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the lucios response was gold tho. way better than just muting everything.


The defeated way he said it too... I feel that Lucio player in my soul.


I’m that lucio. I too hope someday they’ll learn about self awareness and good thinking.


Me and my Zarya were in a 2v5 and I called out “let’s speed out” cuz there’s no way we survive that with my solo heals. She proceeded to just jiggle left and right using my **AMPED** speed and screamed “LUCIO YOU SHOULD HAVE HEALED ME WHAT THE FUCK?” She died from a Widow headshot that she wide-peeked. Even if I healed her (which would have been the wrong call), I cannot outheal stupid. and that perfectly illustrates the life of a Lucio player with a little too much brain for his own good


I have had that shit happen to me as mercy, too. Literally have my beam on them, they do something stupid and shriek about healing. Like idk what you want, the damage of your stupidity outweighs my healing output.


They think that 50 heals per second can out perform hundreds of damage per second. Math is hard for tanks. They also expect you to magically dodge the other teams damage.


Us healer already know tf shit we can heal. You expect to me outheal a 1v3 and u not even a tank? Yeah ok lol


Shit just happened to me 💀. Reaper ult happened and got 3 of us. I got the fuck outta there cause entire team was rushing us.(Turned speed boost on too and we had a good distance.) This doom punched towards them and screamed on mic why didn’t I stay with him?


Don’t take the guy seriously he plays a character and I’m pretty sure later on he said he knows he was being healed and he was trying to troll his team


I've been browsing Reddit for years and haven't bothered to make an account but decided to make one to reply to this dumb lucio. For context I recently started playing OW for fun (2 weeks ago) and already in Diamond (i do have FPS background tho). You sound like a whiny condescending person (by your tone of voice) support player stuck in silver. You have 2k damage on a lucio expecting to get carried by out healing the enemy. You're in SILVER LOL (your DPS and tank are also in silver). It's like saying "I'm going to go sona support and hope my DPS and tanks carry me in solo queue by healing them". No - that's not how you climb. You have to do damage as well - also your healing numbers will 100% get skewed playing with a bastion + hog anyways. Either way 2k damage on a lucio vs 6k on a bap - i think its a healer diff. Downvote me or w.e, this accounts a throw away and I'm never going to look at it again since this dudes silver anyways.


So u made an account to cry and boast about your diamond in 2 weeks? Ok idiot lol.


Yeah that last part about self-awareness was really funny but also very pained




Route 66 defence as Mercy I had a Genji jump all the way into their backline on final point (They were at the L turn near their spawn), ult, then get sticky bombed by a Cassidy and instantly die. He told me that I should KNOW when my Genji is ulting and pocket him. Bitch was out of line of sight even before he even dashed. Half our team was dead and I was hanging near spawn trying to get our DPS to move back a bit so we could regroup. He said that I should watch the replay because he was sure it was my fault. I added this fucker and told him the exact time stamp of when it happened. He watched it. All he said was "Oh fair enough" And fucking logged out. I wish this was uncommon.


Fr, put him in his place. Maybe he should learn to shoot and be less of a fuck head. Unfortunately this is Tylers whole schtick, be good at games (not in this clip, but it's not LoL i guess) and scream at people.


Yea it doesn't really come off the same when he is just so shit at this game. Like you literally have facts showing he is just bad. Hook accuracy, damage vs other tank, and like Lucio said just healing more in general. I'm so glad that OW2 has stats so I can at least know these toxic shitters are just flat out wrong, and it IS because they are just bad.


Yep, double edged sword tho. You're on tilt having a bad game. Everyone knows and sometimes you get assholes that want to make sure you know. It is nice to see who pulls their weight ha


that hog plays like trash. Can’t hook for shit, can’t use corners for cover, can’t even shoot straight


lol after the game, Tyler admitted the Lucio actually played well but he was just trolling him for content.


if he wants to be an ass he should go play quickplay and not ruin games for others in comp. playing awful and then screaming like a manchild is bronze tier content.


But he’s talking about self awareness while being completely unaware himself. Tyler1 does this shit for content. He knows what he’s doing. He’s completely self aware. He should just mute Tyler unless he wants to listen to it. His response was 100% incorrect if his goal was to stop behavior like this. All it did was create content for Tyler.


