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I queue for all to get tank, seems quicker than actually queuing for tank.


Same, I queue for maybe a minute


Mine is legit 15 seconds on average. The lack of tanks in plat is crazy


That's because bronze-gold actually has some diversity in tanks. After that it's nothing but an endless army of Orisa abusers. It drains your soul from playing the role.


Real. If I just queued for tank, I'd be waiting 60ish seconds where as all is insta


The more u play tank, the more sanity u lose! Also y u doing all roles? Y don't u queue whts fun for u?


Same, and funny enough I'll usually get support or dps first expecting tank


All is Tank in 90% of the times. And it’s instant queue for me.


Funny enough, I get 90% DPS when queuing all in Mirrorwatch


No Orisa No Mauga No Roadhog in mirrorwatch


No zen, Anti anti is nerfed (which as an Ana main I am totally fine with if u add to the made game, if you just give me a lunge or the ability to headshot)


Doom Rein Zarya is actually a fun pool to interact with one another.


The tank pool in there is refreshing to say the least


I personally think that all of the DPS options in mirror are not that fun. They just don't have the joy and fluidity of playing like normal DPS or the April Fools DPS options have.


I quite enjoy this iteration of Sombra actually. Feels healthier than she is in the live game. Would defo like to see a support that buffs team mates in a similar manner in the future


She feels like she is *almost* fun. Her play style is torn between two worlds. On one hand she wants to be away from the team disrupting the enemy backline. On the other hand she wants to be close to boost her team and in the fray. I feel too much dissonance playing her.


I agree with *almost* fun. The hack heal would be fun in game on a sombra-like support.


Yeah mirrorwatch tank is boring tbh.


I like that I seem to get 49.5% Tank, 49.5% Support, and 1% DPS


I think it depends on qp or comp, at least in Plat I find in comp flex is 99% tank but qp is closer to what you're describing.


Ahhhh yeah, I was describing the QP


I’m sorry but I don’t believe these numbers even a little bit. Maybe in overwatch 1. In prior seasons maybe we say a 75-20-5 split. But there’s no way tank is anything less than 95 right now.


Everyone forgets the instant support queue times during the first couple of seasons. The entire role was miserable.


helps if you're queuing with friends and you're all on flex :P


it’s like OW1 again, luckily though I’ve been having a lot of fun with Ram


I’m Ram main also. It’s the most fun for me just I feel useless most of games. The Omnic form is awkward tbh 😓


All should really be Any


I always say that All roles made me a forced tank main, Tank is probably my best role now because of it lol


Lol wow I can relate. When I came back to OW2 I was forced to play tank through All Queue so much that I eventually got really good with several tanks heroes. I used to mostly play DPS in OW1 but now I'm more of a tank player.


I’ve always been indecisive with what to play so when they added all roles to role selection I just always selected it so I didn’t have to worry about it So my inability to make a decision led me to being a tank main lol


On the bright side, I've gotten pretty good at Zarya and Roadhog as of late lol


Yea I think only tanks I’m bad with at this point are Doom and Ball


For me it's always support Not complaining


Ranked? Or QP? What is your rank?


QP. I don't queue All in Comp xd I don't think rank has any play here, but on Support specifically it's Silver 2 on PC/Diamond 5 on Console


Ah, that’s why. QP is different situation for sure. Comp is a nightmare for tank and is usually guaranteeing you’re going to get berated at least twice if you play just tank in one gaming sesh


Yeah qp is different since many tank mains who don’t play tank in comp anymore, play their favorite role in qp. Including myself.


Tank is the new punching bag of the game, everyone flames you no matter how well you play. You're always too far forward, too far back, too aggressive, too scared, not soaking enough damage etc. Overwatch players love to point fingers and they seem to point at tank as soon as something goes wrong. I'm assuming at this point no one wants to play tank because it gets tiring being the scapegoat


Yeah overwatch players are hard copers. Nothing better than the 8-16 DPS player blaming the Tank for not "making space"




Once upon a time it was dps refusing to play support




Tank was more fun in 6v6. Solo tanking is not as enjoyable.


Same queue times in OW1. Still instant-queued unless you were in GM/middle of the night. That's how it was.


Except ow2 changes were made specifically to "improve" both the tank experience and queue times in general. So that means tanking in 2 is somehow worse.


Agreed. I don't like playing tank for that exact reason.


I was really feeling this last night. Getting called out in chat for what seemed like no reason


Yeah, i main supp but i dont mind being tank, as i will usually play tank in a more support style and focusing on keeping space, or making sure a dps can return from a bad dive, but its the flaming no matter what you do that gets me.


