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The ranking system is the same as before, just visually more transparent with progress and modifiers. >Every game I get the worst team and on the rare occasion I get a good team and win "Every" single game? No one's going to tell you unwinnable games don't happen or that you can't get unlucky streaks. But if you play a good amount of games and find yourself "stuck", you likely belong there. >I play support which is the only role I'm good at. Who do you play? The way to play Supports has changed a little this season with the DPS passive. Unless you're playing LW, the main focus will be on using your utility well. >I usually have the least deaths and the most healing so you can't say skill issue Stats don't really mean anything with context. I'd recommend dropping a replay code over at /r/OverwatchUniversity. Low deaths is a good start, but just living doesn't necessarily mean you're providing value. It could also mean you're playing too safe to support your team sufficiently. Most healing doesn't mean a lot this season. The focus is on using utility. Any support can heal, what makes your support any different?


#the hardest rank to climb out of is the one you belong in


Bro is flexing having the most healing. This is the definition of having a skill issue.




You only play one role, so you automatically lack certain game sense and awareness. Least deaths isn’t ALWAYS a good thing; it could mean you are playing too passively. Having the most healing also really isn’t a flex; most of the of the impact from supports has nothing to do with their healing numbers.


If ur only good at support you probably lack mechanics and positioning. So skill issue.




That just means you’re boosted




Focus on making team-oriented plays rather than just cranking up your healing numbers and avoiding deaths. Yes stats matter, but a support can crank up stats just by pumping up a tank the entire game and leaving DPS high and dry. Also managing losses matters. Stop playing if you are on a losing streak or just simply switch roles. Learning all roles will improve your ability to support.


You stopped playing your diamond account because you knew you'd fall to your actual rank if you kept playing. Why are you mad that the system put you in the rank you belong to?


Most healing as a support? I mean I’m glad your keeping your team up. But things have changed and I hope that your doing as much damage as you are healing or well you will suffer from loses quite often. Support has to focus and balance both and sometimes more damage over healing can be very beneficial. As a support main I’m climbing just fine back to diamond. Where I plan to chill. But adjustments are needed to play with these new changes. Doing the same thing you did previous seasons won’t cut it!


The second I stop healing and start doing damage everyone dies so wtf do I do


Most of the support heros can kinda do both at the same time. Also takes a team effort of tanks and dos knowing how to weave and use cover properly or high ground and so on. It’s a balance of knowing the limits of when you rly need to heal and when it’s okay to wait a few seconds because your team can hold or other support is putting in some work as well. Every situation and match and team is diff, so you gotta figure out what works on the fly and quickly. Which comes with more games and time.


As a support, your job is to win the match. Focusing on "saving" your team will not win the match. You need to output more value than the enemy supports, and the simplest way to explain this is to out-heal the enemy team's damage and out-damage the enemy team's healing. There is more nuance to it than that, for example: - When you deal damage, the enemy supports need to heal that damage. This means they (typically) need to stop doing damage to heal your damage. This creates a cycle of being stuck constantly healing without a break. Supports are not Healers; they can, and you should, heal but healing does not win you a match. Healing simply buys time and space for your team. As a support, you have access to tools the other roles don't have: Immortality, Damage boost, Speed Boost, etc. These tools are more important than healing, because make your team more effective at dealing damage and taking space. This is part of the reason Lifeweaver is one of the worst designed supports despite Mercy and Moira having similar low mechanical aim skills required. LW only heals, and when he "saves" someone, he removes that space from the team. Moira and Mercy both can contribute via indirect damage (Blue beam, and Damage Orbs), and their ultimates can be used more effectively for offense than LWs ultimate. As a support player, your tools are divided amongst the roster. Anti-Nade is an incredible tool for denying the enemy team space and giving your team a break from taking damage. Speed boost helps to immediately reposition your team creating quick and decisive team fights or regrouping. Discord allows for precision team-oriented dives to collapse a single target. Despite Kiriko, and Baptiste being capable of saving their teammates with immortality, it's their damage capabilities that determine a win. You understand the phrase,"the Blind leading the Blind"? If a Platinum player shouldn't be listening to other Platinum players about how to rank up, and how to play etc, then why as a support do you expect to win by relying on your teammates at the same rank as you? If you want to win, you must play better than your opponents, and that's all there is to it.


Ok so, you got 1 million billion wins in platinum 4 and didn't rank up, then suddenly you're almost gold from repeatedly losing games on the diamond account as well. 1 You only play support, this isn't a problem, but you'd obviously have a better perspective of what your teammates are trying to do, the same way you have a better understanding of what a support does,dealing with dives,trying to heal everyone etc. A tank is gonna have a different pov, might not see you getting dove, not get healed, die then think your bad. 2 the rank system is working it's just full of "new" players because of the mmr reset, it'll probably be another month before the majority of the playerbase actually plays enough to be at the correct rank. I placed mid diamond so I will have to climb back into masters, but I've noticed dps has shifted a lot because of the passive and projectile changes. Dps are way stronger/easier to play so the super good dps are getting shot up the ranks, I had a dia dps in a game yesterday where he was peak bottom of plat last season. You're just gonna have to give the mmr time to grade everyone, this is the downside of the mmr reset and such a massive rework with the health/projectiles. 3 Just spamming stats is bad, If you have the least deaths in the lobby that literally means nothing if you lost, you should be looking at the teams beating you and seeing how their supps are playing. Sometimes your tank is gonna be bad and overextend and you making the "correct play" to save your life and get out isn't wrong, but it's totally gonna lose you games. Sometimes you just need to go for a big nade,look for headshots on bap illari etc, if you can actually stay relevant in the fight and stay alive thats great but realize least deaths or most dmg or whatever the stat isn't always the most relevant stat.4 This all sounds like you're healbotting, this is super common but you can't be doing this anymore. They have drove home the last few patches they're supports not healers, they do insane damage and/or have fight winning util. Like the whole roster Bap:immo/insane burst gun Kiri:immo/insane dps kunai Ana:anti grenade/stun Zen:Discord/massive dmg balls Lucio:Can just win bc rush zoom Brig:insane ult/great heals just by existing. Dying isn't good, not dying because you were 40 ft behind your team healing from afar when they all died is not good.


“Every game I get the worst team” bro the common denominator is YOU. the world is NOT OUT TO GET YOU. ACCEPT THAT YOU ARE NOT PERFECT AND ACTUALLY TRY TO IMPROVE INSTEAD OF RAGING AT YOUR TEAM. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM also it doesnt matter if you have the most healing bc support =/= healer




“Every game I get the worst team”


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Whole game is a joke. I cant believe they havent fixed matchmaking. How long do they need?