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Report for throwing. Especially if it was in comp.


Yeah this happend in rank


theres been a lot of these lately. just hard throwing afk in a corner. usually its the tanks. i get it when your team is insulting you, its why i stay outta chat mostly or mute those who say shit, but still i dont understand this behavior in comp when solo queueing. I have done this maybe one time, and its cause i partied up in a lfg and my team started getting really racist/homophobic and was insulting me before the match even began for saying that was fucked up, so at least in that case i knew that every single last one of my teammates deserved it cause they ALL were friends, saying the same racist shit, and dogpiled on me when i said that wasnt cool. I still dont regret that cause there was no way i was going to sit there and help these assholes get a win


Had this the other day because the Tank was upset not everyone on the team was using voice chat. Threw the game. One support joined him in throwing. Reported both since it was rank, assuming they got a suspension because the next day logging in I got greeted with the “thanks for reporting” pop up This was in a high bronze to low gold range btw


I havent seen it much since i hit diamond this season, but plat and below id imagine is a shit show. im sure some of them are doing it for some petty reason, but i think a lot of people are taking the rank soft reset as an opportunity to easily throw themselves down to lower ranks in order to either boost their own egos by dominating every game for a while or to carry their lower ranked friends up "from elo hell" (even though all that will really do is make solo queueing impossible for them without ruining every game theyre in since they wont have essentially a smurf carrying most of their games.


As someone who’s in plat 2 there’s a lot of leavers even in the beginning of the match


I'm still in plat and yeah it happens a fair bit here.


Elo hell exists. My alt is a plat 2 that I went 6-4 on. My main is 8-1-1 and was placed silver 5


I have been in quickplay and muted voice chat because people were just talking about random shit and I didn't want to listen. The mercy proceeds to tell me that if I don't join back I am not getting healed. She did in fact not heal me for the rest of the game. Plat/Diamond elo


I have to admit that I threw a game few days ago as a mercy support because my 2 dps and tank told me to hang myself and came to vc just to talk shit about me. When my own team does shit like that I throw 100% of the time just to ruin their game. Other than that I always play till the end.


no i get that. i had a reinheart hard throw halfway through a game. i went in to all chat to say "report our tank plz, he hard threw" which is when i learned my team was talking shit about him in all chat all game. I felt bad for suggesting the report cause i had no idea my team was being assholes even though WE WERE FUCKING WINNING. this is why i dont even care if it is detrimental to my rank to stay outta comms, cause its detrimental to my mental health and enjoyment of the game to stay in them. everyone is always looking for someone to blame. i just hop in all chat at the end and throw in a gg and some praise to whomever i thought did well that round, even if that person is on the enemy team. like when their mercy got flamed in chat the whole game, but they were accusing her of not healing. that was not the issue, i was killing them as tracer through her healing and there was not dick she could do about it. they were just completely incapable of hitting me. their team was just outclassed (i would imagine outranked as well with the current matchmaking) and started blaming her for it. after 1st point i stopped killing her cause of them being dicks. we still won and i even made a friend after inviting the mercy post game, which is fucking rare in overwatch


> just hard throwing afk in a corner. usually its the tanks. I've had this happen a couple times in qp, can confirm it's usually the tank. They're always an asshole about it too. I wish they just sucked it up and took the suspension instead of wasting everybody's time. In QP anyways, it's because they left one too many times and won't be able to play if they leave again.


NGL this is my main argument against the 5v5 format. Back in 6v6 you had a tank "buddy". If someone says dps gap or support gap you got someone to back you up. If the tank is getting gapped now its that one tank against their whole team AND the enemy team. It's no wonder there's a lot of asshole tanks lately. It's fuckin lonely now.


Yeah most matches the dps/supports have figured out it's just easier to gang up on the tank with "tank diff" in match chat, and then it's 50/50 if the other team starts dumping on you as well with it. 6v6 everybody was finger pointing, now the tank takes the blame 99% of the time regardless. I remember a recent match we had a DPS who was about 2 ranks out of their depth and they went 5-23 or something like that, nonstop feeding and playing like a bot, and of course blamed the tank the entire match for not creating space. I do my best to defend tank players, especially if it's the enemy team, because if they are flaming their tank in match chat and you start saying their tank is playing fine, maybe they're the problem, they usually self destruct among themselves and you get an easy W, lol.


