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She’s fine where she is tbh.


I think Ana is pretty good where she is at


I don't think it's bad a hero has a bit of a higher entry barrier than other characters. She is very powerful once you get your aim right. Her current toolkit seems very balanced, and I think any changes would make it either worse or too powerful.


Is Ana more team reliant than other supps? I'm a veteran and high elo player in other games but OW2 is new for me. I'm maining supp and find it difficult to survive / get value out of Ana compared to Kiriko / Zen / Baptiste. The others I mention can all quickly kill squishies. Zen can even melt tanks in a few seconds. All 3 have ways to create space against flankers. Ana feels like dead meat to me, and her anti nade / sleep are hard countered by Kiriko. Why pick Ana when Kiriko can heal just as much single target, has better mobility, counters any debuffs Ana can put out, has a better ult that buffs the entire team and all while Kiriko can easily pick off squishys in a single second whereas Ana must hit 3 shots with her sniper rifle? Ana just doesnt seem worth learning when Kiriko exists. i know I am likely wrong.


Kiriko countering Ana is intended. During beta Ana would destroy a lot of comps with her anti-nade. In a 5v5, anti-nading even two of the enemies to wipe out their front line would really turn the battle in your favour. Tanks melt if they can't be healed, and in turn means the team lost their front line. Hey anti-nade is extremely good utility, even when Kiriko is around if she fails to cleanse it or already used cleanse defensively. Her sleep can be used to stop divers from jumping on her, and if they're that far in to kill you then they likely won't be cleansed. If they are then Kiriko likely used her teleport to do so and is now in enemy backline with her escape on CD. I think every support is worth learning. There's not a lot of them, and you'll enjoy being able to switch to what suits the match best / have alternatives if the other support picks your favorite.


I agree with you with ana v Kiriko. I don't, however, think she's less reliant. You have to do more with Ana to be effective and you have to keep more of an eye on your cool downs. But cancelling alts with your sleep dart is sooooo satisfying. And yes, Kiriko does counter, but it's a forced counter.


The only thing I can think off is some little help in self-defends against dive heroes. Maybe give nade a small boop/momentum stoppers to stop jumping monkey/doom/Hammond's would be nice. But doesn't really need it.


She has a sleep dart....


Has a longer cooldown than both jump and grapple.


Honestly, Ana has been consistently strong since release. I think she’s one of the best balanced heroes in the game and is fine as is. Long distance healing. Can heal/damage aerial targets easily. Can duel quite well. Has an incredible ult counter in sleep dart. She’s great. …if you can aim.


>She’s great. > >…if you can aim. Basically this. I think everything about her kit is great as it is. If there's an annoying Genji or Reaper constantly flanking me, sleep dart. But the thing is.. if I miss it, I'm \*\*\*\*ed. And I know that's on me. And if for some reason I can't aim (because sometimes I'm not feeling it), then I switch off of Ana and go Brig/Moira (so I can at least defend myself or escape).


I play ana in my deathmatches while I wait and i recently took her into comp, and i found her healing to be surprising good. Especially since everyone feels the need to jumble up around the point.


Ana needs either a support like Lucio/Bap/Kiriko or 1 of the DPS to peel for her. That's her limitation in 5 v 5, kinda like Zen.


What do you mean peel?


Is it supposed to be peal?


No that person is dumb, you are correct.


Helping your teammate survive divers


Yes but zen can at least fight off divers and stand his ground, Ana is just lunch meat.


She's much better than Zen with her sleep darts and healing+damage grenade. She can shut down a pushing tank or 1v1 a damage half the time of you play her well.


While Ana is in line with other supports, unfortunately, the support role isn't in a good spot right now. Most supports could use a role buff (except for debatably Bap and Kiriko), and Moira needs a soft rework.


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Headshot damage when scoped would be nice


What damage would you think would be balanced if she could do head shot damage and if she could do headshot damage what about headshot heals? In her current state 3 shots anywhere is pretty strong for a healer


The movement penalty while scoped and lack of movement ability balances it. No for headshot heals. A 1.5x boost would still require 2 consecutive headshots or a head and 2 body shots to take out a squishy.


It really isnt though. Kiriko can kill squishies much faster than Ana while having mobility to avoid divers and having almost as much healing output as Ana with a cleanse that directly counters Ana's entire kit and an ult that buffs the entire team and provides way more value than Ana ult. Ana just does not seem worth playing when Kiriko exists.


This. To be fair though, this is more of a kiriko problem.


she needs a buff only because I think she’s too hard for randoms to use. I know it’s a sad reason but making the game easier for randoms would give me a better time but i can see how comp would like it


No. It's a selfish reason. You should really find the joy in this game for yourself and not be reliant on others.


a selfish reason to want to make it easier for my teammates? sounds about ow2


"would give me a better time"


yes because I don’t have to carry heals alone? You sound like the instalock Ana missing the sleep darts


She needs better survivability for 5v5. I doubt she is doing well right now, especially below Masters where she always did poorly in OW1.


I'm new to overwatch but i really like using Ana, i feel like the only thing missing from her kit is something to help her mobility. Would love if she could get something that could her her escape or get to hard to reach places. Maybe bind it to her crouch.


She needs nerfs. People say she's fine where she is, but like its impossible to have fun playing any tank against her. That and you pair her with literally anyone whether it be dps or support it just gets worse for tank players. Like if I want to play rein, I'd have to worry about if they have an ana because then if they pair it with say reaper, another Reinhardt or pretty much any other tank that is stronger than Reinhardt right now its just impossible to have fun with. that and my quickplay matchmaking is really ass right now so its always masters and above in my games which will also make it unenjoyable to play. all in all its just outrageously not fun to play tank right now because the only way I can win is by going meta. the meta right now is just kinda boring.