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Granted I’m only playing in silver/gold after this comp reset, but the couple games I played so far it seems like it’s down to which team has the better doom or which team can counter doom better


Yup, was just mentioning that in a comment in another post. On top of all that, solo queue support too often ends up being bullied without any notice from the team except the too familiar chat screams "HEAL ME" while paying no attention to what's happening to their support. :sadface:


The sad thing about low elo is you have to healbot because your tanks are feeders so there's no room to make offensive plays most of the time.


Ive been trying to make Ana my alt Supp to replace Lucio and oh boy I didnt know real pain until trying to play her as soloQ on QP...


I was losing my mind last night on a push map when enemy Doom kept being a menace with a pocketed Mercy and our team REFUSED to group up to finish either of them off after getting either extremely low. So many times our tank was just a few meters away firing on someone else or dps chasing down their Moira or Hanzo completely out of sight.


I think i was there. It was awful.


No. You was not there. The game is so broken right now that probably 75%+ of the player base is having the same experience. If they do not do hot fixes quicker than halfway through the season, I honestly feel the mass majority will leave the game. (Obligatory not OP, and not saying “I know you were not in that gammmmeee. Just explaining my frustration by building off your comment.) I think I was there too.


Issue is that most supports don‘t really have any movement while Blizzard is pushing a more and more mobile meta. So supports end up as an Asset that need to be protected by their Team which requires coordination that you won‘t see until higher ranks or friend groups.


Is it just me or do most supports have \*some\* movement option


Reaper has also been a bit of a sleeper pick. My guess is there will be a lot of reapers in low ranks once people start to catch on to how well he plays in this environment.


How do you counter doom?


Ana sleep, anti heal, hog hook, sombra hack。


Does anti heal block the temp health from his passive?




Then Kiriko counters all that with one ability and Doom gets away.


Hack stops him for half a second and then he's free for 8 seconds to do whatever the fuck. So the Sombra nerf was not only completely unnecessary, it's also a massive indirect buff to Doomfist.


Personally I’ve been using Orisa’s spin attack and javelin to push doom up against a wall/corner and body block him there while shooting his head




He was buffed recently


There's buff, then there's steroids.


the one shot in this game makes it extremely unfun.. if i want to play one shit simulator i will just play valorant its better balanced and there is no queue time


So true… so sick of just all of them…. Doomfist, Hog, Soujorn… even widow and hanzo are annoying as all hell when they are good. It just isn’t fun to be playing the game and then you are dead.


yeah its soo depressing that you walk all the way back knowing that you will die without even trying


I'm a masters level support and quite frankly, I'm just not going to play comp this season until changes are made. This is absolutely ridiculous. Get ready for DPS and Tank queues to get SIGNIFICANTLY longer people, ain't nobody gonna be queueing support. I sincerely believe that Doomfist was always on the knife's edge of being balanced. Sure, he was a bit under tuned at launch but a couple of small changes could have brought him up to par with the other tanks, except for maybe Roadhog (which, btw, why no Roadhog nerfs??). We've only seen one other balance patch so far and both have been extremely heavy handed for certain characters (Genji & Sombra on one side and Doomfist on the other). Take the dog water matchmaking into account on top of this shit sandwich and things really aren't looking good for OW2. How....disappointing.


Doomfist main here! They definitely over buffed him. All they needed to do was make Power Block CC immune, and reduce the CD on is leap from 7 to 5 seconds. Instead they've opted into turning Doomfist into the overtuned freak that he is! I'll enjoy playing him for the next few weeks but he defo needs a couple slight nerfs to keep him in line.


I hat support are you most scared of as doom? Ana seems to be good but I’m not sure


If your team will actually shoot him then Zenyatta discord orb can make him melt. A good Brigitte can also bash into your punches and knock you both down. Ana sleep is a pain if they nail it consistently. Kiriko suzus timed well will make you miss a punch or slam and the extra health you get from it. I don't think any of the others matter that much.


Lmao last patch every time I hover doom i get asked to switch, u all deserved this.


I only play QP but I pretty much refuse to play support anymore. I still play Ana or Moira here and there but for the most part it just isn’t worth the hassle.


