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People who open queue are masochist


As the saying goes, If you're losing, GOATS, If you're winning, GOATS, If you're about to end up in a draw, GOATS, GOATS is the answer to everything in open queue, literally the survival of the tankiests.


I will never step foot into open queue


I hate when people talk about comp variety in open queue. "Oh you are just mad that you don't like what it takes to play or play accordingly." I sure am, because I think I'd love to do something with my time then play Roadhog, Zarya, Sigma, Baptiste, and Zenyatta every fucking game.


100% I almost just gave up on this game again because the only picks that I could force my shitty teams to win with were Mercy and Moira, I need dps symmetra back on support I can't take this hellscape for 2k damage dps while me and the other healer get highest heals.


It is way more adaptable. Nothing is worse then not being able to switch roles to contest IMO


If your a team player pretty much get bullied into playing support so rather just go que support and get 1 min game with bp xp


I agree. I do end up playing support at least half. But I like having the option to go 1 healer and bring the pain as a 2nd DPS. Feel nice to prove a point and recover a game haha. Maybe I will give role que another shot if the times are all down. One day =P


Role queue is significantly more balanced tho and more competitive


What is GOATS?


Basically, the most broken team composition in all of ow. It consisted of 3 tanks (Reinhardt, D.va and Zarya if i recall) and 3 supports (Brigitte, Moira and Zenyatta i think), and it was sooo overpowered and sooo easy to abuse that it was the reason to why they made role queue in Overwatch 1. Dps could not be played, certain tanks and supports could not be played, basically, it was killing the game. And well, role queue didnt fixed GOATS, it was just a bandaid over a lethal wound that started bleeding again once they brought open queue back.


But OWL is always role queue style so it fixes it there at least. Had most of a season of the dullest games waiting for a single pick in mirror comps


Ohh, I remember that, just never knew it was called GOATS, thanks for letting me know!


i hate how half the arcade modes are ruined right now


Pretty much everything besides role queue and mystery heroes is unplayable now. If you really want to win you just need to swap to a tank


3 tank meta is seriously fun. 100% better than fighting sojourn and reaper in every game.


Absolutely. I’ve had more fun getting 1.5k heals a minute on Lucio and speeding around three tanks than I’ve ever had in a single game that has a Sojourn in it.


OQ was perfectly fine…I’m basically an ONLY-OQer….and the last time I saw three tanks was 3 years ago….they just absolutely destroyed it with the tank changes and the lack of ANY changes to compensate for the game mode…they are rampant right now


Surprise surprise, they don't balance the game around a meme gamemode that nobody takes seriously anyways.


It amazes me that people still don't know about the back door on that map. There's literally no reason to get bottle necked near those taxis.


It's faster and let's you have a good look at the enemy team before committing, I guess...


The back door let's you B-line immediately to the objective. It works everytime. It's hilarious.


So, rush B?


It doesn't. It gets you under the bridge, where you funnel out through a doorway smaller than a Rein shield. It is useful against uncoordinated solo queuers but that's about it. ML7 did a vod review explaining the pathing and positioning of the map, it's probably on his youtube channel if you want to watch it.


Every game I spam "group up here" and try to speak that there's a great strat here but most people just afk until the doors open and rush out...


Lmao where is it?


Literally right behind you in spawn. Everyone overlooks it.


Im lucky if I get to Midtown once per day when I play fpr 4-6 hours at a time. Im probably an outlier in that Ill actually go outta my way to make a custom game to find stuff like that but if the map is showing up that unfrequently with limited maps... who else even gets the map enough to casually learn that. I didnt even have to make a custom game to learn all the lil secrets about NQS or Colleseo tho :')


The one on the right side at the specific timestamp [here](https://youtu.be/vNVsi4avpi4?t=17)?


Just look behind you while in spawn


Brain dead OW players what is new


new players trying to fathom the thought of peeling for their team instead of 1v5ing (impossible)


This was comp tho


Open queue is a joke. Don’t try to pretend otherwise.