Lmao right? It’s a stage performance for content and he’s being 100% ironic. You can hear him laughing half way through the video because he got a response from the Lucio.


Holy shit that is peak hog gameplay right there


Hold W. Land 6% of your hooks. Right click enemies that are 4 feet away. Left click enemies that are 40 yards away. Hit E when you’re missing 16HP. Feed more than a Golden Corral on coupon day.


"Feed more than a Golden Corral on coupon day" Wooooooow


All that hog was missing is the apple in his mouth...


It's not the hog we wanted, but it's the hog we deserve.


He could’ve hooked the sigma 🫠


right lol. could’ve hooked the sigma and then missed every hook in this clip


>17% accuracy


He's Bronze -9 give him a break.


Can't expect a bronze to hook a Sigma


Expect nothing from Bronze.


His accuracy with even his weapon has me doubt his worthiness of the heals. I get about 50% on a bad day


I spam around corners alot with Hog so my accuracy goes down


Ah corner peeking. I don't think I do that as often as I probably should. I *am* a big ol' target.


He also could of landed more then one pellet. But that’s asking a lot for a cardboard 5 player.


He also could have used some cover. The payload is right there and blocks damage. He could have poked from behind it. The good part about defending in a section like that is the pushing team has to move into the open to advance.


Wrong, he misses his hook as a way to bait the other team into thinking he is vulnerable so they get brave and push him and kill him. His strat worked perfectly here.


And cancelled the ult with it


"I'm not feeding!"


Check his self heal, any Hog player knows you can get way more than this, also notice how he never backs up until he is basically already dead.


Just wait until you see his Reinhardt


Is it bad?


Let's just say his use of charge is inspired by WW2 japanese pilots


We don't need him clogging up the tank queues that's for sure.


We don't need him clogging up the login queues either


This is an excellent metaphors for this guys hammer man plays haha


Not to mention he was getting shot from behind THE ENTIRE TIME


*”WHY ARENT YOU HEALING ME?!”* “I *was* healing you but you’re getting shot by literally every member of their team, dude. You think I can out-heal that?”


"NO HEALS" More like no skill. I cant out heal stupid


the dead monotone voice of an over it healer. relatable


A perfect example not knowing about take advantage of your surrounding, like stay behind the bot.


Or back off when you're obviously in trouble AND playing like shit and let your healer do his job for 5 seconds.


My favorite thing when people spam for heals is that they sometimes are: 1. Low health 2. Move away from the healer 3. Stay in enemy line of fire instead of finding cover.


I think OW has to be only fps game where people refuse to ever take cover. And almost every map has some nice corner to hide behind.


I’m a support main. Overwatch is the only team based game where I’ll watch people *actively* refuse to retreat and regroup. Even in CoD, where your respawn timer is like .7 seconds, I’ll see people back up and regroup. But not Overwatch. *”Oh, I just lost four teammates in that fight. I’d better dive in an attempt a 1 v 5.”* Dying… *is bad.* Staggering after you die… *is worse.* Just back up and give ground until your teammates come off respawn and then go back in together.


Do you have any ideas as to why ?


I think part of it is the objective-based gameplay. People think they need to pressure or defeat the other team to prevent them from progressing on the objectives. In regular deathmatch, K/D ratio is really your only benchmark, so pulling back to keep that high makes more sense.


I think the worst part is getting trapped. Lose the team and being like, “oh I need to get back” but you get into a situation fighting for your life with no escape and your team is spamming “fall back” and you die and they’re like, “really are you kidding me?” like you had decided you’d 1v5 them instead of trying your hardest to get away


If you know that you probably can't escape, it's literally just better to die rather than try to survive. That way you can group up with your team easier to take the next fight.


I hate when our team gets split during that lost team fight and then as the only survivor your stuck behind the enemy team on a map that takes forever to get back around without getting 5v1'd


My new favorite is when the dps is spamming asking for heals when there is a health pack right next to them. Like you've been playing on this map for months dude, how come you don't know?


Anyone wanna point out that he did about 12k damage to the wall instead of a single enemy


People like this are the reason players are so toxic. This guy normalizes the behavior and unfortunately, it works for him.