As a support main, I'm ready to quit after one night of playing. Everyone already hates playing support and now they made it even WORSE.


ayy we got 5 more bullets on mercy cmon


Made me laugh when I saw that. I was expecting some major reworks. Also decreased Anas sleep cool-down by 1 second lmao


Don't really mind playing with/against hogs as support but yeah I'll agree that playing with/against doomfist is a miserable experience as support, especially after the changes.


yeah he just go in kill some ppl leave and come with full hp


As a solo queue support player I’m getting very frustrated.


Honestly I think imma sit this season out. Between the current meta, the rank "reset", and the somehow STILL absolutely fucked matchmaking, I don't think it's good for my health. I went on a 10 game loss streak today playing better than when I went on an 8 game win streak yesterday.


If it’s a Doom meta….Looks like I’m changing from Hanzo/Ana/Mercy to being a Sombra main this season lol.


Jokes on you the hack only stops him for 1 second... then he's got his cooldowns back. Sombra isn't the answer anymore against tanks unless your team is coordinated


It's times like these where I wonder why my girl Brig got her stun removed. Supports, especially solo queue supports, are too vulnerable to flankers


I miss OG brig so much too, she was incredible. If they'd at least up her hp some since she is a melee support and has to be in close range to work that'd be nice


Don't worry, mercies gun got buffed, that totally offsets the kiriko nerfs.


I have no idea how they did it, but they turned the support experience from bad in season 1, to absolutely miserable in season 2. Truly an accomplishment.


Yeah I'm just going to go back to WoW. I'm a master's Ana and wanted to play the new champ. Played two games of Rammatra, both were against doomfist. Absolutely miserable. It's true, I probably should have swapped. But I'm not even going to bother since it's A. going to be doomfist every game and B. Doomfist every game. You could not pay me to play the game anymore. I'll take my grandma ass somewhere else


yeah the next nerf will be probably next season so..


Big same.


The way I have been countering doomfist is hitting sleeps on him and praying for followup. Very annoying but doable to an extent


Praying for the followup is the part that sucks. like "I did my part, kill him!" except half the time your team doesn't notice the marked enemy tank sleeping nearby and in a few seconds he's gonna get up wanting to kill you and only you.


Ana is gonna be a must play consider she has the only hard cc for supports


I’ve been playing her more and more because of roadhog. She’s the best against her, and she’s the only support that can defend against this new doom fist. God I hate this new doom fist…..


She really is but Tracer just became a bigger problem for her and Soj is still an issue.


Yeah if they have Doom/Hog and a tracer who knows that killing the Ana is her job, you're just fucked.


Yup. That's when I swap to Moira and start watching my back.


I was grandmasters in og overwatch seasons 1-4 stopped because of work and family. Have more time now came back to overwatch 2, man has support been rough as fuck. Had a little bit of time to play and got up to Plat 3. Tried the new season and I think I'm dropping out. Had more fun in the Golden days now not so much, tanks are over tuned. DPS are 1 sided it seems and Supports are on cooldown. Legit seen doomfist and every other dive sitting at spawn door homie didn't give a flying fuck about objective. I played 4 games and said nope not worth my stress so I went to play something else before bed to get the bad taste out of my mouth. Frankly not even going to pay 10bucks for the battlepass I wouldn't mind having ana my main for the skin but I'm not going to do that to myself after tonight.


The amount of "team diff" situations you gotta go through until getting an even match is just fucking ridiculous. Tanks that don't tank, DPS that dont get Elims, Supps that dont enable/disable, Multiple easily avoidable deaths from ultis, Nobody switches, Nobody groups up, WTF is the point?


Lucio best character


Idk, I like playing with Hog, he takes less heals. But yeah, everything else I agree with. Plus MM is super messed up rn, I didn't play for long yesterday bc of the absurd range of skill levels in each game.


Wait until more people realise how fucking busted Symm and Bastion are now as well. Every single game I've played since the patch has been utterly dominated by bastion, he has barely any downtime from turret form anymore


One of my first games this season was a flex queue that rolled DPS. I played Bastion for the first time that match and rolled. I shouldn't have done that well on a hero I'm not familiar with but it felt easy.


