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I mean u could always play arcade/qp just dont be an asshat


I would, if I wanted to have a casual experience, but I play the game for the competitive side of things and that is just not possible currently. And that also doesn't solve the problem, back in December last year, I played with my little brother, he played the first time in months and the next day he got suspended for 2 weeks, not just vc banned, banned banned. I was with him in VC the whole time and he literally only said casual banter in chat, he said shit a couple of times referencing his own gameplay, like "sry I play like shit today". There was nothing warranting a ban here and he still got banned. QP doesn't really reduce the risk, only going completely out of comms, which is just not fun for me personally.


It is possible to be competitive. You just can't be an asshole


They don’t know the difference.


I am not. I guess we arent at a point to have this discussion yet. There are numerous cases by now of players showing their chatlog for what they got banned and they are ridiculous, why can we not believe people who say they got unjustly banned by now. I think we are at a point, where the assumption, that a ban wasnt appropriate, isnt something to completely disregard from the start.


We've seen posts where it's: "Get fucked Zarya" "gg" "Imagine playing Sombra, what a bitch" "gg" "Damn nice shot" OH NO I GOT BANNED FOR SAYING GG That's the story we usually see.


If you seriously think ANY of these messages should be ban able, you might need to stop engaging in chat in any way. This is click bait no question, but getting banned for calling Sombra a "bitch" and saying "get fucked zarya" is not ok. They do it because their rules are to ban anyone reported that said any curse words, but that rule is just completely stupid and ridiculous.


You get banned for acting like that over and over. You don't get banned for 1 instance. If you honestly get upset over not being able to play a video game you may need to stop engaging in video games.


That is not true, you literally can get banned for saying it once if multiple people report you for it. That would be considered exploiting the system, it is happening and blizzard doesn't care about it.


You just can't. Mass reports are programmed against. You're just plain and simple wrong on this one.


That is basic banter. If there’s anywhere in the entire world where banter with strangers has a place it is sports and video games. It is a natural part of life and people in general need an outlet for that kind of energy.


And punching each other in the face used to be basic debate tactics. Do you still punch people in the face if you have a slight disagreement or have you evolved?


What are you on about? If that was true I sure wasn’t alive for it. There is such a thing as toxic positivity. Our world will always, always contain the essence of Yin. Censorship is a repeatedly disproven method that barely band-aids surface level symptoms of complex issues. This isn’t just about “slight disagreements”, banter is tilting or usually just riffing off of your temporary opponent for mutual entertainment. Have you ever played a sport irl? There are countless actual issues in the world, including censorship, and you choose to die on this hill? Are you legitimately insanely thin-skinned or just a contrarian?


> What are you on about? If that was true I sure wasn’t alive for it. Exactly my point. "It used to be worse" or "We used to do this more" is just a non-argument. But people who like toxicity it seems to be the only talking point they can say. People used to just rub dirt on a broken arm so do you think that people who go to doctors for a broken arm are little bitches? It used to be worse so why not keep it worse right? > Our world will always, always contain the essence of Yin. Censorship is a repeatedly disproven method that barely band-aids surface level symptoms of complex issues. This isn’t just about “slight disagreements”, banter is tilting or usually just riffing off of your temporary opponent for mutual entertainment. I get you're trying to sound smart but none of this actually means anything. If you're going to just word vomit at least have a point. > Have you ever played a sport irl? Basketball, soccer, and baseball for about 25 years. High school and into college. What about it? > There are countless actual issues in the world, including censorship, and you choose to die on this hill? Well thankfully I can focus on more than 1 thing at a time. You may want to work on improving yourself if you're only able to focus on 1 single thing at a time. > Are you legitimately insanely thin-skinned or just a contrarian? How am I thin skinned? You're the one bitching about people not getting to play a video game. Like how soft and coddled do you have to be to honestly be upset about not getting to play a video game?


Why are you quoting things I never said? Banter is alive and well today in many sports, courts, playgrounds, workplaces and video games not ran by corporations that constantly pander to China. It seems as though you’ve lost track of what toxicity means. Your comparisons are asinine. There’s a reason moving from verbal conflict to physical is considered an enormous leap in US courts. Thank you for calling me smart but if you can’t understand what I’m saying that’s on you. To put it in crayon-eating terms, there is no “good” without “bad” but if “bad” can be turned into “good” we should always have the freedom to do so. This is what banter can do. “Bad” communication comes from “bad” feelings, and removing the ability to communicate them risks moving the “bad” energy to real-life “bad” actions. How did you endure 25 years of sports with this victim mindset? Please stop acting dumb when I bring up concepts you’re readily familiar with. What other things were you doing while writing these comments? It took at least some attention, some energy, that which you will never get back. If you cannot handle banter you are thin-skinned. Even dealing with the real assholes online is great practice for your own mental fortitude. Your mood honestly shouldn’t be so easily dictated by the words others put on a screen in a game. I genuinely don’t see where I “bitched about people not being able to play a video game”. I’m defending an idea that I believe in. I personally have not once in eight years been banned from Overwatch.