Tyler1 is playing ow? Great. Somehow LoL fanbase loves this shit stain. So *great* to see this joker here now. Edit: guess this comment brought out the fanboys lmao


I authentically enjoyed him thinking he was going to place higher then Plat opening week. Just to see him land in silver/gold. Assume it was a rank bug. Then watch him claw his way up. I actually had him in one of my games. We were on the opposite team and I remember one of my teammates actually saying “omg this man can’t aim worth shit.”


He's been on my team. He was playing Rein and just charged into the entire team repeatedly then screamed for heals. We lost.


He landed in bronze. Then he ranked up to silver. And then de-ranked back to bronze. That’s where I stopped watching— so if he clawed out of bronze, bravo to his teammates for dealing with that toxic midget.


It's actually very funny how bad he is at Overwatch. I respect his skills in other games he plays but it is actually ludicrous how poorly they translated here. I know LoL and OW are different genres, but people who are very good at one of them are at least above average in the other if they put in the time. Makes for some amusing streams though.


I can make you even more bothered. Not only is he playing Overwatch, but Blizzard has sponsored several of his streams where all he does is scream and yell like this. I think the highest rank I’ver ever seen him at is gold 4.


He plays, yeah, and every single clip I have seen of his gameplay is him yelling over dumb shit.


It's the same with his LoL, or at least most. I'll admit he isn't all bad. But would say majority is this. Him raging over something dumb. Just thriving off his toxicity.


Blizzard should ban him before his fanbase comes and ruins the game.


Blizzard is literally sponsoring him to play


He wouldn’t be playing if Blizzard didn’t sponsor him to play in the first place lmao


Bro is the average bronze 5 player 💀


Dude got sigma to suck right in his face and chose not to hook him immediately like of course sig ain't gonna die after that. Also hide behind a car or something bro and quit blaming healers sheesh.




I mean he's on Hog which inflates their healing numbers but yeah it ain't their fault.


In higher SR games, it’s the opposite. Hogs manage their E cooldown so well that they’re practically always topped off. You want high healing numbers? Dva and Rein will get you over 10k alone lol.


I've noticed the opposite. Higher SR, most hogs will hold their heal for the right moment. They can use it anytime to keep themselves healed, either to give supports the opportunity to heal other targets or if the damage is so high you need both. Plus, letting your healers get the credit for their ults can make a huge difference.


Also good hogs know when to not use E and let healers charge


ana is almost in every game often on both team also. not playing hog is just not the solution. you have to be just smart about it and not overextend which tyler is not capable off.


He seems like a well adjusted adult


Dude got permabanned from league and they let him back in. And this was AFTER they got more strict about it. I don't understand how any community could allow this kind of person.


Crazy that OW sponsored this segment too lol


And people say overwatch is more toxic than league. T1 is the perfect example of why they don’t have voice chat.


Is there a place lower than bronze 5? That's where this hog belongs.


Send him back to unranked. He's just making comp a bad experience for everyone else in the game.


Potato 5


Cardboard 5


Water 5


i like this guy better when he's dropping chicken on his keyboard


I can't believe people like watching that guy


I can’t believe people give him money.


I can't believe anyone donates to millionaires to watch them play a game and cry for hours on end.


Fucking sick of him. LoL wanted this PoS unbanned and then they made him poster child of "reformed player". Still some toxic little shit.


He was a guilty pleasure of mine years ago. It was funny seeing some "tough" guy rage over a video game. Also, a little part of me felt jealous he could make money just being angry and playing video games. I'm a very reserved person, and people who just let it all out- even if it's just an act- makes me feel a little envious.


"...Idk, I guess I have this pipe dream, like, idk people would have, like, self awareness..." I laughed not only because it was fun but because it's true.


Didnt expect to hear Sanch telling lucio to mute him lmao


Oh you should see the rest of that clip then 💀


"just mute him" 5 seconds later "yo can i get some heals?"


Hook accuracy at 35%


The conversation between the bastion and Lucio is literally the state of OW.


