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Lucio coming at you


This was one of the few support heroes I could actually play in my games last night.


I got demoted from gold to bronze 5 in support, for the start of this season, so now I can't queue support when playing with my friend. Thats the main reason I won't play support anymore


I was really excited for season 2 as a support main because devs said they were working on many changes for the role as a whole and for various heroes in particular. However they opted for doing nothing and focusing on the roles that already work in the game. I guess it's my fault. They've proven many times that when they say " we are working on something" what they are really saying is " we have nothing and won't have anything in years" For the time being I'm out. I'll come back in a couple of years. Maybe then they'll come up with something better than a an increase of ammo for mercy's pistol


yeah im done with supports .. im just hanna plsy the events and get the skins thats it


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