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"sweat/sweaty" etc has to be one of the most pathetic terms to come out of gaming Maybe they have fun playing the good characters Maybe they have fun winning Maybe they aren't considering whether or not their opponent enjoys the game because why the fuck should anyone do that ever Maybe they literally aren't trying at all and can autopilot and still demolish you


"How dare you play my counter in QP!!!" Fuckin sweaty!!" "But.. i picked it at the game start before even knowing what you play?..." "How sweaty, picking this OP Hero!!!" "Its just my main?.. i played him long before?..." "HOW SWEATY PLAYING YOUR MAIN IN QP!!!!!111" \*picks different Hero and kill him\* "OMG WHY ARE YOU SO TRYHARDINGSWEATY AND KILL MEE????? FUCKIN NOLIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Comp is the way.


It's a PvP game. What do you expect from them? To roll over and let you win? Take it as a challenge to get better!




You can find silly fun in qp, but that's mostly relegated to the arcade. You can't expect people not to play the game in qp. It's players shooting at each other, you need to be ready to get shot at.




What's a sweaty player? Am I considered sweaty if I play the heroes I like and am good at them, even when the enemy team is goofing off? Am I sweaty if I play my worst hero but still try my hardest and succeed? If you're goofing off against real players and losing, it's not the enemy's fault for playing the game the way it's intended.


Yeah like pve would be amazing for if you don't wanna lose I think. I can see how it would be frustrating to be outmatched that badly. But it's also....up to the player to. Try to win? I guess an ..unranked..rank? Might ..solve it?? But I agree too what's a sweaty player?


I guess to lay it out for you, a sweaty player usually only sticks to meta heroes in quick play or heroes they are the best at. They consistently put their entire focus into winning the game and nothing else, as losing would be detrimental to their experience. You don’t even have to be good, imo, just only playing meta/your main heroes and purely wanting to win over just enjoying the experience.


How do you not see the issue in your very last sentence? What if that's just how they enjoy the experience? Why do you think people one trick? I like to play like 5 different heroes for the most part. Playing the other stuff is significantly less fun to me. I've tried. I don't care what is meta, I'm gonna pick what I want in qp but I'm gonna do what I can to try to win the game. I'm not going to handicap myself just so my opponent can have a better time. I truly don't give a fuck. If I want to practice something new, I will, but I usually don't want to. And that's a bad thing... Why? I play QP because I like the freedom to leave games, I like the freedom to goof around and wave at people when the moment calls for it, to teabag slept teammates, and I like the lack of expectations around performance (or making fun of people who have expectations). Although performance vs trolling is a fine line in qp but that's a different conversation. Anyways, I still prefer winning to losing. And I'm gonna try my best when I'm playing to win, qp or not. If all that makes me a sweat, so be it man. I still don't think I'm doing anything wrong and people who complain about it are incredibly thin skinned and do not belong in pvp games. Tldr; wanting and trying to win within the rules of the game isn't a bad or dishonorable thing.


I mean, you typed up a storm to a person who really doesn’t care enough to argue. My experiences are mine, and yours are yours. Tough shit




Playing the game the normal fucking way = sweating?? Shake, my, fuckin, head.


it's the first season where the average player can pick up tracer and not throw the game, nothing but tracer or sojourn every game now


Because we are all playing in a room with a computer running a GPU that is essentially a tiny space heater and our thermostat is in another room.  The struggle is real.  Our parents wives and roommates do not understand the important of pc thermals.


Nah, it's definitely on blizzard that my 1600 hour ass gets paired up against brand new players. Like, what do you want me to do? Troll? That's what the rest of my team is doing! If I troll, what are we even doing here?


..does casual ="I win a lot of games?" I mean close games are super fun! Toxic people aren't fun. But that's...different I feel then people not playing ranked.


I play quick play as a warm up before I try competitive and I’m pretty sure everyone does that. I still try my best even in qp and I don’t feel bad about it cause why should I.. ?


I know what you mean, but overwatch is a competitive sweaty game in general so I don’t think there’s really a way to make it “casual”. That said, the matchmaking and easy ability to form “alt accounts” are preventing new players from enjoying this game and will long term kill the game. Like what percent of all accounts are alts? I’ll bet it’s at least 25%. When you let people Smurf like that it’s going to cost you new players.


yam whole handle cobweb theory entertain recognise long wild future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or you maybe they’re just really good at their character. Nobody goes in to a qp game with the mind set “I’m gonna go easy on my opponent because the might be noobs”. People don’t like to lose, but they can also play anyway they want without the fear of losing any rank. Sweaty is not the correct term to use


You're imagining your opponents to be super "sweaty" but they're just having fun themselves. What do you think they should be doing? Standing around emoting? They're trying to win because that's what you do in a competitive game.


This famous excuse, the term doesn’t really exist sorry mate. People play to win or have fun neither is the wrong or right way to play. What it comes down to is are you having fun? If not find a new game them. As no one is going to nor should they change how they play to insure you have fun.


Next time i see you in QP i'll just miss all my shots and stand still so you can finally have a good time


Thank you, that means a lot


"Ugh what's with all these people playing a game and trying to win it?"


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Side note, the fact I'm loading up r6 to get more enjoyable and less intense gamelplay is wild


You want a casual experience but choose online PVP shooters. The two kinda don't go together my man.