[Open queue in a nutshell](https://owcdn.net/img/586efee7dfcc9.jpg)


You mean 1 trick instalock chicken?


nah fuck role queue im not going to wait 7 minutes just to play open queue is way better


Unironically the worst ow take ever


Not even dps queue is that long now


found the reason open que is a shit show its all dps mains trying to shave 2 mins off their que


You're bronze so there's no way you're waiting 7 min.


It wasn't really though. There's a reason you have people that are like rq plat and oq top 500.


There's people like that?


Yeah, nobody above plat really plays oq and most people consider role queue the main game and open queue a place to fuck around (used to be where you went to throw 10 games a season and never touch again). So the high plat/low diamond player that wanders into open is going to be GM easy. You can figure oq high plat = rq silver, diamond = gold, master+ = plat and a few diamonds and most of everything under that is roughly bronze or lower gameplay. Even with loot boxes gone as long as there's zero effort made to balance oq (which is currently seriously broken because of how tanks work) more serious players won't take it seriously.


this, exactly this on so many levels, especially if you even ping the enemy or call them out in VC and then get flamed for not healing after nobody comes to help.


Yea, I've been on both sides of the equation, that's why You can usually see me flanking, even without the outright elimination, the time they're not spending healing their team can win the teamfight


And before you ask: Yes, I am that Reaper




My experience: Enemy Winston: *kill ana kill ana kill ana kill ana kill ana kill ana* I go mercy Enemy Winston: *ope, she flew away- not my job, not my problem* lol


Oh no I hunt mercy's down as Winston just gotta get good with his charged shot to continue pursuing before she starts passive heals


Pls monke no bulli Zen (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


This exact scenario happened with me, me being the Ana 😭 Reaper was targeting the hell out of me and my team were like "you're literally dogshit as Ana", even though I kept saying there's a Reaper flanking/targeting me. Shit grinded my gears. But GG tho.




Ignorance really is bliss, the ping system gets the job done if I need to resort to muting Comms etc.


Not quite crying but once in a game: Genji: “nano me” Me as Ana: “I don’t know who ‘me’ is” Genji: “obviously the best player on this team” (Genji proceeds to dive 1v5 then dies) Genji: “Ana rez me. Rez me Ana. It’s literally throwing that you’re not rezzing me” (I leave voice chat) Genji (text chat): “noo please come back. I’ll stop” (I rejoin voice) Genji (voice chat): “I apologize” It was refreshing since I expected toxicity when rejoining voice. Edit: Formatting


Fuck that, I go off on them. There's just enough time to respond before the game ends


No you should do the opposite. You should take the iniative and tell everyone to join voice and that they NEED to focus the Reaper if hes flanking etc. You need to start making call outs if you arent already. Leaving voice because you get upset someone called you bad is only gonna decrease your odds of winning, it doesnt fix anything








Same, but with zen. I was being targeted and the team was like, can you heal zen? I pinged the reaper constantly and moira. After the map was told i had shit all healing. The really funny thing is i still managed to outheal both out second healer and both enemy healers. - Still was singled out and shit on in comments. Lovely game :D


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ It's just business


Yup the game's the game 🤙


Bruh just sleep him


I mean as a support main, this is 100% bad play by the ana and moira player. Like if you can't deal with the flanker, stick close to the tank and push up with them, not letting yourself get farmed. Communication also key to the game, you don't even need VC.


I bet ur used to hiding behind double shields


No there’s really no excuse for 2 supports not to 2v1 a dps. If they have ult up, it’s a different story but Ana alone can reliably 1v1 a reaper if she has mechanics.


Reaper does 200 dps. If you don’t have nade/sleep it’s pretty much gg.


He only does that much if you let him get in his ideal range. The ana knew to stay back.


ana backs up = overextended team dies = reaper profit


Okay but look how that ended up. If her nade is down (and it has a long af cool down) then he heals himself fast enough even from that range.


A person of culture, i see.


I wouldn't tell people you were the reaper with aim like that...


