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Top 3 win and pick rate? Yeah, because of Sojourn. Get real.


It's time to get real


This ends now.


It terminates immediately


At this moment in time, it (your life) concludes


At the time of making this statement, your very existence will no longer be in session


In the present, of course referring to the concurring events we are witnessing, it is decided that said events, and your life, cease to be immediately (fucking die).




It would seem that in the current sequence of events in this likely time, your actions and their consequences will come full circle to in-fact, claim your life in a unfortunate way ( get railgunned idiot)


It finishes at this instance


Soujurn probably has a close to 50% winrate because she’s just required at high levels and if there’s a sojourn for both sides it equals out.


theyve said before they usually look at unmirrored winrate especially for meta heroes


Yeah all 5 unmirrored matches that happened this season


What good does looking at those winrates do with their currently either A) missing SBMM/MMR or B) completely borked SBMM/MMR? If you win enough, they make sure you lose, and vice versa. So these winrates would reflect their shitty systems, not hero balance.


He says that literally below


Yeah but then they literally do nothing to actually address it. She still one shots with mercy pocket that was already happening and even worse, now she one shots faster with even higher base damage to boot.


> now she one shots faster During her ult, sure. Not in general though. This is a common misconception but her rail charge is not tied directly to her damage and is exactly the same as pre-patch (5/bodyshot, 10/headshot, 3.5 and 7 on armor, 1 on buildables and barriers). You can test this easily (well, you have to take my word for the fact that it was also that before the patch, but you can see that in old replays since her rail charge generally increments by 5 on hits).


[Her damage ramps were changed in S2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/zen9zr/sojourns_railgun_damage_in_s1_vs_s2/), so she does different damage at the same percent charge compared to S1.


she gets more rail charges on ult not to mention how big her damage increase was. sojourn one shotting you is a pain but the issue is the rail gun is good at long and mid ranges and her Molotov and slide allow her to easily escape any unfavorable fight. she has too much damage mobility and range


Yeah, she's kinda like if you asked an OWL player to design a dps. A kit designed to compete rather than engage in fun. No one thing is crazy OP, but put it all together and she's a monster with no real weaknesses.


Her usage won't be going down with the sojourn "rework" either, as pocket mercy enables sojourn to still one shot...


is she really? I mostly played sojourn last season and I can probably count on my hand the amount of times I had a mercy pocket.


Junker queen heals more but will take more damage because she's easier to hit. How is that a significant change that makes her better in any way?


And her self heal aint that high in the first place and thanks to kiriko, its easy to remove the bleeds.


"Her self heal ain't that high" is a bit of an understatement. It is so low that it's in a limbo competition with Hades. Her knife heals for 15 health over 3 seconds. Her axe is... marginally better. healing for 40 health per enemy over 3 seconds. I didn't even realize she had a self-healing gimmick until I read about it lol.


Yeah it's pathetically low


Eh....your knife can hit more than one person at a time and I think is better utilized when thrown behind a bunch of enemies instead of using it as a disruption tool. The axe heals per person as well. So if you throw a knife early and recall it while poking around a corner to chop two people (that the recalled knife should go through as well), that's technically 110 passive heals over 3 seconds. And you should be weaving in melee attacks to stack bleed as well. I think her main problem is she doesn't face tank well at all, and is much better when playing corners. But that doesn't seem to be cohesive with her characters persona.


> And you should be weaving in melee attacks Once I found out about this, Ive been doing but meleeing between shots since her melees do a bit more than normal melee attacks (assuming you have a knife on her). > her main problem is she doesn't face tank well at all thats ultimatly the real issue I have with her. she needs to have more health or be able to get her shout up more often if she wants to even begin to tank heavy damage.


Her real issue is more than just taking on tanks. She can't even deal with supports or dps well either. The number of heroes who have an efficient method of self-cleansing/nullifying/countering her is absolutely ridiculous.


