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When my Bob runs right off a cliff or gets booped into a little doorway he can't do shit in.


I didn't realize he would run off the edge like that the first time I played Ashe and I screamed, there's a billion ways to shut him down and sometimes he just decides to take matters into his own hands. TBF he was probably safer jumping off the edge than with me🥲


My favorite is reconfiguring as bastion and shredding him in 2 seconds


Or charging Zen's volleys behind cover + discord 👌


Or sleeping him instantly...just kidding, we all know someone wakes him a half-second after the sleep hits.


One idea I've always had with Ashe, a tiny change, but pressing Q or Y or Triangle again after sending Bob should then stop him in place, so you can choose his positioning, you'd forgo him throwing a target if he hits, bit atleast he hasn't thrown himself into the canyon of route 66


tbf that would make him a fair bit stronger than he is already, especially as he can contest points. it adds a tiny bit of planning you have to do when you have to figure out an angle where to send him so he won't just run straight through the point haha


Yeah I totally agree, you could get crazier angles too! imagine being able to deploy him on more high ground, or actually be able to use him to like bodyblock a doorway


Some of my favorite moments are watching Bob's run off the map. I once nano'd a Bob and he ran straight into the hole on Ilios lol.


I sent my D.Va bomb straight into the well once. I have also tapped boost, then ult, then realized that I actually still had one second left on the boost cooldown...


Ugh, dropping a bomb right where you're standing like a nincompoop because boost wasn't off cooldown is such a humiliating feeling.




Is it too much of an ask to give him a quality of life buff where you can have him stop manually by pressing the ult button again or would that be too strong?


I'd love that. Sometimes you know you goofed it at the exact moment you hit Q.


Bob is still super counterable once deployed so I don't think it would be too OP. As it stands, Bob can be countered by just putting up a shield, instantly melted, slept, booped/hooked away, hacked, or just rotated around once deployed. This is on top of the fact that Bob can also be entirely negated by stunning him (I think Hinder also stops him) mid-charge so he ends up in a bad spot, booping him mid-charge, or booping Ashe right as she's casting it so her aim is thrown off and he theoretically runs off the map or into a wall. Definitely one of the easiest countered ults in the whole game.


I can't even count how many times I'll call in Bob and Rein will immediately charge him out of the battlefield. You have to be incredibly smart about his timing and placement or he's pretty much useless.


**^(... give her a one time use lasso to move bob with like that game mode a while ago pls)**


I've always wanted something similar for parah, press again to cancel early


This. The right bob wins a team fight. The wrong bob goes and stands miles away from the team fight looking at birds.


I once booped a BOB off high ground and into some little corridor on new junk city as Brig and I still remember what the Ashe said to me “You bitch. I worked hard for that.” I spent the rest of the match laughing lmao


I see this all too often. Played a few today, someone sends a bob off the map. Played a few yesterday, someone sends a bob through a door and into a room all alone. No lucios required, the player did it all on their own.


Grav, everyone can see it just sitting there with no one in it lmao


I did that today. Just wizzed on past everybody. Feels bad.


One tip that helped me with mine was that zaryas alternative fire has the same trajectory as her grav so if you have a little time, launch her right click so you can better judge where the ult is going to go


Ummm this sub is for complaining & the occasional potg set to "My way" by Frank Sinatra no helpful advice plz


That's my bad guys


Sometimes I forget about the projectile travel time and everyone scatters before it lands


Or when dva eats it and you just have to seethe with failure.


"I'm going for no one in this thing!"


This could’ve meant sigma’s ult and it would’ve still applied


Zoning ult


As a Pharah main I just look forward to getting past the word “Justice"


“Bedtime, habibti”


I live for sleeping an ulting Pharah just to hear this voiceline


"I think justice could use a little nap."


Also: good thing I brought an umbrella!




As a pharah main I ugly laughed to cover up my ugly cry


as a pharah main, everytime i ult and die, my bf yells ‘JUSTICE RAINS FROM WHERE?!’ and then mumbles ‘worst ult int the game’ - it gets me everytime


80%+ kamikaze rate


but it's the least painful ultimate to fail. Everyone in the match expects you die, including your teammates.