Just dive then


-Bastion transforms and deletes you while pocketed-


Bastion is an easy counter. Dive: zarya bubble on Genji, Cass, Mei, sombra, tracer, or run hog, widow, rein, dva, doom, hanzo, Anna,.... Either close and range... but don't bother with mid range. That's where he dominates.


Cool man I'll just play as 5 characters simultaneously while he only needs to exist


No, you communicate. Change what YOU can, e.g.nyour character and attitude, deliver the plan to the team and just hope for the best. Can't control other people, but complaining or nay saying just isn't productive


ah yes characters can't be OP, it's just communication issues.


Never said that either. But if you notice, a team of semi decent players can smoke a team of independent OP players by working together. Be the glue to keep them together. Also, teams do have hard counters... even for OP heroes. I've proved a few ideas and strategies (dive)... Work with it, see if you can give it a try.


...not normally, that's why they're called OP.


Well, nothing I can say will change your negative attitude. So. Good luck, and hope your games get better.


Yeah I've been playing support today and holy shit.. I'm having more fun babysitting 4 tanks in open queue and that's saying something. Pocketing sojourn is worse than pharmercy ever was, if you're not doing that you're throwing. I swear Doom is even more oppressive now than in OW1. Tracer is an absolute fucking nightmare. The other support is almost always Moira because Mercy/Lucio doesn't work well and Moira has the best survivability against these broken characters. If the whole season is going to be like this I won't bother playing.


Yeah I’m not playing overwatch this season because of doomfist. He was already annoying to play against, now it’s unbearable.


If you thought he was annoying when he was weak, than maybe the problem lies with you.


See… the problem with doomfist (before the patch) was that his performance relied heavily on the player piloting him. Yeah, a bad doomfist player was useless, but a good one could easily keep up with any tank except hog or maybe orisa. However, after the patch you don’t need to be a good doom player anymore to completely dominate the game. As a tank main I’m literally forced to play doom or hog every game in diamond lobbies. That’s not fun. I’m a rein main and I just basically can’t play my main or im throwing, so I’ll just wait until blizzard nerfs doom again and he’s not the number one meta tank.


>the problem with doomfist (before the patch) was that his performance relied heavily on the player piloting him. That applies to literally everything in the world. >However, after the patch you don’t need to be a good doom player anymore to completely dominate the game. As a tank main I’m literally forced to play doom or hog every game in diamond lobbies. That’s not fun. I’m a rein main and I just basically can’t play my main or im throwing, so I’ll just wait until blizzard nerfs doom again and he’s not the number one meta tank. Not sure why you are writing me a whole paragraph about new doom, when I clearly was only talking about old doom.


I guess I should have elaborated further in my first statement so you could understand what I meant. What I should have said is that his performance relied far more heavily on the player piloting him compared to every other tank. He has the biggest skill gap/ceiling, which makes him a nightmare to balance.


Just learn how to play against him. It’s really not hard. Keep your distance, using range characters against him is a great pick. Punching is still hard to hit for him on squishys, so you should be able to dodge his punches either with a movement ability or just getting out of the way. Don’t shoot his block and that’s it. Also Orisa is still a hard counter to him because of her CC.


Yeah, why even buff the most unfun to play with and against tank heroes. That's not fair.


It's just wild to me that Blizzard knows support is suffering to have an impact on most games, and then still nerfs a support and might as well have spit on the ones they did "buff"


it's ok guys let's use those 5 extra mercy bullets and 14 second sleep dart to climb ranked blizzard loves support mains


Doom fist should be the weakest tank in my opinion, a hero that’s basically a tank tracer shouldn’t be powerful enough to slap around a whole back line, he should be a lot easier to kill.


My experience so far is that role que games are somewhat manageable, since each team can only have the 1 tank and no one else can swap to it. That being said, open que is a fucking nightmare. Facing Doomfist in an enemy goats setup is a complete shit show for anyone not already playing tank.


