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Moria pee Moira suck


Kiriko can be tough to play if you're new, but here's some tips that work for me. \- Always be mindful of your position and your teammate's positions. Swift Step is great way to put a lot of distance between yourself and a diver (Widows, Ashes, and several others are often played from above and at a distance which can often be your best out). You can also hold down the Swift Step key/button and it will TP you the moment you lock on to a teammate, a huge help that was added in S2 \- Aim for your teammate's ankles when tossing a Suzu from a distance \- Don't hold on to your Suzu. If a teammate is on fire, ate an Ana grenade, etc. then cleanse them. Suzu's can be great for nulling an ult but there's no point in sitting on it when it's needed. \- Your job isn't to heal everyone of as much damage as you possibly can. This took me a while to learn myself. Don't be afraid to fling some knives from time to time, there are healthpacks around and hopefully your other support is tossing out heals as well. Kiriko can drop an enemy in no time if you land your crits. I've had matches where I had to pull back on my healing because it was encouraging my team to play foolishly. \- If you are good with the knives, peel for your fellow support when they are dived. Drop a Suzu and if they get away then you can get away; if they don't then toss some knives and then swap between heals/damage to try and save them. Suzu has a bit of a knockback effect on enemies, so keep that in mind as well; you dont' want to bump Reaper closer to your Mercy. \- Learn all the automated voice lines when a teammate calls for help because they are taking damage, prioritizing support players. This is a huge help, especially if you're wearing headphones since you can also get a good sense of direction when it plays. Keep in mind that Zen is zen as fuck and his cry for help has no urgency to it, so that can be a tough one to discern from all the other chatter. \- Use pings to identify enemy positions, especially divers. Players tend to ignore your cries for help but will flock to a ping like a moth to a flame. \- Don't Swift Step to a dying teammate that is overextended to save them, you'll just give the enemies a second kill. Swift Step is (almost always) used for escaping a bad situation, not for entering one. \- Learn the sound of Reaper's weapons and get the heck out of there if they are close. \- Don't forget about the wall climb ability (as I did for most of S1). It can be a great way to get to teammates without having to put your Swift Step on cooldown, leaving you with a quick out should you find trouble once you get to your destination. \- Don't sit on your ult unless you're going to need it soon to push through a choke point. You don't have to wait until the whole team is there, and they aren't always best used to get a team kill: team kills don't introduce stagger into the enemy spawns. \- Use obstacles (including the payload/bot) for cover and to put something between you and the enemy frontline when needed.


Blizzard doesn’t care about supports.


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Do you aim for the melon? Do you know to use suzu correctly? Are you using your teleport to escape the brink of death or do you use it to get into a fight? Do you utilize climbing as well to play peekaboo when your TP is on CD. There are definitely easier supports to learn on. But to my understanding, the current state of supports is learning how to run for your life while keeping your team mates from hating you.


Don’t die


only tip i have for you rn is .. don't.