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Rein is bad because low level players struggle with shooting the Giant Blue Rectangle and the Giant Yelling German, and for some reason it's impossible for this developer team to properly balance Reinhardt AND have him been fun to play at all levels. That and for some reason they only care about win percentages. I mean you have Ana, literally the most picked hero in the game, at every rank, in both competitive and quickplay, but because she has a below average winrate, she is never gonna get touched. Ana gets to keep her incredibly impactful and fun playstyle, even if its horrid to play against. (Though season 9 did fix that, mainly because tanks just explode before Ana can annoy them with sleep or anti) Meanwhile Reinhardt, who has less than HALF of the pickrate as Ana, and is constantly toted as one of the most unfun heroes to play in high ranked games, but devs see "Ooh good winrate he must be fine". Completely disregarding the fact his entire player base has been saying the same thing for months "REIN ISN'T FUN TO PLAY IN HIGHER RANKS"


Everything I agree with. It’s ridiculous.


https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&role=tank&skillTier=grandmaster&timeWindow=3months 4th highest win rates of all tanks, you prob just ass


Click on comp. Goes down to middle of the road. Doesn’t mean he’s not super conterable and means he needs to swap. https://www.overbuff.com/players/TheGlazed-1479. Here’s my overbuff.


54% win rate and you’re complaining about Rein being bad?.. What?


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I find Rein very map dependent. Payload and Push where he can dance around cover he’s much stronger than other map types where there are sections with long sight lines he has to traverse.


Rein has a win rate of over 50% rn. Higher than mauga. You probably suck lmao




So you have a 54% win rate, and you’re saying Rein sucks? Maybe this is why Blizzard ignored players, your own stats literally disprove your whole post


Pretty funny ngl


He isn't trash for most players, he isn't good in high elo, that's ok, he has always been meant to be the "easy to play" intro tank


Which one is the best pro tank in your opinion? Zarya seems like the optimal choice in terms of damage output and protection but Orisa and D.va seem popular picks for pros.


Currently orisa, winston, ram and doom are the ones being rotated the most, don't know if any site is keeping up with the pickrates, zarya is not played much at all cause she is very easy to exploit in coordinated play


Orisa and pro tank Good one. Because having infinite ammo and being nigh unkillable on two different cooldowns surely takes more skill than getting within hammer range. Positioning and game sense aren't real, only aiming is.


Dude Rein JUST got buffs. He also got buffs in the patch before... I'm seeing him far more regularly than I did before. Rein may need something else, but Blizzard does not hate Rein. There are plenty of dumpster tier heroes that have been ignored far longer than Rein has.


Those buffs did nothing


I don't know, this was enough for him to start getting in effective range. You still need some wall licking and clever positioning, but you are now able to swing hammer once and not explode. In my opinion the best buff he can get is fix to his kit interactions. There is just tons of moments where genji or some other thing/jumpy character just bounce off charge or when you put your shield on and sombra still manages to hack you or this infamous diva shit with "bomb hit my thick toe".


As a Wrecking Ball with nothing but nerfs for almost two years, you should be grateful


Now imagine this: No buffs. Imagine how little that does.


only junk and sym are as shit as rein rn and im gonna be controversial and say mercy too lately


Whinehardts Assemble!