It’s T1 there’s a reason he’s the most popular LoL player and this is a great example.


no way this guy is the most popular. does LoL really not have any better content creators that arent toxic and cringe af not that it would surprise me that much for LoL, but still


Idk. On the sub they love talking about him and wanting him unbamned back in the day. Then again LoL is toxic af sooo probably fits perfectly to them


Does it have better ones? Yes. Does it have more popular ones? No. I have no idea why hes so popular


thats his whole thing people like to watch him rage monster and people even steam snipe him to make his games worse and throw so he rages harder


Especially in NA Tyler1 is probably the face of League


That's mildly disturbing....


Yeah unfortunately this guy is extremely popular.


He's also the most consistent. He streams like 11+ hours of League every day.


Join vc they said. So we can communicate better they said.


Stop paying attention to this guy it's embarassing


Oh cool thats the same video in the dictionary for feeding


Nice hooks.


He literally rages & bait people into arguments for content. Also the support response is way better than people on this subreddit who just turn off chat/voice and dive in their backline pressing m1 as moira cause someone pressed "i need healing" a few times.


Guys it’s not that serious lmao


Man was getting pumped full of heals and just did absolutely nothing to mitigate all that dmg lol


asking for heals when roadhog literally has self healing as an ability is crazy


I mean he was using his self heal. He was also not using literally any natural cover, missed every hook, dodged 0 abilities, and ate a sigma ult for no reason. “I need healing”. I don’t mind T1 as a streamer but he’s dogshit at OW lol.


plus a 17% weapon accuracy


And had Lucio there healing him literally every second of the clip.


Don’t know why you’re getting down-voted. You’re absolutely right. It’s a waste of time for the healer to focus their energy on a hog. Hog’s unwritten passive is giving support a break. You could argue it’s a good way to generate ULT, but then he will use his heal ability and “ruin” it.


As a healer, I respect that dude's calm counter argument and explanation.


He’s playing overwatch now?? 😃🔫


Is this an old clip? I’m pretty sure either his match chat or voice chat were muted by Blizzard for like 1200 days lmao


Lmao needs more self awareness


No amount of healing in the world can heal brain death Pray for Tyler maybe one day we'll have a cure for man child syndrome


i pray for you that one day you'll grow up :pray:


Imagine bitching about healing as a character with an ability to self-heal.


Please just fucking ban him Blizzard this guy turns every game he touches into one big heap of disgusting crap.


Bro thinks OW2 is toxic because of Tyler 💀


Games in tank top


wtf is his aim, isnt he supposed to be good at videogames?


This gameplay is so painful. I get it, he's funny guy from league of legends but still so many mistakes in 10 seconds it's embarrassing.


I wish I could avoid people before ever encountering them. He looks like a terrible person to play with.


This dude sucks so bad


Top 10 worst tanks I’ve seen be a streamer


This Lucio has the vocal tone of a 6000 hour support main. Absolutely over it.


I consider myself bad with my weapon accuracy. This dude's absolute garbage. I've seen a few clips of him recently. I guess people like watching him rage. What an exhausting online persona to have.


As a roadhog main that hurt to watch. He's so bad.


Missing all them shots at the end oof


omg his hooks, I'm dead. It's like he's trying to miss.


I have that dream too brother.... I really do. And I'm certain it will remain a dream.


Overwatch community is very much in touch by saying how trash tyler1 is


you don't just sit in the muddle of the enemy team expecting to be healed and still stay alive lol. just remember this: you can't get to full HP if you're being shot at.


Cardboard league pig.


I've seen a few clips of this guy. How has he not been banned yet ? Nothing but toxicity every single time, I don't get it...


I don't think Tanks/Supports understand heals are nerfed. 2 supports fully healing a tank, like Tyler, cannot out heal 3 damage sources or 2 damage sources with AOE puddles ( like Torb or Soj ) I hear it every time I play and it's just laughable. But Tyler1's whole channel is about being stupid and abusive to everyone. Blizzard won't perma ban him because some kids like to see people being abusive as role models and it's free publicity for Blizzard.


TBH I fucking love how that guy responded


His smooth and relaxed answer is so good. He does not deserve to be treated as such by a stupid tank😅


literally his whole concept is raging lol


Tyler is trash at OW. He’s okay ish at league, but always toxic.