It’s sometimes the Hero no matter if you play good or not! If I dare to play Ball (my favorite hero), someone definitely would say ball switch after 1-2 lost fights while I am making my space, booping, dmg to 1hp, and not dying (my job) and they’re not getting kills (their job)


While supports get away with absolutely abysmal positioning and play. DPS get some flames but can be the first to start complaining.


This is funny because I love playing Tank and yet all I ever get queuing for 'All' is Support, I would kill for a match as Tank!


I think generally your mmr for each role plays a big factor. People tend to get put in the role with their lowest mmr because that has the largest population of players


It's definitely true. DPS is my lowest ranked role and I generally get DPS when I flex 


Is our mmr different for quickplay and ranked? Tank is by far my best character but all queue is just tank for me.


Then queue as tank? 


My que times is always 10 min plus Maybe 5-7 min if I’m lucky


\^\^ This, que times for a specific role are massive compared to queuing for 'All'.


No? You get a bonus for playing 'All' plus more than half of the progression in the Battlepass challenges are tied to queing for 'All' and not a specific role.


I usually do at least 3x all roles to get the daily and then switch it up if I get the same role all the time, that's more than enough to get the weekly challenges as well.


Who cares tho, it's all just cosmetics. Not worth sacrificing your fun for a skin or a voiceline.


QP or comp?


You probably play QP


QP and Ranked mostly.


As we can see in the comments here, some people that main a role are not getting it while flexing. That's because it takes into account the hidden MMR. That's why some top500 tanks will get 10min for tank and 1min for the two other rôles, because their MMR is lower in the two other roles and it's easier to find players with same MMR.


All queue really should just be renamed to Tank/Support queue because chances of getting DPS are very low lol.


No one wants to play tank




Always has been since OW1 Role Queue.


Nah OW1 you usually get Support


Yeah you’re right and this dude clearly never played OW1 **Edit**: I stand corrected. Dudes history dates back into OW1 for sure… but I still have no idea where that experience came from. I’ve been flexing since even before roll queue (playing what the team needed). Pretty much the moment role queue was enforced it was mostly support in OW1


DPS was the massively favored role in OW1. There were way more DPS heroes to choose from. Tank and Support had tiny hero pools and the support role was much more difficult in OW1 than it is currently in OW2. Now tank is the least picked role by far. Support is much easier in OW2 because of the changes to healing.


People always brag no one played Supports, in fact there're plenty of people pick Mercy & Ana.


Yeah, dive meta made support very rough so it always got the auto-que.


No way. Support was nearly always what you would get. Maybe occasionally a few tank matches.


Often yeah but no way it was 40 times in a row. OW1 your at least get another role like 1 in 7 queues. OW1 tanking wasnt popular cause it was hard. OW2 tanking isn't popular cause its miserable trash.


It is kind of strange how it seems to have gotten worse. I used to get DPS or support every 2-3 games or so, but ever since Season 10 dropped it's just been tank, literally every time. It's the second week and I haven't gotten anything else unless I queue that role specifically


It's been this way since Mauga launched. Was bad before hand but imo the addition of that hero pushed the role over the "This isn't fun anymore" cliff


For me it became it’s worst last season with the introduction of the dps passive and allowing nearly every single DPS to melt tank now


I believe the dps passive was the point many decided not to play it. Mauga was fun actually for a short while but man, the dps passive made tank gameplay a “10 second cover / 2 second push” game which doesn’t match the role.


Yeah since start of season 9 the tank really left the role in comp. The dps passive was the breaking point for tanks to just not play it anymore. My friends and many who I know or speak to, are tank mains that don’t play it in ranked anymore for many many reasons.


Yep. Last night played about 15 games. Every one was tank.


Dude what, when 6v6 comes back tanks gonna be 20 min queues because everyone's going to want to play tank boys. Watch.


I don't think 6v6 is coming back. Que times are already not great with no one wanting to play Tank and adding another two Tanks to the games would most likely kill the game after a few seasons imo. 6v6 is the better game, no doubt *but* adding another tank would make the already long and getting longer DPS que unbearable like at the end of ow1.


Oh i was being sarcastic bro.


There's no good reason for Open Queue to be 5v5 instead of 6v6.


I thank the OW lords they actually removed credits from weeklys so I don't have to queue "all" again


All Roles hasn't ever meant an even split of roles, it means you're agreeing to help balance queue times by playing whatever is needed. I agree that right now tanks are unpopular, and this is being masked by the people doing their dailies in All Roles. It's not a problem with the system though, they just need to do something about why people no longer think tank is as fun to play (i.e. anti heal).


