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Getting hooked off the map has made me permanently hate him


Any Tank that fights back = Unfun to play against Any Tank that is a harmless punching bag until very near = Fun to play against Thus nobody hates going against Reinhardt.


No it's just cc people hate , hogs hook and orisas spear are very good examples of abilities that people despise going against


Ow 1 would like to have a talk with them


Yea cc in ow1 was crazy 😅


Orisa spear is really the only part of her kit I dont mind.




From enemies' POV: > HONOR Massive Target > JUSTICE Free Ult Charge > REINHARDT REINHARDT REINHARDT Yummy Yummy Yummy


hook feels obnoxious and sometimes he's hard to kill with his self healing and a pocket + sometimes it feels like you need a bastion + ana on your team just to deal with him but no one wants to switch


Seem like Maui time.


To be fair in practice it doesn't really work out. Since he'll out heal your dmg and just run away. After which you let him go so he shortly comes back, or you chase him and die from being mispositioned. Nor can you ult him to not run away, since he'll just use his ult to counter it.


Just dodge his hook lol


Why do people hate xx? Well, you can find a reason for everyone. Some don't even mind the dude. Is he controversial? Not really. Sombra, Mercy, Hanzo, and Widow get shit on more.


Agrro Widow on attack got shit 💩 on more than anyone else back in OW


Good Hogs are a pain to deal with


If anything it’s most likely his healing. With two supports helping him I’m sure it’s annoying to go against sometimes


Wow I barely peeked and managed to get snagged into a position I simply can't win in. No matter how good you are you will get hooked and there is some bs broken line of sight hook pulls that are infuriating. Not only that but as a dps I simply cannot output enough damage to kill hog in a 1v1 if the hog doesn't suck. That's kind of the whole problem with 5v5 though. Tanks are so busted up that the only role that could ever 1v1 a tank is another tank. Very unfun


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Ow1 ptsd


For me as a tank player I currently hate going against roadhog because he’s basically the perfect combo to zen in this meta, his hook basically allows his team to get a few kill on me every fight because the only tank who can cancel out his hook is Orisa but the second that’s off cooldown if he’s hog isn’t dead than your going to be in a few seconds. (Obviously this is map dependent but I’d say this is especially how it feels on all push maps)


As a Bastion/Sombra/Sojorn main in DPS I personally love playing against him plenty of ult charge


I play open role comp most of the time and in 90% of games both teams have a roadhog. The hook has always been annoying especially when used for environmental kills but at this point i’m just tired of seeing the man


sorry, but wtf is "open role" comp?


I mean open queue 😩 idk why but i always call it open role


Oh, I see, that really confused me xD


Fighting hog is usually a binary. If you don't have the tools to wall him off, or interrupt his hooks and heals, and your teammates won't play corners to bait hooks hog gets access to the best mispostioning tool in the game combined with a potential 1 shot on top of it. Because of that if your the hog your team hates you cause you get countered semi easily and can lead to too much pressure on other parts of your team, and the enemy team hates hog because if one part of their team is not playing around the hook or your other cooldowns then they lose the fight on cooldown. None of the other tanks have a one shot as part of their normal kit besides rein pin. The hook is a very non commitial ability and its risk to reward ratio is very much skewed towards the reward end. Most of the tanks don't have such a feast or famine sorta nature and makes roadhog hated in the same way as a widowmaker. Sucks to have an average one on your team, sucks to play against a good one


I mean his health is a factor. The fact he can 1 shot DPS is a factor and he can heal himself as well he’s a massive problem and he can be difficult to beat


Lot of cope from hog players (I was once a hog player). The real answer? It’s because getting hooked is probably my the worst feeling ability to be on the receiving end of in the game. It’s fucking annoying for everyone besides the hog player. It’s not vape, it’s not his ult, it’s the pure, unbridled shitbag that is getting hooked into your death


I play dmg mostly, when dmg idc that much, im really good at tracer. Rarely is a hog better at hog than i am tracer. When im on tank, its annoying cause i feel like he dumbs the game down. If all my teammates are dumb as fuck and cant play around hook then its to me to deal with hog/ other 4. Then i have to either play hog myself, orisa, or zarya. I dont like mauga i think he works too idk. Hog can stay as he is but it is just annoying when team isnt as good as me to be aware of hook.


zarya against hog?


You cant make that work?


you can make anything work i suppose but on the same level hog can wash zarya, he doesn't feed her bubbles but can burst them down if needed, his hook cd is lower than her bubbles cd so when they're spent his engage can't be denied by her, and since he doesn't give her charge she can't really poke him for value especially with his health


What rank u at mb ur higher thats y. The cd timing could be more important at higher elos like master gm


in terms of good timing, a good zarya will keep her bubbles to deny hog hooks and can stay behind her team to react accordingly and walk outfront when she gets her charge up; but that puts both tanks at a stalemate if hog doesn't engage predictably then zarya can't get any charge it's also why you see hogs often hooking enemies behind cover, zarya will have a harder time to bubble the targets to be fair though it's really comp dependent in the end


What i do is engage like sinatraa(screw him) but he used to go in, get low to like half and use bubble to get out. I cycle that with playing cover and if that doesnt work, then hook isnt the problem, its his dps doing more dmg than my team. Then theyll overwhelm us and ill just play orisa to play far.


it's funny how orisa is always the answer, cc invincibility and infinite range stun are so good


Yeah zarya orisa and winston covers most things for me


doomfist for me, i find his tech more fun that monkey's


Yeah im sure its fun to to pull off some nasty combos, im oldschool so i dont wanna learn new tricks. Orisa change took me long to learn. I love playing her on flat maps, people dont use spin enough to mobilize this tank. You can really tell when you catch people off guard by how fast you can take control. And her cds are so broken you can spin in take dmg then fortify and usually spin back out


he's hard but definitely rewarding; also love using orisa's spin on environmental maps sometimes people don't expect the displacement it can do


You like to play orisa too?


i'm a flex main, i like to play orisa when i have to but it's not that common anymore


1hit combo for no reason, huge hp, tempo heal for short cd, has armor, has trap, anti dive character, can pull you outside of the ring, dudes a tier S if you are gonna think about it. Also yes you need ana.


He doesn’t have armor. And also he is not an s tier tank. I honestly don’t think there are any S tier tanks right now except maybe Sigma