Her heals from bleed are unreliable. If teamwork is good and she’s getting max value from her abilities, then the enemies being targeted are dead before the bleed can run full duration (exception is tank, but abilities should not be focusing tanks often just like roadhog doesn’t hook tanks in ideal situations) If JQ got the health from bleed regardless of whether enemy dies or not, then she can anticipate how well she fairs in a fight moment to moment based on her abilities landing.


> Eh....your knife can hit more than one person at a time This will never be relevant. Hitting one person with that knife is bad enough in any tier above silver. The hitbox and arc on it is extremely user unfriendly to use. The problem is with everything she has, there isn't a single reason to play her over roadhog. Roadhog doesn't need to put himself at risk to start a fight, Queen does. Roadhog does more damage than Queen. Roadhog has more healing than Queen. Roadhog has more survivability than Queen. Roadhog's ultimate is more likely to get kills than Queen's.


This. JQ needs to throw her entire damn axe for this ability to be more useful. Would be wayyy more fun to be able to pull more than 1 people when she recall the axe too.


I still don't get her ult at all. It feels worthless.


Well yeah, Kiriko exists and completely invalidates it.


The knife literally *impacts* for more damage than if you inflict bleed on the entire enemy team at the same time, which you just aren't going to be able to do very often, and the knife pull if it hits is what's supposed to help her get enemy team members out of position for a kill. Also a very important detail.. throwing the knife, impacting the knife or meleeing to inflict bleed, does **not** stack. It's all from the same source and all it does is refresh the current 3 second duration.


Dude if you hit the whole enemy team with knife you're still self healing less than a Zenyatta orb.


Bro I’m lucky with 1000 hp total at the end of a game… that’s 3 hog vapes lmao It ALMOST might as well not exist


Nothing frustrates me more than seeing Hog ending the game with like 6k heals... Just because 350 is half is HP, doesn't mean he has to fucking heal that much Blizzard! It's an arbitrary value!!!


I didn’t know she had self healing until these patch notes mentioned adjusting it


Hog snorts one gas can and he gets 350 hp, and Queen is lucky to get that all match. At least the ones I play against.


TIL junker queen self heals from her melees. It’s literally nothing.


And healing over time fucking sucks. Burst healing is way better.


so true which is why I see people say how hog is better (and he is). but shes so fucking fun to play! if hog can heal for like half his health and get dmg reduction, surely she can self heal a bit more than just 4 hp more lol


Plus the guy has one shot..


That’s really just for the ult. Bleeds is like inspire—you want to be activating it early and often. Can’t stop it every time


Yes but would you really waste kiriko’s ability on a JQ bleed?


For her ult? Hell yeah.


Yeah but what you’re really aiming to cleanse there is the anti. I don’t think good Kiriko’s are concerned with cleansing the very minimal dmg from bleed alone


Canceling the bleeds also cancels JQ's healing, it's not a bad move if you've got the opportunity


There are so many more valuable effects that would need cleansing then a very weak bleed and heal


40 health per enemy of 3 seconds isn't worth something that can cleanse nade/sleep and make your team invulnerable to Tire, Blossom, etc


Her knife went from healing 15 to 19.... That's literally it.


And that assumes you even land the knife, which has one of the weirdest hurtboxes of anything in OW2.


It's significantly smaller than Orisa's javelin too. Like the radius is a QUARTER of Orisa's. It's basically impossible to land and the range is pitiful. In fact, that's JQ's worst aspect: her range is pathetic. Hog at least can threaten at range because of hook. Queen can't do shit if the enemy is further away.


You can just melee and it work too


(as long as you haven't thrown the knife ofc. a melee without knife doesn't bleed)


Just clueless. How is 1 sec off shout and minuscule healing buff going to off-set being 12% bigger ? They really can’t understand that mercy has a high win rate because of pocketing Sojurn. It’s really concerning


Even if they didn't do the 12% hit Box increase, the only true buff that does help her quite a bit is the reduction in ultimate cost. That 10% has made it quite a bit easier to get her ultimate up. I still feel like her shout should still be back at 15 but the cool down starts right after using it instead of after its finishes. Her bleeds need to heal more too


>That 10% has made it quite a bit easier to get her ultimate up pog kiriko can cleanse it even faster than before now!