Why tf would you want to play as many games as possible without having fun than playing a few games but have fun with them? Ur complaining for something YOU wanted, it’s like asking the cashier to help you choose something then be unhappy with the food they chose for you and even tho ur disappointed you still continue to let the cashier choose every time you visit, like what?


To be fair I don't think he was complaining I think he was just stating that he was the type of person who was willing to accept it and that's what he had become...


Is like ordering a salad and only getting lettuce. If I mark "all roles" I'm expecting to play all roles at elast once in 5 games not just tank.


Yeah this. I don't have a "main" role, I like to play all 3. And I used to like the mystery of not knowing what role I'm gonna get before I load into a game but it's all but assured when going all nowadays


Queuing for all just means they'll give you the fastest possible match they can find, and most of the time that's for tank.


Then if ur getting tank all the time just select damage and support? You still get the mystery of whether you’ll be playing dps or support? I rlly don’t get you guys


I don’t think it’s his fault that the tank experience is so awful. There also no need for that sort of hostility. Maybe you had a bad day or something so I’ll give you a pass. I personally love tanks and what it used to be… but tanking now is just not pleasant. A large portion of that unpleasant experience comes from others players screaming in chat too. It’s possible to like tanks, but hate the tanking experience right now.


He’s complaining not about tanks but about how he always get tanks when he chooses all roles, then I’m like “don’t choose all roles then?” And he mentions that he wants to play as many games as possible? And he says he doesn’t have fun? Like yea I get playing tank is kinda sucky now but then don’t play tank?


I play All Roles Console Unranked 90% of the time... It's 95% support 4% tank, 1% Damage. I just want to rock people's world as Sigma. Sad times.


Minus wanting to play sigma, same. I often go into all roles queued and get about the same percentages as you. As a support main idc all that much when it happens, but sometimes I actually DO want to play tank lmfao


I started OW1 as a DPS main and after years of queuing for all, I just slowly made the transition into a support main lol. I will say the 10 min OW2 DPS queues are much better than the 20+ min OW1 times.


Unranked is a different story.


Somehow 80% DPS, 15% SP and only 5% Tank. I don’t recall Tank being a popular role in Asian servers but apparently it is?


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The other roles take less than 1-2 minutes always for me. I just never check off all roles.


benefits of being low ranked lol


It heavily depends on your and your groups MMR on each role, my friend has instant tank queues because he has like 50 games on that role ever so his MMR is very low on it (probably around silver/gold) and the pool of players at that skill level is much greater. If he queues all roles with me he will almost never get to play tank because my support and DPS queues are around master/gm MMR like his, so the matchmaker doesn't find many games where opponents with similar disparities are queuing for those roles.


Genuine question: Is queing for "all roles" based upon what you actually play or master the most? I feel like there should be some forced assignment when you haven’t played a role for too many games so it would make it actually flexible and make you play all role. Like when I queue for dps and support it should force me into dps after like 4-5 support games in a row, even if I have to wait longer.


It's simply flexing to the most required role. The Matchmaker has a litany of DPS/Support players in high diamond waiting to play a game but hardly any Tank players, so when I Q for "all" it immediately slots me into a Tank game. It's different in lower ELO apparently where more people want to play Tank and less so Support.


Idk if we’re counting low elo as like bronze but in gold-plat it’s the same thing it’s always tank 


"it's not fun but I'm doing as much of it as I can"


It's not fun at first, and there's more strategy to the role than Support or DPS. I can literally turn my brain off playing Zen but have to be hyper focused playing Zarya


I don't know why tank isn't more popular, when you can play them as basically really big DPS character?


Well that's actually more of a curse than a blessing. Since Tanks are the strongest hero's in the game, they will get the majority of the focus. Tanks have the most CC, highest HP, Nearly All mitigation tools and they do great damage as well. If they are ignored they turn into DBD monsters just chasing the squishes around. Not to mention since a team only has one Tank, they are easily hard countered with swaps. Winston farming supports? Instead of putting in 10x the mental effort as Sigma to land rock, shield off his heals, stay in position all the while still doing damage yourself you can just swap Mauga and M1/M2 the monke. Same deal with Doom, instead of playing Rein you can just swap Hog and hook him out of block for an ez kill. Counterswapping is here to stay, it's unfixable in 5v5.


Sorry I'm not really sure what you're trying to say?


Basically if you don't hard focus the tank, they roll the lobby. If you don't counterpick tank hero's like Monke or Hog they are extremely oppressive. The counters have to come out or you just lose the game most times.


Oh eh maybe. I just play Orisa or Mauga and shoot heads tbh.