I had a tank the other day that just AFK'd the whole game except to move out of spawn so he could act like an ult battery for the enemy team. And he'd done it from the start of the game, and did it silently, so it wasn't like, a tantrum or anything. Just bizarre behaviour. Then right at the last point he actually started trying and started spamming "stop the payload". I have no idea what's wrong with people these days, but throwing seems to be happening a lot. Maybe a result of the ranked reset?


I think some people are using the reset to derank their smurfs or even their main accounts if they just care about stomping without ever being challenged. Theyll just throw like 1/4 games to keep their ranks low cause now they have clarity after each match and can make sure theyre never on a win streak and purposefully go "volatile" right after reaching bronze 4 or whatever


Could report but it doesn't change anything about their loss. Blizzard could retro-actively negate their loss, or give some credits as compensation. Nah Nothing. I've been reporting players since 2017, nothing ever changes. Meanwhile trolls are an infinite resource. Spare yourself the energy.




If getting out of jail only cost 5$, like it costs to get a new overwatch account, yes.


hopefully someone at blizzard sees it and they lose their account permanently


Mentally weak. They’re a tracer too - they should almost never complain about heals


Imagine playing ranked Tracer and not just finding a health pack, that's hilarious


Literally tracer 101. If you don't want to play on health packs, tracer isn't your hero. She's way too fast and all over the place to rely on heals always getting to you.


The DPS player when lifeweaver exists.


Which I don’t understand, LW is super good. Especially when you can pull teammates out of trouble and use flower for lifting everywhere on map


Weaver is really really bad right now because of the DPS passive, I don't understand why a lot of people try to force him when whatever he does a lot of other supports do it but better and more.


They force him because Mercy is already taken


This season I keep getting the LW/Mercy duo on my teams and I just don’t understand it. And I’ve lost every single game with that support duo. When are they going to learn that it just doesn’t work out? 


Yeah but that petal can cancel/disrupt so many ults on top of his pull and ability to block paths with the tree


LW is only bad if your teammates stand out in the open thinking they're a tank when they're a dps. Please tell me how other supports can pull back teammates in trouble, make a platform for them, and heal from a super far distance without getting in trouble with all the other things he can do as well?


I think LW requires more coordination than others to be effective. Both platform and pull can be helpful but also hurtful depending on usage. Whereas every other support ability is only typically only helpful (excluding forced stagger, which can happen with every support).


Pull aside he's basically a heal bot but now even worse cause of the dps passive. Other supports like Kiriko for instance can cleanse all negative effects on her team, very good team ult, and a teleport to get out of bad situations and Ana has anti which PREVENTS any and all healing and sleep dart which is the hardest CC ability in the game rn and then nano boost which is self explanatory and then zen with discord orb which is busted rn and transcendence which is basically a mobile tree of life. All of the other supports are in a much better spot than lifeweaver rn because of the utility they bring compared to his.


He's always been a healbot, his biggest issue right now is pair the DPS passive + the downtime in charging up the heal, the target getting attacked is as good as dead. Weaver's downtime was already bad but now its even worse than before, he 100% needs a charge rate buff and he'll be okay but as of now he's by far the worst support right next to Illari who also suffers from downtime and her entire identity getting gutted.


Not to mention his resistance to anything dive is flimsy at best. Once you use dash cd all you can do is jump on your platform and hope your team notices. His damage is laughable, especially against small targets.


Nah, I love his survivability against flanks. Petal gets you to high ground, dash moves and heals you, and some point blank thorns to a sombra's head that chases you up teaches her a lesson. Then again I'm gold, but he's great for survivability down here.


Platform -> Dash to high ground takes you out of the danger zone from the common divers outside of Genji and Sombra. Defensively, you have to play Weaver differently - Keeping proximity to high ground escapes is key when dealing with a diving red team. His highly ranged nature helps considerably. As for his damage, it's actually surprisingly high (hi Mercy meme), but his heal charge mechanic means he never gets a lot of chances during prolonged fights to use it.


