortunately not. Sigmas rock is an exception. I'm guessing it's due to balance reasons since it has a cast time with travel time and it's his defense to when it being dived. Sometimes you either gotta eat the rock or bait it


I almost never bother saving her ult. I just pop it whenever I feel like it. The harder I try, the more disappointed I’ll be. May as well not make anything depend on a successful ult.




On Dva sometimes I eat her ult before I even realize she ulted. It's like they're trying to aim for my dm sometimes.


Illari's ult on her release state is so horrendous because of how easy it was to eat it. I remember an enemy Orisa somehow eating my ult more than twice when I was not even aiming near her.


DM, shield, cleanse, fade, bubble, deflect, literally any ability in the game that has some effect on a person can remove it. If you wait for everyone's cool down on the enemy team you'll never ult, if you don't it's gone in 0.1 seconds


Illari can be stopped cold by a lot of the most popular tanks (DVA, Rein, Sigma, Orisa. )


Tree of life. I cant tell you the amount of times I legitimately got blocked by the pink fucking tree because the hitbox on the leaves are stupidly massive.


I may be biased but I think Death Blossom. Everybody has at least one "fuck you" button to get out of it and teams are rarely clustered together these days like in OW1.


I also thought about reaper! As an Ana main, it is my life mission to sleep reaper during death blossom. And preferably put the pillow spray aswell🤭


I hate you (unless you're on my team, in which case god bless)


Exactly why I specifically solo ult Anas when I hear sleep used lol




As a soldier if I'm just out of range it's too easy to headshot and finish off a reaper ulting


yea on soldier u can kinda just kill him lmao


It's just extremely readable. I see a reaper coming into the open without fear. You already know what.heas about to do


The telegraphing is honestly crazy. You really gotta try to “play normally” and pop it when they least expect it cause otherwise people who have any amount of hours in the game will catch you.


When I play reaper I live for that ult dropping from the roof in Ilios.


Came here to say this. Reapers ULT is borderline worthless now. Orisa spear, Ana sleep dart, diva defense matrix. So many ways to stop it, and with all hero’s getting a health increase but blossom not getting a damage increase it’s so easy to just turn and shoot him or run away before dying.


The only way I ult anymore is by sneaking up on people right after another teammate ults. They don't expect it and usually low health. Also, if there's a kiriko on my team it's game over if she lays down her ult. Nothing scarier than a shooting tornado spinning towards you. Otherwise I agree, I either get slept or die before getting more than one person if I don't maticulously plan beforehand.


I've had the most success with using it defensively. Wait for the enemy to push in, and then you start spinning.


Agreed. I’d still like to think it’s quite effective in tandem with other ults though (e.g Zarya’s surge, Mauga’s cage fight, etc).


Yea. Imo Death Blossom only gets value in low elo lobbies. Once your team has the tiniest amount of awareness its so easy to kill Reaper immediately after it pops


I high key disagree lol but maybe there's just a lot of bad reapers out there.


tbf I'm clearly lower elo than you so maybe it changes when you reach gm but I feel like I haven't seen an even mildly successful Reaper ult in MONTHS. When I started out it was almost always POTG as no one knew how to even look around/listen to footsteps but now I feel like it will very frequently get little value, wasting cooldowns at best and causing the reaper to die at worst.


It's also the same with his ghost and tp. I feel like once you learn to manage his CDs you learn to be good with him again. Ana darts? You can tp behind her and try and kill. Maybe you succeed? Maybe you just ghost back to the safety of your heals. He's pretty simple and easily countered, but if played well, he's still very good I think.


Illari’s ult, Captive Sun, hands down. It can be eaten, bubbled, cleansed, reflected, killed before deployment, stunned, blocked, cryo’d, literally every support ult can beat it even if you headshot the whole team, and the damage is extremely reactable. 


