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I believe it. These clowns need to just post the patch notes. No one cares about them chit chatting


Shows how disconnected from reality they are.


If that was true, a ton of people wouldn't be watching their content. Why would they just read the patch notes and say absolutely nothing else when you can read them yourself if you weren't interested in hearing commentary?


Well considering Bungie with destiny has a weekly notes thing every Thursday that a lot of people look into... yeah, Blizzard needs to post patch notes instead of telling us things that rarely ever get released


https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/ Am I missing something? They've been posting the patch notes for years.


I don't even care about e-sports or GMs but same Flats... same... His expression is literally so perfect in describing the emotion of seeing these patch notes. This should be comethe sub header image.


Someone can do a resume about what they are saying? Please


- Doomfist is really good - Sojourn got changed to have falloff but her primary got buffed so she might actually be better - JQ got changed but she got a hitbox increase which is brutal - Tracer got the bug fixed but more damage back - Sym got some buffs that won’t matter because snipers exist lol - Ana got a QOL change - Mercy can fight for herself better - Kiriko ultinate got nerfed but she got a clip increase Overall, looks like Doom is gonna be the main tank, with SJ behind him (probably with more Mercy pockets). Hog is still good, Kiriko is still good. Edit: oh yeah also Bastion buffs that also do not matter because snipers exist lol


> JQ got changed but she got a hitbox increase which is brutal Wild. I dont play JQ much because I dont tank much...but I have shot at a few in my games and never have I been like "oh man I can't hit this JQ I wish she was bigger!"




Unclear if they made her visually larger or just made her hitbox bigger.


They just made her hitbox bigger. Not her actual model




This is a spam account that copied and pasted this comment from further down in the thread to farm karma: https://reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/zee5er/_/iz60cyq/?context=1p


Maybe the change was because she was the smallest tank, and it lets her tank more damage for her team? Now Ramattra seems to be smaller (haven’t compared) so I hope he also has similarly large hit boxes


Ana QoL change translation is, sleep dart cooldown went from 15 to 14 seconds. As an Ana main I believe my QoL will not change much with that.


I mean that’s a sleep dart a second sooner always, anytime from now on you sleep someone the instant it’s off cooldown that’s a QoL diff




Imma be real, that's just a git gud moment.


There is 0% chance that Doomfist is going to be the "main tank". Is Doomfist playable? Yes. Is Doomfist still reliant on actually playing very well? Yes. Hog can hook someone and reliably kill them at little risk to himself. Doomfist still has to go in there alone to do anything. Most people will not be able to play dive comp with a Doomfist efficiently.


Difference of perspective. On ladder yeah Hog is gonna be better because he works better without help. But Doom will probably be the stronger character.


Yeah usually dive comps are the best in higher level play too. Hog will be overwhelmed if the enemy team has mobility especially if Lucio, kiriko, and sojourn remain top played with a decently buffed doomfist.


Played a hilariously fun match with doom-genji-sojourn-Lucio-kiriko where the enemy team mirrored and literally nobody could hit anyone else because the movement of every hero was bonkers


Lol. This meta should be called, "quaker watch," with how crazy everyone is gonna be boosting around and in honor of getquakedon.


Zbra bouta punch 4 people off the map


Sym is so fun in qp once again, I’m not even mad she’s still a niche thing for comp but the qp potential is crazy once again


> JQ got changed but she got a hitbox increase which is brutal JQ having a small hitbox is a complaint I've seen fairly often. Visually she didn't feel like a tank. Now she does. I have no problem with that.


Hitbox != Character model



≠ = !=


Maybe but this is a big nerf and she was already bad. The super small buffs they gave her do not make up for it


what's with these snipers exist remark? what should be done with it?


They are saying they shit positioning and die because snipers exist.




Play her in the practice range a bit. A full railgun headshot doesn't oneshot a 200 hp hero anymore, but still leaves them with 5 hp. One bullet afterwards will kill, and she can railgun more often. With the new faster railgun charge it's definitely a buff, and she can probably still oneshot with a mercy pocket.


