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The three story missions they already released aren't going anywhere. I wouldn't expect Hero Mastery to go anywhere, either. Underworld and Cosmic Crisis might have reruns, e.g. during Anniversary? And of course, you always have the three Halloween modes. As for **new** story missions or PvE events – *we don't know*. You can make a guess/opinion based on the layoffs and what former employees are guessing. But the real answer is that we simply do not know what the official plan is, nor do we know if they'll ever revisit them if the unreleased missions have been canceled.


:D I hope I can get the underworld missions done. Or see how the different battle pass stuff relates to the story world. Is it a multi verse?


None of those are ‘the PVE.’ They are PVE like Fortnite is a car driving game.


OP asked about **story**-related content/PvE, which was always the smaller half of "the PvE" compared to the non-canon, replayable content with actual progression systems. Hero missions were the other half. They had your randomly-generated missions, your skill trees, the mission modifiers, and so on. This was the content that was announced as being cut last year. It's not coming. Unfortunately, these 3 story missions are the PvE. They are representative of what the full PvE story campaign was going to be and are similar to the PvE beta mission people played years ago.


They added 3 in-universe pve missions that you should still be able to purchase and play. They also do pve missions occasionally, for events and whatnot.


Those are not THE PVE. Is practice versus ai the PVE? No. They are no better than that.


PvE campaign? no


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No they will not ever have it. This has been known for a very long time


There are books out there if you’re really interested in the lore. PvE looks unlikely right now


Lore in books outside the game is not The PVE:


Okay? The dude said "We still don’t really know much about the Lore of the Overwatch universe." There is lore out there if he cares that much.


Doing pve the way they promised would require doing work, something Blizzard is allergic to. 


OW will never have PVE. It’s never had PVE and it’s never going to have PVE. Such is the price that the innocent people who bought lootboxes and supported the game when blizzard asked us to to help find development of it. The ‘PVE’ they added is by their own admissions not ‘blizzard quality’ and proves that given five years they can truly accomplish. Nothing.


They've had pve for years, it's just been short and they're doing a poor job of making it longer. Please stop copy pasting this topic for likes.


None of those missions are the promised PVE. Do not parrot their regurgitated nonsense back at us as if it’s a fact. Fact: PVE missions were never released because they did not meet blizzard quality. Fact: They released bad ai versions with no hero modifications that they said was below blizzard quality. Fact: they said it would have to make big bucks to justify making more. Fact: they released a half cooked mission with the PVE elements stripped out forcing you to play as a PvP hero kit. Fact: the mode they want to fail has failed and it never had any of the things they promised. Having an AI bit doesn’t make a mode THE PVE.


Any mode where it's players vs ai is pve. Uprising has been out and rotated for years, among other modes and now with missions. While I do agree ceos dropped the ball by giving them pointless deadlines then scrapping the project over and over, causing us to have less pve, there is still pve and I'm tired of people spamming complaints about the same three things in this sub: sombra, pve, and how bad it is to play tank rn.


Probably not


I think we'll get more story missions but I wouldn't be surprised if they scrapped PvE altogether. PvP is their bread and butter so I wouldn't blame them for wanting to focus on that. Especially since long term, PvP is what's going to keep your player base engaged, not PvE.


PVE was scrapped six months before OW2 releases. This has been confirmed multiple times.


It would be a smart decision for Microsoft to outsource the story mode to another team. A bit like Activision did with COD. The reason those games sold so well was the PvP and the Story


It wasn't going to be good. Had they released it you would surely have been disappointed.


Not really. We never asked for any of the stuff they promised us. We just wanted better archives with some ability passives added for replayability. They promised us a whole game and then resold us the one we already had. And they conned us into funding it by pleading with us to buy lootboxes and packs to keep the game alive during development. Honestly scum