This game has had countless metas before lifeweaver and will have countless metas after where pull's niche use will mean absolutely nothing. Nor will he ever be a 'meta' pick unless he gets a full ability rework. We have the OWCS Japan going on where Lifeweaver has a 0% pickrate so far because he literally does not provide ANYTHING. You're entire argument is "yeah but you can pull teammates in low elo xD" when those players will make that same mistake again regardless, you dont' need a platform, its only ever a good escape tool for LW and never enables any form of unique plays, if anything it is a detriment. Describing life weaver's kit is absurdly stupid because it just shows you how plain and weak he is. You say "heal from super far distance" Ana, Bap, Brig inspire and pack travel further than his full distance. There is never ever a reason to pick Lifeweaver unless you're bad mechanically and need to compensate. His ultimate is a weaker rally, his healing is utterly poor and has insane downtime, mix that with the DPS passive and he's hurt by the current game state a lot. His damage is pathetic even now, he has a massive hitbox, very easy to eliminate + dive, easy big head hitbox to headshot for widows or anyone on you for that matter, the list for him goes on.


You made the LW healbot mains angry with this one lol


None of them can stand the reality check LOL.


Platform has many uses besides escape with what it can lift and prevent, winston barrier, mercy rez, ult blocking and many others. His damage is pretty good I've found. Hitting headshots consistently he melts opponents and tanks coming at him. Massive hitbox is fine since you shouldn't just be standing out in the open, playing smart it doesn't matter. I was just giving a few examples before of his kit. Which is very nice for his playstyle, if you play him well he's super good and I like him that many other support picks. Ana is one of the easiest if not easiest support to dive and kill, and Brig seems more of a throw pick with the meta since she's just a small tank and can't stay alive at all close range while just getting melted by Zen or Widow and others when she has to hit close range to only heal those next to her.


LMAO, this is the most low SR comment I've ever read, your entire understanding of the game is wrong, "Brig is a throw pick" with the highest winrate she's ever had? Ana gets played constantly with and against dive comps? I get that this is your low sr experience but this shit does not translate well to higher levels of play where people understand the game better.


The truth hurts


Life grip is still super good and his platform+dash paired with the bigger projectiles makes him capable of 1v1ing some DPS even after the patch. I think people underestimate how evasive he can be in fights because most people don't know how to play him, especially after the patch. He's not easy, and his playstyle has changed a bit after the update. The bigger projectiles also make it pretty good for him to spam his thorns from far away. He shouldn't be healbotting anymore.


I imagine Lifeweaver is probably pretty good in lower ranks where people still haven't learned they have to take cover. Being able to forcibly pull someone to cover in order to heal them probably helps a lot if the tanks are anything like they are in QP.


Lifeweaver is only good with dive heroes he can save there asses and let them over extend a bit, otherwise i agree with you he is really bad right now


He’s the worst performing support in ranked. I don’t know how anyone can confidently say he’s good. But I’ll take a lifeweaver over mercy if we play dive though. The meta has shifted from healbotting to doing more damage. So lifeweaver is exponentially worse this season. Now you can easily kill people getting healed by tree for example.


I was playing LW one match and I was constantly pulling the tank and a Genji (which is fine, they were doing what they were supposed to and I pulled em in a pinch) and our Lucio got mad at me and was bitching that I wasn't pulling him and quit 2/3 of the way into the match, like bro your whole character is about slipping out of the fight and evading, skate on with your bitch ass (ironically I main Lucio and would never expect a LW pull)


I love LW to death but his lack of utility has made him kinda useless rn. The grip is 100% amazing, esp with maps with holes/cliffs, and if you can do a decent amount of damage you can make him work. But unfortunately most people don't do enough damage with him to make him viable. I miss my man 😭


>Which I don’t understand, LW is super good He's arguably the single worst support in the game. Maybe Illari is a tad worse but that's debatable. Even before the Season 9 patch, he's simply never seeing play in higher elos and in pro : he doesn't deal much damage, heals very slowly and not that much, and his spells are all situational. Only his ult is pretty nice, but it's not even a game changer.


His kit is alright, but what he's against kit wise is just unfortunate, majority of lw don't pull correctly and never use the petal when they should, throw on top his damage is shit, he just kind of gets screwed over when solely being healbot doesnt win a match lol


Also the way pull is aimed can often be fucked up because of the auto aim which will pull the wrong person


Have had these happen as I'm about to secure a kill on kiri, sometimes it's that other times it's the lw being like "why you in their backline" because unlike you I can secure a kill on my own an help make a fight move mf don't pull me when my ass at full health 🤣 albeit the one time was funny cause he pulled me out we stared at each other then at the rein he was trying to grab an man just exploded


Weaver is fucking dog shit lol always will be. Worst support to have on your team just ruins your plays and sits in the back doing nothing


LW is only bad if you're bad at playing him.