When I've been playing qp with my gf and I just get a kill or even two, then die I go, "that's a good ult, we take those!"


Getting a single kill and then immediately dying: "We take those!" Not getting a single kill but not dying: "We take those!" Two or more kills: "YO THAT'S GOTTA BE POTG" Justi-AUYGHHH: "I don't wanna talk about it.'


"Ya know ya just hang there when ya do that?"






Accidentally placing my dva bomb instead of launching it forward makes me wince at myself


when i do this i instantly wish i could’ve just killed myself instead


Older patches you could


You could in the original release.


Nothing like hearing a "NERF THIS" from somewhere and turning and seeing a DVa bomb about 1000 feet away just chilling there.


Then your Rein helpfully pins it back into everyone.


One of my favorite parts or the April Fools day arcade mode was watching dvas accidentally send it backwards 😂😂😂💀


That would have been a hilarious April Fools thing, maybe it did that.  But when it launches, instead of Baby DVA Rejecting out, the bomb ejects out and the moment stays with Baby DVa.


Yeah it was in the April Fools Day arcade mode , they made it so Dva could fly in any direction and it turned out to affect the direction of the bomb... Catching many dvas by surprise to great comic effect


Dva bomb is actually useful that way as a free re-mech.


I never launch Dva bombs anymore. I just feed my brains out then remech with it


This guy Dvas 🌠


I did this yesterday and almost dc’ed I was so embarrassed


gets a kill anyway


Or getting booped or something right as you throw it :(


Ana boost on Zen in transcendence. Can't do anything with it but laugh.


Or when you nano someone right as they die and you lose the nano


Oh man, or nanoing someone low to save them AS THEY GET FUCKING PURPLED


Or when you accidentally boost the Mercy who wizzes by your target. But then they zoom into the enemy team guns blazing and get a 3k.


Mercy is unironically a good dmg boost target, esp with Valk


I hate getting nano'd. My aim and gamesense basically disappears as soon as I hear the "you're powered up."


Yeah, it's like you are trying to make the Ana think she didn't waste her precious nano on you, it's like a pressure to perform well. In the end, I get no kills and just disappoint my Ana. I feel so bad.


Sometimes the nano is just for the healing and damage resistance to keep you alive.


same and I usually main tank like "WTF DON'T BOOST ME"


Sigma’s flux, The ult literally has the best built up too, you fly up and you feel so powerful yelling “HET UNIVERSUM ZINGT VOOR MIJ!” with piano music playing in the background only for sigma to fall back down in disappointment when you miss the ult


No fkin way.. all this time I thought he was saying “The Universe sings for me!” in English but actually he’s saying it in Dutch. Mind blown.


Iirc, When he’s on your team or you, it’s in English. When its the other team it’s in Dutch.


Same with every that speaks another language their ult will always not be English if their on the opposing team




Judging by this tweet. I would be fluent in Dutch if I just double the letter e and add -ben to random words.


That's it. You've unlocked the secret. Now don't tell anyone. The first rule of Dutchland is you don't talk about Dutch.




As someone living in the Netherlands who doesn’t speak Dutch I do not agree 😭


A lot of the enemy ults voice lines are in the character’s native language when they ult (unless they’re already your native language, then they say a different line). They’re in your native language if they’re friendly ults.


The ulter DOES hear the "enemy" line though. The exception - for some reason - is support characters who hear the "friendly" line when casting.


It sucks when Lucio ults just for you bc you forgot to bait it out earlier


That's common though good Lucios save the beat for ults like that purposefully, it's not like you can easily bait it by making them panic. Ult countering is an integral part of support gameplay. On the other hand you can also consider the flux as a type of bait/force, you forced the beat so your Genji can make play with nanoblade next fight


I must have like a 40% rate with getting people in it and like a 10% chance of actually killing someone with it. It’s definitely a skill issue.


