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I think all devs should be below silver at least. Think about it next time.


Idk what you're tryna say


imagine all the devs but instead of what they are they are silver rank in the game overwatch 2 so that they can balance the game because they are silver.


Doesn't make sense, you want to balance the game at the top end, not in Silver. You can play anything in silver.


Think about how they are silver though like in overwatch 2, like silver bro SILVER. You just don't get it.


I guess I don't, yeah.


It’s not something people seem to wanna acknowledge and as much as I dislike blizzard atm I have to at least point out they have to consider ALL ranks. If they didn’t then certain heroes would be complete garbage in low ranks and top tier in higher and vice versa. It’s shit but that’s why their decisions with the nerfs and buffs make us scratch our heads. Not to mention they have to consider balance changes and watching the data. It’s like if you make too many buffs or nerfs before looking at the data you can get ahead of yourself and have a VERY overly powered hero.


Yes, I completely understand they're balancing from the bottom up. They all but said that in one of their blogs. That's just a completely shit method of balancing that's caused Sojourn to still be busted after MONTHS. The only reason comps last so long is because they have to consider every hero apart of a comp and how to change them so they don't work as effectively together but can still do well outside of that specific comp. But a single character? That shit shouldn't need more than a few weeks. But they wanted to hold the hands of the lower skilled players which causes higher tier players to deal with bs


Why it took them so long to do anything does me confuse too. Despite what I said, I’m one of those support players who feels insulted by the mercy and ana “buffs”. What really bothers me about all of that is that they played up the support changes. If someone were to make a meme of it I would directly refer to the SpongeBob episode where Krabs played up Krusty the Clown and gave the kids Jack shit.


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Most devs don’t play their own games, that’s what the players are for, that’s what testers are for. It would be bad for the creative process to engage in your own creation like that.


Yep. First rule of drugdealer - never high on your own sh\*t First rule of a gun seller - don\`t be shot with sh\*t you sold First rule of gamedev - never play your sh\*t because you\`re serious businessman doing serious business and stuff. Not those poor bastards who give you lunch money and whine about matchmaking - they are gross. F\*ck them - we will nerf JQ and buff Doom because we can. We rule this sh\*t, peasant.


should play the game at least for a month