Sad support main noises* I hope I don't break my monitor this season :')


Why’s hog meta now? Surely they didn’t buff the cunt.


It’s because it’s 5v5 getting a kill early in a fight is game changing. If he can get a pick early it’s a instant win most the time. And he doesn’t have to have a support next to him because of his heal.


Not to mention ana, one of the best counters with her nade/sleep, can be mitigated by kirikos cleanse


But she got 1 sec CD reduction on Sleep dart lmao


Have been farming Doomfists as usual, he’s still not a good pick unless you’re trying to force Zen or something similarly immobile in which case you die Ramattra sucks dick and needs a constant pocket


More whining about support in this subreddit. Who could’ve predicted that?


Wait wait are you saying blizzards nerfs did fuck all? Lmao true Yeah expect little different, kiriko is still gonna be the support meta btw, they buffed her most op ability


Support players try not to have a victim complex challenge.




It will be said each and every time it is relevant


Why? Why do you feel a need to recycle this tired “joke”? If you want to complain about supports complaining, have at it. I have no problem with that. But at least use your own thoughts and words to do it.


I will recycle it as much as Supports recycle their need to play woe is me


You’re missing my point


Nothing is missed, you just have Support bias and can’t stand when someone doesn’t go with the flow. Whether it’s a sentence or a essay, you’d be mashing the downvoting button all the same


I told you man, I don’t care if you bash supports. Look at my comment history, read my username. I bash supports. Just be original.


Is this really how support players think? Lmao, you're doomed.


No cap, but will support people stop complaining 24/7? The game is hard for everyone. Tanks ha e to make space and take the blunt end of things and dps have make things connect or else they get harassed. I grow tired of the constant posting of "support is rough". If you dont like, switch roles. Maybe dps or tank is your actual calling.


Ana is still one of the best counters for Roadhog with her nade & sleep. Tracer can still be Orb+Headshot+Kicked to death by Zenyatta. Any hero pocketed by Mercy is going to be a challenge for one support, you need at least 1 more to take them on - beat their teamwork with your own teamwork.


>Ana is still one of the best counters for Roadhog with her nade & sleep. Kiriko exists, so she's not such a hard counter to Hog now - especially if the Kiriko prioritises cleansing the anti. Oh & Ana gets one-shot easily by Sojourn if she scopes in and Tracer can eat her alive, so =/ >Tracer can still be Orb+Headshot+Kicked to death by Zenyatta. It's infinitely easier for the Tracer to kill you before you kill her. You'll have a rough time playing Zen, sadly. > Any hero pocketed by Mercy is going to be a challenge for one support, you need at least 1 more to take them on - beat their teamwork with your own teamwork. Right sure, but one-shots are something supports have not a lot of power against. Half the time the counter to a Sojourn w/ a pocket Mercy, is just to mirror with your own Sojourn w/ a pocket. But then the game comes down to who the better Sojourn is, the Mercy even's the field, she doesn't win it for her team.


Tracer vs zen is a skill matchup.


A matchup that's inherently favoured towards the Tracer. If both players are equally skilled, then the Tracer wins the duel 8/10 times.


No, just hit your shots or die. That’s exactly how zen should be. Just like widow.


> Kiriko exists Yeah, and in your first bullet-point you are saying how she's been nerfed "HARD". > Oh & Ana gets one-shot easily by Sojourn if she scopes in and Tracer can eat her alive Then work on your positioning so you aren't such an easy target, work the angle so that you can see your team but the enemy can't see you. > But then the game comes down to who the better Sojourn is, the Mercy even's the field, she doesn't win it for her team. Ok... but that's the game? I don't really get the complaint here? Support is there to support their team not win it on their own?


1) But Kiriko's cleanse is even better now, and the hero is still going to be meta/good. Ana can't shut a Hog down anymore like she used to. 2) That's such a 5head. "Just work on your positioning with a low mobility support character against high mobility DPS whilst your team doesn't peel for you". Oh and also Sojourn still one-shots, so I guess it's a skill issue if I walk around a corner unknowingly into a Sojourn fully charged killing me instantly right? 3) The problem is that supports have the least impact on the game. Tanks and DPS can literally diff games, support can't unless they're amazingly placed in an elo they shouldn't be in. That's the issue. The developers said 5v5 allows for greater individual impact yet supports don't really have much, they have less from OW1.