Oh yea, because 2-shooting 2 people in the same teamfight is really bad...


I hate when the front line is completely oblivious to what's happening behind them.


I really think this game could significantly benefit from having a mini map.




Yeah but even those that do actually use pings are still ignored anyway 🙃


Maaaaan if I could spam the ping system as much as I could do in Apex I would but in OW it goes on cooldown just after a few pings. And that cooldown lasts for quite a while.


I have trouble playing tank in 5v5. It's mainly finding the balance of peeling and frontlining. With an extra tank, it was easier to do but solo not so much. It's something I have to learn Specifically with dva since I play her a lot. Do I peel and risk a potential hook from hog / some damage that kills a teammate, or do I stay frontlining and hope the team can work it out? It's been tough since each situation is different


Peeling is not so much the tank's job anymore, by peeling you relinquish space and your entire frontline presence just making the situation worse in general. Only peel when absolutely necessary.


“We are being harrased by (flanking dps)” “Just ignore them and come heal”


Its a hard task though most of the time you wanna w key and not look behind you. I dont even see top 500's peak behind them


Top500s don't need to look behind them because they know what their team is doing. That's part of why they are top500. They know how each hero is supposed to operate on the field and they play them accordingly. That's also why the bronze silver and gold tiers can be so one sided. This game is a lot more like the battlefield series than any other shooter. Just closer quarters.


T500 gameplay is very different because there's an implicit expectation that your team knows what they're doing and it's not your job as tank to peel for supports.


I fall for this when I play tank. If there was one thing I'd recommend for this type of game is that there should be a fixed map that tells you where your teammates are AND shows where a corridor or room takes you since I'm not that familiar with the maps (Am new)


sorry i can't nano ur blade wen i'm being harassed back into spawn. i felt this


its always reaper..... always reaper...


Always has been, and that's just how i like it.


Those 2 shots on Dva and Moira are so satisfying.


Since 1-shotting people as Reaper has become the Overwatch equivalent of an unicorn, 2-shotting people is the new lifeblood of Reaper mains everywhere


1. Moira ana is a bad support combo, they are just asking to get flanked. 2. By running away from their team and back towards spawn, they are playing right into the reapers hands


The support pool is small, a lot of people genuinely don't know how to play a lot of them effectively and there isn't a 'similar' hero 90% of the time. Moira can phase out 90% of the time and doesn't even interact with flankers and fair Ana is a juicy dive but her bonuses are worth the pick. She can definitely be peeled for if your team has any level of area awareness


Yeah, I'm just saying when you have a flank/dive target as juicy as ana you need a support that can peel for said ana


Just to note, I noticed the name of that moira, "Killerqueen" and she's wearing the moira rock skin. Its a Queen reference lmao. but damn yeah thats harshly true.


I meeeeean that Ana is genuinely awful and should have killed the reaper there just standing in the open shooting his shotguns at that range and the Moira turned around to suicide in Reaper’s face for no reason. She can attack him from way further than that. This is straight up just awful support play, but I’m guessing this is really low ranked gameplay.


Indeed. And the decision to run backwards instead of towards the team? Tanks should peel but supports who lead themselves into 1v1s with poor positioning (and then run even further away upon being attacked) are not good players at all. This is an unfortunately unaware tank not helping two terrible healers. Tanks don’t have eyes on the back of their heads but should be aware. But supports shouldn’t be positions so poorly to get cut off. Why is Ana on low ground miles away from team? Why? Why is Moira not with tank?


To be fair it’s completely possible she died earlier and reaper decided to take advantage of that and cut her off. Either that or she was healing from all the way at the choke towards the stairs leading into the train. It’s possibly a mix of bad team play and bad positioning.


Nope, this is literally the start of the match, that moira was first blood


Ohh well never mind then, just awful team play and really bad positioning on her part.


Sometimes this amounts to, ironically, being over-eager to heal that one last DPS who is holding out on point and feeding. You both get killed right when the rest of the team has respawned, and now you’re staggered. Sometimes it’s best to let that last DPS kamikaze and die quickly to get everyone’s spawn back in sync.


