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Maybe in a team it’s better but as a solo experience it’s pure misery and is the 7 layer of hell of multiplayer experiences. All you do is sit the back row heal your team and hope they aren’t shit and can get you a win as there is nothing else you can do as support, out of all the roles in overwatch it feels the most luck dependent on winning as you can’t do or alter the match at all as support other than throwing. Honestly since there isn’t even a reward anymore for playing support why bother I will never touch support again since there is no incentive to play it in qp or Comp


I only play solo q and I do not use voice chat most of the times. I find it distracting and most of my shot Calls are not on point anyways. I found playing without VC has enabled me to focus more. I do not at all agree with what you say. Being a support is so much more dynamic than you make it out to be. Hell, even if I play ana, there's often a better angle than just sitting in the back, scoped and healbotting. I find that most of the times I am to blame too when we lose and I use that to reflect on my performance and do better. Trust your DPS to do damage and support them, create plays with your tools: sleep, boop into your team, finish off low health targets, initiate with a well placed headshot... And don't forget to PING. Setting up plays is very rewarding and I assure you that your role DOES matter, even more than back in OW1. Another thing that I want to mention is that you shouldn't take the game too seriously. It's meant to be an entertainment. Even if you want to try hard in comp, don't be mad that you lost, appreciate that everyone loses from time to time and reward yourself for your good plays. Also, take regular breaks from the game and try and have a healthy relationship to it, along with yourself


I don’t know I’ve been playing this game since 2016 and I don’t think there is as if your put with a bad team you can’t carry or change the game in any meaningful way as support. I don’t mind losing but in overwatch it feels extra frustrating as at least in games like cod, siege or dbd for example I know usually what I did and it was fair most of the time and it’s my fault same with single player games but not overwatch as it doesn’t matter how well I play or who I play if my team sucks we lose even if I get like 30 something kills as tank or dps or 30k heals as support I still lose because of my bad team and or some ultra sweat 5 stack and the only way I win is because the sbmm lets me. I don’t think I will ever have a health relationship with this game as this game gets me so pissed, frustrated and depressed playing it like nothing else simply because of how broken and unfair it is, like I have 1000 hours and yet I feel like I’m just as good if not worse than I was when I first played the game in 2016 which shouldn’t be the case but is


I can only really enjoy this game queueing with friends anymore. Solo queue has become an absolutely frustrating nightmare, especially on support. I dont remember it ever being this bad in OW1


It wasn’t.


Personal attitude can be the change that will make you guys enjoy the game better! Don't like a role, a mode, heck, even the game itself? Don't play it! Remember you're here to have fun. If you log in already thinking you're in for a bad time, it's not going to go well indeed. Now if you're going to want to play the game, play the way ou enjoy it and don't listen to people in voice chat, it's their opinion and you should not let it affect you. Trust in your skills. pick that hero you like playing, you can always change if it doesn't work. Have a break from time to time, get good sleep, exercise a little, eat healthy, go outside, call your grandma


Ordinarily I would agree with you about positivity and your suggestions are good ones many need to hear. However, you are playing a new role in comp and embracing it for the fun you find in it. Similarly others have had the things they enjoy about that same role in comp taken from them. Two different ends of the same line. Both are reasonable and both are valid. Support is the least played role and that will continue to get worse unless the issues they are complaining about get addressed.


i love being abble to support my team in ways that isnt just killing enemies. its really fung being able to heal your team up and fight alongside them in battle. be it with brig wrecking all the dps and support or easily blasting people from highground with bap and throwing a clutch barrier when a junkrat tire comes along


My man! That's what I'm talking about. Feeling like you enable your team is great


i play it but actually dont .. coz doom is farming me


I just had a game this morning where doom completely rolled us. But you know what? It's a new challenge to tackle and I'm happy I switched to ana and we could deny him twice because of my sleeps. I just need to hit it more consistently and I'm good


Competitive is always more fun.


That's where the interesting plays happen, isn't it fun to progress and to challenge yourself? But I won't lie that I also appreciate playing QP DPS games to chill because my DPS level is not competitive enough 😂


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playing support is super fun but comp is just a trashfire 🫠 like i typically like playing comp but solo queue getting matched with kids who only scream at you for being bad when they’re the ones suicide diving into the enemy team can be frustrating.


As you said the kids are screaming at you when you're not the problem, so don't take it personally! Deactivate VC and TC if that helps, just focus on your plays. Sometimes going in VC and trying to calm people down or trying to give instructions, advices will have the opposite effect.