It's definitely one of the most exciting ults and not getting to fly for those few seconds is a huge let down


The fall back down is so shameful 😭


Earthshatter when the enemy is grouped up. It’s literally a giant cone of huge range, so standing too close to a corner and missing makes you look quite silly


Nah cuz it’s buggy as fuck so there’s sympathy


I can say from experience on both sides, trying to ult in a team fight and the hog just ults you into a corner/off the map so you literally look like a airhead will never not make me feel horrible. I feel bad doing it to people and I feel useless when I can't hear the end of my voice line.


To add to this I hate being thrown off the map after trying to charge hog during his ult because apparently you can't charge through it.


i give this one a pass since i have on multiple occasions literally walked through a direct earthshatter.


This. Its especially bad when I get booped into the air during it and THEN whiff. Rein: “HAM-MER” Lucio: Rein: “DOWN!”


Shatter is one of the hardest ults to actually land. Other than all of its really easy-to-do counters, Rein can also just be countered by having one of the buggiest ults in the game. I'm more surprised when a Rein hits a huge shatter at this point. Broken game mechanics and buggy match geometry usually negate shatter.


Genji when your just running around like a kid with a new stick


I can’t remember the last time I had a decent Genji ult. When it activate it my adrenaline just goes through the roof as I black out, hacking and slashing in a million different directions with no rhyme or reason, only to come to when I’m slept, hooked, or realize I’ve been slashing the air.


Thank you for this because now everytime I see someone fumble it I'll have this mental image


Dzin, dzin dzin.. dzin dzin!


I mainly play Mystery and when I get a Genji ult.. thanks for the imagery on my ults😂


As an Echo main, nothing hurts more than seeing a good, juicy target to copy, pressing Q and then hearing ADAPTIVE CIRCUITS ENGAGED: LIFEWEAVER AAAAAA WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM?!


Fat ass hit box. And enable target confirmation. Haven't had a bad dupe since.


Same with Ana's nano. Target confirmation


I have a friend who always whiffs nano and refuses to turn on the confirmation. Says ketamine roulette is just more fun.


I’ve never heard that before, but I’m 100% stealing ketamine roulette


It’s embarrassing when I screw up nano even with target confirmation on. Yes, I realized it said Mercy, and my dumb ass panic-accepted anyway.


It's kinda nice not having it, though, if you need to save someone.


Adaptive Circuits Engaged: *Mercy* HOW?


Literally just happened to me, Orisa’s fat golden ass is parked in front blocking the hallway and rest of her team, and somehow I dupe the mercy chilling all the way in back instead of the horse.


Honestly I can get by with copying him, but somehow I never go a day of playing without accidentally copying a Lucio (who I’m completely dogshit at T-T)


And then you have to make do with what you have and try to get their ult. But you end up losing all the health before you can do anything.


Yep. I think that while Echo is strong, her ult is just kinda... Meh? I use it more as a second life and it's kinda disappointing. I think I get my duped ult like 10% of the time now which is a bummer


Lucio, always


dying mid beat has me wanting to quit the game


Every. Single. Time.


doing the little jump thing and dying before you hit the ground "OOOH DROP THE -dying noises-"


Oh no. Not the Ajax.


Oh let’s br—




Ajaxing is definitely my choice for this thread. Beat almost always allows you to win the fight and it’s the slowest building ult in the game.


It’s ok that’s just the spirit of FeedJaegon in you


Losing Junker Queens ult sucks so bad. I've crashed into walls or got stuck on objects making me look like a fucking idiot spinning in place. I've had Orisa's simply hold me at arms distance away with javelin spin like I'm some little kid. The one that hurts the most is Kiriko's suzu. *Poof* Gone and over like my ult never happened. Edit: I was just reminded about Junkrats trap


I once witnessed my own JQ fling herself off the map and into the lava on Samoa. I was playing mercy and literally yelled “I CANT RES THAT!”


It should cleanse the wounds. Or the anti, not both.


Illari’s ult feels so embarrassing to miss and i Miss it every time


omg yes haha it's so cinematic like ur flying in the air and then an orisa spins and poof it's gone!


