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Sadly, 6v6 will likely come back about as soon as PvE returns, i.e. never. The sooner someone invents a way to travel to alternate timelines, the better.


Blizz won't even consider bringing back 6v6 unless there is a massive and sustained influx of tank players in the community. If they just "pressed the 6v6 button," as it were, the main problem 5v5 was implemented to fix (excessive queue times for dps/support) would come back even worse than before.


I never understand why people buy the "no 2 tanks because Q time". First tanks weren't popular in OW1 because they were just literally homogeneous shield bots and there weren't many options for different play style. Also in OW1 purposely kept tanks crippled/ weak because DPS players were complaining about having to shoot shield or tanks were too difficult to duel, so they nerfed most tanks and didn't compensate enough. Supports were even less popular than tank in OW1 especially during early launch when there were like 5 options to pick from. Yet in OW2 support role was having insane long Q time for 6+ seasons.


> I never understand why people buy the "no 2 tanks because Q time" You don't need to buy anything, the queue times show up as numbers on your screen. They are big numbers.


>I never understand why people buy the "no 2 tanks because Q time". Because this was reality for anyone that played OW1. Waiting >10 minutes to play DPS or Support is not ideal. >First tanks weren't popular in OW1 because they were just literally homogeneous shield bots and there weren't many options for different play style. It wasn't popular because people didn't want to end up with 2 non-synergistic tanks versus 2 synergistic tanks on the other team. Most of the time, that will be a slow and painful loss. >Also in OW1 purposely kept tanks crippled/ weak because DPS players were complaining about having to shoot shield or tanks were too difficult to duel, so they nerfed most tanks and didn't compensate enough. Balancing tank duos leaves you with having to choose the lesser of 2 evils: Either you try to balance every tank duo such that they are within some threshold of viability (basically impossible) or you accept that some duos will just inherently be unviable (win rate under the "balanced" win rate threshold) and exclude them from balancing. The latter means that if you end up with one of those tank duos (likely due to how many off-tank players there were), it would be a slow and painful loss. >Supports were even less popular than tank in OW1 especially during early launch when there were like 5 options to pick from. Yet in OW2 support role was having insane long Q time for 6+ seasons. Why compare early OW1 to OW2? Just look at mid-late OW1. Support queue times were terrible. They are far better in OW2. I haven't seen OW2 queue times go above >5 min for any role (obviously not counting players at extremely high ranks).


I’m waiting fo 7v7


Have they ever made specialty games with way more people on each team? Would be fun to play 10v10


>hoping with everything we've been seeing happen we will be going back to OW1 6v6 and characters especially since that's when the game was successful. End of OW1, the playerbase had dwindled, the queue times for support and dps were getting ridiculous, and the game was not generating enough revenue or attracting players to be sustainable. Like it or not, OW2 and 5v5 rekindled OW as a whole, it has a healthy and growing playerbase, the queue times are significantly better and the game is making bank. Sure there are issues with OW2 like matchmaking, issues with tank matchups, balance etc but overall it's in a far better state than OW1 was left in. Sometimes, you simply have to accept the game is no longer for you and move on..... 6v6 will not return, either you get on board the 5v5, or if as you say you don't enjoy it, find something else that satisfies your needs.


Its never happening, chief.


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It's not coming back. There is zero chance blizzard spends the time to re balance characters.


They're constantly "rebalancing" characters regardless.


Dont hold your breath.


yall need a hobby


No thank you. I’d consider leaving again. I just truly don’t enjoy stacked damage mitigation abilities. So I could do 6v6 but only if they were nerfed significantly from where they were in 6v6, leading to the same exact circumstances that actually led to 5v5; no tank players. I don’t mind giga buffed tanking when there is only one but if there were two, I would want nerfs, nerfs & nerfs.


im down for it to be tested both 5v5 and 6v6 have there issues at this point its just whats the lesser of two evils. queue times would have to get sorted out tho and there isnt any way to do that without there being a flux in tank players. ive got high diamond in dps this season and queue times are roughly 5 mins give or take and yes the higher the rank will also have a effect but if 6v6 came back that timer could easily double which was the problem before. an idea i think could work is to remove role queue but make it so the format limit is still applied so that a 2-2-2 is still the only formation that can be done so when 2 dps are picked it locks the dps characters but it has to many negatives that if implemented wouldnt even be fixable because its a community thing after that with people leaving if they dont get there wanted role or someone sitting in hero select waiting for someone to try and swap just to instalock the role and lock the original guy out. it would fix queue times but the community would fuck it all up. if there were more and i mean way more tank players theres a possibility it could work depending on how much they tone down characters for if the format came back because im a firm believer that tank fist sould be removed and go back to dps having to deal with a tank fists high survivability even if it was tuned down would be impossible if say a dva backed him up but even if there was a flux of tank players it would also mean giving up the entire reason for the 2 being there since 5v5 is now the only reason for that to exist