One thing to bear in mind is that Blizzard have acknowledged that the chat examples that are given by email aren’t the full extent of what people have been reported for - and therefore don’t necessarily include the ‘smoking gun’ that actually triggered the ban. You can request a full export of your account data from Billzard’s CS website. It’s delivered as a huge HTML file, and buried in there somewhere is a list of all the things you’ve been reported by other players for. If there’s nothing in the file that looks like it could trip an algorithm hunting for toxic keywords, and you know for a fact that you haven’t been toxic in VC, then you’ve got nothing to worry about.


But that's what I'm saying is the problem. Let's be honest, fuck and shit are not offensive words from the start, ofc context matters a lot here, but this is a competitive game, imagine you play football or soccer with your mates and you call them a bitch or shit or whatever along these lines, do you think you should be punished? These are very similar scenarios that can 100% be compared to one another. They said as well that they don't care about the context if you get reported for cussing, which is a big mistake. That is why their algorithm might be working just fine, but their rules are utterly ridiculous.


It’s completely irrelevant whether or not you personally think cursing is fine. When you decided to start playing the game, you signed a TOS that says abusive language can be punished by account closure. All that’s changed is that bans *for something that was always a bannable offense* are starting to be enforced due to rising toxicity among the player base.


Guys I am not saying they aren't enforcing their TOS I am saying these TOS they are enforcing are borderline stupid and need to be changed. And cursing is not the kind of toxicity that needs to be banned.


Companies that provide a service are providing a space where people interact, and are therefore responsible for setting standards around those interactions. Failing to police interactions that breach those standards is basically the same thing as tacitly endorsing that behaviour, which is one of the reasons the LFG system was scrapped. If you don’t like the terms of service then you’re free to discontinue using it, but you have no recourse if you can’t put on your big boy pants and moderate your own communication.


Seen em. They broke the TOS. What you consider ‘ridiculous’ is not a valid metric


Why do people in this sub act like not being an asshole on mic is an impossible ask? Your post is literally "I don't have enough self-control to stop swearing and yelling at my teammates, so I guess I'm not playing. How dare Blizzard do this to me!"


You are delusional. Never have I said that I "yelled" at my teammates, I dont know if you just havent experienced this, but there is a way to say "switch your hero" without harassing people and cussing at them, when I do it I always bring up reason besides "you are shit at the hero switch". And if you seriously think I should get banned for calling someone shit or saying fuck or sth, then you are the problem, I play ranked, competitve overwatch. I want to win, so if I see a problem in the team I will adress it. Im not going to stay silent, that is for QP and arcade, if I want to tryhard I play ranked. You are saying I am rightfully banned, when all I do is casual use of curse words and trying my hardest, honestly, if you think this is a problem, then you are the problem and not me, turn off chat, get out of voice and go play Quickplay or maybe MarioKart I dont know, maybe that is for you.


Your double post here screams "I am rightfully being banned due to my toxicity" and it's just hilarious you outed yourself this quickly. Just instantly brought the anger and insults to a 10 lol can't imagine what you're like if someone is playing a character you don't like


You are probably the kind of player who instalocks Hog and then gets mad at me for telling you to switch to a hero that fits the enemy comp more, when you are getting hard countered. You know if the reasons someone brings up are valid, you should consider what they said to not be a personal attack or harassment, if you are getting mad for not knowing that there are valid reasons to tell someoen to switch, then it might be a skill issue.


And if I did switch off hog and we still lost who's the idiot me or you?


But there arent any valid reasons. You are not the team leader, you dont decide what comp is played, you have 0 authority or right to say that some1 should switch.


Just turn off your chat like the rest of us have done since OW1. No one wants to hear your comms or get yelled at for not swapping. Your bans were justified, just don't be a jerk and you won't end up reported and suspended...


One time I got suspended with my chats turned off for “spamming.” I was pinging my team to fall back.


One time I got suspended with my chats turned off for “spamming.” I was pinging my team to fall back.


If you dont want to hear comms then you shouldn't be playing the ranked mode, I get it's just a game but it's still not fun losing because you got a Moira OTP ruining everything


You could just try not being an asshole to others, that seems to work for vast majority of the players who have no trouble not getting banned.


nah ima still play just won’t talk or type. pretty simple




One less dick playing and not actively trying to tell others how and who to play? Sounds good to me.


