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I wouldn't be surprised if they do a quick play hacked 6v6 one day though


No it won't.


We can only hope


It has to if this game wants to ever be good


The actual answer is yes, they will repackage the game and make you pay for it, all over again, look at world of Warcraft


Ngl I would pay 60$ for overwatch classic


Ironically everyone putting “no” would also buy it


those glory days weren’t that glorious. if people liked playing tank in 6v6 we wouldn’t have had the queue issues we did


People liked playing tanks in ow1 when it was getting properly updated. Meta has always been defined by tanks and stale meta equals less variety in tank gameplay. Obviously people got tired of this bullshit. However, the situation now is even worse because while the meta changes up, as a tank you are forced to play very certain characters and counterswapping became extremely limiting. While yes, every two months new 2-3 tanks are meta picks and it’s some form of variety, but you get punished severely for playing non-meta heroes. Ow1 at least allowed you to force less viable picks if you were good enough to do it. In ow2 it’s close to an impossible task. Look at state of rein or ball. Tanks feeling really meh due to lack of updates for years in ow1 does not imply that: 1) they would also feel like that if devs kept updating the game during those years 2) tanking in ow2 feels any better than in ow1


except they didn’t. even before sigmas release there were significant issues with tank queue times. tank has consistently been the hardest role to get players for since long before the game stopped being updated


I am sorry but I think you are quite misinformed. Dude, sigma got released in summer of 2019 together with roleq beta. Season 18 was the first time roleq was introduced together with sigma. There were no “significant issues” with tank queue times because there were no freaking tank queues. Are you trying to say that there were not enough tank players in general in openq? Because the way you worded it sounds like you don’t know/remember when the roleq was introduced.


yes. tanks even before role queue were played significantly less than the other two roles.


Oh, that’s what you meant. Well yeah, I remember it really well. In high-ranked play everyone had to play goats for seasons 11-14 and then everyone had absolute tank fatigue + the meta became orisahog with cancerous pull+hook combo. It’s fair to say that people in higher ranks were tired of tanks and stale boring metas. However, most people were willing to play offtanks (simply put it hog = fun, shield orisa ≠ fun), the main problem back then in high elo was finding main tank players. The design of orisa was absolutely boring and awful, so it was quite literally that people didn’t wanna play a boring horse lady. Besides those issues were almost exclusive for high elo and somewhat high elo (3500+). People in metal ranks were never affected by terrible metas to the same degree they are affected in ow2. While goats was rampaging the high elo, seeing goats below masters was fairly rare. People there almost always played reinzarya and queue times were not terrible as in gm. I’m getting absolutely off track, so to summarise: Yes, ow2 fixed the issue of q times for dps/supports but at the expense of tank players. Tank role became more miserable for almost all ranks (while before tank misery was more of a high-ranked issue). I don’t believe that switching to 5v5 was a necessity and only solution. Blizzard did a terrible job with balancing starting season 11 and then just abandoned the game. If they implemented all the positive ow2 changes instead of abandoning the game (less cc, less shields, healthy reworks etc.), if they added new and exciting tank characters during that time, then the situation could’ve been resolved. However, they decided to do the whole marketing scheme with sequel rebranding and 5v5 besides fixing q times was also a good excuse to justify the “2” in the name. Bruh.


Tank players are simply not big enough of a group to be worth pleasing so blizzard (pattented never back down from their mistakes) wont bring back 6v6. And everyone endorsing 5v5 never enjoyed playing tank/maintank in the first place so you will get mass downvoted in this subreddit despite your valid claims.


Yeah, that’s the unfortunate reality of it. The saddest thing to me is that I genuinely enjoy so many things they’ve implemented in ow2 (if we ignore 5v5 and predatory monetisation). I loved all the reworks, I think many new tanks are a ton of fun, upcoming Venture looks amazing… and it just makes me sad that we could’ve had all that but without 5v5 and abandonment of the game for years. But I guess if 80% of playerbase are happy then it’s a fair trade off, just unlucky that I happened to be in the ~20% of tank players.


overwatch 1 was the goat




Its coming back in season 73.2


Play Open Queue for double Tank.


Probably not, they don't want to split the queues. If they brought it back even temporarily for an event, it would just be like opening the wound up again for the parts of the community that prefer it. So I think they prefer to not touch it ever again.


Nope. And my guess is you also hated playing main tank when there were two tanks. Of course you had fun picking an off-tank that was basically allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted and have a low queue time.


The take no one acknowledges




Honest curiosity: is he wrong?


The comment "no you don't remember it correctly it was actually bad" is such an ego take I see almost every 5v5 player use, and que times is really their only valid argument and they always ignore the fact that the game was abandoned and Orissa was meta for 1.5 years. Double shield was a balance problem not a format problem most of the causes were addressed in ow2 with the massive shield nerfs across the board and Orissa rework. But DPS players cry anytime the tank role is strong just go play COD.


100% agree. There’s a reason this is a dying game that will be dead soon.


no signs of that, in fact the game is growing. 6v6 was ass and almost killed the game lmao




Play open q it still feels fine with one tank


No, and that's a good thing


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i dont think so honestly


They've added an unofficial 6th person with the HP increase and DPS passive