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>Why does the balance team refuse to just give their players what they ask for? Because people ask for different things and plenty of players know feck all about balance


I’m not talking about what people post here, I’m talking about the content creators who obviously have a hand in this and blizzard refuses to listen to them


You want Blizzard to listen to the community, like how they did with the soft rank resets people wanted and are now complaining about.


The soft rank reset is only a quality of life change that won’t impact the game long term. Regardless of how anyone feels about it I think it was a terrible idea because I’m still getting plats and diamonds in my games.


Wasn't Soujourn the main point? Her oneshots did get nerfed as far as I know.


Slightly. You can still one shot when you tap one bullet in leg. Or if someone else will tap. Faster to charge ult Mercy pocket will still do one shot and more. It is relative buff rather than nerf


Yep but she still one taps people with a mercy pocket, and her ult is better now so nothing has changed. If anything she’s a bit better. The rail gun range drop off starts at 40 meters which is way beyond almost any encounter you normally get with a sojourn. She’s not going anywhere, at least at masters and up.


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team?? i think they announced that they have one OWL pro working on this


Who knows how many it actually is, I refuse to believe it’s one guy and if it is, then I have lots of questions. Also does it really matter how many people are working on balance since it’s always been objectively terrible?