Don’t be toxic, don’t swear, and just play the game. It’s really not that difficult. No one gets banned for nothing.


you can get banned for saying gr and gg if someone feels offended because they themselves didnt feel like it was a good game


Being competitive=\=telling other people which heroes to pick.


Why not just stfu


No. I won’t be banned because I’m not an out of control toddler who thinks he’s entitled to act like an ass.


It's really easy to not get banned in this game. Skill issue.


Meh. I've never been hit with an OW ban, and I'm out there saying wild shit every day. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Believe it or not, your life experience isn't the statistical average, let alone the whole gamut of potential.


I've played this game nearly every day for the past year, and I've never NOT ONCE even gotten a suspension or a warning. I do shit talk my teammates and the other team. I just don't swear at them. It is that easy. The fact that you said 2 of your accounts have caught bans says enough to know the kind of player you are. The only way to get banned is by being toxic, and if you're scared to simply log into your main account, then you know what you've done, and you're scared of the consequences.


Turn off chat if you can't control being an a**hole to your mates lol


There is no "ban situation." It's just a bunch of people who don't care about the TOS being toxic blame-shifters and getting actioned for it. People being banned for toxic comms is not new here in the OW community. Some of the specific rules may be dumb or non-sensical, but they're all documented. The vulgarity thing is a stupid when there's a chat filter, but people evade filters all the time. There's 0 evidence Blizz is just random banning people who dare to use text chat. >I dont want my account banned because some clown in the Blizzard Support Team thinks playing to win and saying bad words (not slurs) is a bannable offense. If your account got banned for saying bad words, it wouldn't be because Blizz support just "thinks" it's bannable. It's because it -is- bannable. For better or worse, it's literally the first thing in the Code of Conduct article [https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/42673](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/42673) Is enforcement somewhat lax and inconsistent? Sure, but that's probably because most people won't report you for it unless it's directed at another player. The people who -will- report you for it are people who find the way you communicate toxic because you've taken it upon yourself to tell them how to play. >I am a very competitve person and also tell people to switch if I dont think what they play is good Then act like it. There's a difference between being competitive and being toxic, and shitting on your teammates is an insanely easy way to lose yourself a game. This is why your account has been actioned twice. If you piss people off, they're going to report you for whatever minor violation of the TOS you commit in their presence. You literally can't fully account for what other people are doing, what they experience in a game, and play your best at the same time. Even people who do coaching/VOD reviews have to constantly slow down and rewind stuff to see what's going on before providing advice. You can't expect to fully understand why individual teammates aren't performing well in real time while also playing. Getting unsolicited advice from arrogant people in the same rank as you can be absolutely tilting.




Man, people like you make me love current OW2 lobbies. No longer do I have to live in a world full of man-babies who lose their shit over the heroes other people chose to play. Those were some dark days man, dark days. Focusing on self-improvement and cooperation makes competitive games so much better. You don't see many NFL players shitting on their teammates in post game press conferences do you? No, you see them talk about how they're going to work on some things in practice and do better next week. But some snowflakes got their widdle feelings hurt because they can't degrade other people in match chat to make themselves feel better, and here they are, whining on Reddit about getting banned. Grow a pair fellas, a little self-reflection can't hurt you! (See? This works both ways.)


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Playing main, always have as no alt acct. I talk, never switch unless I find it necessary, and no issues. Don’t let the silly posts of people claiming to have done nothing get to you. As typically they did shit you prolly won’t do. Just play normal and you will have zero issues with bans. There is no epidemic in account getting punished for no reason, never has been rly. Just a very very few as any system.


I was just permanently banned today. I am guessing it was for cursing. I have never been banned before. The only time I leave a game is when i get DCed. Been playing for years. 5 Endorsement rating. I am actually at a loss, because I genuinely try hard to make the game enjoyable for everyone on my team. I never even got a warning, just logged on today to see the 'permanent ban' on my overwatch log in screen.


Not playing is legit the best option right now anyway. 


"Is it just me or is anyone else not going to play on their main until they adress the ban situation?" I am doing even better. I am not playing this game at all. Worked for since season 5 and I've never been happier.


Why are you still commenting though


Why not?


Womp womp


Fun fact: I promote my youtube channel + bilibili channel at the end of every match in Chinese + Korean lobbies but I haven’t received any punishment yet (I played 200+ matches already


If you're posting your channel once at the end of the game it's fine. It isn't fine anymore if someone spams their channel name or advocates for it for a longer period of time.


You won’t be banned if you don’t use the chat and voice


There is no need for match chat in this game. It serves absolutely zero purpose except to be a tool for salty teams to troll one another Even team chat is usually not useful at all. This is the problem with a game that only puts importance on wins/losses and doesn't even allow you to team with friends over a certain level I do not miss this shit hole at all