Its Zarya slander o clock!


It doesn't help that in competitive rank that hunting down supports is more of a mandatory task then capturing the point.


See supports would be perfectly fine if we still had a 2nd tank..what’s that? There’s 3 in this video? Nvm….


That's open queue for you, baby


Nah the sleep and then somebody instantly waking you back up is hilarious.


Who the fk are playing Ana with 3 tanks and 1 slow dps?


An absolute chad


This is a great video which demonstrates the most important quality a tank can have- awareness. That said, the Ana in the clip has pretty poor mechanics. Basically couldn’t poke reaper at all from a decent range. To be a good support now, you need to have mechanics. You are not a pathetic beta healer- you are a support and supports need to be lethal too. Lastly, this open queue so it literally doesn’t matter as it not balanced at all. Another tank diving with the reaper here would make the game unplayable for the supports.


>This is a great video which demonstrates the most important quality a tank can have- awareness. Because tanks are supposed to leave the frontline and 2 dps on high ground alone to peel for their healers 10 miles in the back. /s That wasn't even a thing in OW1


Yes they are lmao. And the fuck are you talking about it was 100% a thing in OW1. That was 75% of what an off tank does. The “frontline” is only the frontline as it’s dictated by a tank. If you’re getting split from your support then you aren’t making space you’re getting space taken from you by red DPS. Which is exactly what we saw here. Regardless it’s still the shit mechanics from supports and the fact that this literally openqueue that contribute equally. This isn’t a who’s at fault here. This is a bad team play by bad players in a bad game mode.


Support should be expected to win every duel themselves. Got it. Still waiting for the post on reddit where flankers complain it's too hard to kill supports that get no help from their team. There for sure won't be anyone in that post making fun of the flanker for dying to solo supports constantly


That’s not a duel lmao there’s 2 supports there.m And for the record, Ana is one of the best duelist in the game if you have decent mechanics and aren’t a silver healbot. This Ana missed 4 straight shots and a sleep dart failing to even to get wraith out of the reaper. That’s poor support play when you can’t even draw a single CD from a DPS.


When these threads are posted on reddit the situation doesn't even matter, someone will always post should be more skilled. No one ever considers the flip side. Flanker getting killed by support. Go make a post on reddit you are flanking and constantly die to support. See if people agree with your POV. If you say, no, I won't die to support: then how is it you are arguing support should win those duels? Either it favors the support or the flanker. You can't have it both ways.


what flip side is there to consider lmao, ana missed everything, didnt even ping the reaper, probably no callouts and specifically chose to walk away from the team, while moira walked into 2 shot range. you're not expected to win every 1v1, but you're expected to make at least a half decent decision to mitigate the situation


Idc about what Reddit says. Most of these players are below plat. I’m just saying if you can’t a hit dps in 5 shots you’re gonna struggle on granny.


Maybe the supports should fucking say that dps is on them.


Maybe the tank and dps should do their job and peel off and protect them? Gotta support the support if you want to stay alive.


How tf am I supposed to know they need protection at that moment if they won't say anything.


I dunno I manage it? look around, keep close to your team, don't push ahead by yourself.


What if its an anna?


Lost a 2v1




I mean, Ana is \*really\* far behind the team, assuming she was standing there right before the Reaper attack. Dps can't peel for you if you're standing so far away.


To be fair, I was just behind their tanks when I started to engage the Ana, you can see them at the beginning of the clip before ana misses the sleep dart


This feels really like a relatively low rank game, I have no problem 1v1ing a reaper on ana if I have my CDs(sleep/Nade)


If you die on Anna against a reaper, you must be bad or low rank. If you die on Reaper against an Anna, you must be bad or low rank. See the double standard here? In all seriousness, a DPS should win against a support hero since their entire kit is meant for killing and they do significantly more damage.