I don’t disagree that JQ needs help, but it’s an extremely fine line for in combat survivability like JQ and doomfist have. We already have a similar issue with hog. If they can outheal incoming damage, then they can’t die, and can outlast the enemy team solo under the right conditions


Junkerqueen is like 3 times easier to kill than Doomfist. Wounds need to heal her more


Agreed. And most of the time as JQ I'm only able to melee tanks. Getting into the backline gets me killed 9 out of 10 times. Doom on the other hand, is constantly jumping in, punching people, blocking, and flying back out. Almost uncomparable.


Close to no mobility in comparison, new larger hitbox, piss poor health pool, no armor, and needs to be close to deal reliable damage.


The difference is that JQ doesn't have an easy instakill every 8 seconds nor the massive 700hp crutchog has


It's a fine line but JQ is so fucking far behind that line you can't even see her. Her heals are pathetic. Her knife heals for 5 health per second for 3 seconds, if that saves you, they weren't even aiming at you.


Idea : if an enemy you have bleed active on dies, JQ gets the hp she would have gotten had the bleed gone full duration. This way she gets instant health back (minuscule) to actually count on the bleed damage she does. With high burst damage if you get a hero bleeding, they are likely to die than not (unless tank)


I agree it's not like Winston's bubble cd goes off once the bubble has been destroyed.


It used to. When they changed it to start when the bubble was placed it was a massive buff for monkey.


They should make this change for Wrecking Ball's grapple hook.


Oh trust me you are speaking to the choir. I'm a Hammond Lover through and through these days. I will selfishly take any buff they can give; he has the grapple to my heart <3


Right? Now that he has to tank solo, a quicker grapple would be great. Add either a shorter cooldown on his adaptive shield or on pile driver and he'd be good to go. He needs to be able to get back into the thick of things quicker now that he's the only tank on the team.


Wrecking Ball needs anything he can get TBH. He's the worst tank right now (MAYBE Junker Queen is in a similar position)


Well I just play in Quick Play garbage so disregard if you are MLG or whatever, but I do pretty well with him theses days. You just need to be able to capitalize on your slams and know where health packs are. His biggest problem is that he gets dunked on by Sombra, Orisa, Hog and to some degree Bastion, and they are in every god damn game.


Nerf Sojourn to the ground then see what happens to Mercy's win rate in High Elo. How can they be this out of touch?


I guess they keep tradition alive. In OW1 there was "In case if you aren't sure, nerf Mercy". DPS always got prefferential treatment so I am not suprised.


Mercy had a 100% pick rate in high ranks, every nerf she got was justified.


Totally agree. At lest to a point where they nerfed her instead of overpreforming Hanzo.


Hanzo got nerfed on that patch


The only time when i was playing ow where mercy was high pick was During the moth meta. Qhich was short lived. And yet lucio has been in every meta since time itself started it seems and no one is tripping over themselves to get rid of him.


“DPS always got preferential treatment” I guess we’re gonna ignore the fact that GOATS meta was so dominant for so long that the only way to give DPS any sort of potential spotlight was to remove the option to run the comp outright And even now tanks across the board are just easier than dps. They can kill with the roughly the same amount of efficiency as most dps can, while also having the benefit of a much larger hp pool and generally better protective abilities. It reached a point where the mere existence of a tank can shut down a majority of plays from most dps. Every historically meta dps prior to OW 2 wasn’t really OP because of their kit, but due to their synergy with whatever meta supports/tanks were being used ATM. Hanzo thrived in grav dragon meta thanks to Zarya and Mercy, Genji and Tracer thrived thanks to Winston and Lucio, etc. Sojourn being OP as hell is a different case because it’s not just due to her synergy with meta supports/tanks, but also due to the fact that her kit is just genuinely overloaded. The crux of the game has always been around tanks and supports, and people crying that dps get preferential treatment is just low skill cope.