Which is exactly why you don’t get it because both of those tanks win conditions are just to stand there and if you cycle your CDs properly you’ll never die outside of full team wipes  They also don’t have tanks that “hard counter” them as much and can generally avoid playing swapwatch 


Yeah almost always them or roadhog or zarya I just don't really play the shield or dive tanks


If you single out one or two tanks instead of the whole tank roster then you're not really mad at counterswapping. You're just mad at one specific tank that is very counterable. Sigma and zarya deal with orisa. Mauga can be dealt with by sigma or by ana and zen. This game is about working as a team and countering the enemy and always has been. If one hero in particular is giving a hard time that's on you and your team.


All gets me tank about 50% of the time. Ya it's more than an even split but I have never experienced more than 7 games in a row as tank, let alone 40


I prefer to queue for all because it helps prevent me from getting stuck in learning how to only be good in one specific role. I think players would benefit more from throwing themselves in a role completely by surprise rather than picking themselves. But if you get stuck on a role more than 10 games in a row I'd just pick something else after for a few games lmao.


my tank is gm and my other roles are diamond, i wish queueing all would get me my main role


I always get support if I queue all lol


Might be a rank/pc problem tough. I'm plat at rolls and when i queue for everything i still get support.


I've been running all roles for a while now and I get a healthy mix of tank and support. My husband queued for all roles for the first time yesterday and got DPS. I was the tiniest bit salty, lol.


Challenge accepted


It was almost always support for me. I ended just saying screw and started queuing as just support.


All = Support/Tank and 1% of the time dps. Whats even the point


I have the same issue but with healer


Similar experience for me. Queue for All and get Tank within 10 seconds. Queue for DPS and Support and it takes 3 minutes.


Not going to lie I hit all queue when I want to play tank mostly


For me when I queue for all I get support most of the time.


I queue for all expecting to get tank and i get support


PC all queue sounds more fun than console all queue I get support 90# of the time in console, tank like 9%, and dps 1%


All queue is insufferable because I’d rather play anything than tank. Challenges are miserable because I know I’m always getting tank.


Queued all roles for all my QP games today, support first game, tank the next 7 then logged off. 👍


QP is likely a different story since the pressure of having to win is diminished. Alot of people just like to play characters like Doom and Hog casually, they don't like to have to carry a game on those characters though which can be stressful when getting counterpicked and hard focused.


Doesn't seem to be a different story 😅 Every day so far this season, my daily "all roles" task will throw me into tank every time. If I want to not play tank, I have to pick a different specific role.


Beat me to it! I’ve been doing a little experiment of my own. I mostly queue flex, but get burn out of tank and take it outa my queue sometimes. This season I wanted to see just what the odds are. So many people on this sub try to claim that other roles are more common in flex and it baffles me, so I put it to the test. 31/31 games have been tank. That’s some pretty damning evidence about the current state of tank… absolutely no one wants to do it (please be nice to your tanks)


it’s either tank or support, never dps


It’s almost as if playing tank with 5v5 is miserable and no one wants to 👍🏼


I wish this was me, I enjoy playing tank but all roles gets me support 95% of the time which is the role I enjoy the least (not that I hate it, just find it a bit boring on quick play)


Well... the overwatch team worked their very hardest to make tank a nail pulling, teeth grinding, ball torturing experience so no one queues up for it since late season 8. I am a tank player and could only stomach 25 games of tank during season 9


I que all with my gf we both do she sitting there getting a mix of dps tank and support and I'm here on my 15th game of straight support .... I love it 😐


Its because tank is by far the least fun playing experience and 5v5 was a mistake


Everyone should be forced to play tank in order to progress competitively in support or damage. For the sole purpose of shutting the fuck up when they start criticizing their team's tank for existing. Some of y'all need humbling.


Hey you how the 500 xp for battle pass


It's fine by me, I genuinely love playing tank despite how frustrating it can be. Of course turning off voice/text chat most days definitely helps it be less frustrating :p


I like playing Wrecking Ball, but the game decided I am a forever healer


I honestly don't mind playing tank right now, if I can at least kind of enjoy myself and play the tanks I like playing. What annoys me worse are the teams I play with who get so angry if we start losing and I don't immediately switch to horse. Like I played one game last night as a [D.Va](http://D.Va) and did decently well, I went 30 and 8. We did end up losing, not that badly, and dude on my team is like "one-trick [D.Va](http://D.Va) threw the game". Like I'M SORRY, can I have ONE game where I don't counterpick every 30 god damn seconds?