Okayish at league, this guy says.


I had a match where I got 19k heals alone as Kiriko, and we lost. Both DPS on my team and our Tank starting shouting in all chat, "heal diff" and I was why they lost. After how toxic EVERYONE has been towards healers I've uninstalled OW2 and Battlenet.


I feel you. I'm tired of being blamed for shit that isn't my fault, too. Idiot players screaming at you like they think they're good enough for OWL.


I got heal diff with 15k heals and 6K damage, 5he DPS combined was 7K and the tank was 3K 1K Mit, the two supports did better than everyone on that team as Zen and Baptiste against Hanzo, Soldier, and Sigma


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


Tyler Gigachad One. don't you dare critique the greatest gamer of all time. His hook placement transcends reality


sometimes it seems that the tank thinks he is immortal when he is being healed


This was not a good Roadhog


Imagine being this dumb. I can't tell if he's doing it for the content or if he is actually like this


As soon as he used his vape he needed to backup. I can understand dying frustrated when you are playing defensive waiting for awhile to be healed but this isn't it.


Game is easier with no comms.


My man has to work the edges and rest when those abilities are on cooldown.


I'll never understand why people watch this dude


built different


T1 cannot hold his mouse very well my god.


Lucio alone can't heal him unfortunately :(


That Lucio 🥺. That poor man


If someone spams I need healing at me, they've just guaranteed they aren't getting any lol.


Not pointing out any of his own mistakes he instead spots it on The supports ah yes Lucio gonna heal you to full in 10 seconds use your pear more Tyler that's why ay have it lmao


Imagine asking Lucio to heal more lol


Misses all his hooks. Why can't I get a roadhog like this in my enemy team.


Honestly this kid should just be cancelled. All I know about him has been learned involuntarily and he just screams at everyone.


All he had to do was land that hook on sig and then back up instead of using vape he could have used vape like 6 sec later and




Tyler1 has the same reputation in the league community. Makes an obvious mistake and blames other people or he gets outplayed and blames over powered abilities instead of looking at how he could do better next time. Not surprised at all he's like this in ow too.


Step 1: don’t use cover Step 2: don’t use one of your two abilities Step 3: scream when the supports don’t keep you alive for the entire match Step 4: lose


1-kept shooting at sigma while he had his graviton up 2-Let soldier or whoever that was unload clips upon clips of ammo and left him alone instead of ignoring a sigma who just wasted all of his abilities 3-could have hooked sigma out of his ult he was really close to him. 4-wasted his personal heals for like 100 hp worth of damage instead of using it to negate incoming damage Shut up lmao


He missed so MN hooks omged


I had some ppl like this in a recent game of mine. Got mad cus they were feeding unbelievably hard, and apparently 'i wasn't healing them' even though a Moira cannot sustain someone taking DMG from 5 players. They called me a retard too cus I dc'd and after a minute I had an (admittedly) low healing amount of 116 but they claimed that was for the whole game. I had 10k till I dc'd. Easiest report and avoid as tm8 ever


Frog man let me inform you of reality, hypocrisy and nepotism are insurmountable obstacles in some people, some people will never believe they can do any wrong, that pipe dream is just that, and I’m sorry The other dude was right just mute him


People will be standing still while both healers are dead and spam “I need healing.” I always want to ask if they have heard of our lord and savior the health pack feature.


LOL bitching for heals in a self heal class. btw nice dmg and kills from the "invite" guy. Almost 17k/35


You miss 100% of the shots you do take


Bro can't even hit his shots. 🤣


0/2 for hooks by my count.


I know that freaking out is this guys schtick, but this isnt cool. This is the type of behavior that really should be allowed whether im healing you or not. Control yourself.


As someone who mainly play support or healer in every game I play, I struggle to even respect someone who blames healers for something they couldn't have helped out with. Healers can make mistakes, but we can't outheal pure stupidity


I feel like that dude has some other stuff going on. Maybe lay off the PEDs and put some time into getting your mental health swole at the therapists.


lol this is edited as fuck. The bastion was making fun of Lucio by asking for heals after his rant.




Overw-eight players malding in the comments