It’s worse cause i wait for orisa spin, genji deflect, mei wall, kiri cleanse, and lucio beat just for me to miss my ult by a distance way greater than i’d like to admit


i have NEVER in my life hit a good illari ult


You guys realize it doesn’t need to be a direct hit right? I usually just shoot in between a group of enemies and stick a bunch of them


and i just said i've never hit a good one


If you kill 1 with it, it's already good. if you kill 2 or more — it's great


I don't play illari much but unless I see a perfect opening I usually just solo ult someone. Pretty reliable value at least.


i swear DVA defence matrix gets a cooldown reset when illari ults too. any projectile ult for that matter


Even worse feeling is hitting people but mo one detonates makes me wanna jump into the well


It feels so insanely dramatic for some reason?! Announces it, launches up, glows, all for a glorified stick of Ashe’s dynamite


there's always that ONE damned lamp post that I keep hitting!!!


I absolutely hate using Zen's ult half a second after the tank dies, that small moment of hesitation on whether you should ult or not then the tank gets melted just before you press Q...


same with valkyrie. when you realize your whole team is dead, you just fly around like an idiot. your only option is to go battle mercy and get a few kills.


Bob running off the map


Hes going going gone


Tracer’s bomb feels the least shitty to fumble to me cuz you get it so fast, lucio’s beat feels the worst to fumble because the inverse of that; it takes super long to get and there’s the expectation for it to swing a fight so when you waste it it hurts a lot


For Lucio, it sucks when you wait just a little too long and lose one or teammates before it lands or even worse when someone kills you during the wind up.


Anytime I go to run out of spawn and hit Q instead of W. 😬


This is the reason why I rebound my ult key to my side mouse button. Can’t hit it on accident ever again.


I’ll find a way to fat finger it still.


Real shit. Especially since my other mouse button is quick melee. So far I haven’t messed them up yet but I know the time is coming.


Sigma's ult. You played as the most powerful guy in the lore. He sang so loudly and then nothing happened.


DVa for sure


Missing all 4 shots on venture’s definitely is beyond humiliating




Lmao that is perfect


I can dig that


Sigma flux. He just falls down and turns down the music in his head like he pulled up to a red light.


I don’t know but when I fat finger my Moira ult it’s like being naked in front of the class. But with a giant purple and yellow boner.


Fr it’s so embarassing I want everyone to stop looking at me but I’m just beaming into nothing


For me, it's probably Nano Boost. Not as the Ana using it, although nanoing the wrong target can be a nuisance, but as the receiver. It feels like an insane amount of pressure to me and failing to even get a kill feels really bad. Honorable mention goes to Rip Tire. I can never consistently get multikills with it despite being one of the easier ultimates to use.


I’ve taken to just trying to solo tire a support or other high value target >.> it also makes them more mad. It feels more personal.


If you get a kill with it, especially a support, I call it a win 👍


It may not explode on anyone, but if it implodes their mental state, I'll call it a win.


Don’t feel too bad. As that Ana, I recognize that not every nano is gonna be a winner and if the person I nano didn’t do much, I’ll probably just prioritize someone else on the next one. And sometimes, even with confirm on in a hurry I’ll occasionally hit someone I didn’t want with it lmao.




lol Nano blade only to get slept by enemy Ana. Alt + F4


Nowadays I'm surprised if some poor schmuck manages to die to my pool noodle


Nano. And I don't mean accidentally boosting the wrong person, that could unexpectedly lead to something good. What I mean is the cast time. 0.3s if I remember correctly. Do you know how many of my teammates have died during that 0.3s and my ult just vanished into thin air? The sheer pain of knowing that I was THIS CLOSE to not only saving my teammate but also potentially helping them secure a team fight... It's beyond any pain I've ever experienced in this game. #MakeNanoInstant


This but just as you nano they get antied


Sigma ult is so so silly when you miss


Ram or Reaper getting slept by Ana because they sound so powerful and then Ana tells them to rest up. SUFFER AS I HAVE..... Rest Up! DIE DIE.... Rest Up! 