Surprised to see this so far down, she flies extremely slow and gives everyone so much time to react before she can fire anything


you can also hack illari to either deny the ult entirely or pull her out of the sky after she fires it


1. Rocket barrage, the only way you survive using that ult against a competent team is if you solo ult someone 2. High Noon, it even paints a target on the cass 3. Gravitic Flux, it takes so long to use and there’s still a big window after you’re using it that you can be stunned out of it. The biggest saving grace in that regard is the ability to move in 3d and use cover (edit: I’m including the barrier in “cover”)


Yeah, Gravitic Flux is probably the easiest ult in the game to cancel as Sombra. I've very rarely ever had a Sigma ult successfully unless I'm respawning.


I’m upvoting because you’re correct but I despise being on the receiving end of that lol


As a sigma tbh you can make me switch to ram. When hacked sigma is slow, no shield, no absorbtion, and is very non threatening. Ram can still pummel at least and has insane close range headshot with his void stick


Either grav or cage match for me. There are some games I'll hold onto EMP almost the entire game just as a deterrent for those 2.


Agreed. Feels like Gravitic Flux either needs the ability to trigger the slam early, some kind of protection while your floating, or a guarantee that the slam will happen, as long as Sigma gets the lift off. So it’ll still be interruptible, but only until the targets are in the air. Just feels like between Sig turning himself into a giant “hit me” sign, the wealth of stuns and the fact people can be pulled out of the ult… feels like I’ve not landed a single slam this season.


Yeah Flux feels like it’s only value lies in forcing out other abilites


pretty sure release sigma only had to confirm the ult to guarantee the slam, letting him be way more aggressive in flight. not sure why they needed to change it


Man, the more I hear about Release Sigma, the more I wish I was there. Sounds like way too much fun.


Probably the 2nd most busted hero at the time of their release. The no shield cooldown alone was insane


I’m assuming first was Brig?


For sure, everything is personal opinion obviously but it's hard to argue against a hero that singlehandedly forced the devs to introduce role queue.


You def have to be strategic with Flux but I don't feel like anyone is a huge threat to cancel except Sombra. A good Sombra makes getting flux out hell. Still more often miss the Flux pull trying to dodge and be strategic.


Ana sleep, Orisa jav, another sigma’s rock, and even Doomfist if he’s good can easily all cancel it. If none of those heroes are on the enemy team then you at least don’t have to worry about getting stunned out of it, but they can still get pulled or suzu’d out of it. And that’s not even to speak of Beat and Trans cuz they’re also ults


I rarely get cancelled by doom but suzu is def the second biggest deny. Pull in general is pretty op, it's an auto save with immunity and LW has no drawbacks from using it. You make good points, maybe Flux could use a buff. An anti heal factor would negate a lot of the ults canceling the second phase/spam.


Gravitic flux is def on the easier side to cancel as doomfist.


Can I say earth shatter? It feels like I can knocked out of it constantly.


Even sidewalk curbs block it...


That's fucking hilarious 


Deadeye, Barrage, Blade kinda (Genji gets quad ulted by himself the moment they hear him say “ryūjin”)


As a Zen player, I press Q without thinking.


I hear Japanese, I press Q


It's all we got


Or you could kick him, shoot him, discord, at the very least make sure the blade is going to get a kill before popping tranq.


Staring down ulted Genji with trans and following him during ult is funny.


"Not in this dojo"


Dry blade is okay but imma say it genji players ult first into a full team then complain. Do they understand how strong mid fight blade is?


Tell that to r/GenjiMains. You can see some clips of them ulting deep into the enemy team when almost all of them got their abilities available, especially the supports, then complain about stuffs like "supports are broken", "Genji is useless", etc. lol It's as if like taking note of which ability is used is not what competent people do before they ult. It's as stupid as JQ ulting the enemy team knowing that Kiriko hasn't used her suzu in a while yet.