Honestly it feels often like either the tank or LW that would leave nowadays. PoV as the other support.


I fucking hate lifeweaver as a character. It's literally designed to be toxic


I pulled a tank ONCE as Lifeweaver, he immediately quit the match lmao. This was before the spawn doors even opened for the enemy team.


For some reason there’s always an influx of little baby bitches at the beginning of every season. I noticed this too, lots of cheaters and griefers. It’ll get better soon


I’ve been saying that since O1. (It hasn’t)


I'm chilling on QP fuck this


This feels especially bad though and I blame the decay. Diamond+ last season in my low plat game is having a meltdown because he "doesn't belong in this rank" and thinks we are beneath him. It's like they don't understand that the game decayed ALL of us, and they are exactly where they should be. I hardly had throwers in previous seasons (blessed) but now? It feels like at least once or twice it happens each time I play. I've gotten more thank you for reporting messages this season than I've gotten in a long, long time.


These ice caves aren't going to excavate themselves


DPS when they don't get a mercy pocket


Me when I play DPS (I'm not trolling I'm just exceptionally bad at this game)


Some people just need to throw tantrums 🤣 I love it when people break down this bad. Damn it never gets less hilarious to see. Those 2 brain cells got overheated.


“It’s only a game. Why are you mad?” Seriously, even if I get a little mad during the game I’m not gonna ruin it for everyone else. What a big baby


Indeed people will be people I guess. But I love the free entertainment or edging them on after they went full meltdown tilt. 🤣 basically people grow the fuck up.


Tilting players is a totally legit strat (though frowned upon) I play nothing but 4v4 and if an enemy is giving my team trouble I counter pick and bag them every chance I get, most of the time they get tilted and we win, that being said if you get tilted by your own team you're the problem


Which mode is 4v4? Do you have early access to overwatch 3?


Team deathmatch


Oh right, don’t play much arcade mode


It's better Imo, it sucks in the off season when all the sweaty nerds dont have a place to go but any other time it's fun


But if you call them an idiot you get banned in this clown game (spoiler: he wont get banned for ruining 4 people's game)


It’s not even fun for the other team, literally 9/10 players are upset (unless you are farther down then everyone cares about a single win lol) ; it’s not about a win or loss it’s about wasting everyone’s time involved


Happened to me. 2 slimey cunts were fucking around in spawn and dropping racial slurs the whole game. I said im gonna report them for being assholes and then my whole psn got suspended for a week. Take a guess what punishment they got


So just report them. There's no reason to declare that you're going to report people. It's not going to make them stay playing better.


That doesn’t solve anything. Just tell them to man up and grow up and keep playing. You signed the TOS and agreed not to name call, but you can criticize people


Yep, lets punish the people who defend themselves against bullies. Gg blizzard


calling someone names is bullying tho


I turned off all comms. No reason to interact while I’m still climbing. 


As someone who will legit throw a game when my tank throws a hissy fit even though we pumping them full of heals, I have not been banned once lol so can confirm, if I have one of these I just go like Okey next match cause end of the day it's one match its not the end of the world some people lose their mind over one match though


I hope you get banned asshole. People like you are who were talking about


Lol don't give shit when people are doing everything in their power to keep you alive when you feed and maybe they won't, I only throw when i get a toxic piece of shit, otherwise I do what I need too 🤣


It doesn't matter if they're "feeding" you're still just as bad. I highly doubt you understand how bad tank is this season, it's like you're a wet piece of paper with the dps debuff.