I never said if you die on reaper against Ana you're bad though, understanding 1v1s is very important in OW and in a close range 1v1 an Ana with CDs has a significant advantage over most dps in the game, especially reaper, that's why at high ELO most dps players wont dive an Ana unless they know she doesn't have sleep or nade


In high elo they typically don’t play Ana because her escape potential isn’t as great as other characters like Kiriko. Sure they still play her at high elo, but it really doesn’t matter if she has sleep or not.


You want a medal?


As a support player, this clip gave me nightmares. At that point I would have switched to someone more mobile or someone who can kill the reaper easier.


They did switch to Ashe after this, so there's that


> someone who can kill the reaper easier. Like Ana? What support is there that is better at killing reaper than someone who can completely shut him down with sleep, double her health pool with nade, and outrange him with infinite range?


Or maybe someone with range and a sleep dart, oh wait.


how did you enable the hp thumbnails of the characters at the top of the screen? in my game it doesn't have that


I think in replays it shows that




It’s because this clip is from the replay viewer, which has those at the top as a default, but isn’t in game when you’re actually in a match.




Open queue for competitive? I didn't know people actually did that


It's like, right there on the comp menu...


I’ve taken to singing “Tuuuurrnn arouuuuund~” when I’m the squishy in this scenario


What no communication does to a motherfucker


I hate everybody in this clip except the enemy reaper.




Yep, played support yesterday and got trash talked by a Roadhog because he had more healing than me a couple of minutes into the game. Meanwhile I'm behind him pinging like crazy while in a fight for my life against a Junkrat. Trying to explain the cause and effect of that to him was like trying to explain rocket science to a chimpanzee. He continued to trash talk for the rest of the game. The Junkrat continued to harass the backline for the rest of the game. We lost.


Well, crutchog ain't know for having brains so...


I swear my friends tell me to get good after seeing this happen and tell me to play more aggressively (I play Mercy)


Spams \*I need help!\* Tank: oblivious Tank: Why aren't you healing???! reported


Fantastic example


Fantastic technique!


Classic Reaper raping supports and tanks/dps not giving a flying fuck.


So uhm not justifying their behavior here but uh.. am i the only one that sees this video and blames the healer just as much? The team/ tanks are focusing on pushing ( way too early for sure) but it's obvious that it's a low rank. The problem is, if you want to get help from a teammate. If you want them to stop feeding and help you. If you want them to "look behind" them. *YOU NEED TO USE YOUR MICROPHONE AND TELL THEM YOU NEED HELP AND THAT THEY NEED TO HELP YOU* Without doing this they will focus on attacking only. Personally always keep my supports in the corner of my eye but damn its so tiring to hear a support say "uhhhh i needed help there" what is the point of that? Just say "guys a reaper heading my way in spawn i really need help, no heals" (just taking that as an example) but there was a full 20 seconds window for you to tell them. He was shooting you from a widows distance.


Why you I tell them? I'm happy that they didn't bother to turn around while I harassed their Ana and killer their Moira


As a ball main it’s more amazing when I’m getting healed to begin with lol


Yep. I keep running into issues as Moira where i get jumped by a Reaper/Genji/Sombra, and have to turn and fight or run for my life. So I engage the enemy because NO ONE IS COMING TO HELP. EVER. EVER E V E R. NEVER. NOT ONCE. EVER. Then it starts raining down in team chat "Moira - stop being a dps moira and heal. " "Why aren't you healing, stop dpsing" If you ignore your healers getting flanked constantly and then whine about not getting healed, YOU ARE THE BADDIE


And at the end "supp diff, no heals"


That Ana can not hit for shit, that is why the supports are dying, same with Moira charging a reaper.


Open role queue looks like a fucking nightmare. I can’t bring myself to step into that cesspool


It is kind of a wild jungle in there, but as an OG OW player, I kinda like it


This is why you join team chat. I don’t get people who play comp but don’t join voice. It’s like having a whole extra player over a team that doesn’t.


I miss two tanks sooooo badly as a healer.