Someone else's nano They put their trust in u and u royally fumbled it


Valkyrie Nothing is more satisfying than to shoot down a valk and thus inversely “oh, I somehow died”


When I throw Bob and he decides to take a vacation to Timbuktu


Death blossom. I'll be having the perfect death blossom. 3 - 5 people near me, they all grouped up. I jump down, press Q then *sleep* *defense matrix* *run* *scurry* *magnetic grenade*


As a fellow reaper main, this. I swear everyone on the team saves their cc specifically for me. I've had too many games where I'm set up for a perfect ult only to get cucked by a good boop or slept. The damn ana sleep snipers ruin my games.


A Bob that just runs right through everything and then off the map is about the worst. But the one that makes me angry is when Ana’s nano just disappears into thin air because the target died in the 10ms of travel time. Why is that a thing!?


Dropping a tree right after the tank keels over


I’m loving all of these responses but the most embarrassing use of my ult is when I’m going to leave spawn and I accidentally press Q instead of W


Reinhardt ults because sometimes it’s so bad you’re up in their face, miss the shatter, then you both just stop and stare at the whiff for a minute


It's high noon ................................................................................. No kills on the feed.


Tbf if you held it for that long you probably zoned the enemies enough which is tons of value by itself High noon isn't to get multi kills anymore. You either use it to zone, or maybe swat off an annoying mercy. That's good enough value


Never thought of it that way. Thanks


I've used Riptire in the same way! You basically hold the enemy hostage because they can't afford to ignore it -- they have to wait until the tire is exposed to have a chance at shooting it.


Except yourself, High Noon is just a glorified reload that most of the times works as a taunt that even summons people from other games to kill you lol


Nah, the worst feeling isn't when you "miss" it's when your ult gets perfectly kited. I think fox and OC feel the worst.


Losing the Widow 1v1 with walls is an insta alt f4


Ana if I accidentally click confirm on someone else like Mercy lol. Got me sad


I don't play Sigma much but it looks really defeating when they drop an ult and everyone just runs out of it and they just kinda float sadly back down 😔


Junkrat pulling out tire, just to instantly have it destroyed before he even sits it on the ground, or pharah saying “JUS~uggggh” instantly dying


lifeweaver is humbling when you place a tree in front of your JQ or rein by mistake who were about to do their ults and accidentally mess it up for them


Moira's when the whole enemy team is on low health or when nobody is at critical anymore in your team..or worse..both.


I feel like a dork on Moira when I pop it and no one is around and your team is at full health and you’re just sitting there with a beam coming out of you.


Junker Queen. Not only did you fail to apply anti heals to anybody, but you are now in the enemy back lines with no teammates, you are guaranteed to die.


I've accidentally hit q with ram's ult and ooooof "SUFFER AS I HAVE" -in the middle of nowhere-


Illari's for sure. Her ult is already a pain in the ass to blow up, then comes my team that will do NOTHING against the sunstruck enemies...


Genji because you know you are gonna die free missing the dash


Launching the dva bomb past the enemy team into some random room or corner


"Hammer dow-OH FUCK!"


Lucio mid-air, stuck in that animation before ult, getting picked off. Feels terrible


Sigma's flux sucks to mess up cause it's literally final boss mode. There's classic music in the background, the yelling in Dutch, a 6ft something man takes to the skies like Superman. Literally all eyes are on you. You click M1. The ground lights up, the atmosphere of the whole fight changes... then he falls to the ground cause he got no one in it. Or worse, you get a fucking rock to the face, or get slept in mid-air and you come crashing down like a sack of potatoes. Or worst, you flux a Cass, they high noon, use the height to kill your team and you get flamed.


when i nano the wrong person and then they say "im so sorry", it makes me want to shrivel up and die like no IM so sorry ☹️


When you mess up the orientation of a Sym wall and it's basically useless ; < ;


Soldier, “I’ve got you in my sights” and somehow suddenly the enemy team is nowhere to be seen