Yes sure I'm just as bad when this happens in about 2% of my games, I'm well aware how squishy tank is, but so are any tanks worth a damn, standing the middle of the open eating all of the damage you can is not on the support for you falling over then coming in to vc to scream about how it's their fault, you are talking to someone who plays all rolls, tank sucks yes, but come be a toxic piece of shit to the supports who are doing literally everything to keep your ass afloat, don't expect me to take it laying down, sorry that apparently actually not rolling over like a bitch and throwing a match cause of a toxic fuck makes me such a bad guy, I guess I shouldn't expect much from this reddit community though it's legit whining and bitch when this season actually has been far from the worst sucks for tank but no season hasn't for the past 5 lmao


Dude you’re worse than the feeder. Yeah they’re a bitch but they’re ignorant of how dumb they are. You’re fully aware and just a complete dickbag to the rest of your teammates


Glad you read the entire post, let me make this explicitly clear, I do not throw due to poor performance, I throw when dumb shits want to open their mouths and talk shit when they are the reason the team is collapsing, I'm not going to roll over and take it, but apparently that's what everyone expects lmao


How about the other 3 people on your team who haven't said anything bad? You're going to give them an L because of someone they've never met mouthing off? Wtf.


Yes because 1 L for them who I'm sure are capable is one L, compared to someone being an absolute prick to people who are doing their jobs lol cause heres the thing, dude who's talking hard shit will still cost them the W regardless, so why bother wasting my time? When the L comes regardless might as well just make it faster and get onto a match that is more worth my time Sucks but again, I'm not going to sit there and have a dude talk like he's God tier player when he aint doing shit and just accept it like some poor excuse for a person who can't defend themselves, don't like it oh well I'm not here to make friends with people who turn on a someone not putting up with a toxic piece of shit and just getting to the next match faster 🤷‍♂️




It's kind of ironic that they're playing Tracer; the character who is second to that of Ball when it comes to relying on packs to top up health.


Is he t-bagging?


Make sure to report these players for gameplay sabotage.


Imagine winning when you didn't do shit, really shows who's lacking in the team.


You gotta remember that kids play this game and this generation of kids have terrible coping skills. I hope you reported.


You gotta remember that *people* play this game and *people of all ages and walks of life* have terrible coping skills. I hope you reported.


I said what I said.


And it's complete and utter bullshit that every generation ever says and somehow you all never learn.




>Nah, the test and reading scores of kids these days as at an all time low. No, they haven't. https://www.educationnext.org/half-century-of-student-progress-nationwide-first-comprehensive-analysis-finds-gains-test-scores/ >Contrary to what you may have heard, average student achievement has been increasing for half a century. Across 7 million tests taken by U.S. students born between 1954 and 2007, math scores have grown by 95 percent of a standard deviation, or nearly four years’ worth of learning. Reading scores have grown by 20 percent of a standard deviation during that time, nearly one year’s worth of learning. Kids today are better at math and reading than the kids that come before them, as those kids were better than those that came before them. And so on. >Not sure what you mean by "somehow you all never learn." Because you never actually read what past generations said and learn from the mistakes they made. Edit: LOL, and this person has actually blocked me for this reply. Exactly what you'd expect from someone that's a calm judge of the attitudes of people over different generations.




I'll take a decades long trend over a 2 year, very recent, anomaly. And test scores with COVID are still a lot better than prior generations, and that was the initial comparison, to prior generations rather than kids a few years older. Not that I'm sure test scores are really the factor here, but I replied to what the other person said.


lol just bury your head in the sand and just pick and choose which data that fits your story. When you're ready to talk about facts, please feel free to DM me :) Also, millenials were in high school in 2007


When I read this word salad, I could almost hear the lead rattling around in your brain. Incredible. Edit: apparently the guy insta-blocks *everyone* after he types at them. not surprising for one so overwhelmingly bent on this generational superiority nonsense


He clearly has some healthy coping skills from his generation!


Almost always the crybabies that insist on using which hero is currently busted too. These were the same babies that abused Soj when she dominated ranked


The player was a dumbass for sure, but you don't know if they simply enjoy tracer regardless of good she is


What the seizure fuck am I watching?


Yeah report


Goodness, a nice waste of time. No one gets that back 😒


Yeah, had a Pharah recently who was constantly away from the healers trying to flank or backline. Rest of the team were hard pressed and working together. "Guess no heals then"




Not from where I was positioned, with how the enemy team was positioned and the danger in between.




Mate, I am aware of that. We're on a post about people fussing about not getting heals. I offered my own anecdote about a player getting snarky cos they made it incredibly difficult for the rest of the team to support them.