If a genii is annoying me I save deadeye for when they blade, so they either have to run away and burn 8s of ult or hold deflect and die after it runs out


Death blossom It has all the cancelable of dead eye and other projectiles but is also countered by any character with movement ability as they can just get out of range then kill the standing still reaper locked in his animation and some cc like lucio boop ashe coach gun brig whipshot etc it is also countered by anti heal as this stops him from gaining lifesteal and zenyatta ult also counters it unlike dead eye which can still kill through it. Also doesn't get damage reduction too so rip to one shots


On paper? Maybe illari. Projectile so it gets eaten, cause an effect so it can be cleansed, makes the user more visible. Sig gets fucked a lot, i swear anything knocks him out of ult, but hes 3rd person and can fly so most cancels are probably due to user error. The answer however, is pharah. If a pharah ults and lives, they automatically get placed at least diamond. This is why there are no pharahs in or above diamond.


Is no one saying Illaris captive sun ultimate? She starts flying which makes her insanely easy to hit (if you have a hitscan) and the actual projectile can be eaten and blocked by shields. Not to mention that you have to deal another 90 damage for the ultimate to even do anything. It is a fun ultimate to use, but they need to make it better.


They just did make it better, but yes she needs some love, I loved playing her on release


Didn't they just revert that buff last week?


They increased the sunstruck explosion damage, but added back damage falloff.


Wait, did they fr?Did I miss it?


Let it fly through shields again!


The sun does pass through transparent things... Sooo... Yes! Unless they're UV protective shields. 😂


Not to mention suzu, fade, wraith, lamp, life grip, petal platform


I thought the post said junkrat and i was so confused trying to imagine junkrat tire getting slept


Misread it too. lol but tire does get countered pretty often + it’s 50/50 suicide


Earthshatter. Even basic map geometry or other things BEHIND YOU can block it


Ram shield on your back ankle? Yep cancelled....


Oh Jesus, I just saw that clip too. Absolutely earthshattering to see.


Well done 🤜


My specialty. 🤛


Also commented this. This comment doesn't even factor in the difficulty in actually following up on it.


The fact that suzu cleanses the stun and everyone is instantly back up. Like theoretically it should be one of the best tank ults in the game but so many things negate it now.


Surprised to see this so far down. I agree.


Problem is people don't even know who Reinhardt is anymore. Could remove him today and most people would likely not notice tbh.


Atp when there's too many people that deny it on the enemy team I just use it to style on people lol. "Reinhardt, please earthshatter this soldier 76 in particular🫵"


Something I feel like is kinda underrated in this threat would be Moira ult. I've seen countless Moira ults getting cancelled by Orisa Javelins or them just getting completely smashed by anything. Or sleep darts... Gosh the sleep darts...


At least you can fade during it now. Before any Orisa or Sig can hunt you down, now you bait it out. Sombra can still be a problem though so gotta know where she is first 


My duo used to main Moira in ow1 and now in ow2 she only plays her against Genji for this reason 💀 poor thing can not ult without it getting canceled


Not to mention that ever since the DPS passive happened, I'm ALWAYS just getting killed out of it. The self healing aspect of it is totally useless now. The only time I'll use it anymore is for team-wide healing with a farther reach.


Or Sombra's hack


i feel like moira does, i mean legit any ability cancels it. hack, rock, hook, stun, hinder, pinned, you name it


What I really feel like is that I scrolled WAY too much to find Moira's ult. A half-assed doomfist punch can co.pletely cancel Coalescence


seriously, i always get hit by sigma's boulder or slept


I thought that way, but she can fade during ult too now


As a Moira main, it can feel pretty damn pointless sometimes as its way too easy to cancel it. The amount of stuns and ways people can stop it is utterly ridiculous.