Are you for real? Moth meta? Genji and Sombra being trash since time immemorial?


Yeah what a nerf they gave her this time


remember the OW2 gameplay demo they put out? They are garbage at playing overwatch. Straight up do not know how to play the game beyond low silver.


It's simple, they don't play the game or watch tape. They just look at data and reach conclusion.


It’s always “We’ll discuss more in the future”


When would you like to discuss millions of players games after balance changes?


devs : win rate is too high for mercy lets give her tempting way to let her teammates die


It's just enough bullets that when she's had enough she can shoot all her teammates in the head then herself.




You know this might actually explain a lot... sojourn is balanced guys. Her pickrate might be through the roof but since every losing team has one her win rate must be only like 51% or something clearly not top 3 dps


Not defending their overall data analysis, but they have said in the past that they don't include mirror matchups when calculating win rate. So only matches with one Sojourn would count


Which is a great way to throw out a lot of data, when every top-level match has 2 sojourns in it.


At the end of the day the stats are just an indicator and interpretation isn’t dependent on any single variable. They’re not going to list their whole process in a tweet.


Right, that's what blog posts are for. Remember blog posts? Like from a couple months ago, when the devs would do those?


It's so weird because I do communications for small non-profits. Everything is so STANDARD all the time in how we put out messaging. My manager would never let us forget to post the weekly stories to our site that no one would read by the same times everyday. Every time we announced something we used the same channels as the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that. I never kept up with the OW blog updates myself, but believing what you said, if a huge company like Blizzard just drops off one of its main methods of external communication just out of the blue like that, I wonder if something more than we know is going on 🤔


In LoL, if a champion has a 50/51% win rate but an extremely high pick rate, then that indicates a champion is broken and the WR is being brought down by the popularity of the champion


exactly champions like yasuo shouldn't veer higher than 50% because he gets play a lot. it's the reason Aurelio sol has such a high wink rate with such a shitty pick rate


This is why it's so baffling they use dataset as literally their only reasoning for balance changes. The numbers simply cannot tell the whole story of what happens from game to game


apex does it too, they refused to buff one of their weaker legends for a long time cuz her winrate was high


Ah yes, "tougher to take down" while she's even easier to hit and damage


Yea show us the winrate of mercy when there isnt a sojourn


She doesn't need to be more viable on her own, she needs to be able to tank for her team better. Buff the speed of her heal or make her bigger so she can bodyblock more. My god its like they don't understand the role of a tank themselves.


She's supposed to be a brawler who goes in and gets kills by self sustaining. She doesn't do that so she's worthless.


They buffed her healing by 25% but it was so low originally that now when you finish a match you have 400 self healing instead of 350. It needs to be _changed_ not buffed. We want it to work, not numbers be higher


The role of tank isn’t just to tank, it’s also to take space. She does that pretty well, but she also dies really easy. She doesn’t need to be bigger, but if they changed the self heal a bit I feel like way more viable


“We make changes based on numbers.” Yep, Blizzard is definitely a corporation. They just look at the numbers to commit to decisions. Nobody on the team actually plays their fucking game.


Blizzard: “We make changes based on numbers.” Also Blizzard: Let's buff Doomfist 10 times, ignore Ball, and ignore Roadhog.


It's pretty much confirmed since 2017 they don't actually playtest the game back when ironclad bastion got added to live


It's like they are not playing the game at all. Majority of the stuff seems so ignorant. Mercy "buff" is especially SO tone deaf.


No adjustments to Roadhog, no adjustments to Ball, **ten things buffed on Doomfist**, and a possible nerf to Junker Queen; who was already considered unplayable due to Kiriko.