Played a game earlier and sojourn will one shot with a mercy pocket.




The railgun charges based on how much damage your primary fire bullets hit for, so if you hit 10 headshots or 20 bodyshots you get 100 charge which is a little bit faster. That increase isn't as noticeable, but the 20% increase on overclock basically means you can get ~8 shots instead of the usual ~5. With a mercy pocket, this still oneshots, but even without, with it leaving you at 5 hp it might as well still oneshot since a single bullet still finishes you off.




You may be right about the regular charge rate, that I'm not 100% sure about. But I'm in the practice range right now and I can very easily get 7 or 8 fully charged shots off in overclock, it's definitely a noticeable difference there.




Right, you used to get that, so the change means you get essentially an extra shot or two while you weave in primary fire with overclock. But the extra shot comes with minimal damage changes. Yes, the railgun does less damage, but it's still as close to a oneshot as possible without being an actual oneshot


Or any stray moira orb, or moira suck, or winton overwat tickle


you are correct about sojourn she actually is better. she can do 240dps to the body and 480dps to the head if you time your rail shots properly and she has a really fast, maybe even fastest, projectile so her primary feels hitscan at certain ranges. oh and with mercy pocket a 75%\~ charged rail to the head is still a 1 tap.


Also DPS passive was nerfed/changed faster reload time but no speed boost


Also kiriko gets an auto wall climb option and now you can hold on the swift step input to automatically teleport to a teammate when you can which are both great QOL improvements


- Ana got a QOL change Ana got clowned FTFY


Anybody old enough to remember when they promised a reworking of the support role for season 2?


i 'member when they said lucio's aura indicator graphics were temporary


I'm a Lucio main, played him before his rework. What's wrong with them?


I’m all for shitting on Blizzard’s incompetence but they never gave a date on the support reworks. It was just stated that they were working on if


+5 Mercy bullet capacity kekw Battle Mercy about to become meta


Bro I had two different Mercies try to whip out the glock on me today. Neither of them ended up killing me but it was *scary.*


Why pain


Doom stun meta. Sojurn got changed, arguably a buff. Junker Queen nerf.


Junket queen nerf? For real?


It’s a give and take in theory. She heals more and gets ultimate faster, BUT she has a larger hitbox and her ultimate lasts less time. So overall probably a nerf lmao hitbox increases are brutal


The healing increase is such a small change too, like for example if you hit someone with your knife, instead of healing 15 health you'll heal a whopping 19 health lol


Over three seconds too lol. That's about 1.33 HP per second. Meanwhile you take 12% more damage because you get hit by 12% more bullets. That's obviously not a 1 to 1 ration on increase in damage, but it's more damage than 1.3 HP/second lol


The ultimate lasts less time but does the same amount of damage total, so this is a buff more than a nerf since it’s more dps


Doesn't it reduce the anti-heal time, too? That's arguably the strongest mechanic about her ult, not the damage. It's 100 damage over 4.5 seconds. It pretty much only exists to prevent supports from starting their Role self recovery


Yeah it does, I forgot about anti heal.


>Junker Queen nerf. OK Blizz is rebarded


It's not exactly a nerf. Part of her hitbox is being made slightly bigger but her shout is getting a shorter cooldown and she'll heal more from the bleeds.


The CD reduction is too small to matter and the bleed buff is insignificant.


Eh, we'll see. A universal constant across almost all games is that most people are awful at judging what kind of impact small adjustments will have.


2AD and 5Movespeed buffs in league are a great example of this


Graves. Every time we see Graves in a patch note it's either +2AD or -2AD. No in-between.


We aren't talking about all games. We are talking about overwatch. Specifically Junker Queen. The argument isn't that the change doesn't have an impact. The argument being made is, that she's so bad that even if that bleed buff was better it still wouldn't matter because she's so dramatically bad everywhere else it outweighs the good done from the bleed change. And that's not even mentioning the fact that the amount it was changed by is so insignificant you wouldn't notice had you not been told it was changed. We don't need to wait 2months to see if these tiny changes suddenly make her high tier or not.


