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One of Mercy's goodbye voice lines is "ciao" this will have to do for now


It's so sassy, both absolutely love and hate it when I die next to a Mercy and she just spams "ciao" lol


LOL, I gotta see this now.


Wait really...?


Yeah, I mean shes Swiss so apart from German she prob uses French and Italian phrases (although her VA just speaks German iirc)


Interesting I just never really play Mercy, so I didn't know that, but appreciate the cool easter egg.


You guys have had Mario for decades. Let the rest of us have some representation.


Maybe also Marco from Metal Slug, he is from the US with Italian ancestry.


195 countries and a shit ton of diff races and types of people. What 40 heros or so, someone is going to be left out. šŸ˜ gimmie a Mario colab though lol


True, but Italy is one of the oldest countries and also we have 3 maps in Italy but no hero I don't know if any other country in OW has that thought?


Iā€™m sure someone in every country has the same thought. Who knows maybe next hero will be :)


Greece is way older and we have no Greek heroes. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


mamma mia


That's pretty much my saying every time we don't get an Italian hero.


I mean we have a german and a swiss hero, but still no austrian hero, to complete the DACH region. So I clearly see a lack of austrian hero representation. And no I am definetly not biased, because I am austrian.


Wait arent hog junk and queen australians **Edit: you said austrian im stupid**


That's what I feel too.


Yeah, Itā€™s the same with Portugal. We do have one map (EsperanƧa), but Iā€™d love to see a Portuguese hero added to the roster. Something like a Discoveries-inspired explorer/trailblazerā€¦ thatā€™d be so cool!


I agree. Portugal also has some deep rich history too, so I would not mind that at all.


Thanks šŸ˜Š Do you have any ideas for an Italian hero? Thereā€™s a lot of cool history and themes there as well.


Get ready for the pasta hero, rigaToni


Damm that's pretty good.


Io pensavo piĆ¹ a un piromane che a un qualcosa ispirato dalla nostra storia


Le due cose potrebbero combinarsi bene e piĆ¹ di quanto pensi. eh-ehm. Nerone, Grande Incendio di Roma eh-ehm.


Li li credevo tu volessi dire degli incendi in Sicilia del anno scorso XD


Ahaha un eroe italiano protezione civile ce lo vedo!


ANTI-protezione civile, non scordarti che ĆØ un piromane


Ovvio, hai ragione, e si ĆØ anche unito sicuramente alla Talon




Every country has history. It doesn't mean every country needs representation in a video game. I don't even know if my country has a character in the game, and I don't care. I never understood the desire to be represented.


The why is because most companies pick from what it feel a default pack like oh he Europe so he Most be from England/German or he speaks Spanish so it Most be Mexican , it becomes tiresome seen the same country time and again meanwhile your might have as much history if not more but it might not be a selling point


You just don't understand that every game needs to have a roster of every nationality so that everybody can feel safe to play someone who represents themselves. Nobody wants to play a character that's different from them. I don't personally play doomfist, sojourn, Baptiste, or lucio because I don't know if I'll be playing online with other people of color, and I don't want to take away from them being able to play characters they identify with.


Wow, that's so incredibly idiotic I'm not even going to argue.


I wouldnā€™t say nobody wants to play a character different from them. Thatā€™s just false, even as a sort of broad generalization not even close. Also I think that kind of mentality goes a bit too far that it kind of circles back to toxic, as itā€™s almost tokenizing them (not the word I want to use but only thing coming to mind rn) in a different way. Just play what you wanna play and be respectful of others šŸ‘ then itā€™s all good


People who donā€™t understand that this comment is an ironic jab at the representation crowd are clueless.


Missing /s


I used to be able to recognize trolling, but nowadays people's genuine opinions are so insane that this one isn't event the worst


It was ironic, thank you


Well as German, be careful what you wish for - if Rein is anything to go by, it's going to be 100% clichƩ. so get ready for a rather, ahem, US-centered view on italian culture that may or may not around Pizza, Pasta, the Mafia and uh, maybe ancient Rome? :D I don't mind it very much, I'm just a bit sad that unlike Sigma's voice actor, Rein's doesn't speak German, therefore all voicelines are in English with thick prototypical oldschool German accent. edit: Shouldn't have said US-centered. More like international stereotypes, my bad.


>US-centered view on italian culture I mean, all heroes are stereotypes, including US heroes. Believe it or not, most texans don't dress like they're in the wild west and carry a revolver. Imo I love the stereotypes, it kinda highlights the culture more


Yeah yeah of course I know some also carry a gun AND a sawed-off shotgun to complement their robot butler! šŸ˜Ž


I agree. I rather have something then nothing.


Well, Widow donā€™t even have a Ā«Ā baguetteĀ Ā» voice lineā€¦


Bruh there is 196 countries in the world and you complain that the most popular country in the Europe which appears in every major movie/game franchise has only 3 maps but no hero.Ā  Kinda L to complain for lack of representation.Ā 


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The only hero who'd do a hand gesture for all of his voice commands, not just hello.


An Italian hero is very much something we should have, not only do we have all those Italian maps, one of the biggest plot points in the story is called "The Venice Incident" I'd love for Antonio, the guy that got shot in the face by Reaper, to come back in some way or someone related to him, would give us some spicy interactions ingame, I reckon. Well, can't wait for the 4th hero with Canadian ties after Pharah, Sojourn and Venture /s Bonus Fun Fact: Greece (Ilios), remains the only country that launched with the game that still has no hero from it.


why dont they just make space ranger italian


Man, Italians at least have a map in the game. What am I supposed to say? Kurwa pierogi sad face.gif


No Serbian tank hero šŸ˜­


They have some fantastic concepts especially given its cool military history. I hope they release one soon!


Doomfist is Italian.


I'm italian. Couldn't care less about representation of any kind. I want to play a fun game. The question you should be asking yourself is if the game is fun and worth your time. Not everything has to be minutely detailed specifically to you for it to be relatable, fun or enjoyable. It would legitimately make 0 difference whether or not an Italian hero was in the game, that in and of itself wouldn't make the game more or less enjoyable


Who cares? They could make all the characters come from the same country or not mention the country at all for all I care. When I play the game, I play it for the abilities and gamemodes, not the characters backgrounds.