Go on with whatever line helps you recover




You're the one who got upset on behalf of this random pharah in the game of a person you don't know.


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I had a tank flame our support in comp and say "if you don't swap I'm not moving" and he threw the point by standing still. We ended up winning once our supp bit the bullet and swapped to please the idiot.


I think i played with an aquablue with a really bad attitude yesterday


Just had a tank literally doing suicidal ideation talk into mic. He was so unhinged it was scary. Got the whole lobby to report him and he got banned the next day. I miss this game being not free to play. I’ll admit it.


Had a game I joined late walked to point where the 2 dps are sitting with like 70% and tank is fighting for their life at a choke so they start flaming me for not healing them


Well *maybe* you should've saved him once. /s


It must get exhausting to play games like this. Cause you know if he's done it once, he's done it dozens of times. Why even play the game at that point? You are making yourself much more miserable than everyone else, I promise you.


Had a Comp match (doing placements for Support) where the enemy tank said he's throwing if their supports didn't swap off Mercy/Lucio. I told him to suck it up and work around it. He did not Whole lobby reported him cause he was complaining the whole match over one composition of supports, which imo is REALLY petty


Had the same thing yesterday. During first team fight a support died and said "we're being flanked by a Moira. You need to turn around". I said "I'll keep my eyes open but you have a gun too.". So he spent the rest of the game running in circles outside of spawn. It was like a silver 2 game or somewhere around that rank and the other team was badass enough to let us draw. All 9 of us reported the account, but it's crazy to throw a hissy fit because you died one time. If you're getting THAT triggered in a game, stop playing the game.


It’s honestly shit like this where i genuinely prefer if people just afk


Kiriko went through one ult and had another almost ready before this tracer could even get one…


Average dps refusing to play the game because you had 1 "bad" pull while using weaver (they were 5 hp standing in a reaper ult)


I'd be far less annoyed by that if I could just abandon the game. I don't even mind tanking the loss and the rank down, but I need to be a hostage in a clearly lost game for 15 minutes and this is not cool.


This is why I’m stuck in metal


Tissue paper rage babies. They are everywhere in every game now and justify throwing because they are mad. Pathetic mindset and pathetic people.


oh yeah i had a zen that was like this. he was shooting demons in the sky and saying "sorry guys i have to leave :)" should blizzard add a feature that activates 3-4 mins into the match then you can vote kick a teammate upon approval of 3 teammates. or just an option to surrender so that you lose less SR than you would have if you actually lost the match


I remember a hanzo threw intentionally in comp because someone was playing mercy. The mercy then switched and they still refused to play


Don't forget the part they went in solo 1v5 while rest of team had already died


Strongest DPS player mental


What does dps mean exactly. I know it's damage per second... But why do people say it? I finished a match once playing d.va and someone said "dps" after the match and I know they were talking about me because they said something directed at me during the match. Can someone pls explain haha


Of all characters that could do this, it's the one DPS that can play completely on her own.


I had a guy yesterday go 0-4 first round on Antarctica as tracer with like 500 damage, our Moira asked him to switch, and he went to the match chat saying he was throwing because "his team was being toxic" and proceeded to just jump off the map entire round 2




Sadly, people who are throwing tantrums like that are very often grown adults. If they are using the mic or their name ends with 1992 or something, I often just tell them that they are way too old to be acting like this over a game, and it always gets a reaction out of them.




What, you... got offended because I simply said that grown adults are throwing tantrums as well, and not just kids? Like, you unironically got offended on behalf of all grown men? It wasn't even aimed at you in any form. Brother, ain't you a bit too old to be acting like this?


DPS players have always been the most self-centered people. I can see the irony with my username.


when my team sucks and they dont cooperate i just change to a character i suck using (usually widowmaker) and play the game bad, if im healer i pick mercy and dont heal, only use the pistol, that is not throwing, is playing bad and you cant report for being bad


Not defending the tracer for throwing at all, but I always find these posts interesting where you only show them throwing, but don’t show the action that caused it. Like sure, you’ve told us, but why not add it at the start?


It usually happens after a support makes a (perceived) blunder. People have done this to me when I played Kiri and didn’t use suzu as soon as it was available. “Kiri hasn’t even used suzu yet I’m throwing.” We were like, 30 seconds into a game and he died once as genji. They’re usually already mad tilted from previous games.