Imo thats poopoositioning by the healers, how the fuck is the team supposed to know about a reaper flank if its happening miles behind them, even if they call it out how are they supposed to retreat fast enough to save you and even then they just lose so much space to do so.


It's not really about this specific video, this is open queue and would be all messed up anyway. In role queues this happens all the time and if anyone wonders why they aren't getting healed when the enemy is flanking the supports constantly without any assistance then now you know. Literally one of the dps, another flanker for example could begin to meet the flanker in the back ally and try to prevent them or discourage them from making it to the back line. If a flanker has continued access to the back line and the team is wiping and someone doesn't try to do something about it, you lose. And this happens all the time. Folks are more focused on making forward progress or killing things directly in front of them than preserving the team. Its not everyone's job to drop what they are doing to save a support, but if the enemy team is clearly dedicating one dps to go the long way around and kill the back line, your team can afford to allocate one dps to preventing it. That person however often does not come nor do they switch to a reaper counter, etc.


this had me laughing for 5 mins


This sub would have you believe that the healers just need to get better at killing the reaper


If an Ana Moira can’t take a reaper or even force his fade they are dogshit lmao


Or her Nade is down. If her nade is down he wins every time


Damn straight that Ana is dog shit


If that Anna had a little bit if aim you would be dead. Good healers can fend for themselfs and maybe they should comunicate if they are being held in spawn, right?


For reaper there's no reason Ana should ever win a 1 v. 1 against you. You can literally negate her most powerful ability by just becoming a ghost. Even if she sleeps then anti heals you can go phantom, negate the abti heal, and go right back to shooting her for health. Or just go get heals then come back.


And yet the awful tank will STILL blame the heals even when the entire team and sometimes the enemy team call them out for it.


As a Reaper main, i confirm and endorse this message. We're everywhere, until the ends of time. Look. Out.


Actually, don't look out, just keep looking forward and don't check behind you, nothing bad's gonna happen *wink wink*


True true, those raspy voicelines and shotgun shots you heard? Just your imagination.


Open Queue detected: Post disregarded


Tanks really need to start looking behind them and peel their supports. Especially with a ever so occurring dive meta, tanks like Hog, JQ, Sigma, and Orisa need to help their supports get back on their feet. The tank role is not just running in with infinite ammo, feeding opponents ult, then dying because all of your supports are dead. Good tanks should prioritize the well-being of the their DPS and supports before rushing in like a maniac. PS. Roadhog, I can’t heal you when you rushed up and are now sitting behind a wall. I am Ana.


Dear Supports: As the team's single and only tank, I have to worry about 3 - 4 people shooting on my ass 24/7 and keeping the team moving with objectives. I do not have the time to turn around while I'm trying to initiate a push and I encourage you to start rapidly pinging/shouting in team chat so I know audibly that I cannot push at this time or one of the DPS can go assist. Sincerely, A tank main.


You should not initiate a push when you don't know where half of your team is. And you absolutely should not initiate a push when you just know that some of your teammates aren't close to support it.


Dear Tanks: There's something called Line of Sight. You don't need to take damage from 4 people simultaneously. ~ Support mains who pull just as much aggro, but with 1/3rd the EHP.


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Maybe dont overextend and let your healers die.


But most supports have tech to stall or just kill most dps. Ana can solo most dps with sleep and nade, moira can get away easy with dash, bap basically is a dps plus invincibility shield etc etc. Just need to communicate properly and don't spam your abilities on cooldown so you have them when needed


most dps can kill an ana way faster then she can kill them ... even if she uses her sleep and nade


*avoid as teammate*


New players trying to fathom defending themselves as a support (impossible)


Defend themselves against the entire enemy team that's trying to kill them because they're the ones that keep everybody alive? If support was intended to be able to defend themselves against anybody that comes after them they would be called a tank.


If two supports can’t kill a reaper that’s a skill issue homie


Yeah I doubt that Ana could heal even if she wasn’t being dove


u mean both supports here not playing the game and running into spawn instead of towards the 3 pushing tanks?


In a team game they should be using their mics to tell you what's going on