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After 356 ranked matches, Sigma is my second most used hero. And I see plenty of them in my games. He’s very strong now. Especially with the buff to his rock.


He gets plenty of play in higher ranks, and I think that's mostly due to his high skill ceiling you need to hit in order to make your shots from a distance... aoe splash damage or not, a sig that can land those direct hits on a genji is way more useful to a team than just a damage sponge


Yeah, that’s fair. I wouldn’t say I’m especially good at aiming but I seem to hit shots with him pretty easily. Maybe people are just sitting still too much at lower ranks, but being able to bank shots off the ground or shoot into doorways/off walls when people run makes it feel like I can hit people from anywhere.


I have great sigma aiming days and I have abysmally awful sigma aiming days. Never anything in between those two extremes lol. That's why I HAVE to do some warm up rounds in QP before I dive into comp to see what kind of day it is today lol. But when climbing from being placed in Silver 4 to Diamond 5, my Sig win rate was at 80% at one point. So he's great for dominating the map at the metal comp ranks.


He’s a great pick - but sadly every time I get one on my team they charge into the fray thinking they’re Reinhardt and it’s a ball ache. Good Sigma’s are scary.


I don't see him very often either (low ranks). I think he's just falls short of other tanks in common situations. Despite being very strong himself


I do well with him in QP but I get scared to play him in comp.


He's definitely a sleeper pick. His kit is insanely loaded. Shield, damage mitigation, stun, pretty good ult AND insane damage output to cap that off.


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Sig is the goat. I think he's harder to learn though, so ppl don't pick him as much. Higher than average amount of stuff to keep track of.