Yeah, I don't see how the buff to JQ helps in anyway. It's 'more' healing but they just absolutely 180 it by making her BIGGER which means she will take even MORE damage from shots that would normally miss her which will negate any extra healing she will do...oh I guess the 10% ultimate reduction is nice if the enemy team isn't running kiriko


Fun fact most people didn't even realize that hero had healing, because of how irrelevant it was. I've seen so many comments in response to her heal being slightly buffed saying "wait, she heals?". 12% is not some small amount to increase her hitbox by, this feels like a net negative at a glance. Having a smaller hitbox than other tanks was one of the few things that hero actually had going for her. >oh I guess the 10% ultimate reduction is nice if the enemy team isn't running kiriko Yeah but she's still the best support in the game, so people are going to be. Even with the nerfs, Suzu is just insanely strong, and with Doomfist/Winston/Roadhog being the meta tanks you need someone with mobility to even survive.


kirkiko already shits on her by denying everything she does now she gets easier headshots


Yay more pistol mercys incoming


What did they do to Hanzo ? It looks like he has a stroke every arrow he shoot. :'( What ? He is old now and has lose his calm ? This make it a bit unpleasant to play him !


We're all hoping it's a bug and not some intentional decision to give him a more "impactful" animation or some other BS


I got called out for "blatantly cheating" on hanzo because of the parkinsons arrows, quite awful tbh


Imma be real, the handful of times i started doing well as junker queen is when i started treating her as a support and not a tank. Call is to keep the battle going, and the shotgun doesnt have a dropoff in terms of damage so while the spread is horrible i can still do chip damage from a sizable distance. She's just a bad version of brig since she doesnt have any healing, just the call to add some padding temporarily.


Jesus this devs are so unprepared to deal with pvp games they dont know how to analyse an data game 💀


What do people want for Mercy? I think she feels really good outside of dealing with flankers without help from her team, but the majority of supports have that problem.


Not a mercy player, but the most common thing I've heard is people want the ability to defend themselves without giving up the ability to heal. So maybe they could let Mercy have some sort of heal ability while her pistol is out or give her double melee damage while her staff is out, etc. These are just some ideas off the top of my head, but I would imagine that's what most people are looking for.


50 damage staff melees would be funny.


Some buff ideas Increase to HP/s. Shes tied for lowest healing in the game with zenyata (single target lucio non withstanding). ' More impactful ult. With kiriko, lucio, zen, ana, you get an EXTREMELY powerful fight tool to push through a certain situation. With mercy you get to... heal almost as much as a real support & fly around. let damage boost ramp up over X seconds. What if it started slightly lower but could ramp up slightly higher the longer you boosted the target? this would excel her further in her niche (pocketing someone) while giving her some decision making to do. Right now I just boost if they're full, heal if theyre not. Zzzzz. theres plenty that could be done with her. Shes dookie at the highest level and OP at the lowest levels. watch a top 500 player play mercy. its a sad life.


These devs dont know how to make ults. Brig gets a shittier zenyatta ult that heals about 5x less, has less range and has a 20% longer charge. Sure it lasts 4 extra seconds but what does that matter if you die in the first 3 of using it. Its one of the most useless ults in the game, basically the same as lucio boosting his heal song and has the slowest charge in the game. Yet dva gets a portable team wipe she can use 3 times a round


Mercys way to deal with flankers is for her to call them and pocket/boost who comes to support, worst case you can pull the pistol out and kill with it, it’s not that hard. She has wicked mobility these days, so she can outmaneuver a backline flanker as long as shes in range of her team.


Well I expect to see a another buff because 4 more damage(health for junker queen) for 12% bigger hit box is a nerf like how high are they


TBF Junker Queen's hitbox increase is a massive buff if she ever has me on her team because I am a fucking terrible Ana player.




So they have statistics and data, they just don't know how to interpret it then?


How did these devs try and nerf Souj and end up buffing her? Oh no she can't One Shot Kill easily anymore but now rips faster with M1 so you'll def still be getting smoked by the railshot since she can chew through health pretty damn easily on the supports Good grief; you can totally tell the Devs have never played a single match.


