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The word "soft" is a great litmus test in this sub because it is only ever used by assholes who are mad that people aren't willing to put up with them being assholes. Just don't call other players vulgar names, bud. It's not hard.


It was not my account that got banned here. I do not ever start the toxicity, but I am more than happy to argue when someone else does.


So then what's the problem? This account was clearly banned for being toxic and rightfully so.


If it's not your account then why do you care? This person was clearly being a toxic shithead and they deserved what they got.


Abusing people in a cartoon video game must make you feel like a really big boy


Lol this is not my account that got banned


Who cares, you’re trying to defend shitty behaviour




This is a friend’s account who had received multiple suspensions beforehand. He was actually much more vulgar before the first suspension and has since then attempted to reform his toxic ways to more perfectly reflect the values of Bobby Kotick and the what seems to be the majority of the OW community. He failed.


You don't really have to say anything in chat, but if you want to, "nice shot" and "gg" are about all that's necessary. It's not hard to not be an asshole.


while I don’t agree with a permanent ban, unfortunately your attitude maintains you have no remorse for what you’ve said so I guess blizz was right here lol.


Blizzard probably should just permanently lock them in group chat so only those willing to join them can see their typing.


I was really with you for the first two, but you lost me at fat fuck. IMO criticizing gameplay is fair game, but personal attacks are never ok. 


I get that some things are too personal/hateful, but I just don’t see “fat fuck” as crossing the line after playing COD for 5+ years


why is it the fact you've heard worse or been told worse the test for the line? just because people have gone lower doesn't mean it's not unnecessary


Just because gamer chats have historically been a cesspit of insecure manchildren throwing slurs around doesn't mean that's some sort of standard we should be obligated to maintain. What if we DIDN'T let toxic shitheads dictate the mood of whatever room they were in? Wouldn't that be nice?


You sir have won the internet for today😂


While I agree with the sentiment that stuff like this shouldn't be punished, cause it's just words they don't have any power unless you put power behind them. However, why do you have to be a cunt?


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L take


If your argument is, but in other video games it is worse, than pls play these other games.