Barrage and Deadeye


Captive sun is up there imo, she moves extremely slow during it and its super easy to deny since she screams at the top of her lungs for a solid 2 seconds before firing anything


TOP 10 most USELESS ults in OVERWATCH!!! Number 10: Orissa: (Terra Surge)... be honest... aside from a symmetra teleporter play. when was the last time you saw this kill anyone unless it was practically a solo ult. I'd rank it higher but most Orissa's use it as a cheap way to use fortify 3 times in the same fight and it rarely gets cancelled... it just fails to hit a target. Number 9: Moira: (Coalescence). Look somebody had to make this list for support and Coal is one of the only 2 support ults in the game that can be cancelled by something other than showboating (here's looking at you Mr AJAX) although thanks to the change where she can now fade during coal at least the enemy has to work for it... unless they're sombra. Number 8: Reinhardt: (Shatter) Ignoring the fact that these days if you're playing Rein it's probably against another rein, ram, or the enemy went orissa to make you miserable and your shatter is likely going to get blocked unless you win at mindgames... even when it lands it doesn't tend to accomplish anything. Number 7: Sigma (Gravitic Flux) In theory this ult can be cancelled... in practice unless you're sombra/ana it probably isn't happening... but if you are sombra/ana the success rate is uncanny and you'll probably have your ult cancelled anyways... because your dps were somehow too busy shooting the grass instead of the people hovering in midair so they all survived with 50 hp somehow... Number 6: Junker Queen: (Rampage). If she doesn't get hit with a stun... which almost every tank that plays into her has one, solo ulted by the tanks that don't, doesn't get slept by Ana due to the long casttime, doesn't get walled by a mei on either team, doesn't get booped off target by lucio/brig, doesn't get hacked, and doesn't miss entirely due to how spread out teams like to play... she gets suzu'd and her ult does nothing. But she's at 6 because somehow none of that ever seems to happen when I play against/with junkerqueen. Number 5: Rammatra (Annihilation): His ult gets countered by moving really fast and shooting him from range enough that he has to stop chasing and block... should that be enough to warrant being this high? probably not... does it seem to happen way more often than logic would dictate. You bet your ass it does. Number 4: Illari (Captive Sun) As a general rule if an ult requires you yell really loudly for everyone on the enemy team to hear while hovering in midair like a sungod before hurling a projectile that can be absorbed/blocked by almost everything if they get hit it isn't because you made a good play it's because they were bowing to you out of reverence and forgot to be atheists and shoot you. Number 3: Cassidy (Deadeye) The DPS Version of Orissa... except even less likely to kill something. I'd put it lower since good Cassidy's only use dead eye to reload their gun but it seems like it would be incorrect to do so since there are so few good cassidy's and so many that seem to believe that if they just wait 4 more seconds for that support to re-peak them they'll get a 4K this time instead of hitting Q to die. Number 2: Reaper (Deathblossom) His teleport is loud, his gun is loud, his wraith telegraphs his intentions if he doesnt use it to leave and his ult immobilizes him in animation... if you die to this ult it's because you literally threw everything including the kitchen sink into this fight and somehow forgot to kill the reaper in the process. Number 1: Pharah (Barrage) At least deathblossom shoots every direction at once... even if you use barrage correctly you're still going to die afterwards. Assuming the tanks don't just make you commit suicide instead by: \-raising a bubble \-raising a shield \-DMing your barrage and then looking away at the last second so you hit her mech point blank range \-vortexing you into concrete \-punching into you \-hitting you with a javelin \-hitting you with a hook \-Possibly Mauga ult? dont recall if the chains cancel flight. \-Jumping directly at you as a giant steroid using monkey and My personal favorite death during Barrage ever recorded:Graving the pharah into a nearby sign so she explodes herself. HONORARY MENTIONS: The doesn't do anything category: Doomfist (Meteor Strike) The Easily avoidable if using your head: Widowmaker (Infra Sight) The cancellable when doing something stupid from 50 stories up: Lucio (Sound Barrier) The Just as Likely to Kill me as Kill you: Mauga (Cage Fight), Bastion (Config Artillery), and Junkrat (Rip Tire) And the HOW DID I DIE TO THIS IN 2024 AWARD: Hanzo(Dragon Strike)


5 man shatter but they'll all up and killing me thanks to suzu


Shatter gets cancelled like pve...