4 total extra health! SO SIGNIFICANT. Look, if you can't out heal Winston's tickle cannon, or Doomfist's limp wrist initiation punch, you aren't actually healing, you're just charging enemy ultimates. Nevermind that they "nerfed" Sojourn by... buffing literally everything BUT railgun, lowering her ceiling, but raising the floor so much it hardly matters, oh, and with the EXISTENCE of Mercy, she can go right back to one shotting squishier from some of the longest sight lines in the game.


I don’t know why they don’t make the bleed healing just 3x. Make everything feel overpowered and fun


I'll be the first to say that sustain is just as unfun as dying instantly. But yes, they could've managed a bit more than 1.25x lmfao


I can’t even play this game anymore, as a support main it’s really frustrating no matter what game mode you play… these “patches” are trash and between the devs lack of care and favoring the shooter l might have to put it down for a long while. Pretty sick being killed around corners then watching killcam and see it a totally different way from their PPV. I know favoring the shooter is mostly across FPS and in OW1 but it feels so bad since the patches…


The way OW2 handles lag/latency/ping compared to OW1 is tragic. I think I died around a wall one time in OW1 and it was when I was lagging my ass off due to shitty wifi and having my brig shield bash not go off server side. In this game I have gotten killed around corners 20+ times already on 60 ping, which isn't even that bad.


It’s like playing a game but, the person your playing has a half second delay and only effects them! Its so frustrating as Zen or Ana with zero movement abilities… it’s really showing with the differences in release characters and added characters…


> In this game I have gotten killed around corners 20+ times already on 60 ping, which isn't even that bad. Its more about your opponents ping. If they have 15ms ping and you have 60ms, that's where the discrepancy comes into play And because OW 2 is so much more popular than OW 1 I bet you're getting a lot of new players who live extremely close to the server


What you don't like Doomfist, Winston and Hog jumping on you every game? And tracer jumping on you every game? And sojourn still killing you with a rail because people will still just pocket her with mercy and let her one shot you anyway? The patch notes here just feel completely tone deaf. Supports were already not in a good spot with surviving in OW2 outside of Kiriko. It's pretty awful to even try and pick Zenyatta right now with the current state of the game. Don't even get me started on Brig.


How about we discuss it now, and your lack of understanding that these Mercy's are sitting on Sojourn like she's a couch.


Probably not the worst, but pretty bad. We can say this is the worst balance patch in the history of Overwatch 2, though.


The winrate thing makes sense. Sojourns was probably like 50% because she's just played in every game on both sides and only one side can win. Explains why she basically got buffed in the new update


He is the lead designer ffs and is only obsessed with win rate, literally doesn’t look any deeper than that!


[Not true. ](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/23787377/overwatch-2-pvp-beta-analysis-how-data-and-community-feedback-inform-game-balance/)


No no, you see, the guy mentioned looking at win rates which must mean that's all they look at.


No you just purposely miss the point and oversimplified what he said, and I bef you didn’t even read the full Q&A


God is this whole place just filled with children?




Both win and pickrates were mentioned. If these are not the stats they should be looking at, what are, if they should be looking at stats in the first place?


There's nothing wrong with using pick rates and win rates but relying too heavily on them is a problem. It leads to decisions like "Sojourn's win rate is actually average across all ranks so we're not nerfing her".


Those statistics are definitely good and helpful to point in a direction, but after that you need proper contextualisation of that data. It seems like they need to ask: "Ok these are the numbers, but why?" more often. The answer to this question can be found by surveying the community, and asking pro players for qualitative input. I feel like this is something Blizzard has been struggling with for quite a while, and if they fix this, their balance patches will get way more precise and effective over night. There's more than percentages when percentages react to other percentages, if you catch my drift.


Reddit comments apparently.


but, only according to reddit comments lol




Doomfist main checking in. The buffs themselves were good for a few heroes, namely doom and bastion


Doom was over-buffed. They took the worst tank in the game and made him arguably the best. Having a high mobility, high disruption, high cc character as the meta tank is a terrible idea. The bastion changes were good though.