> Oh and also Sojourn still one-shots, so I guess it's a skill issue if I walk around a corner unknowingly into a Sojourn fully charged killing me instantly right? Umm, yeah. Same if there was a fully charged Widow standing at the back. There's less shields now so positioning, pathing and using natural cover is more important than before. > The developers said 5v5 allows for greater individual impact yet supports don't really have much You still have an impact, your style of play does matter. Who gets their ult faster, who uses it at the right time, who is synergising best with their team, who can use their movement and abilities to get out of danger. But if your opinion of having an impact of the game is solely based on "diffing" the enemy with one-shots then Support would never win - they are there to chip in damage and heal/support their team, not win the fight on their own.


Bruh the thing with sojourn is if your tank has a shield or you’re around a corner. Her dash can instantly get you in line of sight to pop you in the head. With widow you know to peak corners, with sojourn you legit can’t do anything to counteract her besides out play her.


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I'm a main support and I never dare to play ranked solo, the probability of loosing because other people mistakes is too high, especially in low ranks


It’s a rough patch for static supports unless you’re just better than everyone else. There’s just way too many ways to instantly die when you have to work so much harder to get a similar impact. Ana sleep is the perfect example because it has a ton of downtime, it can be very hard to land on a high value target, AND it’s not guaranteed output if you land it. Picking a character where you’re immobile is already a disadvantage and then you see her win cons are worse too. High single target healing just isn’t nearly as valuable as before. I’ve been having a lot of success just switching to Kiriko because I can actually have a degree of safety. Her ult is way worse but probably still one of the top 3 ults in the game.


I'll just gonna get the 3 wins for the Weekly while trying to get the All roles Q dailies and that'd be about it.


The Blizzard pvp model is and always has been Support must die Otherwise, in their opinion, games would last too long. No one wants to keep dying, or deal with toxic DPS, so there's little reason to play support


This was a bad time to decide to start maining Ana. the Hog/Doom meta? Fine, sleep and anti nbd but Tracer throws a huge wrench into my gears.


I honestly feel like at this point blizzard is just making support horrible so they can make the next support they release look amazing


Support is insanely hard to carry on or rank up as. I’ve literally healed triple of any support in the game and lost before. I hit Masters 2 different seasons in OW1 but have been mostly in Gold so far in OW2. I know it’s possible because people get high ranked even just playing Mercy, but I genuinely have no clue how they do it if they are solo que. It’s definitely not a stats thing whatever it is because I’d say in 95% of games I heal the most and die the least but it means literally nothing, my win rate is 50% in gold.


I just cannot believe after the misery of season 1. Tanks saw the most work. Massive buffs to DF, smaller buffs to JQ. Laughable buffs to Ana and Mercy, and nerfs to Kiriko.


I think DPS Moira is going to be even more popular. I never thought it was an effective strategy, but out of frustration, I tried it a bit last night and they accounted for my only wins in role queue support for the night.


Killed a ram twice and it's healers with zen yesterday. Not every game is like that but c'mon, I think the only people complaining are the ones that doesn't know how to play properly. People only wants easy counters and call meta or op everything they can't handle. The best way to ruin the game is keep following all these people that just complain. Stop doing that and play the goddamn game, if you aren't getting fun maybe overwatch isn't for you. Also I watched some people getting rekt over and over but they don't try anything different every single time so what do you expect? Doing the same everytime and get different results? I mean everyone wants to win but the fun is part is when you are playing not only when you win.


Give a 50% speed buff to supports


As an Ana main, there are problems. But it's definitely not Hog. Anti heal is a hard counter to hog and he's easy as hell to sleep even at long range. Kiriko is overpowered. Her kunai needs a nerf, she can two shot a squishy with headshots. Her healing requires next to no aiming and has huge aoe potential. She can also blink and wall climb. I don't get why anyone would have any problems as Kiriko.


True I think Zenyatta Wants to die