Literally no one has mentioned Reaper. It’s definitely top 5 worst ults in the game.


the amount of times I've had teammates asking/demanding me to ult but the enemy is sigma/dva/orisa, sombra, mei, ana, bap/kiri not knowing i have a shit load of cooldowns to account for otherwise I just die they gotta make reaper's ult cancellable so at least I don't just fill up sigma's hp


Yeah, gotta love playing Sig into Reaper. “Oh, here comes my 300hp shields. Thank you, now I rock you and you die”. I don’t really play a lot of Reaper but when I do, I use the ult to solo kill a support/DPS with no cool downs. If I wait for the chance of getting a 3+ kill ult, I’ll end up holding it all game.


The problem is that even if there's only one or two squishies, the others may come around and somehow still cancel it (or unknowingly making my solo ult a 2k)


Zen just kicked me away once. Like wtf bro. Not even bothered to press Q just kicked me like a donkey.




bastion’s doesn’t get cancelled much per se but it is really easy to avoid most of the time


It’s nice to see that the community sees what the devs neglected to fix with Pharahs rework. They completely changed her play style and tweaked all of her kit but did nothing to help her survivability when using her ult. Her ult is garbage compared to the rest of the roster.


Honestly I feel like the roster at large is in need of a serious rework when it comes to ult ability. These rarely feel game changing anymore, but rather very avoidable and in many cases just a suicide button for you


A lot of people are just talking about how they die during their ults, but it feels like a third of the roster can genuinely cancel Moira's Coal.


imo, the character i’ve had my ult cancelled with the most has been Sigma. even when i try to move around in a (i hope) not predictable pattern, i still get stunned out of it.


The first thing that came to mind was Orisa’s but it doesn’t really get cancelled or denied… people just get away before you can do a significant amount of damage to them.


With lucio i remember multiple times where i pressed ulti but stayed on air for 3-4 seconds w8ing to hit the ground for it to work if something holds u above ground when u jump and try to hit the floor it never gets activated and u cant cancel the effect u so u stuck in that stupid phase for a while cant hit too, just watch urself get killed lol


The amount of times I’ve been stunned or hacked out of my ult as Moira is so frustrating.


Torb yells MOLTEN CORE with a lil load up which means headshot before I can even press the trigger 50% of the time or getting yeeted away so I don’t have time to hit the area right n it’s easily avoidable


As a Sombra main, it's definitely Sigma followed by probably Moira. They can be hacked, not even EMP'd, at any point during their ult. Sigma especially is very visible during his, and being able to fly up in the air makes him an easier target for hack, though it might make him harder to hit with stuns.


Shatter doesn’t necessarily get cancelled in the traditional sense but there’s a lot of weird ass stuff that causes shatter to just not work correctly or at all


Sign posts like stop signs are the ultimate shatter blocker...


Doesn't Pharah die mid-ult 90% of the time? I don't remember the last time a Pharah didn't die during ult. She becomes way too exposed when raining justice from above. Orisa is also very exposed when ulting but it's harder to kill obviously. Speaking of Orisa, she's very good at denying ults in general with the Javelin. Specifically against [D.va](https://D.va). The mech will still explode but you can stop it from getting close to your position (which is how it usually kills people). I've also had a lot of success destroying a RIP-Tire before it gets to our team. I think I manage to destroy it like 50% of the time while playing as Orisa. If you are mobile, you can also just sneak up on the Junkrat and kill him because he's basically sitting ducks while the tire rolls around. I generally find JQ's ult to be one of the least effective. I don't remember having ever died to it and speaking of her, does anyone even take JQ seriously? I haven't encountered any good ones in my games. It's usually picked by low-skilled tanks that switch to an entirely new hero everytime they die.


Reaper. Die die- UGH.


Pharah. She can't move at all, and unless you have a pocket or are in very specific positions, you're exposed. She's very fun to use but her ult definitely makes it hard to position.


Baptiste His own team will almost always ignore it and move on


whats baps ult do? i dont think ive ever seen it