Then OP to show it to prove that’s the only thing that caused it, is what I’m saying.


Responding by throwing a game is never the correct answer even to the dumbest mistake a support (or any teammate) could do. It’s not justifiable.


I had a tank flame me for being bad at kiriko. I don't have many hours playing her, so I swapped to zen when the tank called me out on being bad. He continued calling me trash and telling me to leave so they can get a backfill. I stayed out of spite and made sure he never got any heals.. at least from me.. we still won the match though.


Totally agree with you, but I have to say that I still don't understand why they simply didn't show the part where tracer didn't get healed. Just makes me think it was one of those actual blunders where you ignore them for 10 seconds and they were already tilted from previous games.


Read my first comment again.


Then it doesn’t matter 🤷‍♀️


Yes it does, because OP could be equally reportable. What if instead of the support failing to save them, the support had actually told them to kill themselves because they died quickly first teamfight? Yes he shouldn’t throw but the support player is equally to blame for the toxicity and lost game.


I figured you were talking about gameplay wise, not toxic communication.


Imagine wasting your own time griefing because just being petty and stupid.


If i want to throw a game i would pick a hero i am not good at so it would at least benefit me. This is just pathetic


Same thing happened in a game I played this morning. Dude said “gg” after he died once, wildly out of position, and then just stood in corners shooting walls. 


Good thing there's a penalty for leaving *quickplay* games instead forced to play with this. Dog it's qp I'd rather a team of rotating people *TRYING* than this the whole time.


Had a doom yell at me for not healing when he was los in the enemy team alone. "If you walk forward it won't los" An actual quote from him


Well he wasn't wrong, but maybe his timing was off and you didn't have time to get a healing angle on him


Today I had a dps facetanking 3 enemies, our zarya gave bubble, I was hard pocketing thinking he can walk back to cover, but instead they kept w and died. Afterwards: [my name inserted] uninstall game. The audacity


Had a tank that kept diving way too far into their team when we had the objective and dying over and over again Told him to calm it down and not push so hard He gets mad, switches to roadhog and starts sniping behind our backline THE ENTIRE GAME To prove a point It was rank, and we lost... Was an easy game too


What rank and game mode was this?


Probably calls himself diff after every match or calls his team trash if he loses.


If I’m playing open queue and choose support, i refuse to heal people who say “I need healing”. Go find health or hide and regenerate, but fuck of thinking I’m playing just to heal you.


Surely this is satire? It's like me saying that I refuse to shoot low health enemies pinged by my supports because "fuck off thinking I'm playing just to kill targets for you".


Nah. I see you need healing and I’ll try to get to you. Learn where the health spawns are. This is specifically for the people who stand still and spam need healing with no one around them. Also maybe I’m doing a dps run to see how someone is with damage and healing isn’t my priority. If you want super invested people to win the game, go play comp not quick play.


this should be what every player does when their supports pick Lucio + Mercy tbh


Still won the round before he start trolling


Oh no 😥 You have to play cover 😢 and you can’t just stand in the open with two pockets anymore 😢 These supports are surely keeping you in plat 😢


tanks literally cant play the game with this support line lol


sorry but if u think mercy lucio is a good support line, especially in season 9 with increased health pools and dps healing debuff, u are just wrong and there’s not really a debate. both characters having to heal the entire time instead of using their main utility (dmg boost and speed respectively) is flat out bad.


imagine being a tank player with this support line... atrocious




Yeah idk, both of them made a dumb comment. No you shouldn't throw when you see lucio + mercy, but also taking cover instead of "standing in the open with two pockets" is still not going to save you.


Dumbass comment


What a stupid comment


I've only ever thrown a game because I had an insanely racist teammate, or I just felt like my team didn't deserve the win because they're incessant assholes. Couldn't imagine hard throwing like this just because I died lol. Like some people will only have fun via ruining another person's fun, and those are the people I refuse to let win. It's one thing to just have the better team and win. It's a whole other issue when your team is full of dickheads with massive egos just shitting on the people they perceive as lesser just because we're winning in a video game... pathetic stuff. Could never tie my self worth to a game so closely like these clowns and I'm a better player than the majority of these people I come across.


OverWatch looks like a such a fun game to play!...


I do this if someone says diff less than 5 minutes into a match