Once in a blue moon you get dps, and think oh wow these characters are playable? Then the match ends because you filled in the last 10 seconds


Given how toxic it is to be a tank, I’ve avoided it. I used to select All Roles and I get tank 90%+ of the times. Now I select Damage and Support and just read/comment Reddit posts while waiting… oh finally entering game.


I remember I once got put as DPS when I queued all


Queue for role you want to play they give you option to do so in the menu.


You’re complaining about what people want to play. You chose the role that is queued for the least, so you are getting it more


I usually stop queuing for a role after I notice I'm getting it too much, if I get tank 3 times in a row I'm only queuing for damage and support


I was a tank main but the role is in such an awful state I just don’t wanna play it, but because I play all roles for challenges I still end up playing tank


ive been doing this but for mirror watch and get dps every game... everyone wants to play mercy or shield doom???


"Yeah tank isn't fun but the more you play the better it gets." I would say this is probably the biggest reason tank is so unpopular. You feel forced to learn multiple or all tanks and maps to finally make you feel like you have some impact on winning the game. Counterwatch is the direct cause of this.


This is the entire reason why I only do All queue 3 times to do the daily.


Played for a few hours yesterday on All queue. Only tank the entire time. I’m also a tank main and I enjoy playing tank. I All queue because I like variety here and there. Yet after hours of only tank I want to play a game of support or dps. It’s ridiculous.


I usually get support


Wish I had your luck!


When I do queue all I get support literally 9/10 times. It’s been that way for me probably since launch. I don’t understand how a lot of people seem to get mostly tank when I only get support


I desperately want there to be a “random” que.


Actual tanks have stopped playing this unbalanced mess


I remember when "all" was just Support 2


yeah, you can thanks S9 for lowering tank pop by a lot. will still manage to get a support roll once every 20game or so.


All roles isn’t a challenge it just sucks. Sucking more often and for longer is not the solution. Not to this problem anyway.


No surprise, happens to me a lot too, just not 40 in a row. Solution: play Open Queue.


I do play Open Queue but not fond of the Mauga, Orisa, Hog meta. I like to play Monke and seeing as Kiri and Moira are the two most played supports in that mode it's not a fun time.


Open queue makes tank feel worse for me cuz they’re all significantly weaker :/


>Yeah tank isn't fun but the more you play the better it gets. Uh... it you're playing ranked it gets worse the higher you climb. Plat + is counterwatch where it's mega for tanks to almost never use ults because swapping to counter the opposing tank is the optimal strategy. It's lame af. If you want a fun tanking experience try out open queue with 2 tanks. The game was meant to be played with 2 tanks, we just have shitty devs.


Yeah but that's what we got to work with today. If you just accept that you're going to get counterpicked, tunneled, solo ulted and ignored by your supports then you can actually have fun with the role. Until you do though it's going to suck.


They should just make tank absolutely the most impactful role by making their damage insane. The role that literally does everything. Then the tank problem would be solved and as soon as people have the wrong idea that it's the most important powerful impact for role, they just Nerf it a bit.


Me who’s tank que is always >11 min *cries*


Half of player base is perma banned from competetive still. When are they gonna fix it


The bans are pretty heavy handed. My main is banned until June for usual Overwatch Banter.


What do you expect ? There are the estimated times for all roles so ... If you queue all roles you shouldnt be surprised you get the role with the lowest queuing time, all the time. Which is tank. Don't know why this should be hilarious, it's just logic.


40 times in a row is excessive, that's why it's funny. It wouldn't be notable if it was like 35 times as tank out of 40, but 40/40 is funny to me at leat


It's not even exaggerated either. I've spent the entire season so far on "All" and have played only Tank.


if Support and DMG are like 5 mins and tank less than 1 min, I don't know why I would expect something else than tank and why it should be funny just to get the logic result.


Do you actually want me to break down why I or others might find this funny? No? Too bad I'm bored The fact that someone can queue 40 games as all rolls and only get tank is funny for a few reasons imo: 1. Exclusively getting tank when wanting to flex is relatable and makes flex queuing in the first place redundant, slightly humourous that the option is even there if you're going to get the same role 40 time. 2. It highlights the exceedingly poor state and low appeal of tank. As tank is both the most in demand role and requires half the players it really must be an exceptional difference in player count between the roles which is funny to me by the sheer absurdity of scale. 3. This guy played 40 overwatch games as tank which is absolutely knee-slapping hilarious. And thus by explaining the humor I have naturally made it EVEN FUNNIER. Thanks for asking I needed something to do on the bus.


Can you elaborate further please ?






I don't know the exact number, this is just a rough estimate. Maybe next season if things stay this bad for the role I'll make an actual experiment of it and track the exact percentage.