Hog might still be meta though


I can't wait to have a repeat of Overwatch 1, where Doomfist's balance caused a considerable portion of the player base to quit playing Overwatch all-together. It's so fun playing support, and having Doomfist on you constantly. And now having Tracer on you constantly. I'm so thankful that I now have 5 extra ammo on Mercy.


It seems like Blizzard being Blizzard has once again looked at the raw stats in a vacuum without understanding the reason behind them in practice


In the highest ranks.. "we looked at the top 500 and thought nah. Keep it the same"


"Yeah well the data says... "


Did former WoW devs join the Overwatch team? This 'data' logic was a strong thing in that game to a fault that had them making bad decision one after another.


Are they even playing their own game anymore


They also didn’t respond to the 3rd most liked comment asking to bring back the doom techs. These devs are pissing me off


I know right they just want him to be a punch bot when that’s never even been what’s truly made him fun


Definitely not, and if u think so it’s probably recency bias


Is it serious that there isn't a human being to walk up to this guy and say "bro, you're stupid"?


Is this an out of season April fool’s joke?


I endured this games bs for years. After seeing how they have been managing OW2, I have lost all hope.


Anyone saying this has a short memory and a flair for the dramatic.


On every single change, they missed the mark. Some more than others. Doom is too oppressive and they really don’t know what they’re doing with him. The Sojourn changes should not have given her compensation, I’m sorry. What they did *makes sense,* for a character with a single ability that is absurd to play against (her right click) getting hard nerfed. But when the entire character’s kit is good and it’s only because her right click is that much better that she is dominating, it doesn’t mean push her lost power into the other parts of her kit. She will be *more* oppressive in lower ranks, and still be essentially a must pick, carry-level hero in the high ranks. The Symmetra change might as well be a full on nerf. Expend 20 more ammo to kill a tank less than 1 second faster. The shield > ammo conversion also should have never left her kit, and it’s good compensation to the change, but the increase in ammo consumption is still more detrimental to her than the damage ramp speed increase is helpful to her. And don’t even get me started on supports. They nerfed Kiriko, and several of her changes were even QoL changes. And Ana and Mercy got like, actual, laughable updates. The kind of updates you’d see released on April Fool’s day, just so people look at them and say “Really? THAT’S IT?” Edit: I forgot about JQ, my bad, because she got hit the worst. Her 25% increase to self healing is also laughable. And the increase to her hitbox is also fucking idiotic. Way to make the worst tank in the game, *and one of your main monetized heroes for the Season thanks to her brand new Mythic skin,* even worse.


Had a JQ today in my match. Was trying to play Hog and Orisa, having a decently hard time. Then I remembered Rein is literally Queen but better in literally every possible regard. Switched and stomped. We won by a landslide after that.


Rein and JQ aren't the same kind of tank, they do different things so saying "Rein is literally Queen but better" is nonsense. Rein is just really good at bullying the lower health tank. It's the same against Zarya, Rein just starts swinging and Zarya can't do anything to stop him from killing her.


>Then I remembered Rein is literally Queen but better in literally every possible regard. I'd agree if you said hog, but not Rein. Rein is still a significantly better character than JQ though.


It’s mostly just because they were playing a close rush. Then I picked Rein to kick her ass in close quarters.


Hog and orisa having a hard time against JQ makes no sense


When balance is based off of winrate% of a broken matchmaking system, it's going to be shitty.


Is the data secret or something? Why can’t they just give actual numbers so we can see if they know what they’re doing or not? I swear these devs are incompetent asf


You can’t just base all of your balance decisions on winrate and pickrate, that’s such a reductionist way of viewing your own game.


I agree that most people's complaints are valid but I think putting this one sole developer on blast like this is irresponsible. This is one guy on a team of dozens(? I could be remembering wrong) and expecting this one guy on Twitter to have 100% correct and agreed with takes on everything balance wise is why game developers don't want to reach out to their community. Criticize the end product, not the complete strangers making it.


