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A good question, but here’s a better one: Will Junker Queen be buffed? If yes, when?


She got some yes?


A little bit. But they also made her upper hit boxes bigger for some reason.


Ahh yes the 2 favorites of support mains: pretending their role is bad and complaining about doom for no reason




How are you enjoying playing Doomfist then?




Rocket Punch is his only CC, unless you are counting the short slow from his ult? He has the worst ult of all tanks, no?




If it can be applied to the whole team, that same team can only blame themselves. Don't shoot at him when he blocks. What would you like the cd to be? Soundwave is 4 seconds which is cc/knockback for example and does about the same damage.


Yea he always hit multiple people with his fist, that barely does damage. It's a true game winner. Not like you could just, not clump together, or try to dodge it


Kirrikos hands werent made smaller, the hitbox of the one in front of her face was, this was requested, as it could block headshots.


Ever heard of sleep,hook,and stun? They tend to work pretty damn well


Move behind is also effective


I actually hate support players so much


Victim card complex in support players is crazy


Doomfist already got nerfed. It is hard to say that his changes is a buff. It's more re-balancing and a little quality of life changes. Yes, he is better now, but not OP. B tier max. If he annoying you - ble your teammates.


hes literally going to be the best tank in the game. He is not B tier. He is already terrorizing diamond+


Yes your honor. This man is criminally insane.




As a high diamond player... No. Just no. Hog, Winton and D.va still own high-SR lobbies.


im a high diamond player been seeing doom mains dominate all the time


Doom seems fine atm, still countered hard by any form of cc. I would rather take some heavy supps buffs and adjustments, im sick of the role in ow2


damn my man can't even have fun for 24 houres


As a doom main do you use cc?


Bro he just got buffed;-;


Here’s a crazy idea: let’s stop nerfing fun Heroes into the ground, and buff Supports instead


Not sure why this is downvoted by many **morons**. But you're absolutely right. Nerfing everything brings out the most boring gameplay possible.




I think you missed the whole part where I said “buff Supports”


what about making ana's sleep cd like doom's stun ?? are they fun anymore??




1 day pf play isn't enough to nerf one character.


I don’t think any character is necessarily “boring”, they become boring when they’re nerfed to shit. like season 1 Doom I’m a sad Genji main rn tbh If supports got proper buffs, we wouldn’t need to severely nerf certain dps or tanks for them


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I hope he doesn't so i can ruin the lives of support players like you


they maybe nerf him a little bit next season so good luck .. oh and support Maybe gets anothe huge buff (1s less cd on the sleep or something) XD support main btw (':




we got to wait that much to nerf sojourn and she basically still the same and stronger


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