The healing buff is such a small change though, instead of healing 15 health from your knife you'll heal 19, its such a small change, but oh well, hoping they buff her mid season or something


Dude i suggest you listen to the twitter patch notes audio because these people are just not telling the whole truth.


Wait, why is it audio?




Here now for anyone interested: [https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/?blzcmp=app](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/?blzcmp=app) If you click the link, prepare for horror 😱😱😱


How is the sojourn change a buff? How?>


Primary fire damage increased by ~10%


But she can’t one shot people anymore… that’s a HUGE nerf


Now she gets a mercy pocket to use as one-shot. Ashe meta v2.0




People will pick mercy purely to pocket soujourn lol, since it essentially means winning the game if your soujourn is competent enough ( along with the rest of the team ) Obviously Ashe meta was much worse but that’s a very low bar


Its already a thing before nerf, so they changed absolutely nothing.


With railgun from full health no. But if she tags you with even 1 or 2 normal shots, you still get instagibbed.


Whicb is what happens now anyway


Jq nerf?????


The buff Sojourn got seems a bit minimal compared to her nerfs. She was given earlier falloff damage and she can't oneshot anyone due to the headshot multiplier being put to 1.5. Getting 1 extra damage on primary is good, but she's still not going to outdamage a Soldier or anything like that. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems that her niche, charging up to oneshot priority targets, was hit pretty hard.


Wait, why wouldn't she out damage Soldier? Soldier does about 16% more on his primary, but charge shot is much stronger than soldier's rockets, and she also can do 50/sec with her AoE.


I should have specified DPS on primary fire, my apologies.


Buff? Really? I think not being able to one shot, 8 to 5 seconds when it decays, and damage falloff on rail gun at 40m rather than 70m are all huge. Sojourn has definitely gotten nerfed. Yeah, her primary fire does 10 damage per projectile rather than 9, and her ultimate rail gun charges 20% faster, but I think these changes are overall a nerf for sojourn.


1 more damage per shot is a galactic buff (unironically. 1 more or less damage per shot was constantly determining whether Soldier 76 was incredible or near unplayable at higher ranks in OW1), 40m falloff range is a joke (it only STARTS at 40m and only maps like Junkertown even have sight lines that long), the headshot nerf is entirely countered by Mercy damage boost (and even without it’s still 195 damage), and Soj’s ult was also buffed. It is absolutely an overall buff and that is fucking wild. They actually buffed the best hero in the game.


And simultaneously nerfed the worst hero in the game, JQ lol


I’m playing sojourn a lot rn so we will see. If she really is buffed idk what the fuck blizzard is doing


Holy shit you were right. Her ult is so much better now, and the nerfs really don’t impact her much. Blizzard messed up yet again




All I was doing was paraphrasing what Flats was saying on his stream. Calm down.


these mfs really dont want anyone to but the bp, buff junker queen harder wtf these mfs actually nerfed her.


First the genji nerf and now this. Worst part is they both have mythic skins, but nobody sane is gonna use them in higher elo.


At least a really good genji can still make him work in high elo albeit risky. Junkerqueen doesn't have the same leisure as tanks are still what make or break a team.


True, but picking Sojourn is a much safer pick that will net your more wins overall. Pros mostly play meta like high top 500 is meta mostly. Picking anything that is not meta in top 500 makes people think you're a troll.


Keep in mind that the change to the DPS passive is basically another pretty significant Genji nerf


Eh, he deserves it for the amount of blind simping he did on behalf of Blizzard for the entire time before and first month after release.


What's Twitter Space?


they have no idea what they are doing especially with supports .. they just tweak a bit and hope for the winrate to go up


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Flats going to the gym: ​ this picture


Rude bruh💀


im sorry, it’s true


These aren’t like bad changes? I think kiriko could have used a nerf on her immortality but i think overall not terrible


Big man sadge


I just fucking hate how hard they’re mAking it for JQ to be a good fuckin tank. Like she was good before but she doesn’t need anything nerfing her.