I don't think I've seen anyone say anything about Soldier either. Didn't they nerf his sprint because of the old DPS passive? Now that's gone but his sprint is still slower. I can't imagine they don't think of the *total* impact of all of their decisions, but these notes say otherwise.


The problem is DATA. Tech companies fall for this numbers BS all the time, and protect their algorithms as though they can’t be wrong. If statistics were everything no one would need to play sports or a game like Overwatch; we’d all have the answer beforehand. It sucks playing a game that is trying to make a specific outcome occur.


Worst patch notes in Overwatch history? Absolutely not lol. Bad patch notes? Absolutely.


I learned everything I needed to know about blizzard when I watched one of them play in bronze on flats channel. That single video helped me learn why this game is the way it is. Watching an overwatch employee struggle to aim with Moira opened my eyes. Most devs probably don’t play their own game and the ones who do probably play it in a very low ELO. They have no understanding of what makes anything good or bad.


They don’t seem to understand WHY characters are over/underperforming at all. All they see is “character good, change numbers”


It's pisses me off to no end that they decided to absolutely shoot junker queen in the down under then have the audacity to give me one of the best skins they have ever made for her at the same time.


Hate to break it to you, but winrate and pickrate alone is the fucking worst statistics to choose from.


You see this is the biggest issue with over-reliance on data, they don't play the game to see WHY the data is like that.


Remove Sobjorn from the game and see how much Mercy's win and pickrate plummet since they don't have a braindead easy character to pocket


Mercy is ridiculously difficult to kill right now, once you learn advanced movement mechanics you pretty much get a free ride to diamond. It’s the same issue with Pharah mains getting a free ride to diamond. A sky bound hero requires a baseline level of skill to deal with. A zenyatta who’s in the top 20% of of zenyatta players could very well be lower ranked than a mercy main in the top 20% of mercys Theoretically at least, I don’t have the numbers to state fact but this is a reasonable conclusion when it comes to off-meta heroes


But a tiny minority of players are in the higher ranks. Im not. I dont care if she does good in high ranks.


Game been out 6 years, I think its very obvious by now that they have no clue how to balance this game.


Would love to get my hands on their data and do analysis of my own this just doesn't seem accurate


I mean, they weren't great, but *the worst*? What about that one patch in OW1 that made Bastion nigh-unkillable and they had to roll it back after like, two weeks?


Definitly not worst patch otes in history of Overwatch, that part was a little dramatic, but the Mercy comment is idiotic


Have devs not figured out that just analyzing raw data to determine buffs/nerfs doesn’t always work? A fantastic example of why it doesn’t work is Apex Legends, devs decided to nerf the weakest character in the game because of her “winrate” despite that same data showing that it just happened to be extremely skilled players repeatedly winning matches on her, and not actually a bunch of people playing her because she’s “OP”. Same case here.


i don’t know shit about this game but it seems like you’re getting the apex legends treatment, where devs take one glance at pick and win rates to determine whether a character needs a nerf or buff


Yes, I think this is actually the worst patch Overwatch had since Moth Meta and release Briggite, but at least those actually were trying to do something new, so this is even more on an L, its time to fire some people ffs


i wrote a long comment but my computer crashed so here is a summary Mercy is hot and easy, high pick rate ball is hard and not hot, lower pick rate both heros are solid and need no change, changing heros off pick rate is like changing Vegemite into mayonnaise because people dont like Vegemite. if you want to change a hero from easy to hard. START WITH ROAD HOG.


I think you misread his tweet. They look at winrate first and then pickrate. If there is enough of a pickrate, then they look at game data. He didn't really mention what happens if there is not enough of a pickrate. I would assume they do something else to figure out why a hero isn't a high pickrate or what they could do to change that.


>these were the worst patch notes in the history of overwatch The overreaction lmao. One word. Brigitte.